Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/bichued/root/sys/lib/python/plat-mac/errors.rsrc

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sed: Output line too long.
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^bR�cRSED��V�component result = no errorOperation not permittedNo such file or directoryNo such processInterrupted system callInput/output errorDevice not configuredArgument list too longExec format errorBad file descriptorNo child processesResource deadlock avoidedCannot allocate memoryPermission deniedBad addressOperation cancelledDevice busyFile existsCross-device link"!Operation not supported by deviceNot a directoryIs a directoryInvalid argumentToo many open files in systemToo many open filesInappropriate ioctl for device
Signal errorFile too largeNo space left on device
Illegal seekRead-only file systemToo many linksBroken pipe! Numerical argument out of domainResult too large! Resource temporarily unavailableOperation now in progressOperation already in progressSocket operation on non-socketDestination address requiredMessage too longProtocol wrong type for socketProtocol not availableProtocol not supportedSocket type not supportedOperation not supportedProtocol family not supported0/Address family not supported by protocol familyAddress already in useCan't assign requested addressNetwork is downNetwork is unreachable$#Network dropped connection on reset! Software caused connection abortConnection reset by peerNo buffer space availableSocket is already connectedSocket is not connected! Can't send after socket shutdown"!Too many references: can't spliceOperation timed outConnection refused"!Too many levels of symbolic linksFile name too long
Host is downNo route to hostDirectory not empty87Internal mapping for kOTLookErr, don't return to clientJIyou cannot begin a write session because someone else is already doing itNo locks availableFunction not implemented
noHelpForItemWide character encoding errorcolorSyncNotInstalledpickerCantLivecantLoadPackagecantCreatePickerWindowcantLoadPickerpickerResourceErrorrequiredFlagsDontMatchfirstPickerError
Unknown error87Reserve range -32640 to -32768 for Apple temp disables.kNSpNoHostVolunteersErr65bitmap font passed to routine that does outlines onlytoo many profiles in databasekHIDBadParameterErrNot enough room in heap zoneinvalidNodeIDErr43The name with the requested paramters was not foundselectorNotSupportedByNodeErrkFBCsearchFailedkNSpNoGroupsErr32flattened size didn't match input or was too small*)No valid CIS exists for this CardBus cardconstraintReachedErrqtsUnknownValueErr%$file or volume is too big for systemqtsUnsupportedFeatureErrkMPInsufficientResourcesErrqtsUnsupportedRateErrkMPTaskAbortedErr:9file id is dangling or doesn't match with the file number
kMPTimeoutErrkFBCindexFileDestroyed"!can't exchange a file with itself
kMPDeletedErr%$desktop database files are corruptedthe catalog has been modifiedkMPBlueBlockingErr)(A convention used with MPThrowException.kMPTaskBlockedErrkMPTaskCreatedErr/.the ref. being added is already in the profilethreadTooManyReqsErrkMPProcessCreatedErr&%profile version is out of known rangeno user interaction allowedconnectionInvalidnoOutstandingHLE! profile is NULL or otherwise bad#"error returns from Post and Accept/.app is BG-only, and launch flags disallow this+*application SIZE not big enough for launch,+hardware configuration not correct for call('The recordIndex parameter is not valid.98The record data is bigger than buffer size (1024 bytes).! There is no such an insert mode.#"ref. version is out of known range0/memory mode is 32-bit, but app not 32-bit clean54not enough room to launch app w/special requirements.-no eligible process with specified descriptorkFBCaccessCanceledref. was NULL or otherwise badbadProfileErrorkNSpMessageTooBigErrkNSpInvalidGroupIDErr&%Power to the card has been turned offkNSpConnectFailedErrkFBCbadSearchSession32Requested display locale unavailable, used defaultkFBCindexDiskIOFailedkNSpTimeoutErrkNSpInvalidProtocolListErrkFBCbadIndexFileVersionkNSpInvalidProtocolRefErr conference request was rejectederrItemNotControlkFBCanalysisNotAvailableerrCantEmbedRoot65debugging component or option not found at this indexerrCantEmbedIntoSelfdetection is already turned onkNSpInvalidDefinitionErrerrControlHiddenOrDisablederrDataSizeMismatch&%tried to add/remove vols to a sessionerrControlIsNotEmbeddererrControlsAlreadyExisterrInvalidPartCodekNSpAddPlayerFailedErr! address was odd; or out of rangeerrRootAlreadyExistserrNoRootControlkFBCsomeFilesNotIndexed��fill out missing codes ��errControlDoesntSupportFocusNo route to host
