Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/steve/root/sys/lib/texmf/fonts/source/ams/symbols/

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%% @metafontfile{
%%     filename="",
%%     version="2.2",
%%     date="04-JAN-1995",
%%     filetype="Metafont: base",
%%     copyright="Copyright (C) American Mathematical Society,
%%            all rights reserved.  Copying of this file is
%%            authorized only if either:
%%            (1) you make absolutely no changes to your copy
%%                including name; OR
%%            (2) if you do make changes, you first rename it to some
%%                other name.",
%%     author="American Mathematical Society",
%%     address="American Mathematical Society,
%%            Technical Support, Electronic Products and Services,
%%            P. O. Box 6248,
%%            Providence, RI 02940,
%%            USA",
%%     telephone="401-455-4080 or (in the USA) 800-321-4AMS",
%%     email="Internet:",
%%     codetable="ISO/ASCII",
%%     checksum = "63222 232 806 8822"
%%     keywords="amsfonts, tex, metafont , AMSSymbols ",
%%     abstract="This is the base file for use with 
%%            the Blackboard Bold characters in AMSFonts 2.2."
%%     docstring       = "The checksum field above contains a CRC-16
%%                        checksum as the first value, followed by the
%%                        equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word
%%                        count) utility output of lines, words, and
%%                        characters.  This is produced by Robert
%%                        Solovay's checksum utility.",
%%     }

% Changes made for version 2.1:
% Fixed Problems with smode in draw_outlines and showpoints
%   Stefan Lindner, 21-March-1991
% Fixed Problems with serifs at small point sizes
%   Stefan Lindner and Lutz Birkhahn, 14-April-91

vardef curve@#(expr a,one,b,two)=
  save x,y;
  z0=if(str@#="br")or(str@#="tl"):(xpart b,ypart a)
     else:(xpart a,ypart b) fi;
  z1=one[a,z0]; z2=two[b,z0];
  a ..controls z1 and z2.. b

vardef reversecurve@#(expr a,one,b,two)=reverse curve@#(a,one,b,two) enddef;

vardef beak(expr injoin,intip,outtip,indent,outjoin,tense)=
  save x,y,t,toward,onright,ref; pair toward; boolean onright; path ref;
  onright=(xpart intip>xpart injoin);    
  toward=if onright: right else: left fi;
  z1=intip if onright:-else:+ fi (inbeak,0);
  z2=outtip if onright:-else:+ fi (outbeak,0);
  ref=outjoin{toward}...(z1 if onright:+else:- fi (2*abs(outjoin-injoin),0));
  y4=.5[ypart outjoin,ypart indent];
  z3=ref intersectionpoint ((0,y4)--(w,y4));
  (t3,t4)=ref intersectiontimes ((0,y4)--(w,y4)); 
  injoin{toward}..tension tense..z1--intip--outtip--z2...indent{-toward}...
    {-(direction t3 of ref)}z3--subpath(t3,0) of ref

boolean its_a_leftserif;                

vardef full_serif_points@#
(expr A,B,Bl,Br,leftlength,rightlength,midbracket_pull)=
%%%% min_limit(join_radius)(.5serif_thickness);   % -sl 14.04.91

  y2=y2l=y2r=ypart A;                   
  y1=y1l=y1r=y3=y4=ypart A if ypart A>ypart B:-else:+fi serif_thickness;

  if its_a_leftserif:x3=x2l=x1l-round(leftlength+serif_constant_amt); 
   else:x4=x2r=x1r+round(rightlength+serif_constant_amt); fi

vardef leftserif@#(expr A,B,Bl,Br,alength,midbracket_pull)=
  save x,y,p; path p[]; 
  min_limit(join_radius)(.5serif_thickness);   % -sl 14.04.91
  if midbracket_pull<>0: 
    z3'l=z1l; pos3'(alength+5pt,.5[angle(B-A),if ypart A>ypart B:-fi 180]);
    z8'=p0 intersectionpoint (z3'l--z3'r);         
  if ypart A>ypart B:reverse fi   
  ((if midbracket_pull=0:p0 else:Bl{z1l-Bl}...z8...{z3-z1l}z3 fi 
   if softpath:)softjoin(z3--z2l)softjoin(else:--fi z2l..z5{right}))
vardef rightserif@#(expr A,B,Bl,Br,alength,midbracket_pull)=
  save x,y,p; path p[]; 
  min_limit(join_radius)(.5serif_thickness);   % -sl 14.04.91
  if midbracket_pull<>0:
    z4'l=z1r; pos4'(alength+5pt,.5[angle(B-A),0]);
    z9'=p4 intersectionpoint (z4'l--z4'r);         
  if ypart A>ypart B:reverse fi
   ((z5{right}..z2r if softpath:)softjoin(z2r--z4)softjoin(else:--fi
    if midbracket_pull=0:p4 else:z4{z1r-z4}...z9...{Br-z1r}Br fi))
vardef fullserif@#(expr A,B,Bl,Br,leftlength,rightlength,midbracket_pull)= 
  save x,y,p; path p[];
  if ypart A>ypart B:(p1--p2)else:(p2--p1)fi

