Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/nemo/sys/man/1/planb

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planb \- introduction to Plan B 4th edition
Plan B is an attempt to build a system designed for
dynamic distributed environments and provide a convenient
computing environment.
In a Plan B environment, a user has multiple machines and devices.
Machines are assumed to be volatile, they may come and go while the
user is using the system. 
The environment is made of the set
of available machines. For example, after starting a player at a machine
nearby, the user requests to play songs would be serviced by that player.
Also, the keyboard and mouse at hand are used with any machine and not
just with the one they are attached to. 
Resources are exported to the network as file
trees. User programs and machines may import any resource from the network
by either importing a particular file tree or asking the system to import
a file tree with a given name and attributes. The system tries to satisfy the
import requests made and maintains a name space that maps names to particular
trees that match the given name and attributes. If one such trees becomes
unavailable, the sytem picks up another (matching) one as a replacement.
Most of the code of the system and most of
the system applications and libraries are those of Plan 9. This edition of Plan B runs
as a set of user programs on top of a Plan 9 system. In this manual,
only pages that  are specific for Plan B refer to the system by that name.
Pages that correspond to things unchanged, ie. taken verbatim from Plan 9,
still refer to the system as Plan 9. Plan 9 manual pages that describe elements
that have a preferred alternative in Plan B, explicitly state this. After reading this page,
.IR intro (0)
is a good thing to read.
.SS System Organization
In Plan B, all the machines are considered peers and usually run the same
system software. Any machine (running Plan B or otherwise) may export a resource
to the Plan B network and behave as a resource server. In particular, we use
services from Plan 9 authentication servers, Plan 9
file servers, Linux tools as voice synthesis device servers, etc.
Users own multiple Plan B terminals. Most of them are quite capable of performing heavy
computing and equipped with large grahical displays. Each one of the terminals
is owned by a single user who customizes it to import the desired kind of resources
from those available. 
The I/O devices available, e.g. mouses and keyboards, may be
used to operate with any of the user machines. In the same way, file viewers and other
programs may
be started at different machines and work together with the rest of the environment using
their name space.
Once users have shown their preferences by building a name space,
the system is responsible for adapting to the changes of
the environment. For most tasks, users can forget about
where to run processes, where to start interfaces, which file trees should
be mounted, when should services be mounted/unmounted, and so on.
.SS Name Spaces, Resources, and Volumes
There are a number of Plan B services
available, each of which is provided by one or more trees of files. Each file
tree has a global name and a set of attributes to reflect properties of interest.
Each file tree is referred to as a
.IR volume .
For example, audio playing is a service, which provides a file tree to play audio.
Each file tree exported
to the network to provide an interface for audio playing is a
an audio player volume.
Therefore, in Plan B, (like in Plan 9), almost all objects look like files.
The object retrieved by a given name is determined by a
.IR name space 
that maps names to files.
.IR namespace (4)
for the conventions used.
Each process can independently
customize its namespace. This is done by
.I binding
.I mounting
volumes (or subtrees of volumes) to names in the name-space-so-far.
Typically, a user starts with a name space providing volumes for the
conventional file tree for the system, and then
binds volumes onto parts of it. Volumes can be bound explicitly,
or by requesting to the system to bind them as they become
Plan B has
.IR "union directories" :
directories made of several directories all bound to the
same name, as described in
.IR intro (1).
Besides, there are
.IR "volume unions"
where all volumes matching the mount request are imported into a
single name, and not just one of them.
Volumes mount points are serviced by
.IR bns (4),
which serves file trees to the underlying system and hot-swaps them
according to volume availability. See the mentioned manual page for
details on how to mount and use volumes. Upon mounting a volume,
any volume that matches the name and attributes given to
.I mount
will be mounted as it becomes reacheable. It will be unmounted
when it is no longer reacheable. Only one of the volumes
mounted at a mount point will be used at a given time. For example,
it is usual to call mount so that any audio device volume would
be bound to
.BR /devs/audio .
Although there might be multiple matching volumes, only one of them will
be shown and used by the system. When the volume used becomes
unreachable, another one will be picked for use.
When mounting volumes, the user specifies a volume name and a
set of attribute/value pairs. Only volumes that mach the given name and properties will
be bound by the system to the mount point. An examle is:
mount /srv/vol /n/audio '/devs/audio user=nemo loc=136'
that imports into
.B /n/audio
any volume with name
.B /devs/audio
owned by
.B nemo
and located at
.C 136.