Host is downConnection refusedConnection timed out"!Too many references: can't splice! Can't send after socket shutdownSocket is not connectedSocket is already connectedNo buffer space availableConnection reset by peer! Software caused connection abort$#Network dropped connection on resetNetwork is unreachableNetwork is downCan't assign requested addressAddress already in use"!Operation not supported on socketSocket type not supportedProtocol not supportedProtocol not availableProtocol wrong type for socketMessage too longDestination address requiredSocket operation on non-socket! Call would block, so was aborted"!Message size too large for STREAMBroken pipekFBCindexNotAvailableNot a character deviceInvalid argumentNo such device! OT generic duplicate found errorDevice or resource busyBad addressPermission denied)(OT ran out of memory, may be a temporaryTry operation again laterBad file numberNo such device or address
	I/O errorInterrupted system serviceNo such resourceOT generic not found errorPermission denied*)This socket does not support Zoomed VideokNSpNoPlayersErr21XTI2OSStatus(TCANCELED) The command was cancelled<;XTI2OSStatus(TBADSYNC) A synchronous call at interrupt time<;XTI2OSStatus(TPROTO) An unspecified provider error occurredXTI2OSStatus(TQFULL)XTI2OSStatus(TRESADDR)XTI2OSStatus(TRESQLEN)EDXTI2OSStatus(TPROVMISMATCH) Tried to accept on incompatible endpoint>=XTI2OSStatus(TINDOUT) Accept failed because of pending listen<;XTI2OSStatus(TADDRBUSY) Address requested is already in use>=XTI2OSStatus(TBADQLEN) A Bind to an in-use addr with qlen > 087XTI2OSStatus(TBADNAME) A bad endpoint name was suppliedDCXTI2OSStatus(TNOSTRUCTYPE) Bad structure type requested for OTAlloc=<XTI2OSStatus(TSTATECHNG) State is changing - try again later32XTI2OSStatus(TNOTSUPPORT) Command is not supported=<XTI2OSStatus(TNOREL) No orderly release indication available54XTI2OSStatus(TBADFLAG) A Bad flag value was supplied?>XTI2OSStatus(TNOUDERR) No Unit Data Error indication available87XTI2OSStatus(TNODIS) No disconnect indication available43XTI2OSStatus(TNODATA) No data available for reading0/XTI2OSStatus(TFLOW) Provider is flow-controlled54XTI2OSStatus(TBUFOVFLW) Passed buffer not big enough?>XTI2OSStatus(TBADDATA) An illegal amount of data was specified43XTI2OSStatus(TLOOK) An event occurred - call Look().-XTI2OSStatus(TSYSERR) A system error occurred87XTI2OSStatus(TBADSEQ) Sequence specified does not exist32XTI2OSStatus(TOUTSTATE) Call issued in wrong state/.XTI2OSStatus(TNOADDR) No address was specified+*XTI2OSStatus(TBADF) Bad provider reference/.XTI2OSStatus(TACCES) Missing access permission10XTI2OSStatus(TBADOPT) A Bad option was specified32XTI2OSStatus(TBADADDR) A Bad address was specifiedthemeProcessNotRegisteredErrMaximum lock limit reachedthemeProcessRegisteredErrkFBCindexingCanceledpattern index invalid76The Enabler was asked to create a duplicate card entrykNSpInvalidPlayerIDErr
	atpLenErr	readQErr
extractErr	ckSumErr	noMPPErr
buf2SmallErr*)The state has been saved on previous callkNSpNameRequiredErrnoMemoryNodeFailedInitializeinvalidHotSpotIDErrinvalidNodeFormatErr*)device requested more than one I/O windowkNSpFeatureNotImplementedErr No object of that type in scrappropertyNotSupportedByNodeErrkFBCflushFailed
kRANotEnabledkRACallBackFailedkRADuplicateIPAddrkRANCPRejectedbyPeerkRAExtAuthenticationFailedkRAATalkInactivekRAPeerNotRespondingkRAPPPPeerDisconnectedkRAPPPUserDisconnectedkRAPPPNegotiationFailedkRAPPPAuthenticationFailedkRAPPPProtocolRejected data is larger than buffer sizenoTranslationPathErr'&TCP/IP not configured, could be loaded"!TCP/IP inactive, cannot be loadedkRARemoteAccessNotReadykRAInitOpenTransportFailedneed keyword to use dictionarykRAUserPwdEntryRequiredkRAUserPwdChangeRequiredno such find method supportedkRAInvalidSerialProtocolkRAInvalidPortStatebad key informationkRAPortBusykRAInstallationDamagedno such field type supportedincomplete