Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/steve/root/sys/lib/texmf/tex/generic/pstricks/pst-plot.tex

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%% BEGIN pst-plot.tex
%% Plots and axes with PSTricks 97.
%% See the PSTricks User's Guide for documentation.
\def\fileversion{97 patch 1}
%% COPYRIGHT 1993, 1994, 1999 by Timothy Van Zandt,
%% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
%% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
%% archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.
\message{ v\fileversion, \filedate}

\csname PSTplotLoaded\endcsname

  \def\next{\input pstricks.tex }

  \def\next{\input multido.tex }


% Using lists of data is optimized for \dataplot and \fileplot
% Here is the tricky part. As each line is read from file,
% we want to ignore trailing delimiters, and convert arbitrary
% strings of non-trailing delimiters to _D_.
% We end up with
%   D x1 D y1 D x2 D y2 ... D xn D yn
\catcode`\ =13
\gdef\pst@datadelimiters!% Begin def
\catcode`\ =13%
\let(,\let),\let{,\let},\let ,\let^^M,\let_\@empty*% End def
  \read1 to \pst@tempa

    \@pstrickserr{Data file `#2' not found.}\@ehpa

    \@pstrickserr{Data file `#1' not found.}\@ehpa
  \read1 to \pst@tempg



    {\@pstrickserr{Plot style `#1' not defined}\@eha}%

    \@pstrickserr{plotpoints parameter must be at least 2}\@ehpa

% For quick plots, define:
%   \beginqp@<foo>   : What to do to first point (PS code only).
%   \doqp@<foo>      : What to do to subsequent points (PS code only).
%   \endqp@<foo>     : How to end plot.
%   \testqp@<foo>    : Set \@psttrue if OK to use quick plot.

\def\doqp@line{L }

\def\beginqp@polygon{moveto }
\def\doqp@polygon{L }

% DG/SR modification begin - 1996/1997
%  Dot }
%\def\doqp@dots{Dot }
  /TheDot { gsave \psk@dotangle \psk@dotscale Dot grestore } def
  TheDot }
% DG/SR modification end
\def\doqp@dots{TheDot }

\def\beginqp@bezier{/n 0 def \pst@oplineto}
\def\doqp@bezier{/n n 1 add def n 3 mod 0 eq { curveto } if }
  \addto@pscode{n 3 mod { pop pop } repeat}

\def\beginqp@cbezier{/n 0 def moveto }
  \addto@pscode{n 3 mod { pop pop } repeat closepath}

      /Dx { \pst@number\psxunit mul /D { Dy } def } def
      /Dy { \pst@number\psyunit mul Do /D { Dx } def } def
      /D { /D { Dx } def } def
      /Do {
        /Do { \@nameuse{doqp@\psplotstyle}} def
      } def}%


  /y ED /x ED
  counttomark dup dup cvi eq not { exch pop } if
  /m exch def /n m 2 div cvi def
  n { y mul m 1 roll x mul m 1 roll /m m 2 sub def } repeat>

    \addto@pscode{/D {} def mark}%
    \addto@pscode{\pst@number\psxunit \pst@number\psyunit \tx@ScalePoints}%

% \psplot

\def\psplotinit#1{\xdef\psplot@init{#1 }}

      /x #1 def
      /x1 #2 def
      /dx x1 x sub \psk@plotpoints div def
      /xy {
        x \pst@number\psxunit mul
        #3 \pst@number\psyunit mul
      } def}%
      xy \@nameuse{beginqp@\psplotstyle}
      \psk@plotpoints 1 sub {
        /x x dx add def
        xy \@nameuse{doqp@\psplotstyle}
      } repeat
      /x x1 def
      xy \@nameuse{doqp@\psplotstyle}}%
      /n 2 def
      \psk@plotpoints {
        n 2 roll
        /n n 2 add def
        /x x dx add def
      } repeat
      /x x1 def
      n 2 roll}%

