Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/steve/root/sys/lib/texmf/tex/latex/base/unpack.log

Copyright © 2021 Plan 9 Foundation.
Distributed under the MIT License.
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This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.2) (INITEX)  1 APR 1999 16:36
(unpack.ins (ltdirchk.dtx
** Using the existing texsys.cfg
\openout15 = `texsys.aux'.

./texsys.aux found

\@currdir set to: ./.

) (docstrip.dtx
Utility: `docstrip' 2.5b <1998/04/28>
English documentation    <1998/04/03>

* This program converts documented macro-files into fast *
* loadable files by stripping off (nearly) all comments! *

* No Configuration file found, using default settings. *

) (ltvers.dtx)
* Welcome to the Installation routine of
*     LaTeX2e <1998/12/01>
* Depending on your machine the installation
* might take a long time --- this is the
* price for being able to run on all platforms.
* So please be patient :-)

(format.ins File ./latex.ltx already exists on the system.
Overwrite it? [y/n]

By default you will be asked this question for every file.
If you enter `y' now,
I will asssume `y' for all future questions
without prompting.

Generating file(s) ./latex.ltx ./tracefnt.sty ./flafter.sty ./fleqn.clo ./leqno
\openout0 = `./latex.ltx'.

Processing file ltdirchk.dtx (initex,2ekernel,dircheck) -> latex.ltx
Lines  processed: 889
Comments removed: 653
Comments  passed: 1
Codelines passed: 214

Processing file ltplain.dtx (2ekernel) -> latex.ltx
Lines  processed: 1089
Comments removed: 804
Comments  passed: 17
Codelines passed: 250

Processing file ltvers.dtx (2ekernel) -> latex.ltx
File ltvers.dtx ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 125
Comments removed: 70
Comments  passed: 1
Codelines passed: 48

Processing file ltdefns.dtx (2ekernel) -> latex.ltx
Lines  processed: 1382
Comments removed: 1074
Comments  passed: 1
Codelines passed: 294

Processing file ltalloc.dtx (2ekernel) -> latex.ltx
File ltalloc.dtx ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 161
Comments removed: 122
Comments  passed: 1
Codelines passed: 34

Processing file ltcntrl.dtx (2ekernel) -> latex.ltx
File ltcntrl.dtx ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 308
Comments removed: 249
Comments  passed: 1
Codelines passed: 54

Processing file lterror.dtx (2ekernel) -> latex.ltx
File lterror.dtx ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 806
Comments removed: 505
Comments  passed: 1
Codelines passed: 222

Processing file ltpar.dtx (2ekernel) -> latex.ltx
File ltpar.dtx ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 180
Comments removed: 152
Comments  passed: 1
Codelines passed: 23

Processing file ltspace.dtx (2ekernel) -> latex.ltx
File ltspace.dtx ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 946
Comments removed: 730
Comments  passed: 1
Codelines passed: 211

Processing file ltlogos.dtx (2ekernel) -> latex.ltx
File ltlogos.dtx ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 108
Comments removed: 71
Comments  passed: 1
Codelines passed: 32

Processing file ltfiles.dtx (2ekernel) -> latex.ltx
Lines  processed: 848
Comments removed: 596
Comments  passed: 1
Codelines passed: 242

Processing file ltoutenc.dtx (2ekernel) -> latex.ltx
File ltoutenc.dtx ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 2666
Comments removed: 1716
Comments  passed: 1
Codelines passed: 912

Processing file ltcounts.dtx (2ekernel) -> latex.ltx
Lines  processed: 420
Comments removed: 336
Comments  passed: 1
Codelines passed: 79

Processing file ltlength.dtx (2ekernel) -> latex.ltx
Lines  processed: 138
Comments removed: 104
Comments  passed: 1
Codelines passed: 29

Processing file ltfssbas.dtx (2ekernel) -> latex.ltx
Lines  processed: 1879
Comments removed: 1387
Comments  passed: 3
Codelines passed: 451

\openout1 = `./tracefnt.sty'.

