Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/nemo/sys/man/2/omero

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createpanel, createsubpanel, panelpath, openpanel, openpanelctl, closepanel, closepanelctl, seekpanel, readpanel, dirstatpanel, readallpanel, writepanel, readpanelctl, writepanelctl, omeroterm, omeroeventchan, clearoev, removepanel, panelctl, plumbexec, plumblook, evhistory, createport, createportproc \- Omero graphical user interface library
.B #include <u.h>
.B #include <libc.h>
.B #include <thread.h>
.B #include <omero.h>
.ft L
.ta 11n +11n +11n +11n
struct Repl{
	Repl*	next;	// in replica list
	char*	path;	// e.g., "/n/.../row:2/slider:volume"
	int	fd[2];	// data and ctl fds
struct Panel{
	QLock;		// name is WORM, so mostly for repl.
	char*	name;	// e.g., "slider:volume"
	Repl*	repl;	// known replicas
	int	nrepl;
	Channel*evc;	// events here or through oeventchan(nil)
Panel*		createpanel(char* name, char* type, char* omero);
Panel*		createsubpanel(Panel* g, char* name);
char*		panelpath(Panel*);
int		openpanel(Panel* g, int omode);
int		openpanelctl(Panel* g);
void		closepanel(Panel* g);
void		closepanelctl(Panel* g);
vlong		seekpanel(Panel*g, vlong pos, int type);
long		readpanel(Panel* g, void* buf, long len);
Dir*		dirstatpanel(Panel* g);
void*		readallpanel(Panel* g, long* l);
long		writepanel(Panel* g, void* buf, long len);
long		readpanelctl(Panel* g, void* buf, long len);
long		writepanelctl(Panel* g, void* buf, long len);
void		omeroterm(void);
Channel*		omeroeventchan(Panel* g);
void		clearoev(Oev* e);
void		removepanel(Panel* g);
int		panelctl(Panel* g, char* fmt, ...);
int		plumbexec(char* dir, char* arg);
int		plumblook(char* dir, char* arg);
void		evhistory(char* prg, char* ev, char* arg);
Channel*		createportproc(char* port);
int		createport(char* name);
extern char*appluiaddress;
extern int	omerodebug;
These functions provide a convenient application interface for using
.IR omero (4)
to build user interfaces for Plan B applications.
The application must be programmed using
.IR thread (2)
if this library is used.
Each omero panel is represented by a
.I  Panel
data structure, where
.I Name
is the file name (not the full path) for the panel in the omero file system.
.I Repl
is the list of of copies known for the panel. Each once is called a replica. For each
.I path
is the absolute path for its file in omero, when it is mounted at the standard mount
.BR /devs/$sysnameui .
The library creates processes to service events from omero and
handles replication of omero panels by itself. Different copies of the same panel
are kept synchronized by the library. When the application updates a panel,
the library updates all known replicas. When a panel reports a data change through
event delivery, the library pulls the data, updates other replicas, and delivers the
event to the application. The library handles in the same way
the creation, deletion, and control operations for graphs within
replicated interfaces. 
If the omero file tree for a given replica is not
mounted, the library attempts to mount it at its standard mount point when it is first seen.
Regarding failure, an error at a replica causes it to be removed from the replica list
and a failed operation at all the known replicas is considered to be failed.
A panel is considered to be gone if all its replicas are gone.
The library assumes that the file name (not the path) for a given panel
is unique. Events sent by omero carry the path for the panel and
are used to determine which panels are affected. The name determines the graph,
and the full path determines the replica. When omero reports that a panel moved,
was created, or was deleted,
the library updates the set of replicas. 
.I Createpanel
initializes the library, if not yet initialized,  mounts
.I omero
if necessary, and starts an event listener. The function creates a top-level
.I panel
for the application  with the
.I name
specified as an argument. The name is randomized by the function. The parameter
.B type
argument is usually the string
.B col
and determines the type of panel created.  The panel is kept in hold mode and its
control file is open and programed with the application address before returning to the user.
.IR omero (4)
for an exhaustive list of panel types and more details about their behaviour.
.I Createsubpanel
behaves in a similar way, but creates the named panel within the one
passed as a parameter. Unlike
.I createpanel
this function does not set the panel in hold mode and does not open its control file.
.I Panelpath
returns the path for the directory representing the first replica found for the panel.
.I Openpanel
opends the data file(s) for the panel (there is one file per replica).
.I Openpanelctl
does the same for the control file(s).
.I Closepanel
.I closepanelctl
are the respective close operations.
While open,
.IR seekpanel ,
.IR readpanel ,
.IR writepanel
can be used to seek, read, and write the panel data file.
.IR Readpanelctl ,
.IR writepanelctl
do the same for the control file. Also,
.I panelctl
permits formatted output to the control file.
.I Dirstatpanel
returns a
.IR stat (2)
structure (unpacked) for the data file of the first replica of the panel.
As a convenience,
.I readallpanel
returns all the contents of the data file for the panel.
.I Removepanel
deletes a panel (i.e. all its replicas).
.I  Omeroterm
terminates any user interface created by
the library
and kills any process started by the library (to receive and process events).
.I Omeroeventchan
returns a channel where events from
.I omero
are sent. When its parameter is nil, a global channel is returned. When
the parameter is a panel, the routine initializes the panel's
.I evc
field with a channel where events for that panel are sent.
Events are represented by
.I Oev
structures that contain the event name,
.IR ev ,
and event arguments,
.IR arg .
.I panel
.I path
to the replica generating the event
are initialized before delivering the event to the user.
struct Oev {
	Panel*	panel;
	char*	path;	// to repl
	char*	ev;
	char*	arg;
Once used, event resources are to be deallocated by calling
.IR clearoev .
This is important because it may lead to (already removed) panels
to be destroyed.
When the last replica for the application's interface is known to be gone,
the user routine
.I omerogone
is called. This routine must be provided by all applications using this library.
It usually terminates the application. If the application wants to stay running
and stay listening to further omero connections, it should return zero.
.I Plumbexec
.I plumblook
are helper routines to make the user interface respond to execution and
looking up requests in a similar way to
.I ox (1)
and other omero applications. They send
.I arg
.IR portfs (4)
as either
.B exec
.B look
.I Portfs
ports can be created using
.I createport
and supplying the
.I name
for the port file (basename only). Instead of creating the port and
servicing it by hand,
.I createportproc
returns a channel where
.I Plumbmsg*
elements are forwarded as they are obtained by a process that
creates and serves the port. This is more convenient, but requires
using the thread library and does not permit a fine control over the
.I Evhistory
updates the omero event history for the user. It receives the program name,
the event name and its argument.
.IR oclock (1)
for a simple example that does not require user interaction, and
.IR ox (1)
for a more elaborate example that includes user input.
.B /sys/src/libomero
.IR omero (4)
.IR ox (1),
These functions set
.IR errstr .
This service is still evolving. Expect changes.

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