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<center><h1>The NHC.Bit library</h1></center>
This document describes the interface to the NHC.Bit library,
originally from the Haskell 1.3 library specification.
module NHC.Bit where
infixl 7 ^&
infixl 6 ^|
infixl 5 `xor`
infixl 8 ^<<
infixl 8 ^>>
infixl 8 `asr`
infixl 8 `rol`
infixl 8 `ror`
class Integral a => Bits a where
(^&) :: a -> a -> a -- bit-wise and
(^|) :: a -> a -> a -- bit-wise or
xor :: a -> a -> a -- bit-wise xor
compl :: a -> a -- bit-wise complement
(^<<) :: a -> Int -> a -- left shift
(^>>) :: a -> Int -> a -- right shift
asr :: a -> Int -> a -- arithmetic right shift
rol :: a -> Int -> a -- rotate left
ror :: a -> Int -> a -- rotate right
test :: Int -> a -> Bool -- report n'th bit
set :: Int -> a -> a -- set n'th bit
clear :: Int -> a -> a -- clean n'th bit
bitSize :: a -> Int -- bit-width of type (not value)
instance Bits Int where ...
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