vardef straightarm@#(expr join,tip,heel,thickness,pull)=
  save x,y,toward,p; pair toward; path p;
  toward=if (str@#="br")or(str@#="tr"):right else:left fi; 
  z1=tip if (str@#="br")or(str@#="tr"):- else:+ fi (thickness,0);
  z2=point .5 of (join{toward}...{tip-heel}z1);
  z1-z3=whatever*(tip-heel); y3=ypart join;
  z4=pull[z3,point .5 of p];
  if (str@#="br")or(str@#="tl"):reverse fi

vardef constant_angle(expr top_pt,bot_pt,stem)suffix $=
  save theta;
  theta=if str$="lr":-else:+fi (angle(length(top_pt-bot_pt) +-+ stem,stem));

vardef pos@#(expr b,d) =
 (x@#r-x@#l,y@#r-y@#l)=(b,0)rotated d;x@#=.5(x@#l+x@#r);y@#=.5(y@#l+y@#r)enddef;

vardef mpos(text t)(expr b,d)=forsuffixes $=t:pos$(b,d); endfor enddef;

def draw_outlines=  pickup pencircle scaled linethickness;
  for n=1 upto 3:if known p[n]:draw p[n];fi 
                 if known p[n]':draw p[n]';fi
                 if known p[n]'':draw p[n]'';fi endfor
  if numeric mode:      % -sl    21.03.1991
  if mode=proof: drawgrid; fi
  fi                    % -sl    21.03.1991

def drawgrid=
 pickup pencircle scaled 1;
 for y:=h,xheight,0,-descender: draw (0,y)--(w,y); endfor
 for y:=unit step unit until (cap+.5unit): draw (0,y)--(w,y); endfor
 for y:=unit step -unit until (-d-.5unit): draw (0,y)--(w,y); endfor
 for x:=0 step unit until (w+.5unit): draw (x,-d)--(x,h); endfor

vardef onaline(suffix a,b)(text t)=forsuffixes $=t:z$=whatever[z.a,z.b]; endfor

def showpoints(text t)= 
 if numeric mode:      % -sl    21.03.1991
 if mode=proof:pickup pencircle scaled 3;
 forsuffixes $:=t:forsuffixes s:=l,,r:if known z$.s:draw z$s;fi endfor endfor
 pickup pencircle scaled 1; penlabels(t); fi
 fi                    % -sl    21.03.1991

vardef inlimit(text amt)(expr lowerlimit,upperlimit)=save this;
 this:=max(amt,lowerlimit); this:=min(this,upperlimit);this

let semi_ = ;; let colon_ = :; let endchar_ = endchar;
def iff expr b = if b:let next_=use_it else:let next_=lose_it fi; next_ enddef;
def use_it = let : = restore_colon; enddef;
def restore_colon = let : = colon_; enddef;
def lose_it = let endchar=fi; let ;=restore_endchar semi_ if false enddef;
def restore_endchar=let ;=semi_; let endchar=endchar_; enddef;
def always_iff expr b = use_it enddef;
boolean wanted[];

 % for x:="I":
 %   wanted[byte x]:=true; endfor
          % this allows specifying only those characters which are to be shown
          % the chars can be specified inside of quotes("c") or as a number(23)
def OK expr x=known wanted[byte x] enddef;
 %  let iff=always_iff;               % allows testing of all chars in the file

def min_limit(text this)(expr limit)=if this>limit:save this;this=limit;fi

% def define_adj_whole_pixels(text t)=
% forsuffixes $:=t: $:=hround(max(eps,$.#-linethickness#)*hppp); endfor enddef;

def define_min_adj_whole_pixels(text t)=
 forsuffixes $:=t: $:=max(lowres_min,hround(max(eps,$.#-linethickness#)*hppp));
 endfor enddef;

def bool(text t)=boolean t; t enddef;

def vpix(text t)(text tt)= t:=tt; t:=vround(tt.#*hppp); enddef;   % whole v pix
def wpix(text tt)(text t)= 
 forsuffixes $:=t: $:=hround(tt.#*hppp); endfor enddef;    % whole pixels
def adjpix(text tt)(text t)=                                % adjusted pixels
 forsuffixes $:=t: $:=hround(max(eps,tt.#*hppp-linethickness)); endfor enddef;

def minadjpix(text ttt)(text tt)(text t)=      % adjusted pixels with a minimum
 forsuffixes $:=t: $:=max(ttt,hround(tt.#*hppp-linethickness));
 endfor enddef;

def highres_lowres(text t)(expr a,b)=t:=if lowres:b else:a fi enddef;

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