Processing file ltfsstrc.dtx (2ekernel) -> latex.ltx
                             (package,trace) -> tracefnt.sty
Lines  processed: 1872
Comments removed: 1316
Comments  passed: 3
Codelines passed: 430

Processing file ltfsscmp.dtx (compat,2ekernel) -> latex.ltx
Lines  processed: 400
Comments removed: 249
Comments  passed: 3
Codelines passed: 136

Processing file ltfssdcl.dtx (compat,2ekernel) -> latex.ltx
Lines  processed: 1507
Comments removed: 682
Comments  passed: 3
Codelines passed: 809

Processing file ltfssini.dtx (compat) -> latex.ltx
Lines  processed: 569
Comments removed: 402
Comments  passed: 3
Codelines passed: 154

Processing file ltfntcmd.dtx (2ekernel) -> latex.ltx
File ltfntcmd.dtx ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 735
Comments removed: 578
Comments  passed: 17
Codelines passed: 136

Processing file ltpageno.dtx (2ekernel) -> latex.ltx
Lines  processed: 87
Comments removed: 57
Comments  passed: 1
Codelines passed: 25

Processing file ltxref.dtx (2ekernel) -> latex.ltx
Lines  processed: 322
Comments removed: 262
Comments  passed: 1
Codelines passed: 55

Processing file ltmiscen.dtx (2ekernel) -> latex.ltx
Lines  processed: 773
Comments removed: 601
Comments  passed: 1
Codelines passed: 167

\openout1 = `./fleqn.clo'.

\openout2 = `./leqno.clo'.

Processing file ltmath.dtx (2ekernel) -> latex.ltx
                           (fleqn) -> fleqn.clo
                           (leqno) -> leqno.clo
Lines  processed: 973
Comments removed: 597
Comments  passed: 17
Codelines passed: 344

Processing file ltlists.dtx (2ekernel) -> latex.ltx
Lines  processed: 1051
Comments removed: 788
Comments  passed: 1
Codelines passed: 258

Processing file ltboxes.dtx (2ekernel) -> latex.ltx
File ltboxes.dtx ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 1153
Comments removed: 841
Comments  passed: 1
Codelines passed: 307

Processing file lttab.dtx (2ekernel) -> latex.ltx
Lines  processed: 1607
Comments removed: 1227
Comments  passed: 1
Codelines passed: 364

Processing file ltpictur.dtx (2ekernel) -> latex.ltx
Lines  processed: 1437
Comments removed: 1036
Comments  passed: 1
Codelines passed: 367

Processing file ltthm.dtx (2ekernel) -> latex.ltx
Lines  processed: 275
Comments removed: 213
Comments  passed: 1
Codelines passed: 57

Processing file ltsect.dtx (2ekernel) -> latex.ltx
Lines  processed: 852
Comments removed: 662
Comments  passed: 1
Codelines passed: 185

Processing file ltfloat.dtx (2ekernel) -> latex.ltx
Lines  processed: 1283
Comments removed: 970
Comments  passed: 1
Codelines passed: 308

Processing file ltidxglo.dtx (2ekernel) -> latex.ltx
Lines  processed: 203
Comments removed: 145
Comments  passed: 1
Codelines passed: 53

Processing file ltbibl.dtx (2ekernel) -> latex.ltx
Lines  processed: 327
Comments removed: 256
Comments  passed: 1
Codelines passed: 66

Processing file ltpage.dtx (2ekernel) -> latex.ltx
Lines  processed: 295
Comments removed: 226
Comments  passed: 1
Codelines passed: 64

\openout1 = `./flafter.sty'.

Processing file ltoutput.dtx (2ekernel) -> latex.ltx
                             (flafter) -> flafter.sty
File ltoutput.dtx ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 3895
Comments removed: 2354
Comments  passed: 1
Codelines passed: 1269

Processing file ltclass.dtx (2ekernel) -> latex.ltx
Lines  processed: 1661
Comments removed: 1133
Comments  passed: 1
Codelines passed: 521

Processing file ltfinal.dtx (2ekernel) -> latex.ltx
Lines  processed: 601
Comments removed: 344
Comments  passed: 1
Codelines passed: 252

Generating file(s) ./oldlfont.sty 
\openout0 = `./oldlfont.sty'.

