Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/steve/root/sys/lib/texmf/doc/help/faq/uktug-faq/letterfaq.tex

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% This is the UKTUG version of the TeX FAQ
% read the first two definitions of faqbody.tex for the file version
% and date
\afterassignment\endinput\input faqbody
\typeout{The TeX FAQ, v\fileversion, date \filedate\space(UK TeX Users Group)}
% let's not be too fussy while we're developing...
\title{The New \TeX{} FAQ\\
       Your \protect\ref{lastquestion} Questions Answered\\
       version \fileversion, date \filedate}
\author{The UK \TeX{} Users Group Committee\\
after the original maintained by \\
Bobby Bodenheimer} 


  This document is a version of the FAQ article that was published as
  the December 1994 edition of the UKTUG magazine \BV{} (which wasn't
  formatted like this).  The intention is that its content should be
  available to be fed back into the normal \Newsgroup|comp.text.tex|
  FAQ posting some time soon, but that work isn't yet complete.  The
  article is also to be available as a \textsc{www} page.


% load the CTAN references



\typeout{*** That makes \thesubsection\space questions ***}

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