informationlack required/identify fieldsame record already existkRANotConnecteddictionary block fullkRAMissingResourcesdictionary is busydictionary not openedinvalid permissioninvalid dictionaryretryComponentRegistrationErrkRAInvalidParametercomponentDontRegistercomponentNotCapturedvalidInstancesExistinvalidComponentIDNo scrap exists errorkURL68kNotSupportedErrorbad fwdType specified32There is no compatible driver name for this devicekNSpFreeQExhaustedErrsoft error in ROZbad intercom ID specifiedbad page ID specifiedsession was closedDN type invalidkFBCsummarizationCanceled-,user debugger break; display string on stack10No Enablers were found that can support the cardkNSpInvalidAddressErr+*attempt to exceed switch conference limits%$call back feature not set previouslycouldn't merge index filestransfer request rejectedkMPProcessTerminatedErrtransfer not preparedNo Enablers were foundkNSpNotAdvertisingErrconference was not preparedcan't find the engineError in propertiesdevice ref not recognisedthe property is read only,+the property is unknown to this environmentInvalid property valuetoo many dictionaries0/can't use this dictionary with this environmentthe dictionary is not openedtext is too longanalysis failednothing to readpath is not correct21Notification was not handled   (same as NotFound)%$can't fint the specified environmentspecified environment is used/.output buffer is too small to store any resultUnused flags not zeroed
Pipe abortedNot enough bandwidth available.-Pipe is Idle, it will not accept transactions,+Pipe has stalled, error needs to be clearedInterface ref not recognised#"Device is already being configuredDevice has a power problembad buffer, usually nilDevice is suspended#"device is not suspended for resume%$Disconnected during suspend or resetTransaction timed out.Pipe zero stall cleared.>=The port you are attached to is disabled, use USBDeviceReset.Improper driver dispatch tableNotification type not definedInternal queue maxxedexcessive collisions on writekURLFileEmptyError10No more tokens are available for the source textV-Twin exception caughtV-Twin exception caught43An output parameter is too small to hold the value.21Used by notification handlers to abort a closure.The closure ID was not valid.)(The fragment container ID was not valid.%$The registration name was not found.-,The closure ID was actually a connection ID.#"A file was too large to be mapped.+*A semantic error in usage of the fragment.-,A fragment has an unacceptable architecture.21No application member found in the cfrg resource.76A fragment's initialization routine returned an error.32A fragment's container was corrupt (known format)..-An internal inconstistancy has been detected.*)Internal error during CFM initialization.@?A boot library has an initialization function.  (System 7 only).-Circularity in required initialization order.Pipe stall, PID CRC errorthe picture data was invalid*)Packet too large or more data than buffer$#unable to load the custom pick proc98Out of memory for fragment mapping or section instances.;:the internal consistancy check for the PictInfoID is wrong0/The registration insertion point was not found.*)A fragment had "hard" unresolved imports.*)A fragment's container format is unknown.*)The registration name was already in use.! The named library was not found.%$The specified section was not found.$#The specified symbol was not found.! The connection ID was not valid.,+The first value in the range of CFM errors.kFBCfileNotIndexedAll timer callbacks are in use%$no network bridge for non-local sendkHIDIncompatibleReportErrkFBCnoIndexesFoundEnglish errors:65not the first registered publisher for that containerno telling what it was-,could not find editionContainer at this time|{The range -2780 thru -2799 is reserved for dialect specific error codes. (Error codes from different dialects may overlap.)errASParameterNotForEventerrASIllegalFormalParametererrASTerminologyNestingTooDeeppoSignaled when illegal control flow occurs in an application (no catcher for throw, non-lexical loop exit, etc.)edSignaled when a variable is declared inconsistently in the same scope, such as both local and global76Signaled when a variable is accessed that has no valueqpSignaled when more than one handler is defined with the same name in a scope where the language doesn't allow itdcSignaled when a formal parameter, local variable, or instance variable is specified more than once.cbSignaled when a formal parameter, local variable, or instance variable is specified more than once87Signaled when a name or number is too long to be parsed_^Signaled when another form of syntax was expected. (e.g. "expected a <type> but found <this>")]\Signaled when a syntax error occurs. (e.g. "Syntax error" or "<this> can't go after <that>").