Processing file oldlfont.dtx (package) -> oldlfont.sty
File oldlfont.dtx ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 252
Comments removed: 178
Comments  passed: 18
Codelines passed: 45

Generating file(s) ./newlfont.sty 
\openout0 = `./newlfont.sty'.

Processing file newlfont.dtx (package) -> newlfont.sty
File newlfont.dtx ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 204
Comments removed: 129
Comments  passed: 18
Codelines passed: 48

Generating file(s) ./hyphen.ltx 
\openout0 = `./hyphen.ltx'.

Processing file lthyphen.dtx (default) -> hyphen.ltx
File lthyphen.dtx ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 143
Comments removed: 104
Comments  passed: 15
Codelines passed: 17

Generating file(s) ./fonttext.ltx ./fontmath.ltx 
\openout0 = `./fonttext.ltx'.

\openout1 = `./fontmath.ltx'.

Processing file fontdef.dtx (text) -> fonttext.ltx
                            (math) -> fontmath.ltx
File fontdef.dtx ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 1225
Comments removed: 700
Comments  passed: 16
Codelines passed: 496

Generating file(s) ./preload.ltx 
\openout0 = `./preload.ltx'.

Processing file preload.dtx (preload,cm,xpt,tex) -> preload.ltx
File preload.dtx ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 269
Comments removed: 172
Comments  passed: 31
Codelines passed: 26

) (inputenc.ins
*** Generating input encoding files ***

Generating file(s) ./inputenc.sty ./ascii.def ./latin2.def ./latin3.def ./latin
\openout0 = `./inputenc.sty'.

\openout1 = `./ascii.def'.

\openout2 = `./latin2.def'.

\openout3 = `./latin3.def'.

\openout4 = `./latin5.def'.

Processing file inputenc.dtx (package) -> inputenc.sty
                             (ascii) -> ascii.def
                             (latin2) -> latin2.def
                             (latin3) -> latin3.def
                             (latin5) -> latin5.def
File inputenc.dtx ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 2130
Comments removed: 776
Comments  passed: 15
Codelines passed: 1236

Generating file(s) ./cp850.def ./cp852.def ./cp865.def ./cp437.def ./
f ./decmulti.def 
\openout0 = `./cp850.def'.

\openout1 = `./cp852.def'.

\openout2 = `./cp865.def'.

\openout3 = `./cp437.def'.

\openout4 = `./cp437de.def'.

\openout5 = `./decmulti.def'.

Processing file inputenc.dtx (cp850) -> cp850.def
                             (cp852) -> cp852.def
                             (cp865) -> cp865.def
                             (cp437) -> cp437.def
                             (cp437de) -> cp437de.def
                             (decmulti) -> decmulti.def
File inputenc.dtx ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 2130
Comments removed: 776
Comments  passed: 15
Codelines passed: 1236

Generating file(s) ./applemac.def ./next.def ./ansinew.def ./cp1252.def ./latin
1.def ./cp1250.def 
\openout0 = `./applemac.def'.

\openout1 = `./next.def'.

\openout2 = `./ansinew.def'.

\openout3 = `./cp1252.def'.

\openout4 = `./latin1.def'.

\openout5 = `./cp1250.def'.

Processing file inputenc.dtx (applemac) -> applemac.def
                             (next) -> next.def
                             (ansinew) -> ansinew.def
                             (cp1252) -> cp1252.def
                             (latin1) -> latin1.def
                             (cp1250) -> cp1250.def
File inputenc.dtx ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 2130
Comments removed: 776
Comments  passed: 15
Codelines passed: 1236

) (ltoutenc.ins

Generating file(s) ./ot1enc.def ./omsenc.def ./omlenc.def ./t1enc.def ./ot4enc.
def ./ts1enc.def ./textcomp.sty ./fontenc.sty 
\openout0 = `./ot1enc.def'.

\openout1 = `./omsenc.def'.

\openout2 = `./omlenc.def'.

\openout3 = `./t1enc.def'.

\openout4 = `./ot4enc.def'.

\openout5 = `./ts1enc.def'.

\openout6 = `./textcomp.sty'.

