Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/steve/root/sys/lib/texmf/fonts/source/jknappen/sauter/

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Distributed under the MIT License.
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% Computer Modern Math Extension
if unknown cmbase: input cmbase fi

font_identifier:="CMEX"; font_size design_size * pt#;

% This font has the same parameters as Computer Modern Roman,
% plus a few, and a different set of characters.

input c-cmr;

if design_size <= 7pt#:
  letter_fit# := ((8pt# - design_size) * 4pt#) / 36pt#;

% the following font parameters are explained in {\sl The \TeX book}, Appendix G
fontdimen 8:  % parameters $\xi_8$ through $\xi_{13}$ will now be listed
  rule_thickness#,                                     % default\_rule\_thickness

% fontdimen 9
  ((design_size - 7pt#) * 4pt# + 28pt#) / 36pt#,	% big\_op\_spacing1

% fontdimen 10
  ((design_size - 7pt#) * 6pt# + 42pt#) / 36pt#,	% big\_op\_spacing2

% fontdimen 11
  ((design_size - 7pt#) * 7.2pt# + 50.4pt#) / 36pt#,	% big\_op\_spacing3

% fontdimen 12
% cmex7=154, cmex8=175, cmex9=196, cmex=216. Argh.
  ((design_size - 7pt#) * 21pt# + 154pt#
   - (if design_size >= 10pt#: 1pt# else: 0pt# fi))
  / 36pt#,						% big\_op\_spacing4

% fontdimen 13
  36 / 36pt#;						% big\_op\_spacing5

generate mathex      % switch to the driver file

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