-CS Clients should return this code inorder toCustom interface ID is invalidParser/Compiler errors:errASCantConsiderAndIgnoreerrOSACantCreateerrOSACantGetTerminology]\Signaled when an intrinsic limitation is exceeded for the size of a value or data structure.:9Signaled when a runtime internal data structure overflows*)Signaled when the runtime stack overflowsDCSignaled when an application's terminology resource is not readable:9Signaled when an application can't respond to AppleEventsdcSignaled when application can't be launched or when it is remote and program linking is not enabledCBSignaled when integer or real value is too large to be represented43Signaled when there is an attempt to divide by zeroVUSignaled by user scripts or applications when no actual error code is to be returned.kURLUnknownPropertyError bad FSSpec, or bad data in filebad msgProc specifiedbad handle specified87Signaled when an object can never be set in a containerkModemPreferencesMissing! TELDNHandle not found or invalidkURLPropertyNotYetKnownErrorcallNotSupportedByNodeErrcannotMoveAttachedControllerkMPPrivilegedErrUnsupported Voltage SensekModemOutOfMemory/.InitUtil found the parameter ram uninitializedkURLAuthenticationError
kFBCbadParamkMPIterationEndErrkInvalidDeviceNumber)(parameter ram written didn't read-verifyprobably low memorykUSBRes1Err! no task with that task id exists)(The necessary icon data is not available&%The requested icon could not be foundThe icon ref is not validtime written did not verifyscrapFlavorSizeMismatchErr$#The system is hosed, better re-boot87This call is not available or supported on this machinetransaction was aborted#"outer scope of iterator was exitediteration operation is doneproperty already exists"!invalid entry iteration operationbuffer for path is too smalla path component lookup failednrResultCodeBase
nrNotFoundErrnrInvalidNodeErrnrNotEnoughMemoryErrnrLockedErr,+Host hardware failure on data in, PCI busy?mmInternalErrorPOCurrent Input source is KCHR or uchr, not Input Method  (GetDefaultInputMethod)No stem exists for the token('No Callback Handler exists for callback%$Invalid TSMContext specified in callany other errors! unSupported interface type error.-script has no imput method or is using old IM"!returned by GetDefaultInputMethod-,text service already osed: Output line too long.
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pened for the documenttext service is not openthe text service has no menu0/not TSM aware because we are using input windowthere are open documentsno text service foundcan� open the componentno open text servicedocument is NOT activedocument is still activeinvalid TSM documentation id+*app never registered error (not TSM aware)want to register again errornot an application errortsmInputMethodNotFoundErrtsmUnsupScriptLanguageErrkernelUnrecoverableErrPC Card failed to go ready0/No more CFM IDs for contexts, connections, etc.can't get enough sync&%Card not supported by generic enablerkNSpCreateGroupFailedErrTransaction not sent$#insufficient data for the operation'&can't find sector 0 after track formatkDSpContextAlreadyReservedErrkDSpInvalidAttributesErr('Out of memory for internal bookkeeping.