\openout7 = `./fontenc.sty'.

Processing file ltoutenc.dtx (OT1) -> ot1enc.def
                             (OMS) -> omsenc.def
                             (OML) -> omlenc.def
                             (T1) -> t1enc.def
                             (OT4) -> ot4enc.def
                             (TS1) -> ts1enc.def
                             (TS1sty) -> textcomp.sty
                             (package) -> fontenc.sty
File ltoutenc.dtx ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 2666
Comments removed: 1716
Comments  passed: 1
Codelines passed: 912

) (classes.ins

Generating file(s) ./article.cls ./report.cls ./book.cls ./size10.clo ./size11.
clo ./size12.clo ./bk10.clo ./bk11.clo ./bk12.clo 
\openout0 = `./article.cls'.

\openout1 = `./report.cls'.

\openout2 = `./book.cls'.

\openout3 = `./size10.clo'.

\openout4 = `./size11.clo'.

\openout5 = `./size12.clo'.

\openout6 = `./bk10.clo'.

\openout7 = `./bk11.clo'.

\openout8 = `./bk12.clo'.

Processing file classes.dtx (article) -> article.cls
                            (report) -> report.cls
                            (book) -> book.cls
                            (10pt) -> size10.clo
                            (11pt) -> size11.clo
                            (12pt) -> size12.clo
                            (10pt,bk) -> bk10.clo
                            (11pt,bk) -> bk11.clo
                            (12pt,bk) -> bk12.clo
File classes.dtx ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 4392
Comments removed: 2997
Comments  passed: 15
Codelines passed: 1075

) (letter.ins
*** Generating letter class file ***

Generating file(s) ./letter.cls 
\openout0 = `./letter.cls'.

Processing file letter.dtx (letter) -> letter.cls
File letter.dtx ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 1903
Comments removed: 1470
Comments  passed: 15
Codelines passed: 409

) (slides.ins
*** Generating slide cmd files and styles ***

Generating file(s) ./slides.cls ./slides.def 
\openout0 = `./slides.cls'.

\openout1 = `./slides.def'.

Processing file slides.dtx (class) -> slides.cls
                           (cmd) -> slides.def
File slides.dtx ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 2708
Comments removed: 1768
Comments  passed: 15
Codelines passed: 912

*** Generating default fonts setup file for slides ***
*** Generating .fd files ***

Generating file(s) ./sfonts.def ./ot1lcmss.fd ./ot1lcmtt.fd ./omllcmm.fd ./omsl
cmsy.fd ./omxlcmex.fd ./ullasy.fd 
\openout0 = `./sfonts.def'.

\openout1 = `./ot1lcmss.fd'.

\openout2 = `./ot1lcmtt.fd'.

\openout3 = `./omllcmm.fd'.

\openout4 = `./omslcmsy.fd'.

\openout5 = `./omxlcmex.fd'.

\openout6 = `./ullasy.fd'.

Processing file slifonts.fdd (main) -> sfonts.def
                             (lcmss,fd) -> ot1lcmss.fd
                             (lcmtt,fd) -> ot1lcmtt.fd
                             (lcmm,fd) -> omllcmm.fd
                             (lcmsy,fd) -> omslcmsy.fd
                             (lcmex,fd) -> omxlcmex.fd
                             (llasy,fd) -> ullasy.fd
File slifonts.fdd ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 451
Comments removed: 267
Comments  passed: 0
Codelines passed: 103

) (proc.ins

Generating file(s) ./proc.cls ./proc.sty 
\openout0 = `./proc.cls'.

\openout1 = `./proc.sty'.

Processing file proc.dtx (class) -> proc.cls
                         (style) -> proc.sty
File proc.dtx ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 441
Comments removed: 318
Comments  passed: 15
Codelines passed: 93

) (latexsym.ins

Generating file(s) ./latexsym.sty ./ulasy.fd 
\openout0 = `./latexsym.sty'.

\openout1 = `./ulasy.fd'.

