* platforms/Cross/plugins/IA32ABI/ia32abi.h
* Written by Eliot Miranda 11/2007.
* Updated 5/2011 to cope with Cog stack direction.
* Call foreign functions returning results in either %eax, %edx (Integral)
* or %f0 (Float, Double).
* The primitive will have signatures of the form
* <Anywhere> primFFIResult: result <Alien> call: functionAddress <Alien>
* with: firstArg <Alien> ... with: lastArg <Alien>
* <primitive: 'primCallOutXXX' module: 'IA32ABI'>
* result <Alien> primFFICall: functionAddress <Alien>
* with: firstArg <Alien> ... with: lastArg <Alien>
* <primitive: 'primCallOutXXX' module: 'IA32ABI'>
* functionAddress <Alien> primFFICallResult: result <Alien>
* with: firstArg <Alien> ... with: lastArg <Alien>
* <primitive: 'primCallOutXXX' module: 'IA32ABI'>
* N.B. In Cog Stack and Cogit VMs numArgs is negative to access args from
* the downward-growing stack.
#define SIGNATURE sqInt *argVector/* call args on stack or in array */, \
int numArgs, /* arg count of function to call (*) */ \
int funcOffset, /* stack offset of func Alien */ \
int resultOffset/* stack offset of result Alien */
extern sqInt callIA32IntegralReturn(SIGNATURE);
extern sqInt callIA32FloatReturn (SIGNATURE);
extern sqInt callIA32DoubleReturn (SIGNATURE);
extern long thunkEntry (void *thunkp, long *stackp);
extern void *allocateExecutablePage(long *pagesize);
extern VMCallbackContext *getMostRecentCallbackContext(void);
/* Use the most minimal setjmp/longjmp pair available; no signal handling
* wanted or necessary.
#if !defined(WIN32)
# define setjmp _setjmp
# define longjmp _longjmp