Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/steve/root/sys/lib/texmf/source/latex/tools/varioref.dtx

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% \iffalse
%% Package varioref to use with LaTeX2e
%% Copyright (C) 1992-1998  Frank Mittelbach, all rights reserved.
%<package>    [1998/05/10 v1.1g package for extended references (FMi)]
% \fi
% \CheckSum{950}
%% \CharacterTable
%%  {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
%%   Lower-case    \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
%%   Digits        \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
%%   Exclamation   \!     Double quote  \"     Hash (number) \#
%%   Dollar        \$     Percent       \%     Ampersand     \&
%%   Acute accent  \'     Left paren    \(     Right paren   \)
%%   Asterisk      \*     Plus          \+     Comma         \,
%%   Minus         \-     Point         \.     Solidus       \/
%%   Colon         \:     Semicolon     \;     Less than     \<
%%   Equals        \=     Greater than  \>     Question mark \?
%%   Commercial at \@     Left bracket  \[     Backslash     \\
%%   Right bracket \]     Circumflex    \^     Underscore    \_
%%   Grave accent  \`     Left brace    \{     Vertical bar  \|
%%   Right brace   \}     Tilde         \~}
% \changes{v1.0a}{1993/12/06}{Upgrade to LaTeX2e}
% \changes{v1.0g}{1994/05/27}{Use \cmd\DeclareRobustCommand}
% \title{The \texttt{varioref} package\thanks{This file
%        has version number \fileversion, last
%        revised \filedate.}}
% \author{Frank Mittelbach}
% \date{\filedate}
% \maketitle
% \begin{abstract}
%   This package defines the commands |\vref| and |\vpageref| for
%   \LaTeXe. |\vref| is similar to |\ref| but adds an additional
%   page reference, like `on the facing page' or `on page 27' whenever
%   the corresponding |\label| is not on the same page. The command
%   |\vpageref| is a variation to |\pageref| with a similar
%   functionality.  Generated strings are customizable so that these
%   commands are usable with other languages.
% \end{abstract}
% \section{Introduction}
% In many cases it is helpful when refering to a figure or table to
% put both a |\ref| and a |\pageref| command into the document
% especially when there are one or more pages between the reference
% and the object.  Therefore some people use a command like
% \begin{verbatim}
%  \newcommand{\fullref}[1]{\ref{#1} on page~\pageref{#1}}
% which reduces the number of key strokes, necessary to make such a
% complete reference.  But since one never knows where the referenced
% object finally falls, using such a device may result in a page
% reference to the current page which is disturbing and therefore
% should be avoided.
% \section{The user interface}
%\DescribeMacro\vref The implementation of |\vref| below produces only
% a |\ref| when reference and |\label| are on the same page. It will
% additionally produce one of the strings `on the facing page', `on
% the preceding page', or `on the following page', if label and
% reference differ by one and it will produce both |\ref| and
% |\pageref| when the difference is larger.  The word `facing' is used
% when label and reference both fall onto a double spread.  However,
% if a special page numbering scheme is used instead of the usual
% arabic numbering (e.g., |\pagenumbering{roman}|) then there will be
% no distinction between one or many pages off.
%\DescribeMacro\vpageref Sometimes one wants to refer only to page
% number and again such a reference should normally be suppressed if
% we are refering to the current page. For this purpose the package
% defines the |\vpageref| command. It will produce the same strings as
% |\vref| except that it doesn't start with the |\ref| and except that
% it will produce the string that is saved in |\reftextcurrent| if
% label and reference fall onto the same page. By defining
% |\reftextcurrent| to produce ``on this page'' or something similar,
% we can avoid that
% \begin{verbatim}
%   ... see the example \vpageref{ex:foo} which shows ...
% comes out as ``\ldots~see the example which shows~\ldots'', which
% could be misleading.
% You can put a space in front of |\vpageref| it will be ignored if
% the command doesn't produce any text at all.
% But in fact |\vpageref| allows even more control. If has two
% optional arguments. With the first one, one can specify the text
% that should be used if label and reference fall on the same page.
% This is very helpful if both are near to each other, so that they
% may or may not be separated by a page break. In such a case we
% usually know (!) whether the reference is before or after the label
% so that we can say something like
% \begin{verbatim}
%   ... see the example \vpageref[above]{ex:foo} which shows ...
% which will then come out as ``\ldots~see the example above which
% shows~\ldots'' if we are still on the same page, but as ``\ldots~see
% the example on the page before which shows~\ldots'' (or something
% similar depending on the settings of the |\reftext..before|
% commands) when there was a page break in the meantime. One warning
% however, if you use |\vpageref| with the optional argument to refer
% to a figure or table, keep in mind that depending on the float
% placement parameters the float may show up on top of the current
% page and therefore before the reference even if it came after it in
% the source file.
