Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/stefanha/root/sys/src/cmd/vim/testdir/

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Test for :execute, :while and :if

:so small.vim
mt:let i = 0
:while i < 12
:  let i = i + 1
:  if has("ebcdic")
:    execute "normal o" . i . "\047"
:  else
:    execute "normal o" . i . "\033"
:  endif
:  if i % 2
:    normal Ax
:    if i == 9
:      break
:    endif
:    if i == 5
:      continue
:    else
:      let j = 9
:      while j > 0
:        if has("ebcdic")
:          execute "normal" j . "a" . j . "\x27"
:        else
:          execute "normal" j . "a" . j . "\x1b"
:        endif
:        let j = j - 1
:      endwhile
:    endif
:  endif
:  if i == 9
:    if has("ebcdic")
:      execute "normal Az\047"
:    else
:      execute "normal Az\033"
:    endif
:  endif
:'t,$w! test.out

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