Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/jas/root/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/ignore.pyc

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��Qc@sYddlmZddlZddlZddlZdad�Zd�Zd�Z	dS(i�(t_Nc	Cs�idd6dd6dd6}d}g}g}xK|D]C}d|kr�ts^tjd�antjd|�}|jd	d�}n|j�}|s�q4n|jd
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�r||t|�d}PqqW|j	|�q4W||fS(s�parse lines (iterable) of .hgignore text, returning a tuple of
    (patterns, parse errors). These patterns should be given to compile()
    to be validated and converted into a match function.srelre:tretregexpsrelglob:tglobt#s((^|[^\\])(\\\\)*)#.*s\1s\#ssyntax:isignoring invalid syntax '%s't:i(
startswithtstriptKeyErrortappendRt	iteritemstlen(	tlinestsyntaxestsyntaxtpatternstwarningstlinetstpattrels((s4/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/ignore.pyt

c	Cs�i}x�|D]�}||kr%q
Wg|D]"}||kr�|||f^q�S(s:return a dict mapping ignore-file-name to list-of-patternss%s: %s
is)skipping unreadable ignore file '%s': %s
(topenRtclosetIOErrorRtstrerror(	troottfilestwarntpatstftfpRtwarningtinst((s4/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/ignore.pytreadpats7s 

c	Cs�t|||�}g}x!|D]\}}|j|�qW|sItjSytj|dg|�}Wn{tjk
r�}tjd||df��qXqWnX|S(s�return matcher covering patterns in 'files'.

    the files parsed for patterns include:
    .hgignore in the repository root
    any additional files specified in the [ui] section of ~/.hgrc

    trailing white space is dropped.
    the escape character is backslash.
    comments start with #.
    empty lines are skipped.

    lines can be of the following formats:

    syntax: regexp # defaults following lines to non-rooted regexps
    syntax: glob   # defaults following lines to non-rooted globs
    re:pattern     # non-rooted regular expression
    glob:pattern   # non-rooted glob
    pattern        # pattern of the current default typets%s: %si(R'textendtutiltnevertmatchtAbort(	RR R!R"tallpatsR#tpatlistt
ti18nRR*R,RtNoneRRR'R1(((s4/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/ignore.pyt<module>s	)	

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