Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/steve/root/sys/lib/texmf/doc/generic/pstricks/samples.tex

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%% samples.pst : PSTricks samples. Run with LaTeX.
%% Last edited: 93/03/03

\advance\textwidth .5cm
\def\ldots{\mbox{$\Ldots$}} % In case we're using AmS-LaTeX.
  \def\@oddhead{\bf PSTricks samples \hfill \thepage}%


  \vbox{\vskip 1cm
    \vskip 1cm}}
  \raggedright\hskip -2em#1\end{quote}}}
\def\creator#1{\rquote{{\bf Creator:}\hskip 1em#1}}
\def\title#1{\rquote{{\bf Description:}\hskip 1em#1}}



  \creator{Gisli Ottarsson \tt <>}
  \title{Calvin and Hobbes}


  \title{Dripping faucet model.}

        \rput[t](5.5,0){Dripping Faucet}}
        \rput[t](2.5,-4){Mathematical Model for}
        \rput[t](2.5,-5){a Dripping Faucet}

  \creator{\tt{Christian Schytt <>}}
  \title{Primal and dual.}

  \hbox to \hsize{%
    % DUAL
    \uput[r](0,4){\parbox{2cm}{Dual cost \\ of arc $(i,j)$}}
    \rput[b](2,2){\rnode{A}{Slope: ${}-l_{ij}$}}
    \rput[b](0,-0.75){\rnode{B}{Slope: ${}-u_{ij}$}}
    % PRIMAL
    \uput[r](0,4){\parbox{2cm}{\raggedright Primal cost \\ of arc $(i,j)$}}
    \rput[l](4,1){\rnode{X}{Slope: $c_{ij}$}}

  \creator{Gisli Ottarsson \tt <>}


\title{Another example of \N\pspolygon. The coordinates where determined
  using \N\psgrid, after making the table.\label{ex-pspolygon}}

  {\em Result is true for values in shaded region:}\\[5pt]
    X11 & X12 & X13 & X14 & X15 & X16\\
    X21 & X22 & X23 & X24 & X25 & X26\\
    X31 & X32 & X33 & X34 & X35 & X36\\
    X41 & X42 & X43 & X44 & X45 & X46



      \psset{arrows=->, nodesep=6pt}
      \rput(3,3){\rnode{A}{Returns to Scale}}
      \rput(7,-1){\rnode{E}{Information Processing}}
      \ncline{A}{B} \ncline{A}{C} \ncline{C}{D} \ncline{C}{E}

  \title{Another example of nodes.\label{ex-nodes3}}


  \title{Nonsense examples of nodes.\label{ex-nodes4}}

  The tempestuous \rnode{E}{Maggie} and her alcoholic husband
  \rnode{A}{Brick} \ldots
  \vskip 2cm
  \cnode*{3pt}{D}\hskip 1em  Much Ado about \rnode{B}{Nothing}.
  \vskip 1in
  and \rnode{J}{\psframebox{another}} another
  \rnode{K}{\psframebox{another}} another another \rnode{C}{book}
  \ncangle[nodesep=1pt,angleA=-90,angleB=150, armB=3cm]{D}{C}

  \title{More node nonsense.\label{ex-nodes5}}

      \ncangles[angleA=90, angleB=180, nodesepB=3pt, linearc=3pt,
      \rput{10}(7;30){\rnode{A}{\psframebox{Polar Coor}}}
      \rput(5;10){\rnode{B}{\psframebox{Polar Coor}}}
      \nccurve[angleA=135, angleB=135, ncurv=1.8]{Z}{Y}\bput{:D}{Doom}


      \arraycolsep .7cm
        & \rnode{b}{X\times_Z Y} & \rnode{c}{X}\\
        & \rnode{d}{Y} & \rnode{e}{Z}
    \pslabelsep 3pt

  \title{Several ways to connect nodes to themselves}

    \begin{array}{c@{\hskip 1.5cm}c@{\hskip 1.5cm}c}
      \rnode{a}{\bullet} & \rnode{b}{\bullet} & \rnode{c}{\bullet}\\[1cm]
    \ncarc[arcangleA=-30, arcangleB=-30]{->}{a}{c}
    \begin{array}{c@{\hskip 1.5cm}c@{\hskip 1.5cm}c}
      \cn{a}{1} & \cn{b}{2} & \cn{c}{3}\\[1cm]
    \ncarc[arcangleA=-30, arcangleB=-30]{->}{a}{c}
    \begin{array}{c@{\hskip 1.5cm}c@{\hskip 1.5cm}c}
      \cn{a}{1} & \cn{b}{2} & \cn{c}{3}\\[1cm]
    \ncarc[arcangleA=-30, arcangleB=-30]{->}{a}{c}


  \rnode{a}{\psframebox{\Huge A connection}}%
  \hskip 1.6cm
  \rnode{b}{\psframebox{\Huge Unto another}}}


      \psdots[dotstyle=square,dotsize=.4 0](0,7.5)
  \centerline{\copy\mybox\hskip 1pt\copy\mybox}


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