% But maybe you prefer to say ``\ldots~see the above example'' if
% example and reference fall onto the same page, i.e., reverse the
% word order.  In fact, in some languages the word order automatically
% changes in that case.  To allow for this variation the second
% optional argument can be used. It specifies the text preceding the
% generated reference if object and reference do not fall onto the
% same page. Thus one would write
% \begin{verbatim}
%   ... see the \vpageref[above example][example]{ex:foo}
%       which shows ...
% to achieve the desired effect.
% \section{Customization}
% The package supports all options defined by the babel package to
% translate the fixed strings into other languages than English.
% (Some languages need updating, however.)
% It also supports languages currently not in babel; 
% check the section on options later on.
% You can also modify some or all of the strings by redefining the
% following commands.
%\DescribeMacro\reftextfaceafter Backward references use
% |\reftextbefore| if the label is on the preceding page but invisible
% and |\reftextfacebefore| if it is one the facing page (i.e., if the
% current page number is odd).  Similarily |\reftextafter| is used
% when the label comes on the next page but one has to turn the page
% and |\reftextfaceafter| if it is on the following but facing page.
% In fact, |\reftextface...| is used only if the user or the document
% class specified two-sided printing.
%\DescribeMacro\reftextfaraway Finally we have |\reftextfaraway| which
% is used whenever label and reference differ by more than one or when
% they aren't numeric. This macro is a bit different because it takes
% one argument, the symbolic reference string so that one cane make
% use of |\pageref| in its replacement text.
%\DescribeMacro\vreftextvario To allow a bit random variation in the
% generated strings one can use the command |\reftextvario| inside the
% string macros. It takes two arguments and selects one or the other
% for printing depending on the number of already seens |\vref| or
% |\vpageref| commands.  As an example see the definitions of
% |\reftextbefore| etc.\ \vpageref[below]{reftextbefore}.
% \section{A few warnings}
% Defining commands like the ones described above poses some
% interesting problems. Suppose, for example, that a generated text
% like `on the next page' gets broken across pages. If this happens it
% is very difficult to find an acceptable solution and in fact can
% even result in a document that will always change from one state to
% another (i.e., inserting one string, finding that this is wrong,
% inserting another string on the next run which makes the first
% string correct again, inserting \ldots).  The current implementation
% of \texttt{varioref} therefore issues an error message whenever the
% generated text is broken across page boundaries, e.g.,
% \begin{quote}
%   table 5 on the current \meta{page break} page
% \end{quote}
% would would result in an error, which needs to be resolved by the
% user by replacing the |\vref| command with an ordinary |\ref| just
% before the final run.  This is not
% completely satisfactory but in such case no solution really is.
% \DescribeMacro\vrefwarning
% During document preparation, while one is still changing the text,
% such error messages can be turned into warnings by placing a
% |\vrefwarning| command in the preamble.
% At the end final a warning: every use of |\vref| will internally
% generate two macro names to keep track of the string positions
% within the document. As a result you may run out of name space or
% main memory if you make havy use of this macro on a small \TeX{}
% installation.
%\DescribeMacro\fullref For this reason the primitive command
% |\fullref| is also provided. This command can be used whenever you
% know for sure that label and reference can't fall onto nearby pages.
% \StopEventually{\PrintIndex\PrintChanges}
% \section{The documentation driver file}
% The next bit of code contains the documentation driver file for
% \TeX{}, i.e., the file that will produce the documentation you are
% currently reading. It will be extracted from this file by the 
% \texttt{docstrip} program.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\setlength\hfuzz{1pt}    % ignore slight overfulls
%\DisableCrossrefs   % Say \DisableCrossrefs if index is ready

\RecordChanges       % Gather update information
%\OnlyDescription    % comment out for implementation details
%    \end{macrocode}
% \section{The implementation}
% The main implementation idea is to generate an internal label
% command for every |\vpageref| and compare the page reference of this
% label with the page reference of the user-requested label.  Since
% this means one additional macro name for each use of |\vpageref| or
% |vref| (which is implemented in terms of |\vpageref|) the memory
% requirements of this package may be high in terms of main and macro
% name memory.  Since the information held in the internal labels is
% used only once one could envision a different scheme if suitable
% primitives for this kind of ``one place information'' would be
% provided by \LaTeX.  This type of data structure is planned for
% \LaTeX3 but for the moment we have to live with the memory
% restrictions.
% We start by checking if this file was already loaded. If not we
% identify the current version. This is actually done at the top
% of the file, so we comment it out here
% \changes{v0.1h}{1993/08/15}{Small documentation changes}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%                     LaTeX2e package for extended references (FMi)]
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \begin{macro}{\vref@addto}
% \changes{v1.0b}{1994/01/31}{Avoid using babel `addto}
% \changes{v1.0b}{1994/01/31}{The babel commands are starting
%                             with extras}
%    To support the use of babel we want to add the additional strings
%    to the |\extras|\meta{language} commands. Since |\addto| in the
%    current implementation of babel has a bug that does not allow to
%    use arguments containing hashmarks we do this by hand.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}
% \subsection{Options}
%  \begin{macro}{\vref@excuse}
%    Excuse that we don't know the strings for a certain language.
