Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/steve/root/sys/lib/texmf/source/latex/base/latexbug.tex

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% \iffalse meta-comment
% Copyright 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997
% The LaTeX3 Project and any individual authors listed elsewhere
% in this file. 
% For further copyright information, and conditions for modification
% and distribution, see the file legal.txt, and any other copyright
% notices in this file.
% This file is part of the LaTeX2e system.
% ----------------------------------------
%   This system is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
%   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%   For error reports concerning UNCHANGED versions of this file no
%   more than one year old, see bugs.txt.
%   Please do not request updates from us directly.  Primary
%   distribution is through the CTAN archives.
% You are NOT ALLOWED to distribute this file alone.
% You are allowed to distribute this file under the condition that it
% is distributed together with all the files listed in manifest.txt.
% If you receive only some of these files from someone, complain!
% Permission is granted to copy this file to another file with a
% clearly different name and to customize the declarations in that
% copy to serve the needs of your installation, provided that you
% comply with the conditions in the file legal.txt.
% However, NO PERMISSION is granted to produce or to distribute a
% modified version of this file under its original name.
% You are NOT ALLOWED to change this file.
% \fi
%%% ====================================================================
%%%  @LaTeX-file{
%%%     author          = "David Carlisle",
%%%     version         = "1.26",
%%%     date            = "17 December 1997",
%%%     filename        = "latexbug.tex",
%%%     email           = "",
%%%     codetable       = "ISO/ASCII",
%%%     keywords        = "LaTeX, bugs, reporting",
%%%     supported       = "yes",
%%%     docstring       = "
%%%     LaTeX bug report generator.
%%%     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%     Processing this file with LaTeX should produce
%%%     a file latexbug.msg in the current directory.
%%%     latexbug.msg may be used as a template for submitting bug
%%%     reports concerning files in the standard LaTeX distribution.
%%%     * Any bug report should include a small LaTeX test file
%%%       that shows the bug, and the log that LaTeX produces on the
%%%       test file.
%%%     * Reports should be in English.
%%%     * Reports should be as short as possible.
%%%     Please check before submitting a bug report that your format
%%%     is not more than one year old. New LaTeX releases occur at
%%%     six monthly intervals, and so your bug may be fixed in a later
%%%     release.
%%%     Completed bug report forms should be submitted to:
%%%     Please:
%%%     use the synopsis text as the `Subject' line of the message.
%%%     ===========================================================
%%%     For example:
%%%     Subject: \verb does not work inside \caption
%%%     So that your message has an identifying subject. 
%%%     Do not use subject lines such as `LaTeX bug' as this does not
%%%     help us to identify your message.
%%%     Configuring latexbug
%%%     ====================
%%%     If you often test early release of LaTeX packages, and feel that
%%%     you may need to use this program often, you may create a file
%%%     latexbug.cfg
%%%     This should contain the answers of certain standard questions.
%%%     (Such as your name and email address.)
%%%     Currently the responses that may be stored in latexbug.cfg are:
%%%     name address organisation and interactive.
%%%     (If organisation is not set in the .cfg file latexbug does not
%%%     prompt for it, as this is not vital information.)
%%%     For example, a personal latexbug.cfg could look like
%%%     \def\name{My Real Name}
%%%     \def\address{}
%%%     \def\organisation{My Institution}
%%%     \def\interactive{y}
%%%     A site latexbug.cfg might just set the \organisation, leaving
%%%     the personal details to be filled in interactively by the user.
%%%  }
%%% ====================================================================

% Test if we are using INITEX (or a strange format that does not
% have { as a `group open' character).

\catcode`\{=1 \let\bgroup{
\catcode`\}=2 \let\egroup}

\def\m@ne{-1 }

\def\space{ }

% hide outer macro names as we are inside an if
\expandafter\let\csname repeat\expandafter\endcsname
                \csname fi\endcsname


\expandafter\edef\csname newif\endcsname#1#2{%
    \expandafter\noexpand\csname iffalse\endcsname}

\expandafter\def\csname newcount\endcsname#1{}

\def\dospecials{\catcode`\\=12 }


\def\two@digits#1{\ifnum#1<10 0\fi\number#1}



%% @ is a letter

%% Grab the initex file list
%% If this file is called via 
%%     latex "\input{latexbug}" or some
%% similar command sequence rather than 
%%     latex latexbug
%% then the debugging info in \reserved@a will already have been lost.
%% This might not matter, but if it does we may ask the user to resubmit
%% the report.

%% Output stream to produce the bug report template.

%% Check that LaTeX2e is being used.
    You must use LaTeX2e to generate the bug report!^^J^^J%
    If there is a bug in the installation procedure,^^J%
    and you can not create LaTeX2e, you may use initex^^J%
    to generate the report}%

  Older Versions of LaTeX are no longer supported.^^J%
  You must use LaTeX2e to generate the bug report!^^J^^J%
  If there is a bug in the installation procedure,^^J%
  and you can not create LaTeX2e, you may use initex^^J%
  to generate the report}%

%% \wmsg writes to the terminal, and the .msg file
%% \wmsg* just writes to the .msg file
%% \typeout just writes to the terminal





%% if \interactivefalse just make a blank template.

