# makefile for public domain ndbm-clone: sdbm
# DUFF: use duff's device (loop unroll) in parts of the code
OBJS = sdbm.o pair.o hash.o
SRCS = sdbm.c pair.c hash.c dbu.c dba.c dbd.c util.c
HDRS = tune.h sdbm.h pair.h
MISC = README CHANGES COMPARE sdbm.3 dbe.c dbe.1 dbm.c dbm.h biblio \
readme.ms readme.ps
all: dbu dba dbd dbe
dbu: dbu.o sdbm util.o
cc $(LDFLAGS) -o dbu dbu.o util.o libsdbm.a
dba: dba.o util.o
cc $(LDFLAGS) -o dba dba.o util.o
dbd: dbd.o util.o
cc $(LDFLAGS) -o dbd dbd.o util.o
dbe: dbe.o sdbm
cc $(LDFLAGS) -o dbe dbe.o libsdbm.a
sdbm: $(OBJS)
ar cr libsdbm.a $(OBJS)
ranlib libsdbm.a
### cp libsdbm.a /usr/lib/libsdbm.a
dba.o: sdbm.h
dbu.o: sdbm.h
$(OBJS): sdbm.h tune.h pair.h
# dbu using berkelezoid ndbm routines [if you have them] for testing
#x-dbu: dbu.o util.o
# cc $(CFLAGS) -o x-dbu dbu.o util.o
lint -abchx $(SRCS)
rm -f *.o mon.out core
purge: clean
rm -f dbu libsdbm.a dbd dba dbe x-dbu *.dir *.pag
shar $(MISC) makefile $(SRCS) $(HDRS) >SDBM.SHAR
nroff -ms readme.ms | col -b >README