%$sector number never found on a trackkernelReturnValueErrkernelAlreadyFreeErrkernelIDErrkernelExceptionErrkernelTerminatedErrkernelInUseErrkernelTimeoutErrkernelAsyncReceiveLimitErrkernelAsyncSendLimitErrkernelAttributeErrkernelExecutionLevelErrkernelDeletePermissionErrkernelExecutePermissionErrkernelReadPermissionErrkernelWritePermissionErrkernelObjectExistsErrkernelUnsupportedErrkernelPrivilegeErrkernelOptionsErrkernelCanceledErrkernelIncompleteErr&%unable to correctly adjust disk speednotAQTVRMovieErrkISpListBusyErrerrKCBufferTooSmall*)tried to read 2nd side on a 1-sided drivekISpDeviceInactiveErrkHIDInvalidReportTypeErrkISpSystemInactiveErrkISpElementNotInListErrkISpElementInListErr21reference didn't match or wasn't found in profileunable to initialize IWMkISpSystemListErrtrack 0 detect doesn't changeCMM cant handle XYZ spaceerrKCDataTooLarge%$couldn't read from document or querykNSpAddressInUseErrEDUsually due to a status call being called prior to being setup first98Can� do DMA digitizing (i.e. can't go to requested destCan� digitize into this depthCan� do exact size requestedall key indexes in use.-warning of bad matrix, digitizer did its best"!bad matrix, digitizer did nothing('bad input parameter (out of range, etc)feature unimplementedbad feature ID specifiedkNSpJoinFailedErrkNSpCantBlockErrqtXMLApplicationErr
qtXMLParseErrqtActionNotHandledErrnotEnoughDataErrurlDataHFTPURLErr! urlDataHFTPServerDisconnectedErrurlDataHFTPNoPasswordErrurlDataHFTPNeedPasswordErrurlDataHFTPBadNameListErrurlDataHFTPNoNetDriverErrurlDataHFTPFilenameErrurlDataHFTPPermissionsErrurlDataHFTPQuotaErrurlDataHFTPNoDirectoryErrurlDataHFTPDataConnectionErrurlDataHFTPServerErr)(Did not proceed because we found an item:9Trying to move main display (or a display mirrored to it)-,Attempt to add an already installed display.+*Could not find item (will someday remove)./.Video Driver does not support display manager.EDRequired software not initialized (eg windowmanager or display mgr).,+Missing critical pieces of System Software.FEReturned by all calls that need mirroring to be on to do their thing.DCMirroring is already on, can� Block now (call DMUnMirror() first).$#DMBlockMirroring() has been called.$#Can only handle 2 displays for now.fileOffsetTooBigErrUnexpected Error
emptyPathErrpathTooLongErrcannotBeLeafAtomErrinvalidAtomTypeErrinvalidAtomContainerErrinvalidAtomErrduplicateAtomTypeAndIDErratomIndexInvalidErratomsNotOfSameTypeErrnotLeafAtomErrcannotFindAtomErrkURLDestinationExistsError"!kURLProgressAlreadyDisplayedErrorkURLInvalidURLReferenceError"!serial port not currently poweredunsupportedOSErrqtmlUninitialized/.Windows specific errors (when qtml is loading)/.Windows specific errors (when qtml is loading)43Windows specific errors (when component is loading)43Windows specific errors (when component is loading)videoOutputInUseErrnoExportProcAvailableErrtuneParseOSErrtunePlayerFullOSErrnoteChannelNotAllocatedOSErrillegalNoteChannelOSErrsynthesizerOSErrsynthesizerNotRespondingOSErrmidiManagerAbsentOSErrillegalControllerOSErrillegalInstrumentOSErrillegalKnobValueOSErrillegalKnobOSErrillegalChannelOSErrillegalPartOSErrillegalVoiceAllocationOSErr cantReceiveFromSynthesizerOSErrcantSendToSynthesizerOSErrnotImplementedMusicOSErrinternalComponentErrinvalidSpriteIDErrinvalidImageIndexErrinvalidSpriteIndexErrgWorldsNotSameDepthAndSizeErrinvalidSpritePropertyErrinvalidSpriteWorldPropertyErrmissingRequiredParameterErrmovieTextNotFoundErrsourceNotFoundErrnoSourceTreeFoundErrsamplesAlreadyInMediaErrauxiliaryExportDataUnavailableunsupportedAuxiliaryImportDataQT for Windows errorQT for Windows errorkQTSSUnknownErrfeatureUnsupportedcouldNotUseAnExistingSamplenoDefaultDataRefbadDataRefIndexinvalidDataRefContainer
dataNoDataRefendOfDataReacheddataAlreadyCloseddataAlreadyOpenForWritedataNotOpenForWritedataNotOpenForReadinvalidSampleDescriptioninvalidChunkCacheinvalidSampleDescIndexinvalidChunkNuminvalidSampleNuminvalidRectcantEnableTrackinternalQuickTimeError
badTrackIndexmaxSizeToGrowTooSmalluserDataItemNotFoundstaleEditStatenonMatchingEditStateinvalidEditState! happens when file already existswfFileNotFoundmovieToolboxUninitializedprogressProcAbortedmediaTypesDontMatchbadEditListcantPutPublicMovieAtominvalidTimeinvalidDurationinvalidHandlerinvalidDataRefinvalidSampleTable