Processing file latexsym.dtx (package) -> latexsym.sty
                             (fd) -> ulasy.fd
File latexsym.dtx ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 182
Comments removed: 129
Comments  passed: 0
Codelines passed: 41

) (cmfonts.ins

Generating file(s) ./ot1cmss.fd ./ot1cmr.fd ./ot1cmtt.fd ./ot1cmvtt.fd ./ot1cmf
ib.fd ./ot1cmfr.fd ./ot1cmdh.fd 
\openout0 = `./ot1cmss.fd'.

\openout1 = `./ot1cmr.fd'.

\openout2 = `./ot1cmtt.fd'.

\openout3 = `./ot1cmvtt.fd'.

\openout4 = `./ot1cmfib.fd'.

\openout5 = `./ot1cmfr.fd'.

\openout6 = `./ot1cmdh.fd'.

Processing file cmfonts.fdd (fd,OT1cmss) -> ot1cmss.fd
                            (fd,OT1cmr) -> ot1cmr.fd
                            (fd,OT1cmtt,nowarn) -> ot1cmtt.fd
                            (fd,OT1cmvtt) -> ot1cmvtt.fd
                            (fd,OT1cmfib) -> ot1cmfib.fd
                            (fd,OT1cmfr) -> ot1cmfr.fd
                            (fd,OT1cmdh) -> ot1cmdh.fd
File cmfonts.fdd ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 1277
Comments removed: 538
Comments  passed: 0
Codelines passed: 424

Generating file(s) ./ucmr.fd ./ucmss.fd ./ucmtt.fd ./omlcmm.fd ./omscmsy.fd ./o
mxcmex.fd ./omlcmr.fd ./omscmr.fd 
\openout0 = `./ucmr.fd'.

\openout1 = `./ucmss.fd'.

\openout2 = `./ucmtt.fd'.

\openout3 = `./omlcmm.fd'.

\openout4 = `./omscmsy.fd'.

\openout5 = `./omxcmex.fd'.

\openout6 = `./omlcmr.fd'.

\openout7 = `./omscmr.fd'.

Processing file cmfonts.fdd (fd,Ucmr) -> ucmr.fd
                            (fd,Ucmss) -> ucmss.fd
                            (fd,Ucmtt) -> ucmtt.fd
                            (fd,OMLcmm) -> omlcmm.fd
                            (fd,OMScmsy) -> omscmsy.fd
                            (fd,OMXcmex) -> omxcmex.fd
                            (fd,OMLcmr) -> omlcmr.fd
                            (fd,OMScmr) -> omscmr.fd
File cmfonts.fdd ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 1277
Comments removed: 538
Comments  passed: 0
Codelines passed: 424

) (ec.ins
*** Generating font defs for Cork encoded and Text Companion fonts ***

Generating file(s) ./t1cmfib.fd ./t1cmfr.fd ./t1cmdh.fd ./t1cmr.fd ./t1cmss.fd 
./t1cmtt.fd ./t1cmvtt.fd ./ts1cmr.fd ./ts1cmss.fd ./ts1cmtt.fd ./ts1cmvtt.fd 
\openout0 = `./t1cmfib.fd'.

\openout1 = `./t1cmfr.fd'.

\openout2 = `./t1cmdh.fd'.

\openout3 = `./t1cmr.fd'.

\openout4 = `./t1cmss.fd'.

\openout5 = `./t1cmtt.fd'.

\openout6 = `./t1cmvtt.fd'.

\openout7 = `./ts1cmr.fd'.

\openout8 = `./ts1cmss.fd'.

\openout9 = `./ts1cmtt.fd'.

\openout10 = `./ts1cmvtt.fd'.

Processing file cmfonts.fdd (fd,T1cmfib,ec) -> t1cmfib.fd
                            (fd,T1cmfr,ec) -> t1cmfr.fd
                            (fd,T1cmdh,ec) -> t1cmdh.fd
                            (fd,T1cmr,ec) -> t1cmr.fd
                            (fd,T1cmss,ec) -> t1cmss.fd
                            (fd,T1cmtt,tt,ec,nowarn) -> t1cmtt.fd
                            (fd,T1cmvtt,tt,ec) -> t1cmvtt.fd
                            (fd,TS1cmr,ec) -> ts1cmr.fd
                            (fd,TS1cmss,ec) -> ts1cmss.fd
                            (fd,TS1cmtt,ec,tt) -> ts1cmtt.fd
                            (fd,TS1cmvtt,ec,tt) -> ts1cmvtt.fd
File cmfonts.fdd ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 1277
Comments removed: 538
Comments  passed: 0
Codelines passed: 424

Generating file(s) ./t1lcmss.fd ./t1lcmtt.fd 
\openout0 = `./t1lcmss.fd'.

