Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/steve/root/sys/lib/texmf/doc/generic/xypic/xyguide-html/footnode.html

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<META NAME="description" CONTENT="Footnotes">
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<DL> <DT><A NAME="9">...Rose&#32;&#160;&#32;&lt;;</A><DD>Ny Munkegade, DK-8000&nbsp;Aarhus C, Denmark.
</PRE><DT><A NAME="1704">...document.</A><DD>LaTeX2e&nbsp;[<A HREF="node34.html#L94:LaTeX">3</A>] users can use
</PRE><DT><A NAME="1705">...mode</A><DD>If you use the version&nbsp;2	loading command <code>\input xypic</code> then the <code>v2</code> option will be
	loaded automatically.
</PRE><DT><A NAME="1465">...files</A><DD>The temporary files are named the same as your	document but <code>.tex</code> is replaced by <code>-</code><I>n</I><code>.xyc</code> where <I>n</I> is a
	sequence number.
</PRE><DT><A NAME="1721">...bit</A><DD>"A bit" is in fact a TeX <code>\jot</code> which is usually	3pt.
</PRE><DT><A NAME="1520">...154155...156</A><DD>The	plain TeX command <code>\hbox</code> corresponds to <code>\mbox</code> in LaTeX
	and <code>\text</code> in the AMS variants.
</PRE><DT><A NAME="1606">...259</A><DD>Except when Xy-pic is loaded as a	LaTeX2e package where the default size is used.
</PRE><DT><A NAME="1414">...Moore,</A><DD>Mathematics	Department, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia 2109;
</PRE><DT><A NAME="1415">...expertise.</A><DD>Partial	funding for this collaboration has been provided by a Macquarie
	University Research Grant (MURG), by the Australian Research Council
	(ARC), and through a research agreement with the Digital Equipment
	Corporation (DEC).
</PRE> </DL>
<a href="COPYING/index.html">�/a> <a href=";krisrose/">Kristoffer H. Rose</a>
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January  6, 1997
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