Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/steve/root/sys/lib/texmf/source/latex/graphics/vtex.def

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\ProvidesFile{vtex.def}[1998/05/20 v6.01 graphics/color for vtex]

  {\usepackage{bitmap}} %% Why do the work twice?

%% LaTeX Colour and Graphics support for VTeX
%% [Entirely based on other drivers by] David Carlisle
%% NOTE::: This package MUST NOT be used with VTeX drivers prior to
%% version 6.01. It has no chance of working and the results are
%% not predictable.
%% It may be used by specifying the vtex option to any of the
%% supported packages, for example:
%% \usepackage[vtex]{graphicx}
%% If you downloaded the file from CTAN, make sure that the file version
%% matches the VTeX version and obtain an updated version of this file
%% from MicroPress, if needed.
%       04/20/98
%       "LaTeX run out of counters" error fixed. All "\newcount"
%       stuff is put outside the "Ginclude@eps" command body.
%       Why does L2E use global allocation of counters???



% Colour Support. The following models may be used.
%   * cmyk   supported directly.
%   * rgb    supported directly.
%   * RGB    converted to rgb by this file.
%   * gray   converted to rgb by this file.
%   * named  converted to cmyk by this file.
    \PackageError{color}{Argument `#1' not in range [0,1]}\@ehd

    {\PackageError{color}{Undefined color `#1'}\@ehd}%
  {\edef#4{\csname col@#1\endcsname}}%


   \expandafter\edef\csname col@#1\endcsname{#2}}

%%% PSTricks support added 05/15/98 : MK
\def\c@lor@to@ps#1#2 #3 #4\@@{%
  <<<<#1#2 255 div #3 255 div #4 255 div setrgbcolor>>>>}
\def\c@lor@to@ps#1 #2\@@{\csname c@lor@ps@#1\endcsname#2 \@@}
%% MK convert stuff like 'c"XXXXXX to PostScript Command
        (#3) (#2) 0 get 58 ne {dorgb} {docmyk} ifelse}

% Need the `colorfix' modifications as no internal colour stack
% is maintained

% Graphic inclusion. Currently supports BMP GIF JPG TGA PCX PNG TIF EPS

% Same code is used for all bitmapped files.



    \@T=\Gin@llx pt\@llx=\@T
    \@T=\Gin@lly pt\@lly=\@T
    \@T=\Gin@urx pt\@urx=\@T
    \@T=\Gin@ury pt\@ury=\@T
    \@T=\Gin@req@width   \@w=\@T
    \@T=\Gin@req@height  \@h=\@T
    \special{ps?}%  Stupid to do it every time, but c'est la vie.
    \special{Psbb: 1\the\@clip\space \the\@llx\space
       \the\@lly\space \the\@urx\space \the\@ury\space
       \the\@w\space \the\@h\space }\special{ps=#1}%


\convertPDFtoPDF{#1}{\Gin@scalex}{\Gin@scaley} {0bp} {0bp}{\Gin@req@width}{\Gin@req@height}%


% Rotation





% undo the trig.sty `optimisation' so that these 0 1 and -1 values
% get written out as digits, not unexpandable TeX primitives.
\expandafter\def\csname sin(0)\endcsname{0}%
\expandafter\def\csname cos(0)\endcsname{1}%
\expandafter\def\csname sin(90)\endcsname{1}%
\expandafter\def\csname cos(90)\endcsname{0}%
\expandafter\def\csname sin(-90)\endcsname{-1}%
\expandafter\def\csname cos(-90)\endcsname{0}%
\expandafter\def\csname sin(180)\endcsname{0}%
\expandafter\def\csname cos(180)\endcsname{-1}}

% Are we running under VTeX?
   {\newcount\OpMode\OpMode=0}\fi      %Pre-6.0 VTeX.
% At the moment we do not need OpMode, but we might (again).


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