%% Prompt for an answer from the user, if the answer is not
%% provided by the cfg file.

    {{\message{#1> }%
     \catcode`\^^I=12 \let\do\@makeother\dospecials
     \global\read\m@ne t\expandafter o\csname#1\endcsname}}%

%% Pause so messages do not scroll off screen.
    \message{Press <return> key to continue. }%
    \read\m@ne to \@tempa

%% Opening Banner.
LaTeX bug report generator^^J%
Processing this file with LaTeX will produce a template \jobname.msg^^J
for submitting bug reports for the LaTeX distribution.^^J^^J
* Please do not report bugs in contributed, non-standard, files to the
  ^^J \space latex-bugs address.^^J
* Please write your report in English.^^J
* Please keep the report as short as possible.^^J%
* If possible, check whether the bug has already been reported.^^J %
  \space The bugs database is available on WWW:^^J \space^^J}

  \InputIfFileExists{latexbug.cfg}{\typeout{** latexbug.cfg used **}}{}

%% \batch is a `private' macro used to get a batchmode
%% (actually \nonstopmode) run for use with latexbug.el


Several categories of files are supported,^^J%
corresponding to directories in the standard LaTeX distribution:^^J^^J
0) LaTeX:\@spaces
         The `base' format, and standard  classes such as `article'.^^J
1) tools:\@spaces
         Packages supported by the LaTeX3 project team.^^J
2) graphics:\space 
         The color and graphics packages.^^J
3) mfnfss: \space\space
         Packages for using MetaFont fonts with NFSS (ie LaTeX2e).^^J
4) psnfss: \space\space
         Packages for using PostScript fonts with NFSS (ie LaTeX2e).^^J
5) amslatex:\space
         Classes and Packages supported by the AMS.^^J
6) babel:\@spaces
         Packages supporting many different languages.^^J%
7) expl3:\@spaces
         Experimental packages for TeX programmers.^^J%
\message{Please select a category 0--7:  }
\read\m@ne to \answer
\typeout{As you are using INITEX, I will assume category `latex'}

\errhelp{Retry with <return>, or quit with x.}
\def\badcategory{Only categories 0,...,7 are supported at this time}

Please give a one line ( < 50 character ) description of the problem.%
If you are using email to report the problem,^^J%
please also use this text as the `Subject' line for the mail message:%
^^J \@spaces\@spaces\space


This report generator may be used in one of two ways.^^J%
If you choose the interactive option, you will be prompted to answer^^J%
several questions. Otherwise a blank template will be created for^^J%
you to fill in using your editor.^^J%
INITEX should only be used for reporting bugs with the LaTeX2e^^J%
installation procedure. If you have a working copy of LaTeX2e,^^J%
please use that to generate the report.

\typeout{Interactive session (y/n) ? }


%% Allow anything begining with `y' or `Y' for yes.
\ifnum \interactive=`Y \else\interactivefalse\fi

\def\category{< CATEGORY >}
\def\synopsis{< SYNOPSIS >}

%% Header in the msg file.
 LaTeX2e bug report.^^J%
\ifnum \interactive=`Y Generated \else Template generated \fi
 by latexbug.tex on \number\year/\two@digits\month/\two@digits\day^^J%
 Reports may be submitted by email to^^J%
 Please use the subject line:^^J%
 Subject: \synopsis^^J%

%% Category of bug, obtained earlier but put out now, after the header.
\wmsg{>Category: \category}

%% synopsis of bug, obtained earlier but put out now, after the header.
\wmsg{>Synopsis: \synopsis}

%% >Confidential: Default to no unless this is overridden
%% in latexbug.cfg. If you want to send a one-off confidential
%% report, just edit the latexbug.msg file to say yes.
\wmsg{>Confidential: \ifx\confidential\undefined

%% Try to catch various formats that babel has used to add to the banner
%% over the years. Currently it uses \typeout, so put the first \typeout
%% in \format and the second in \hyphenation. Earlier releases used 
%% \immedite\write

\wmsg{>Release: \format}

%% if interactive, \wread reads a line (verbatim) and writes it to the
%% .msg file, until two consecutive blank lines are entered.

    \message{=> }\read\m@ne to \answer
%% If non-interactive, \wread just writes a blank line to the .msg file,
%% and \wmsg does not write to the terminal.

%% \copytomsg copies the contents of a file into the .msg file.
%% (at least it does it as well as TeX can, so there may be
%% transcription problems with 8-bit characters).
%% It does a line count, and complains if the test file is
%% too large.




      \typeout{*** \thefile\space line count = \the\linecount}
      \read\inputfile to \inputline

%% Test the age of the current format.
  \multiply\count@ by 12\relax
%% \count@ should now be the age of the format in months.
%% Take a generous definition of `year'.
   ! Your LaTeX installation is more than one year old.^^J%
   ! Please consider updating LaTeX before submitting this report.^^J%
   ! At least check a current LaTeX changes.txt file, to see if the^^J%
   ! bug has been fixed in the current release.^^J%
%% Put the message in a macro to improve the look of the error mesage.