noDataHandlernoMediaHandlerbadComponentTypecantOpenHandlercantFindHandlerbadPublicMovieAtombadImageDescriptioncouldNotResolveDataRef,+The client table has not be initialized yet,+This value is retrned by font ID conversionspecified speed is unavailableerrKCDuplicateCallbackcontrolHandleInvalidErrcontrolInvalidDataVersionErr$#not enough real-time for allocationincompatible sample rate Software not installed properlyerrWindowRegionCodeInvalidautoAnswer in not turned ontelValidate failedinvalid procIDdevice not foundcode resource not foundinitialization failed&%Communications/Extensions �not founderrCouldntSetFocuserrUnknownControlerrWindowDoesntSupportFocus('unable to find tool with name specifiederrDataNotSupportederrMessageNotSupportederrKCDuplicateKeychainbad msgCode specified"!parameter block error, bad format%$theme not supported at monitor depth32theme font requested for uninstalled script systemthemeBadCursorIndexErrthemeHasNoAccentsErrthemeBadTextColorErrCA not "deflectable"CA not "rejectable"CA not "acceptable"qtvrUninitializedqtvrLibraryLoadErrstreamingNodeNotReadyErr$#terminal not opened via TELOpenTerm-,terminal driver still needed by someone elseterminal already openlimitReachedErrsettingNotSupportedByNodeErrerrKCInvalidKeychaintimeNotInViewErrinvalidViewStateErr65no call back reference was specified, but is required#"display mode not supported by toolbad display mode specified#"forward type not supported by toolDN type not supported by toolbad rate specifiedbad bearerType specified unable to select or deselect DNbad park id specifiedbad pickup group ID specified('illegal attempt at originator only databad translucent image PixMapbad translucent image region! no displays support translucencycall is for PowerPC only"!drag was not accepted by receiv
cbNotFound	noRelErr
	badATPSkttooManySktstooManyReqs
	reqFailedspecified page is invalid10specified PC card memory array offset is invalidResponder error)(No ack on attention request (server err) Too many clients (server error)Command block too bigSession closed#"Server cannot open another sessionParameter errorNo servers at that addressNo more sessions on serverBuffer too small'&Server cannot support this ASP versionkNSpMemAllocationErrProfiles the same,+specified attributes field value is invalidResponder errorinvalid adapter numberCMM not presentError trying to open the NISName not found on removeDuplicate name exists already#"Name confirmed at different socket
nbpNoConfirmBuffer overflow in LookupName
svTempDisablekTXNDataTypeNotAllowedErrkISpBufferToSmallErr+*The last value in the range of CFM errors.Icon Utilties ErrorkTXNInvalidRunIndex"!kTXNSomeOrAllTagsInvalidForRunErrkFMFontContainerAccessErrkFMFontTableAccessErrkFMIterationScopeModifiedErrkFMInvalidFontErrkFMInvalidFontFamilyErrkFMIterationCompletedkTXNRunIndexOutofBoundsErrLKAn Attempt was made to connect to a file server running on the same machineThe volume is already mounted:9The Maximum number of server connections has been reachedafpBadDirIDTypekTXNCannotSetAutoIndentErrkTXNBadDefaultFileTypeWarningIHThe server knows what you wanted to do, but won't let you do it just nowrqUser has been authenticated but is already logged in from another machine (and that's not allowed on this server)54Password does not conform to servers password policy! The password needs to be changedmlThe folder being shared is inside the trash folder OR the shared folder is being moved into the trash folder�The folder being shared is inside a shared folder OR the folder contains a shared folder and is being moved into a shared foldermlThe password being used is too old: this requires the user to change the password before log-in can continue\[The password being set is too short: there is a minimum length that must be met or exceeded[ZSomeone tried to change their password to the same password on a mantadory password changeafpBadIDErrafpSameObjectErrafpCatalogChanged
afpDiffVolErrafpIDExists
afpIDNotFound10the folder being shared contains a shared folderObject is M/R/D/W inhibitedVolume is Read-Only65Icon size specified different from existing icon sizeUnknown directory specifiedAFPRename cannot rename volumeServer is shutting down Maximum open file count reached76File/Directory specified where Directory/File expectedUnsupported AFP call was made=<No AFPLogin call has successfully been made for this sessionSession closed10Some or all of range already locked by same user21Tried to unlock range that was not locked by user10A specified parameter was out of allowable range+*Specified file or directory does not exist76Specified destination file or directory already existsServer not respondingPPCPortRec malformed.