% \changes{v1.0q}{1995/04/06}{Use `PackageWarning}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \PackageWarningNoLine{varioref}{Sorry, language `#1' 
            not supported%
            by in this version.
            English strings used by default.
            Please Modify \protect\reftext... commands manually.%
            If you can suggest translations for 
            this language,%
            please mail your them
            to the author of this package}}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}
%  \begin{macro}{\reftextfaceafter}
%  \begin{macro}{\reftextfacebefore}
%  \begin{macro}{\reftextafter}
%  \begin{macro}{\reftextbefore}
%  \begin{macro}{\reftextcurrent}
% \label{reftextbefore} The options do set the the macros that
%    generate the textual strings. Note, that they do not start with a
%    space, the space is already added in the main macro below.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \def\reftextfaceafter {on the \reftextvario{facing}{next} page}%
    \def\reftextfacebefore{on the \reftextvario{facing}{preceding}
    \def\reftextafter     {on the \reftextvario{following}{next} page}%
    \def\reftextbefore    {on the \reftextvario{preceding page}{page 
    \def\reftextcurrent   {on \reftextvario{this}{the current} page}%
    \def\reftextfaraway#1{on page~\pageref{#1}}%
    \def\reftextfaceafter {on the \reftextvario{facing}{next} page}%
    \def\reftextfacebefore{on the \reftextvario{facing}{preceding}
    \def\reftextafter     {on the \reftextvario{following}{next} page}%
    \def\reftextbefore    {on the \reftextvario{preceding page}{page 
    \def\reftextcurrent   {on \reftextvario{this}{the current} page}%
    \def\reftextfaraway#1{on page~\pageref{#1}}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Text for brazil defaults was contributed by 
%    Alcino Dall Igna Junior\\
%    (||).
% \changes{v1.0g}{1994/05/18}{Brazil defaults added.}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \def\reftextfaceafter {na \reftextvario{p\'agina oposta}{pr\'oxima 
    \def\reftextfacebefore{na p\'agina \reftextvario{oposta}{anterior}}%
    \def\reftextafter     {na \reftextvario{p\'agina seguinte}{pr\'oxima
    \def\reftextbefore{na p\'agina \reftextvario{anterior}{precedente}}%
    \def\reftextcurrent   {\reftextvario{nesta p\'agina}{na p\'agina 
    \def\reftextfaraway#1{na p\'agina~\pageref{#1}}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Text for Breton defaults was contributed by
%    Christian ROLLAND\\
%    (||).
% \changes{v1.0o}{1994/09/27}{Added defaults for breton}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \def\reftextfaceafter {war ar bajenn \reftextvario{a-dal}{da heul}}%
    \def\reftextfacebefore{war ar bajenn \reftextvario{a-dal}{a-raok}}%
    \def\reftextafter     {war ar bajenn da heul}%
    \def\reftextbefore    {war ar bajenn a-raok}%
    \def\reftextcurrent   {war ar \reftextvario{bajenn-ma\~n}%
                                               {bajenn war-wel}}%
    \def\reftextfaraway#1{war ar bajenn~\pageref{#1}}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Text for catalan defaults was contributed by Robert Fuster
%    (\
% \changes{v1.1c}{1997/06/12}{Added defaults for catalan}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \def\reftextfaceafter {a la p\`agina seg\"uent}%
    \def\reftextfacebefore{a la p\`agina anterior}%
    \let\reftextafter     \reftextfaceafter
    \let\reftextbefore    \reftextfacebefore
    \def\reftextcurrent   {en aquesta p\`agina}%
    \def\reftextfaraway#1{a la p\`agina~\pageref{#1}}%
    \def\reftextfaceafter {on the \reftextvario{facing}{next} page}%
    \def\reftextfacebefore{on the \reftextvario{facing}{preceding}
    \def\reftextafter     {on the \reftextvario{following}{next} page}%
    \def\reftextbefore    {on the \reftextvario{preceding page}{page 
    \def\reftextcurrent   {on \reftextvario{this}{the current} page}%
    \def\reftextfaraway#1{on page~\pageref{#1}}%
    \def\reftextfaceafter {on the \reftextvario{facing}{next} page}%
    \def\reftextfacebefore{on the \reftextvario{facing}{preceding}
    \def\reftextafter     {on the \reftextvario{following}{next} page}%
    \def\reftextbefore    {on the \reftextvario{preceding page}{page 
    \def\reftextcurrent   {on \reftextvario{this}{the current} page}%
    \def\reftextfaraway#1{on page~\pageref{#1}}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Defaults for Danish provided by Torsten Martinsen
%    (\
% \changes{1.0n}{1994/09/25}{Added Danish defaults}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \def\reftextfaceafter {p\aa{} \reftextvario{modst\aa ende}%
                                               {n\ae ste} side}%
    \def\reftextfacebefore{p\aa{} \reftextvario{modst\aa ende}%
                                               {forrige} side}%
    \def\reftextafter     {p\aa{} \reftextvario{den f\o lgende}%
                                               {n\ae ste} side}%
    \def\reftextbefore    {p\aa{} \reftextvario{forrige side}
                                               {foreg\aa ende side}}%
    \def\reftextcurrent   {p\aa{} denne side}%
    \def\reftextfaraway#1{p\aa{} side~\pageref{#1}}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Default string for dutch have been contributed by Frank Poppe.