\errhelp{If you still wish to complete the form, just type return.}

%% Test fonts not customised too much. (unless using initex)
\wmsg{Normal font: \fontdefaults}
! This format has customised font defaults.^^J%
! Please try to re-create the error using a standard format^^J%
! before submitting this report}
\errhelp{If you still wish to complete the form, just type return.}

%% Now use \wmsg and \wread for each of the multi-line fields 
%% in the form.
%% One line fields use \readifnotknown, which will only prompt
%% if the field has not already been set in the configuration file.
  \typeout{^^JYour name:}
    \def\name{ < ENTER YOUR NAME > }

  \typeout{^^JYour Address (preferably email):}
    \def\address{ < ENTER YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS > }

\wmsg*{>Originator: \address \space(\name)}

%% >Organisation: is really a GNATS multiline field
%% but we treat it as a one-line field.
\wmsg*{>Organization: \ifx\organisation\undefined

%% Test which format is being used. These fields are completed
%% automatically even if the blank template is being produced.

\wmsg*{ Hyphenation: \hyphenation}
\wmsg*{ \string\@TeXversion: \meaning\@TeXversion
         \space (Standard setting for TeX3.141 and later)\fi}
\wmsg*{ \string\@currdir: \meaning\@currdir}
\wmsg*{ \string\input@path: \meaning\input@path
         \space (Standard setting)\fi}

\wmsg*{ *** Initex configuration files}
%% These are in a comma separated list, so locally reset
%% \newlinechar
\wmsg*{ ***}

\wmsg{Description of bug:}
    \@spaces The answer to this  question may take several lines.^^J%
    \@spaces (Each such line will be prompted by =>.)^^J%
    \@spaces Typing TWO consecutive blank lines terminates the answer.}

%% insertion of the test file

 Name of a SHORT, SELF-CONTAINED file which indicates the problem:^^J%
 This file should be as small as possible (preferably < 60 lines)^^J%
 Any non-standard files that the test file uses should be included^^J%
 using the filecontents environment.^^J^^J%
 LaTeX will try to input this file, so give the full path^^J%
 if the file is not in the current directory.^^J^^J%
 If you are not reporting a bug, and there is therefore^^J%
 no test file, just hit <return>}
   \message{filename> }\read\m@ne to \filename

%% Try to find the .tex file and .log file

      \typeout{^^J^^JNo test file.^^J^^J%
      Three classes of report are supported:^^J^^J%
      0) sw-bug:^^J\@spaces
         Bug in the software, the report should include a test file.^^J
      1) doc-bug:^^J\@spaces
         Inaccuracies in the documentation.^^J
      2) change-request:^^J\@spaces 
         Not a bug, but rather a request for LaTeX to be changed.^^J}
      \message{Please select a category 0--2:  }
      \read\m@ne to \answer
      \ifinteractive\wmsg{>Class: sw-bug}\fi
      \typeout{^^J! Please edit the message to add a test file and log!}
      Sample file which indicates the problem:^^J%
      \space< TEST FILE HERE >^^J%
      The log file from running LaTeX on the sample:^^J%
      \space< LOG FROM TEST FILE HERE >}
      \wmsg{>Class: doc-bug}
      \wmsg{>Class: change-request}
      \errhelp{Quit with `x' and then re-start latexbug}
      \def\badcategory{Only classes 0,1,2 are supported at this time}




%% The example file goes here:

Sample file which indicates the problem:^^J%

      Sample file \filename\space not found.^^J%
      Please edit \jobname.msg to include the sample file.}
   \wmsg*{ < TEST FILE HERE >}
!!! Your test file is \the\linecount\space lines long.^^J%
!!! Such a large test file causes us problems:^^J%
!!! * It makes it difficult to track down the error^^J%
!!! * It makes our database for storing reports unnecessarily large.^^J%
!!! ^^J%
!!! Please, if at all possible, cut down your test file to the^^J%
!!! smallest file that shows the behaviour.^^J}

%% The log file goes here:
The log file from running LaTeX on the sample:^^J%

      Log file \filename@area\filename@base.log not found.^^J%
      Please edit \jobname.msg to include the log file.}
   \wmsg*{ < < LOG FROM TEST FILE HERE >}


%% Closing Banner.

   You may wish to make further changes to the bug report file:^^J%
   using your editor.}
   A template for submitting bug reports has been left in the file:^^J%
   Please use your editor to complete the file before submitting^^J%
   your report.}

  If you have access to email, please send `\jobname.msg' to:^^J%  Please use the subject line:^^J%
  \@spaces Subject: \synopsis^^J%
 (This subject will be used in all subsequent correspondence.)^^J%
  Your message will be entered into a publicly readable database^^J%
  Accessable via the www (see bugs.txt for details).^^J%
  If do not wish this message made public, Edit the^^J%
  >Confidential: no^^J%
  field to  yes  before submitting this message.^^J%
  Thank you for taking the time to submit a bug report.}

   End of LaTeX2e bug report.^^J%

%% Close the .msg output stream.

%% This is the TeX primitive \end command.

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