Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/steve/root/sys/lib/texmf/tex/latex/base/ltnews.cls

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% \iffalse meta-comment
% Copyright 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
% The LaTeX3 Project and any individual authors listed elsewhere
% in this file. 
% This file is part of the LaTeX2e system.
% ----------------------------------------
% It may be distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public
% License, as described in lppl.txt in the base LaTeX distribution.
% Either version 1.0 or, at your option, any later version.
% \fi
% Filename: ltnews.cls
% Author: Alan Jeffrey
% Version: 0.14
% This is the LaTeX2e document class for the `LaTeX News' information 
% sheet which comes with every LaTeX release.  It may be useful for 
% newsletters, or as an example of how simple newsletters can be set
% with LaTeX.  The changes log is at the end of the file.
% Copyright 1994 1995 1996 1997 1999
% Alan Jeffrey and the LaTeX3 project.  
% This is a LaTeX2e document class.
\ProvidesClass{ltnews}[1999/02/23 Standard LaTeX class]

% The configuration file, used for passing options.

   \ClassInfo{ltnews}{Using local configuration file}%
   \ClassInfo{ltnews}{No local configuration file}%

% The lw35fonts option uses the fonts:
%    Adobe Palatino          (main text)
%    Adobe Helvetica Bold    (headings)
%    Courier                 (program listings)
%    Mathptm math italic     (2e logo)
%    Mathptm symbol font     (AMS logo)
% The type1fonts option uses the fonts:
%    Adobe Utopia            (main text)
%    URW Grotesk-T Bold      (headings)
%    Lucida Sans typewriter  (program listings)
%    Mathptm math italic     (2e logo)
%    Mathptm symbol font     (AMS logo)

% The Adobe Palatino fonts:

\DeclareFontShape{OT1}{ppl}{m}{n}{<-> pplr7t}{}
\DeclareFontShape{OT1}{ppl}{m}{sc}{<-> pplrc7t}{}
\DeclareFontShape{OT1}{ppl}{m}{it}{<-> pplri7t}{}

\DeclareFontShape{T1}{ppl}{m}{n}{<-> pplr8t}{}
\DeclareFontShape{T1}{ppl}{m}{sc}{<-> pplrc8t}{}
\DeclareFontShape{T1}{ppl}{m}{it}{<-> pplri8t}{}

% The Adobe Helvetica fonts:

\DeclareFontShape{OT1}{phv}{m}{n}{<-> s*[0.86] phvr7t}{}
\DeclareFontShape{OT1}{phv}{b}{n}{<-> phvb7t}{}

\DeclareFontShape{T1}{phv}{m}{n}{<-> s*[0.86] phvr8t}{}
\DeclareFontShape{T1}{phv}{b}{n}{<-> phvb8t}{}

% The Adobe Courier fonts:

\DeclareFontShape{OT1}{pcr}{m}{n}{<-> s*[0.89] pcrr7t}{}
\DeclareFontShape{T1}{pcr}{m}{n}{<-> s*[0.89] pcrr8t}{}
% The Utopia fonts:

\DeclareFontShape{OT1}{put}{m}{n}{<-> putr7t}{}
\DeclareFontShape{OT1}{put}{m}{sc}{<-> putrc7t}{}
\DeclareFontShape{OT1}{put}{m}{it}{<-> putri7t}{}

% The URW Grotesk fonts:

\DeclareFontShape{OT1}{ugq}{b}{n}{<-> ugqb7t}{}

% The Lucida Sans Typewriter fonts:

\DeclareFontShape{OT1}{hlct}{m}{n}{<-> hlct7t}{}

% The mathptm math italic:

\DeclareFontShape{OML}{ptmcm}{m}{it}{<-> zptmcmrm}{}

% The mathptm symbol font:

\DeclareFontShape{OMS}{pzccm}{m}{n}{<-> zpzccmry}{}

% The TeX logo for use with Palatino.


% The LaTeX logo for use with Palatino.

         \vbox to\ht0{\hbox{%
                            \csname S@\f@size\endcsname

% The TeX logo for use with Utopia.


% The LaTeX logo for use with Utopia.

         \vbox to\ht0{\hbox{%
                            \csname S@\f@size\endcsname

% The TeX logo for use with Helvetica.


% The LaTeX logo for use with Helvetica.

         \vbox to\ht0{\hbox{%
                            \csname S@\f@size\endcsname

% The TeX logo for use with Grotesk.


% The LaTeX logo for use with Grotesk.