%    this option currently supports one additional string macro
%    |\refpagename| so that you can easily change to |bladzijde|
%    instead of |pagina| if you prefer this word for ``page''.
%    However, I will not guarantee that this will survive future
%    versions of this package, so use it on your own risk (you can
%    always update the full strings to be on the safe side).
% \changes{1.0l}{1994/07/07}{Added dutch defaults}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \def\reftextfaceafter {op de \reftextvario{rechter \refpagename}%
                                          {\refpagename\ hiernaast}}%
    \def\reftextfacebefore{op de \reftextvario{linker \refpagename}%
                                         {\refpagename\ hiernaast}}%
    \def\reftextafter     {op de \reftextvario{volgende \refpagename}%
                                              {\refpagename\ hierna}}%
    \def\reftextbefore    {op de \reftextvario{vorige \refpagename}%
                                          {\refpagename\ hiervoor}}%
    \def\reftextcurrent   {op deze \refpagename}%
    \def\reftextfaraway#1{op \refpagename~\pageref{#1}}%
    \def\reftextfaceafter {on the \reftextvario{facing}{next} page}%
    \def\reftextfacebefore{on the \reftextvario{facing}{preceding}
    \def\reftextafter     {on the \reftextvario{following}{next} page}%
    \def\reftextbefore    {on the \reftextvario{preceding page}{page 
    \def\reftextcurrent   {on \reftextvario{this}{the current} page}%
    \def\reftextfaraway#1{on page~\pageref{#1}}%
    \def\reftextfaceafter {on the \reftextvario{facing}{next} page}%
    \def\reftextfacebefore{on the \reftextvario{facing}{preceding}
    \def\reftextafter     {on the \reftextvario{following}{next} page}%
    \def\reftextbefore    {on the \reftextvario{preceding page}{page 
    \def\reftextcurrent   {on \reftextvario{this}{the current} page}%
    \def\reftextfaraway#1{on page~\pageref{#1}}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    The finnish strings were suggested by Matti Rintala
%    (\
% \changes{v1.0m}{1994/09/23}{Added finnish strings}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \def\reftextfaceafter {\reftextvario{viereisell\"a}%
                                        {seuraavalla} sivulla}%
                                        {edellisell\"a} sivulla}%
    \def\reftextafter     {seuraavalla sivulla}%
    \def\reftextbefore    {edellisell\"a sivulla}%
    \def\reftextcurrent   {t\"all\"a sivulla}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    French defaults are provided by Daniel Flippo.
% \changes{1.0j}{1994/06/21}{Added french defaults}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \def\reftextfaceafter {page \reftextvario{ci-contre}{suivante}}%
    \def\reftextfacebefore{page \reftextvario{ci-contre}%
    \def\reftextafter     {page suivante}%
    \def\reftextbefore    {page pr\'ec\'edente}%
    \def\reftextcurrent   {de la pr\'esente page}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Galician defaults are provided by Matthias Moebius\\
%    (\texttt{}).
% \changes{1.1f}{1998/04/25}{Added galician defaults}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \def\reftextfaceafter {na seguinte p\'axina}%
    \def\reftextfacebefore{na p\'agina anterior}%
    \let\reftextafter     \reftextfaceafter
    \let\reftextbefore    \reftextfacebefore
    \def\reftextcurrent   {nesta p\'axina}%
    \def\reftextfaraway#1{na p\'axina~\pageref{#1}}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    There are no good variants for German (I think and still think but
%    this is a matter of taste :-).
% \changes{v1.0b}{1994/01/31}{Replace in incorrect `def by `let}
%    The following definitions were recently suggested to me but since
%    the original are in for a long time i don't want to change them
%    now since that could make a lot of documents change their formatting.
%    If you fancy them, add a redefinition of the corresponding macro(s)
%    to the preamble of your document.