      /t #1 def
      /t1 #2 def
      /dt t1 t sub \psk@plotpoints div def
      /xy {
        \pst@number\psyunit mul exch
        \pst@number\psxunit mul exch
      } def}%
      xy \@nameuse{beginqp@\psplotstyle}
      \psk@plotpoints 1 sub {
        /t t dt add def
        xy \@nameuse{doqp@\psplotstyle}
      } repeat
      /t t1 def
      xy \@nameuse{doqp@\psplotstyle}}%
      /n 2 def
      \psk@plotpoints {
        n 2 roll
        /n n 2 add def
        /t t dt add def
      } repeat
      /t t1 def
      n 2 roll}%

% These axes macros are complicated. Be careful.

% \pst@ticks{angle}{dx}{n}{int}
% int=1 if ticks appear on top of axes, 0 otherwise.
      #1 rotate
      /n #3 def
      /dx #2 def
      n 0 lt { /dx dx neg def /n n neg def } if
      /y2 \psk@ticksize CLW 2 div add def
      /y1 y2 neg def
        \ifdim#4<\z@ /y2 \else /y1 \fi 0 def
          \ifdim#4<\z@ /y1 \else /y2 \fi 0 def
      /x dx def
      n { x y1 moveto x y2 lineto stroke /x x dx add def } repeat}%


        \@pstrickserr{Bad tick style: `#1#2'}\@ehpa

          \@pstrickserr{Bad argument: `#1#2'}\@ehpa





    \pssetxlength\pst@dimg{#1}% o-x
    \pssetylength\pst@dimh{#2}% o-y
    \pssetxlength\pst@dima{#3}% bl-x
    \pssetylength\pst@dimb{#4}% bl-y
    \pssetxlength\pst@dimc{#5}% ur-x
    \pssetylength\pst@dimd{#6}% ur-y
% Whole thing will be translated to origin:
    \advance\pst@dima-\pst@dimg % Dist. from bl-x to o-x
    \advance\pst@dimb-\pst@dimh % Dist. from bl-y to o-y
    \advance\pst@dimc-\pst@dimg % Dist. from ur-x to o-x
    \advance\pst@dimd-\pst@dimh % Dist. from ur-y to o-y
% Make lines/arrows or frame:
% "\pslabelsep" should be from the edge of the axis.
% Now the ticks and labels. Start by checking for "\multido".
% !!Need to fix this so that does nothing when there are 0 ticks.!!
% Now close "\pst@hbox" (which is 0-dimensional), and put it at the origin.

      \pst@number#2 0 #3
      \pst@number#1 0 #3
      CP 4 2 roll
      pop pop}%

      0 0 moveto \pst@number\pst@dimc 0 L
      0 \pst@number\pst@dimd 2 copy rlineto L closepath}%

    {\@pstrickserr{Axes style `#1' not defined}\@eha}%


% The origin is never the only label.
    \pst@cnta=#1\relax                % Distance (in sp) to end.
    \divide\pst@cnta\psk@dx\relax     % Number of ticks/labels
      \pst@dimb=\psk@dx sp            % Space between ticks.
      \ifnum\psk@labels<\tw@ \pst@@hlabels\fi

% Knows \pst@dimb and \pst@cnta
  \vbox to\z@{%
    \hbox to\z@{%
      \ifshoworigin\hbox to \z@{\hss\pshlabel{\psk@Ox}\hss}\fi
        {\hskip\pst@dimb\hbox to \z@{\hss\pshlabel{\n}\hss}}%


    \pst@cnta=#1\relax                % Distance (in sp) to end.
    \divide\pst@cnta\psk@dy\relax     % Number of ticks/labels
      \pst@dima=\psk@dy sp            % Space between ticks.

% Knows \pst@dima and \pst@cnta
  \vbox to\z@{%
      \vbox to \z@{\vss\hbox to\z@{%
      {\vbox to\pst@dima{\vss}\vbox to \z@{\vss\hbox to\z@{%


%% END pst-plot.tex

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