Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/nemo/sys/man/4/mousefs

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mousefs, kbdfs  \- file systems for mouse and keyboard network redirection
.B mousefs
.B -AdD
.B -m
.I mnt
.B -n
.I addr
.B -V
.I vol
.B kbdfs
.B -AdD
.B -m
.I mnt
.B -n
.I addr
.B -V
.I vol
.I Mousefs
wraps the local mouse to permit mouse redirection. This
program exports a file system with just two files:
.B mouse
.BR mousectl .
These files behave as said in
.IR mouse (3).
By default,
.I mousefs
mounts itself at
.B /dev
before existing devices, or at
.I mnt
.B -m
says so.
.I Kbdfs
performs the similar task for the keyboard, and supplies
.B cons
(compatible with
.IR cons (3))
.B kbdctl
Besides forwarding events from the underlying device to the process(es)
using the files provided,
.I mousefs
.I kbdfs
listen for remote calls from other
instances of the programs. Any event sent from a remote peer
will be handled as if sent from the local device. This permits
other machines to send mouse and keyboard events to the machine where
the programs
Calls can be initiated by a write of
.B call \fIaddress\fP
to the
.B mousectl
file exported by
.I mousefs
or to the
.B kbdctl
file exported by
.IR kbdfs .
In this case, the program
connects to such system (using
.B tcp
.B mouse
as the default network and port)
and redirects events from the local device
to that connection. A special address
.B local
is understood,
meaning the local system.
In the case of the mouse, writes to
.B /dev/mouse
while the system is being called cause event forwarding to the calling
system, to permit mouse teleporting (e.g., like done by
.IR acme (1)).
To cancel an outgoing call, press mouse button 1 while at
the top-left corner of the screen (or window) that is donating its mouse. This reclaims
the mouse for local usage.
Any connection (no matter who initiated it) can be cancelled by
a write of
.B close \fIaddress\fP
to the
.B mousectl
.B kbdctl
.I kbdfs
is started before,
.I mousefs
arranges for the keyboard to be redirected along with the mouse. This
.I kbdfs
to be started in the machines involved.
.I Mousefs
assumes that the port for a
.I kbdfs
is one plus the port for the
.I mousefs
in that system.
.IR Oscreen (1)
provides a more convenient user interface to both programs.
Factotum is used to authenticate with peers. Any protocol supported by
.IR factotum (4)
can be used. Option
.B -A
disables authentication,
.B -V
can be used to announce a volume, as said in
.IR planb (4).
.B /sys/src/cmd/mousefs.c
.B /sys/src/cmd/kbdfs.c
.IR oscreen (1),
.IR mouse (3).
The programs try to avoid loops by refusing to call others while
being called, and by refusing to call their own address. However, by using
multiple IP addresses, these programs ban be fooled and loops can be created.
The event streams are not encrypted.

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