Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/jas/root/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/fancyopts.pyc

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    This is different from getopt.gnu_getopt in that an argument of - will
    become an argument of - instead of vanishing completely.
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    read args, parse options, and store options in state

    each option is a tuple of:

      short option or ''
      long option
      default value
      option value label(optional)

    option types include:

      boolean or none - option sets variable in state to true
      string - parameter string is stored in state
      list - parameter string is added to a list
      integer - parameter strings is stored as int
      function - call function with parameter

    non-option args are returned
    tiRRs--t__call__t:t=is,invalid value %r for option %s, expected intN(Rtreplacet
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