%    \def\reftextfaceafter {auf der \reftextvario
%          {gegen\"uberliegenden}{anderen} Seite}%
%    \def\reftextfacebefore {auf der \reftextvario
%          {gegen\"uberliegenden}{anderen} Seite}%
%    \def\reftextafter     {auf der \reftextvario
%          {n\"achsten}{folgenden} Seite}% 
%    \def\reftextbefore    {auf der \reftextvario
%          {vorigen}{vorhergehenden} Seite}%
%    \def\reftextcurrent   {\reftextvario
%          {auf dieser}{diese} Seite}%  
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \def\reftextfaceafter {auf der n\"achsten Seite}%
    \def\reftextfacebefore{auf der vorherigen Seite}%
    \let\reftextafter     \reftextfaceafter
    \let\reftextbefore    \reftextfacebefore
    \def\reftextcurrent   {auf dieser Seite}%
    \def\reftextfaraway#1{auf Seite~\pageref{#1}}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Defaults for Italian suggested by Giovanni Pensa
%    (\ with i{\TeX}nici.
% \changes{v1.1b}{1995/10/19}{Added defaults for Italian}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \def\reftextfaceafter {\reftextvario{a fronte}%
                           {nella pagina successiva}}%
    \def\reftextfacebefore{\reftextvario{a fronte}%
                           {nella pagina precedente}}%
    \def\reftextafter     {nella pagina \reftextvario{seguente}%
    \def\reftextbefore    {nella pagina precedente}%
    \def\reftextcurrent   {in questa pagina}%
    \def\reftextfaraway#1{a pagina~\pageref{#1}}%
    \def\reftextfaceafter {on the \reftextvario{facing}{next} page}%
    \def\reftextfacebefore{on the \reftextvario{facing}{preceding}
    \def\reftextafter     {on the \reftextvario{following}{next} page}%
    \def\reftextbefore    {on the \reftextvario{preceding page}{page 
    \def\reftextcurrent   {on \reftextvario{this}{the current} page}%
    \def\reftextfaraway#1{on page~\pageref{#1}}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    The Norwegian and `nynorsk translations have been provided by
%    Dag F Langmyhr \verb=<>=.
% \changes{v1.0q}{1995/04/06}{Added defaults for norsk}
% \changes{v1.0q}{1995/04/06}{Added defaults for nynorsk}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \def\reftextfaceafter {p\aa{} \reftextvario{motst\aa{}ende}{neste}
    \def\reftextfacebefore{p\aa{} \reftextvario{motst\aa{}ende}{forrige}
    \def\reftextafter     {p\aa{} \reftextvario{siden etter}%
                                               {neste side}}%
    \def\reftextbefore    {p\aa{} \reftextvario{siden foran}%
                                               {forrige side}}%
    \def\reftextcurrent   {p\aa{} denne siden}%
    \def\reftextfaraway#1{p\aa{} side~\pageref{#1}}%
    \def\reftextfaceafter {p\aa{} den \reftextvario{motst\aa{}ande}%
                                  {neste} sida}%
    \def\reftextfacebefore{p\aa{} den \reftextvario{motst\aa{}ande}%
                                  {f\o{}rre} sida}%
    \def\reftextafter     {p\aa{} \reftextvario{sida etter}%
                                               {den neste sida}}%
    \def\reftextbefore    {p\aa{} \reftextvario{sida f\o{}r}%
                                            {den f\o{}rre sida}}%
    \def\reftextcurrent   {p\aa{} denne sida}%
    \def\reftextfaraway#1{p\aa{} side~\pageref{#1}}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    The polish translations have been provided by
%    Tomasz Michniewski \\
%    \verb=<>=.
%    The use of the command \verb=\eob= and \verb=aob= etc.\ 
%    requires appropriate definitions as provided, for example, by
%    the babel system. This should probably be handled differently
%    but it would require modifications in babel's language support.
% \changes{v1.1d}{1997/12/06}{Added defaults for polish}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \def\reftextfaceafter {na \reftextvario{s\aob{}siedniej}%
                                   {nast\eob{}pnej} stronie}%
    \def\reftextfacebefore{na \reftextvario{s\aob{}siedniej}%
                                   {poprzedniej} stronie}%
    \def\reftextafter     {na nast\eob{}pnej stronie}%
    \def\reftextbefore    {na poprzedniej stronie}%
    \def\reftextcurrent   {na \reftextvario{tej
                           samej}{bie\zkb{}\aob{}cej} stronie}%
    \def\reftextfaraway#1{na \pageref{#1}~stronie}%
    \def\reftextfaceafter {on the \reftextvario{facing}{next} page}%
    \def\reftextfacebefore{on the \reftextvario{facing}{preceding}
    \def\reftextafter     {on the \reftextvario{following}{next} page}%
    \def\reftextbefore    {on the \reftextvario{preceding page}{page 
    \def\reftextcurrent   {on \reftextvario{this}{the current} page}%
    \def\reftextfaraway#1{on page~\pageref{#1}}%
    \def\reftextfaceafter {on the \reftextvario{facing}{next} page}%
    \def\reftextfacebefore{on the \reftextvario{facing}{preceding}
    \def\reftextafter     {on the \reftextvario{following}{next} page}%
    \def\reftextbefore    {on the \reftextvario{preceding page}{page 
    \def\reftextcurrent   {on \reftextvario{this}{the current} page}%
    \def\reftextfaraway#1{on page~\pageref{#1}}%