-Unexpected error encountered during execution98Some or all of requested range is locked by another user65Unknown UserName/UserID or missing comment/APPL entry,+Cannot create directory on specified volumeCannot delete an open file Read beyond logical end-of-file)(Destination rejected the session request"!Cannot delete non-empty directory;:Specified open/deny modes conflict with current open modes?>Move destination is offspring of source, or root was specified)(Bitmap contained bits undefined for call.-Unknown AFP protocol version number specified-,Unknown user authentication method specified76Further information required to complete AFPLogin call-,Insufficient access privileges for operationillegalScrapFlavorSizeErrillegalScrapFlavorTypeErrillegalScrapFlavorFlagsErrPPCToolBox not initializedscrapFlavorFlagsMismatchErrnilScrapFlavorDataErrnoScrapPromiseKeeperErrscrapPromiseNotKeptErrprocessStateIncorrectErrbadScrapRefErrduplicateScrapFlavorErrinternalScrapErr
kBadDeviceErrkBadLinkErrkInvalidRegEntryErrkNoCardSevicesSocketsErr)(Card Services has exhausted the resource('there are no more of the requested item-,requested resource is being used by a client('a configuration has already been lockedmedia is write-protected32unable to process request at this time - try latermode is not supported10function is not supported by this implementationno PC card in the socket an undefined error has occurredFEThis application won't or shouldn't run on Classic (Problem 2481058).[ZThe application's creator and version are incompatible with the current version of Mac OS.POThe application could not launch because the required platform is not availableCIS on card is invalidclientHandle is invalid&%values in argument packet are invalidArgLength argument is invalidspecified window is invalid43specified Vpp1 or Vpp2 power level index is invalid+*specified Vcc power level index is invalid.-specified window or interface type is invalid76specified logical or physical socket number is invalidspecified size is invalidcoreFoundationUnknownErr65Returned from HMRemoveBalloon if CloseView was activeKJReturned from HMRemoveBalloon if no balloon was visible when call was madeA@Returned from HMShowBalloon call if bad method passed to routine0/specified base system memory address is invalid10Returned if help msg record contained a bad type43Returned if help mgr resource was the wrong version87Returned from calls if helpmsg specified a skip balloon98Returned from HMGetHelpMenuHandle if help menu not setupDCReturned from HMShowMenuBalloon if menu & item is same as last timeA@Returned if mouse was moving or mouse wasn't in window port rect43Show Balloons mode was off, call to routine ignoredkCollateInvalidCollationRefkCollateBufferTooSmallkCollateInvalidCharkCollatePatternNotFoundErr kCollateUnicodeConvertFailedErrkCollateMissingUnicodeTableErrkCollateInvalidOptionskCollateAttributesNotFoundErr0/attempt to call other routine before InitDBPackincompatible versions'&no app handler for specified data typetried to kill a bad pb"!ddev does not support async callsbad ddev specified on DBInit%$bad session number for DBGetConnInfo
rcDBBadSessID	rcDBExec
	rcDBBreakrcDBBadType
	rcDBValue	rcDBNulllockPortBitsWrongGDeviceErrdirectXObjectAlreadyExists! returned from ImageCodecDrawBandcodecOffscreenFailedErr,+codec needs password in order to decompresscodecParameterDialogConfirmlockPortBitsSurfaceLostErrlockPortBitsBadPortErrlockPortBitsWindowClippedErrlockPortBitsWindowResizedErrlockPortBitsWindowMovedErrlockPortBitsBadSurfaceErrcodecNeedToFlushChainErr98codec disabled itself -- pass codecFlagReenable to resetcodecNoMemoryPleaseWaitErrcodecNothingToBlitErrcodecCantQueueErrcodecCantWhenErr
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no URL found32no component for the override component to capture0/trying to purge a locked or non-purgeable block('more data was present than was returnedInternet Config internal errorproblem with preference datacannot set preferenceInternet preference not found)(WhichZone failed (applied to free block)kIllegalClockValueErrkUTCOverflowErrkUTCUnderflowErr.