Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/rcbilson/s3venti/man/s3venti.8

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s3venti, s3mkarena, s3rmarena  \- archival storage server
.B s3venti
.B -a
.I address
.B -b
.I bucket
.B -c
.I config
.B -l
.I log
.B s3mkarena
.B -b
.I bucket
.B -c
.I config
.B s3rmarena
S3venti is a SHA1-addressed archival storage server that uses
Amazon's ``Secure Simple Storage'' (S3) server to store the raw
This manual page assumes an understanding of the structure
of the traditional, disk-based venti server.
.IR venti (7)
for a full introduction to the system.
.SS S3 Block Store
An s3venti server must authenticate itself to the S3 server.
The authentication comes in two parts, a non-secret ``Access Key ID'',
and a ``Secret Access Key''.
S3venti consults
.IR factotum (4)
for a key of the form
proto=pass role=client service=aws user=ACCESSKEYID !password=SECRETACCESSKEY
An s3venti server requires an S3 ``bucket'' in which to store blocks.
This bucket must be formatted using s3mkarena, which will create the
bucket if it does not already exist.  The name of the bucket must be
unique on the S3 server.  S3mkarena is designed to use the same
configuration file as s3venti (see below).  It does not check if the
bucket is already in use; running s3mkarena on an existing s3venti
bucket with a different encryption passphrase renders that bucket
unusable by the original server.  This situation can be remedied by
re-running s3mkarena with the original passphrase.
Different instances of s3venti can use the same bucket, provided that
each instance can authenticate itself for that bucket, and provided
that each instance uses the same encryption passphrase (if any).
.SS Disk
The s3venti server is intended to support a cache of blocks
on a local disk partition, to speed access and to reduce
bandwidth charges. This has not yet been implemented.
.SS Memory
S3venti can make effective use of large amounts of memory
for the
.I "lump cache ,
which holds recently-accessed venti data blocks.
The server refers to these as 
.IR lumps .
The lump cache should be at least 1MB but can profitably be much larger.
The lump cache can be thought of as the level-1 cache:
read requests handled by the lump cache can
be served instantly.
.SS Network
The venti server announces a network service
(conventionally TCP port 
.BR venti ,
17034) serving
the venti protocol as described in
.IR venti (7) .
.SS Configuration File
The configuration file holds configuration parameters for the s3venti
server, and consists of lines in the form described below.
Lines starting with
.B #
are comments.
Quoting using apostrophes in the style of
.IR rc (1)
is supported.
.BI addr " netaddr
network address to announce venti service
.BR tcp!*!venti )
.BI bucket " name
.I Name
is the name of the bucket to be used on the S3 server.
.BI mem " size
Lump cache size.
A unit can be specified by appending a
.LR k ,
.LR m ,
.LR g
to indicate kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes respectively.
.BI passphrase " string
Specifies a string that will be used to encrypt block data stored on
the S3 server.
The data is encrypted using
.IR aes (3) .
.B queuewrites
Specifies that written blocks may be queued in memory, allowing
client write requests to complete before the blocks have been
written to the S3 server.
The default is not to queue.
Currently, this option has no effect.
.BI s3host " name
.I Name
is the name of the remote host that implements the S3 service.
The default is
.BI s3port " name
.I Name
is the name or number of the port to address on the remote S3 host.
The default is http.
.SS Command Line
Many of the options to s3venti duplicate parameters that
can be specified in the configuration file.
The command line options override those found in a
configuration file.
Additional options are:
.BI -c " config
The server configuration file
.BR venti.conf )
.BI -l " log
Enable logging to the specified file.
By default all logging is disabled.
Logging slows server operation considerably.
.B -v
Produce various debugging information on standard error,
primarily related to the conversation between the venti server
and clients.
Specifying this option twice adds a trace of the http conversation
between the venti server and the S3 server.
A simple configuration:
% cat s3venti.conf
addr tcp!*!5252
bucket rcbilson-venti
passphrase 'xyzzy'
mem 10M
Format the arena and start the server:
% s3mkarena
% s3venti &
.B /n/sources/contrib/rcbilson/s3venti
.IR venti (1),
.IR venti (3),
.IR venti (7),
.IR venti-backup (8)
.IR venti-fmt (8)
Sean Quinlan and Sean Dorward,
``Venti: a new approach to archival storage'',
.I "Usenix Conference on File and Storage Technologies" ,
``Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)'',
The encryption is vulnerable to a dictionary attack by anyone with
access to the S3 bucket.
S3rmarena is both insanely dangerous and irritatingly non-functional.
Using factotum's proto=pass for authentication feels dirty.
The S3 interface cries out to be implemented as a filesystem.
The server ought to present usage statistics, as in
.IR venti (7).

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