    \def\reftextfaceafter {on the \reftextvario{facing}{next} page}%
    \def\reftextfacebefore{on the \reftextvario{facing}{preceding}
    \def\reftextafter     {on the \reftextvario{following}{next} page}%
    \def\reftextbefore    {on the \reftextvario{preceding page}{page 
    \def\reftextcurrent   {on \reftextvario{this}{the current} page}%
    \def\reftextfaraway#1{on page~\pageref{#1}}%
    \def\reftextfaceafter {on the \reftextvario{facing}{next} page}%
    \def\reftextfacebefore{on the \reftextvario{facing}{preceding}
    \def\reftextafter     {on the \reftextvario{following}{next} page}%
    \def\reftextbefore    {on the \reftextvario{preceding page}{page 
    \def\reftextcurrent   {on \reftextvario{this}{the current} page}%
    \def\reftextfaraway#1{on page~\pageref{#1}}%
    \def\reftextfaceafter {on the \reftextvario{facing}{next} page}%
    \def\reftextfacebefore{on the \reftextvario{facing}{preceding}
    \def\reftextafter     {on the \reftextvario{following}{next} page}%
    \def\reftextbefore    {on the \reftextvario{preceding page}{page 
    \def\reftextcurrent   {on \reftextvario{this}{the current} page}%
    \def\reftextfaraway#1{on page~\pageref{#1}}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Text for spanish defaults was contributed by Julio Sanchez
%    (\
% \changes{1.0f}{1994/03/16}{Inserted missing hash mark}
% \changes{1.0k}{1994/06/05}{Corrected misspelled cmd `extrasspanish}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \def\reftextfaceafter {en la p\'agina siguiente}%
    \def\reftextfacebefore{en la p\'agina anterior}%
    \let\reftextafter     \reftextfaceafter
    \let\reftextbefore    \reftextfacebefore
    \def\reftextcurrent   {en esta p\'agina}%
    \def\reftextfaraway#1{en la p\'agina~\pageref{#1}}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    The text for swedish was contributed by Mats Dahlgren
%    (\
% \changes{1.0p}{1995/01/10}{Added swedish strings}
%    \begin{macrocode}
     \def\reftextfaceafter {p\aa\ \reftextvario{motst\aa ende}%
                                             {n\"{a}sta} sida}%
     \def\reftextfacebefore{p\aa\ \reftextvario{motst\aa ende}%
                                      {f\"{o}reg\aa ende} sida}%
     \def\reftextafter     {p\aa\ \reftextvario{f\"{o}ljande}%
                                            {n\"{a}sta} sida}%
     \def\reftextbefore    {p\aa\ f\"{o}reg\aa ende sida}%
     \def\reftextcurrent   {p\aa\ denna sida}%
     \def\reftextfaraway#1{p\aa\ sidan~\pageref{#1}}%
    \def\reftextfaceafter {on the \reftextvario{facing}{next} page}%
    \def\reftextfacebefore{on the \reftextvario{facing}{preceding}
    \def\reftextafter     {on the \reftextvario{following}{next} page}%
    \def\reftextbefore    {on the \reftextvario{preceding page}{page 
    \def\reftextcurrent   {on \reftextvario{this}{the current} page}%
    \def\reftextfaraway#1{on page~\pageref{#1}}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    We support francais as an alternative to french since people
%    might be used to it, but we discurrage it.
%    \begin{macrocode}
   \typeout{Please use `french' instead of `francais'}%
   \typeout{Please use `german' instead of `germanb'}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}
%  \end{macro}
%  \end{macro}
%  \end{macro}
%  \end{macro}
%    After all options are declared we execute the default option
%    \texttt{english} to set up the defaults and then call
%    |\ProcessOptions*| to handle any option passed to the package.
%    The star form is used since we want to execute the options in the
%    order they are given (in case this isn't used together with the
%    \texttt{babel} package).
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Defining the main macros}
% \begin{macro}{\vr@cnt}
%    To generate new labels we use a counter and construct the
%    internal label names by prefixing the current counter value with
%    the string |vr@|. We need a \LaTeX{} counter to get |\include|s
%    handled correctly.
% \changes{v0.1e}{1992/11/15}{use LaTeX counter}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\vpageref}
% \begin{macro}{\@vpageref}
%    The command |\vpageref| generates the appropriate string by first
%    parsing the optional arguments (if any) and then compares the
%    internal and the user label.  This command should be robust since
%    the user might put it anywhere.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    The default for the first optional argument is the string hidden
%    in the macro |\reftextcurrent|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    The default for the second optional argument is a space which is
%    prefixed by |\unskip| to get rid of any leading space inserted
%    already.
% \changes{v1.0h}{1994/06/11}{Pass first argument in both cases}
% \changes{v1.0i}{1994/06/20}{Do it correctly}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\@@vpageref}
%     The |\@@vpageref| macro finally generates the references by
%    comparing the value of an internal label with the value of the
%    user label.