Volumes are exported using 9P,
described in section 5 of this manual, like any other Plan 9 file tree.
All Plan B servers read and respond to 9P requests to navigate through
a file tree and to perform operations such as reading and writing
files within the tree.
The volume discovery protocol is
implemented by
.IR bns (4)
.IR adsrv (8)
and is used to discover which volumes are available
for use.
.SS Booting
When a terminal is powered on or reset, booting proceeds like
in Plan 9, as said in
.IR booting (8).
The process ends up loading into memory a Plan 9 kernel
that uses
.IR bns (4)
as the initial process. This process defines several environment variables,
that guide the boot process, sets up a name space that mounts necessary
volumes to run other programs, and then executes the system script
.IR brc (8)
the user's profile
.B $home/lib/profile
as a final step.
The environment variable
.B $planb
is set to value
.BR yes
on Plan B systems.
The file
.B /lib/namespace.planb
determines how the namespace is built. This namespace is used to
run the system start script and the user's profile.
The user's profile usually runs the
.IR omero (1)
window system as the primary user interface.
.SS Using Plan B
Using Plan B is very much like using Plan 9, although the user can now
forget about how to set up a name space for a particular network setup.
Users should tell the system what kind of resource they want, and let the
system choose a particular one to satisfy the constraints given by the user.
Otherwise, the system would not adapt to changes in resource availability.
The user commands of Plan B are those of Plan 9 in many cases. However,
Graphical interfaces are provided by the
.IR omero (4)
service, which provides portable widgets. Command execution is performed
through the
.IR portfs (4)
network messaging service, by sending requests to the
.B exec
port, which works for remote machines as well.
The same
happens to the programming interface documented in section 2. Most notably,
.IR readf (2)
is the preferred way for file I/O, instead of the venerable
.IR read (2)
interface. User interface programming should rely in
.IR omero (2)
and not in
.IR control (2)
.IR draw (2).
There are other changes in the API that are important to easy adaptation
to environment changes.
The system is just born and interfaces are still evolving quickly, beware of that.
.SS Physical Environment
Context information is available at
.BR /what ,
.BR /who ,
.BR /where .
Services to operate and inspect the physical environment are available at
several directories mounted under
.BR /devs .
The environment is handled by tools descrived in
.IR env (8)
and other programs.
.SS User Input
The character-delete character is backspace, and
DEL is the interrupt character: typing it sends an interrupt to processes running in that window.
Control is usually the caps-lock key, and the left control, start, and alt buttons are
usually equivalent to the three buttons found in the mouse. The menu key permits
character composition.
.IR keyboard (6)
for instructions.
The standard editor is
.IR ox (1),
which works in
.IR omero (1)
panels and integrates well with the rest of the Plan B system.
.SS Devices and Volumes
The devices in Plan B are those of Plan 9, described in section 3.  But beware that for
some devices, most
notably graphics, text and mouse I/O, audio, and command execution, there are
other (preferred) servers documented in section 4 of this manual. Such
servers provide a high-level interface designed for applications, and
are more portable and adaptative than the ones described in section 3 of the manual.
It is advisable to check first section 4 when looking for a service,
before resorting to the low level interface provided by native devices. Note
that devices in section 3 completelly circunvent the name space and
lead to name spaces that do not adapt to changes in resouce volumes availability.
A Plan 9
.I "file server"
provides a file tree to processes.
A Plan B
file server is similar, but is usually implemented to provide a volume that can
be used with the volume mounting facility.
This means that the server has options to start servicing network requests, announce the
volume, and has authentication implemented. Authentication is only requested for
connections from remote machines, because the volume owner is the terminal owner
in a Plan B installation. See
.IR planb (4)
for a description of Plan B volume file servers and other conventions regarding
the name space. Conventions regarding attributes for volumes are described
.IR cnstr (6).
.IR intro (1)
for a description of the underlying Plan 9 system. 
.B planb (4)
for a description of Plan B conventions regarding volume servers and name
.B /sys/doc/9
for white papers on Plan 9 (which of course can still apply to Plan B),
.B /sys/doc/papers
for copies of Plan B papers that might be of help.
The system is just born. Bugs are found now and then,
but the system is stable enough to let us use
it as our development platform and to perform our daily work.
Most good things come from Plan 9, most bugs are ours instead.

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