-Master Pointer was NIL in HandleZone or other=<current process does not own the BackingFileID or FileViewIDaddress is not in a FileViewno more FileViews were found,+requested FileViewAccess cannot be obtainedinvalid FileViewID no more BackingFiles were found open views found on BackingFile/.requested MappingPrivileges cannot be obtainedinvalid BackingFileID0/_PCCSLPostCardEvent failed and dropped an eventkMPInvalidIDErrno MMU present%$unable to defer additional functions"!don� call with interrupts masked('specified range of memory is not locked'&cannot make specified range contiguous&%specified range of memory is not heldinsufficient physical memorythreadProtocolErrthreadNotFoundErrThe last ATSUI error code.>=This is not an error code but is returned by ATSUBreakLine toEDUsed to indicate the coordinates provided to an ATSUI routine caused:9Used when no font scaler is available for the font passed?>Used when no CMAP table can be accessed or synthesized for the<;Used when an error was encountered within the low level ATSDCUsed when QuickDraw Text encounters an error rendering or measuring<;Used when an attempt was made to measure, highlight or draw87Used when the client attempts to retrieve an attribute,43Used when an attempt was made to read in style data65Used when an attempt was made to use a tag value that98Used when an attempt was made to use an attribute with a76Used when an attempt was made to use an attribute with98Used when an attempt was made to use an invalid font ID.('app made module calls in improper order10This value is returned by ATSUMatchFontsToText()-,This is not an error code but is returned by+*An attempt was made to extract information-,An attempt was made to use a ATSUStyle which,+An attempt was made to use a ATSUTextLayoutYXoutput buffer has no room for conversion of next input text element (partial conversion)kTECNeedFlushStatuskTECUsedFallbacksStatusJIdriver Open error code (parameter RAM not configured for this connection)('driver Open error code (port is in use)MLitem (e.g. name) not available for specified region (& encoding if relevant)76globals have already been deallocated (premature TERM)unicodeChecksumErrunicodeNoTableErrunicodeVariantErrunicodeFallbacksErrunicodePartConvertErr
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rgnTooBigErr,+An import library was too new for a client.urlDataHHTTPURLErrPipe stall, Bad or wrong PID87user debugger break; execute debugger commands on stackurlDataHHTTPNoNetDriverErruser debugger break+*the number of colors requested was illegalurlDataHHTTPProtocolErrLess data than bufferkCantConfigureCardErr#"track number wrong on address markthe passed verb was invalid,+An import library was too old for a client.qtNetworkAlreadyAllocatedErrkURLInvalidURLErrorkUSBRes2ErrnotAllowedToSaveMovieErr('wrong version of the PictInfo structure)(container already opened by this sectionGFReturned by all calls that need mirroring to be off to do their thing.54A Publisher is already registered for that container-,Host hardware failure on data out, PCI busy?ASDEntryNotFoundErr&%can not use sub parts in this releaseedition file is corruptnot a registered SectionRecordnot a valid SectionRecord'&edition manager not inited by this appstep handshake failed&%unable to read same clock value twiceTransaction not sentwrite underrun occurredbadTranslationSpecErrerrKCAuthFailedunknown message passed to FSMno alternate stack for HFS CI"!FSM version incompatible with FSD! FSID already exists on InstallFS,+FSD size incompatible with current FSM vers"!Name length not 1 <= length <= 31'&File system is busy, cannot be removedKJForeign File system does not exist - new Pack2 could return this error too"!There is no such a key attribute.10Maximum key length is too long or equal to zero.Record cannot be found.Record already exists.Can't allocate disk space.The file is not a dictionary.kHIDBadLogPhysValuesErrkURLAccessNotAvailableError'&gcr format on high density media errorkURLInvalidConfigurationErrorkURLExtensionFailureErrorkISpDeviceActiveErrkURLInvalidCallErrorinvalid slot # errorkURLUnsettablePropertyError kURLPropertyBufferTooSmallErrorRecord not found in the SRT.SRT over flow.'&No opens were successfull in the loop.$#Offset was too big (temporary error('NumByteLanes was determined to be zero.('Bad pointer was passed to sCalcsPointer#"Error occurred during _sGetDriver.No more sResources%$Error occurred during _sDisDrvrName.%$Error occurred during _sGetDrvrName.Status of slot = fail._BlockMove error
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