% \changes{v1.0h}{1994/06/11}{Change internal interface}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    First it switches to horizontal mode if necessary and also
%    removes any leading space.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Then it advances the counter |\c@vrcnt| by one which is used to
%    generate internal label names.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Then it checks if for the current value of |\c@vrcnt| a label
%    command was issued in the last run. If not it pretends that there
%    was one with the value |{??}{??}|.  Thereafter it stores the the
%    pageref value for this label in the macro |\@tempa|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \@ifundefined{r@\the\c@vrcnt @vr}%
         {\@namedef{r@\the\c@vrcnt @vr}{{??}{??}}}{}%
                \@cdr\csname r@\the\c@vrcnt @vr\endcsname
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Here we check that the generated text is not going across a page
%    boundary.
% \changes{v0.1f}{1993/01/01}{Add another label to catch cross-overs}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \@ifundefined{r@\the\c@vrcnt @xvr}%
         {\@namedef{r@\the\c@vrcnt @xvr}{{??}{??}}}{}%
                \@cdr\csname r@\the\c@vrcnt @xvr\endcsname
%    \end{macrocode}
% \changes{1.0l}{1994/07/07}{Explicitly expand `label argument for
%                            babel}
%    In version 1.0l the label string has been turned around so that
%    the number comes first. This was done to allow easy explicit
%    expansion of the number before it is passed to the |\label|
%    command. In the babel system the argument of |label| was not
%    expanded with the result that wrong label strings have been
%    generated. This is a general problem that might need a completely
%    different solution in babel but for now the change below (and in
%    some other places in the code) should solve the problem for this
%    special combination of packages.
%    \begin{macrocode}
   \expandafter\label\expandafter{\the\c@vrcnt @xvr}}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \changes{1.1g}{1998/05/10}{Test if inside AMS display (pr2175)}
%    Inside displays of the \texttt{amsmath} package the |\label| command
%    is redefined which makes the test for loops incorrect if a |\vref|
%    is used in, say, |\intertext|. So we test this condition first and
%    only do the test if |\label| doesn't have a special meaning.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    If both points do not fall onto the same page with either issue
%    an error or a warning message.
% \changes{v1.0g}{1994/05/27}{Looping pages shown in wrong order}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \vref@err{\noexpand\vref at page boundary
              \@tempb-\@tempa\space (may loop)%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Same game for the user requested label; this time the page
%    reference is saved in |\@tempb|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
                \@cdr\csname r@#3\endcsname
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Now after the internal label has served its purpose if would be
%    nice to free the memory it occupies by using something like
%    \begin{verbatim}
% \global\expandafter\let
%        \csname r@\the\c@vrcnt @vr\endcsname\@empty
%    But this is not possible because it would result in getting
%    `Labels may have changed\ldots' warnings for every run.  Now we
%    are ready to produce the textual strings.  Since we have removed
%    any leading space we now insert a space and then compare the two
%    page references.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    If they are the same we insert the first argument into the input
%    stream.  Otherwise we insert the second argument.  Recall that
%    those are the two optional arguments of |...|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Now we check if the page number of the referenced object (stored
%    in |\@tempb| is a single positive number.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    If so, we check if the current position (stored in |\@tempa|) is
%    a positive number. If this is the case we assign this number to
%    the counter register |\@tempcnta| and add one to it.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    If it is not a positive number we assign the largest possible
%    number to |\@tempcnta| and thereby pretending that label and
%    reference are miles away from each other.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Now we are ready to check if reference and object are on nearby
%    pages. |\@tempb| will expand to the page number of the object
%    (and we know that this is a number) and |\@tempcnta| is either
%    one higher than the reference page or completely out of bounds.
%    So if both represend the same value then the object lies one page
%    after its reference.
%    \begin{macrocode}
        \ifnum \@tempb =\@tempcnta
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Thus if the object falls onto an odd page then the reference is
%    on the facing even page (and so we insert |\reftextfaceafter|),
%    otherwise the object can not be seen from the reference (and we
%    in insert |\reftextafter|).  Don't be surprised if we are not
%    using |\@tempb| in the check. Since |\@tempcnta| has the same
%    value it is faster to use the register instead of parsing the
%    macro contents anew.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    In fact we are going to use |\reftextfaceafter| only if we are
%    doing two-sided printing, otherwise |\reftextafter| is always
%    used.
%    Since the value of |\if@twoside| is evaluated before reading in
%    packages we could do better (saving some tokens) by defining
%    the current macro in dependence of this boolean.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    If the object is not on the page following the reference we check
%    if it is on the page before the reference. In \LaTeX{} this
%    situation is not too common, for example with floats it normally
%    does not occur, but of course it isn't impossible if you more
%    than one reference to the same object, or if you have back
%    references to sections, theorems, etc.  To test this we now
%    substract two from the current value of |\@tempcnta| (which was
%    set to one higher as the reference page number). Note, that
%    substraction is also possible if the value was |\maxdimen| --- we
%    still get something that is much larger than any sensible page
%    number.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    If now |\@tempb| and |\@tempcnta| have the same value then the
%    object lies one page before the reference.