         \vbox to\ht0{\hbox{%
                            \csname S@\f@size\endcsname

% The TeX logo for use with CMSS.


% The LaTeX logo for use with CMSS.

         \vbox to\ht0{\hbox{%
                            \csname S@\f@size\endcsname

% Switch off some of the article options.

% The CM fonts


% The LW 35 fonts option


% The type 1 fonts option


% The default action for any option is to pass it to the article
% class.
% Execute the options.
% Load the article class.

% The page style.
% Why \textwidth?
\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus \textwidth}
\setlength{\parfillskip}{0pt plus 2\textwidth}

% The text size, which tries to work with both A4 and letter paper
% sizes. 
% \maketitle parameters.
   {No \protect\publicationmonth~given}\@eha}
   {No \protect\publicationyear~given}\@eha}
   {No \protect\publicationissue~given}\@eha}
   \LaTeXNews, and the \LaTeX{} software,
   are brought to you by the \LaTeX3 Project Team;
   Copyright \@year, all rights reserved.
% The \maketitle for the LaTeX News.
         \normalfont\normalsize\issuename~\@issue, \@month~\@year
% Sectioning commands.
      {section}{1}{\z@}{-1.5ex \@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
      {1ex \@plus.2ex}{\@headingfont}%
% No section numbers.
% Set lists tighter, but brought in by 1em (otherwise the first line 
% always looks very wide).  Should this be done with \rightskip?
% It actually does nothing since after this \rightskip is set to
% \@rightskip: I think \rightmargin was intended but should we change
% it now?
\let \@listi \@listI

% But have a list type with no indentation on either side:
                   \leftmargin \z@
                   \rightmargin \z@

% Some logos.
\newcommand{\AW}{Addison Wesley}
\newcommand{\AmS}{$${\protect\the\textfont2 A}\kern-.1667em\lower
         .5ex\hbox{\protect\the\textfont2 M}\kern
         -.125em{\protect\the\textfont2 S}}

% Needed for 09:


% Hacking to make <...> produce italics in verbatim.  NB: this can be 
% done more cleanly using the verbatim package.  But the ltnews class
% has  to run on any LaTeX installation, even those without the
% verbatim package.  
% Here we extend the font-setting command to include making <> active
% (ie adjusting the input encoding).
\renewcommand \verbatim@font {%
  \normalfont \ttfamily
% Make active <...> produce italics surrounded by angle brackets
% (used in verbatim and \verb);
% << produces a less-than, and >> produces a greater-than.
      Isolated \protect>%
      In this document class, \protect<...\protect>
      is used to indicate a parameter.\MessageBreak
      I've just found a \protect> on its own.
      Perhaps you meant to type \protect>\protect>?

% That's it!
% 20 May 1994, v0.01: Created file.
% 21 May 1994, v0.02: Made <...> produce italics inside verbatim.
%    Added the indicia, \publicationyear, \publicationmonth and 
%    \publicationissue.  Added the citations environment.  Switched off 
%    some of the article class options.
% 21 May 1994, v0.03: Fixed a bug with ragged right.  Fixed a bug
%    which was causing underfull hbox messages.
% 27 May 1994, v0.04: Added SliTeX logo, and proper AMS LaTeX logo.
%    Added angle brackets to <...>.
% 31 May 1994, v0.05: Added downloaded PS fonts options.  Removed
%    angle brackets from <...> since these were the last remaining
%    bitmaps!  Added variants of the LaTeX logo.  Added the ltnews.cfg
%    file.  Added the lw35fonts option.
% 27 Jul 1994, v0.06: Corrected a typo `\PassOptionToClass' should
%    have been `\PassOptionsToClass'.  Manas Mandal pointed that one
%    out. 
% 29 Nov 1994, v0.07: Made <...> only active in verbatim.
% 09 Dec 1995, v0.08: Upper case for Project Team.
% 20 Dec 1995, v0.09: Tidided up the list stuff.
% 03 Jun 1996, v0.10: Changed fonts for lw35 option, for logical and
%    aesthetic reasons.
% 06 Jun 1996, v0.11: Corrected grammar in footer.
% 10 June 1996 v0.12: Add extra line in lw35fonts option,
%    so 04 and 05 do not run over the page.
%    Make font scaling messages go to log only.
% 22 Nov 1997, v0.13: Added new form of description.
%    Found all sorts of strange things involving \rightskip
% 23 Feb 1999, v0.14: Added  some logos etc.

% Switching between logos like this is a mess.
% The last column should be set flush bottom.

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