Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/steve/root/sys/lib/texmf/tex/generic/pstricks/pst-poly.tex

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%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -*- Mode: Latex -*- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% pst-poly.tex --- Generation of polygons with PSTricks
%% Author          : Denis GIROU (CNRS/IDRIS - France) <>
%% Created the     : Mon Jan 16 19:01:42 1995
%% Last mod. by    : Denis GIROU (CNRS/IDRIS - France) <>
%% Last mod. the   : Thu Jul  9 22:48:58 1998


%% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
%% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
%% archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.

\message{`PST-Polygon' v\fileversion, \filedate\space (Denis Girou)}

\csname PSTPolygonLoaded\endcsname

% Require PSTricks, pst-node and multido packages
\ifx\PSTricksLoaded\endinput\else\input pstricks.tex\fi
\ifx\PSTnodesLoaded\endinput\else\input pst-node.tex\fi
\ifx\MultidoLoaded\endinput\else\input multido.tex\fi

% DPC interface to the `keyval' package (until keyval based version of PSTricks)
\input pst-key.tex


% Definition of the parameters
% ----------------------------

% "pspicture" environment or not?

% Rotation of the polygon (on 360 degrees)

% Number of sides of the polygon

% Offset to obtain next node

% Position of the intermediate point

% Name of the polygon

% Nodes joined by lines or curves?

% Polygon or epicycloid?

% Default values
% --------------
% 0 degree rotation, 5 sides, no offset, no intermediate point
% (9999 i.e. not used), no name, points joined by lines, no epicycloid

% The macro \PstPolygon for generic polygons
% ------------------------------------------

\setkeys{psset}{#1}%            % Affectation of local parameters
\if@star\solid@star\fi          % Stared version
% Validation of the parameters
{\@pstrickserr{PolyNbSides must be greater than
   2 (and not `\psk@PolyNbSides')}\@eha}%
{\@pstrickserr{PolyNbSides must be less than
   201 (and not `\psk@PolyNbSides')}\@eha}%
{\@pstrickserr{PolyOffset must be greater than
   0 (and not `\psk@PolyOffset')}\@eha}%
% Now the "real" code
\SpecialCoor                    % To be able to use polar coordinates
\ifPst@PstPicture\pspicture(-1,-1)(1,1)\fi % "pspicture" environment
\rput{\psk@PolyRotation}(0,0){%   Rotation if needed
  % We must recompute it here if unit has change after affectation
  % (for instance \psset{PolyIntermediatePoint=0.38}\PstPolygon{unit=2})
  % If we have to define names for nodes
    \pnode(0,0){\ps@PolyName 0}   % Center of the polygon
        \pnode(!\i\space 360 \psk@PolyNbSides\space div mul cos %
                \i\space 360 \psk@PolyNbSides\space div mul sin)}%
    \ifPst@PolyEpicycloid       % Code for epicycloids
      % We just draw lines between each point and it opposite, with possible gap
    \else                       % Code for polygons
      % Starting point
        \moveto(! 1 0)
      \ifx\psk@PolyIntermediatePoint\@empty % No intermediate points
            (!\i\space 360 \psk@PolyNbSides\space div mul cos %
              \i\space 360 \psk@PolyNbSides\space div mul sin)}%
          \Pst@PolyJunction}    % End \multido
      \else                     % Intermediate points
        \ifPst@PolyCurves       % Type of junction
            (!\psk@PolyIntermediatePoint\space %
                \the\pst@cnta\Pst@PolyDecimal\space 360 %
                  \psk@PolyNbSides\space div mul cos mul %
              \psk@PolyIntermediatePoint\space %
                \the\pst@cnta\Pst@PolyDecimal\space 360 %
                  \psk@PolyNbSides\space div mul sin mul)
            (!\i\space 360 \psk@PolyNbSides\space div mul cos %
              \i\space 360 \psk@PolyNbSides\space div mul sin)}%
          \advance\pst@cnta\psk@PolyOffset} % End \multido
      \fi                       % End \ifx\psk@PolyIntermediatePoint
    \fi}                        % End \ifPst@PolyEpicycloid and \pscustom
        \PstPolygonNode}        % Command to execute at each node
    \fi}                        % End \rput
\ifPst@PstPicture\endpspicture\fi}} % End of "pspicture" environment

% Pre-defined polygons
% --------------------

% Triangle (three sides)
\setkeys{psset}{PolyNbSides=3,PolyRotation=90}% For triangle (360/3*(3/4))
\setkeys{psset}{#1}%            % Affectation of local parameters
\if@star\solid@star\fi          % Stared version

% Square (four sides)
\setkeys{psset}{PolyNbSides=4,PolyRotation=45}% For square (360/4/2)
\setkeys{psset}{#1}%            % Affectation of local parameters
\if@star\solid@star\fi          % Stared version

% Pentagon (five sides)
\setkeys{psset}{PolyNbSides=5,PolyRotation=18}% For pentagon (360/5/4)
\setkeys{psset}{#1}%            % Affectation of local parameters
\if@star\solid@star\fi          % Stared version

% Hexagon (six sides)
\setkeys{psset}{PolyNbSides=6}%   For hexagon
\setkeys{psset}{#1}%            % Affectation of local parameters
\if@star\solid@star\fi          % Stared version

% Heptagon (seven sides)
\setkeys{psset}{PolyNbSides=7,PolyRotation=38.57}% For heptagon (360/7*(3/4))
\setkeys{psset}{#1}%            % Affectation of local parameters
\if@star\solid@star\fi          % Stared version

% Octogon (height sides)
\setkeys{psset}{PolyNbSides=8,PolyRotation=22.5}% For octogon (360/8/2)
\setkeys{psset}{#1}%            % Affectation of local parameters
\if@star\solid@star\fi          % Stared version

% Nonagon (nine sides)
\setkeys{psset}{PolyNbSides=9,PolyRotation=10}% For nonagon (360/9/4)
\setkeys{psset}{#1}%            % Affectation of local parameters
\if@star\solid@star\fi          % Stared version

% Decagon (ten sides)
\setkeys{psset}{PolyNbSides=10}%  For decagon
\setkeys{psset}{#1}%            % Affectation of local parameters
\if@star\solid@star\fi          % Stared version

% Dodecagon (twelve sides)
\setkeys{psset}{PolyNbSides=12,PolyRotation=15}% For dodecagon (360/12/2)
\setkeys{psset}{#1}%            % Affectation of local parameters
\if@star\solid@star\fi          % Stared version

% Star with five leaves, with internal lines
\setkeys{psset}{PolyOffset=2,PolyRotation=18}% For star with internal lines
\setkeys{psset}{#1}%            % Affectation of local parameters
\if@star\solid@star\fi          % Stared version

% Star with five leaves
\setkeys{psset}{PolyIntermediatePoint=0.38,PolyRotation=18}%  For star
\setkeys{psset}{#1}%            % Affectation of local parameters
\if@star\solid@star\fi          % Stared version

%% END: pst-poly.tex

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