%    \begin{macrocode}
          \ifnum \@tempb =\@tempcnta
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Again we have to check for odd or even pages to distinguish
%    between the facing and the non-facing situation.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Again the |\reftextfacebefore| only if |@twoside| evaluates to
%    true.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    If the above test also returns false then we have object and
%    references on pages which are far away or don't contain simple
%    page numbers. Therefore we generate the |\reftextfaraway| string.
%    Recall that this is a macro which has the user label as an
%    argument.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    We do the same if our first test (that the page with the object
%    has a positive page number) turns out to be false.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Finally we generate the internal label so that it can be check on
%    the next run. This means that we compare the position after the
%    string with the position of the referenced object. There is one
%    thing to note: to conserve space we locally make |\@currentlabel|
%    empty since we are only interested in the page number value of
%    this internal label.
% \changes{1.0l}{1994/07/07}{Explicitly expand \cs{label} argument for babel}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    The setting of |\df@label| is a concession to the \texttt{amsmath}
%    package which might redefine |\label| and expects this macro to
%    be empty in certain circumstances.
% \changes{1.1g}{1998/05/10}{Support for AMS display (pr2175)}
%    \begin{macrocode}
   \expandafter\label\expandafter{\the\c@vrcnt @vr}}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
%  \begin{macro}{\vrefwarning}
% \changes{v0.1g}{1993/02/14}{Macro added}
%  \begin{macro}{\vref@err}
% \changes{v0.1g}{1993/02/14}{Macro added}
%    When the |\vref| command detects a possible crossing over a page
%    boundary it will call |\vref@err| to generate an error message.
%    During document preparation one can turn such errors into
%    warnings by issuing a |\vrefwarning| declaration.
% \changes{v1.0g}{1993/02/14}{Macro added}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    {Please check the pages in question. You might need to replace
     the \string\vref\MessageBreak 
     or \noexpand\vpageref by a normal \noexpand\(page)ref to
     stop LaTeX running forever.}}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}
%  \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\vref}
% Undoc
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    |\nobreak\space| is used instead of |\nobreakspace| or |~| as 
%    the latter will always produce a normal space while the former will
%    react to settings of |\nonfrenchspacing|.
% \changes{v1.1e}{1998/03/09}{Don't use \cs{nobreakspace} (pr/1866)}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
%  \begin{macro}{\is@pos@number}
%    The utility macro |\is@pos@number| takes three arguments: a
%    string that is tested for being a valid integer and the actions
%    to be taken in case the test comes out true or false.
%    We start by passing the string to the macro |\is@pos@num| after
%    prefixing it with a \texttt{0} and adding a space after it. To have
%    a well defined ending point we also add |\@nil| at the end.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Now we parse the enlarged string into a counter register.  To get
%    control back after everything that is regarded by \TeX{} as a
%    number is put into that register we assign |\is@pos@num@| to the
%    |\afterassignment| token.  Since the string started with 0, we
%    can be sure that the register assignment will be carried out
%    without an error message.  In case of counter assignments leading
%    zeros are discarded.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\def\is@pos@num{\afterassignment\is@pos@num@ \count@}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Now we have to check whether or not the whole string was parsed
%    into that register or some remainder was left over. Since we have
%    added a |\@nil| token at the very end we can use that to delimit
%    the argument of |\is@pos@num@|. Note, that the added space in
%    |\is@pos@number| \vpageref[above]{isposnumber} gets parsed away
%    by the counter assignment. If it would be missing, and the full
%    string would consist of a number, \TeX{}would try to replace
%    |\@nil| by its definition to see if it would contain additional
%    digits and thus we would be in trouble at this point.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Now we have to check if the argument is empty. We can do this
%    with an |\if| test (i.e., in an expandable way) since we know for
%    sure that it can not start with a digit
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Depending on the result we execute the second or third argument
%    of the command |\is@pos@number| using a technique that removes
%    the |\else| or |\fi| from the input stream first, so that in
%    principle input stream parsing could be done from within the
%    arguments.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \expandafter\@firstoftwo \else
    \expandafter\@secondoftwo  \fi}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}
%  \begin{macro}{\reftextvario}
%    This macro gives a little bit of random variation in the text
%    because the outcome depends on the number of |\vref| commands
%    seen before.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\def\reftextvario#1#2{\ifodd\c@vrcnt #1\else#2\fi}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}
%  \begin{macro}{\fullref}
%    And here is the primitive command that always produces a |\ref|
%    and a |\pageref|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\def\fullref#1{\ref{#1} \reftextfaraway{#1}}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}
% \Finale

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