\openout1 = `./t1lcmtt.fd'.

Processing file slifonts.fdd (lcmss,fd,ec) -> t1lcmss.fd
                             (lcmtt,fd,ec) -> t1lcmtt.fd
File slifonts.fdd ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 451
Comments removed: 267
Comments  passed: 0
Codelines passed: 103

) (latex209.ins
*** Generating compatibility mode files ***

Generating file(s) ./latex209.def ./article.sty ./book.sty ./report.sty ./lette
r.sty ./slides.sty ./fleqn.sty ./leqno.sty ./openbib.sty ./bezier.sty ./t1enc.s
\openout0 = `./latex209.def'.

\openout1 = `./article.sty'.

\openout2 = `./book.sty'.

\openout3 = `./report.sty'.

\openout4 = `./letter.sty'.

\openout5 = `./slides.sty'.

\openout6 = `./fleqn.sty'.

\openout7 = `./leqno.sty'.

\openout8 = `./openbib.sty'.

\openout9 = `./bezier.sty'.

\openout10 = `./t1enc.sty'.

Processing file latex209.dtx (head) -> latex209.def
                             (article) -> article.sty
                             (book) -> book.sty
                             (report) -> report.sty
                             (letter) -> letter.sty
                             (slides) -> slides.sty
                             (fleqn) -> fleqn.sty
                             (leqno) -> leqno.sty
                             (openbib) -> openbib.sty
                             (bezier) -> bezier.sty
                             (t1enc) -> t1enc.sty
File latex209.dtx ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 1132
Comments removed: 774
Comments  passed: 15
Codelines passed: 315

Processing file oldlfont.dtx (latex209) -> latex209.def
File oldlfont.dtx ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 252
Comments removed: 178
Comments  passed: 18
Codelines passed: 45

Processing file latex209.dtx (tail) -> latex209.def
File latex209.dtx  ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 1132
Comments removed: 774
Comments  passed: 15
Codelines passed: 315

) (docstrip.ins

Generating file(s) ./docstrip.tex 
\openout0 = `./docstrip.tex'.

Processing file docstrip.dtx (initex,program,stats) -> docstrip.tex
File docstrip.dtx ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 4341
Comments removed: 3230
Comments  passed: 25
Codelines passed: 1053

Generating file(s) ./doc.sty ./shortvrb.sty ./ ./ 
\openout0 = `./doc.sty'.

\openout1 = `./shortvrb.sty'.

\openout2 = `./'.

\openout3 = `./'.

Processing file doc.dtx (package) -> doc.sty
                        (shortvrb) -> shortvrb.sty
                        (gind) ->
                        (gglo) ->
File doc.dtx ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 4848
Comments removed: 3985
Comments  passed: 18
Codelines passed: 777

Generating file(s) ./ltxdoc.cls 
\openout0 = `./ltxdoc.cls'.

Processing file ltxdoc.dtx (class) -> ltxdoc.cls
Lines  processed: 489
Comments removed: 311
Comments  passed: 0
Codelines passed: 171

) (ifthen.ins

Generating file(s) ./ifthen.sty 
\openout0 = `./ifthen.sty'.

Processing file ifthen.dtx (package) -> ifthen.sty
File ifthen.dtx ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 495
Comments removed: 381
Comments  passed: 6
Codelines passed: 99

) (graphpap.ins

Generating file(s) ./graphpap.sty 
\openout0 = `./graphpap.sty'.

Processing file graphpap.dtx (package) -> graphpap.sty
Lines  processed: 175
Comments removed: 106
Comments  passed: 5
Codelines passed: 57

) (pict2e.ins

Generating file(s) ./pict2e.sty 
\openout0 = `./pict2e.sty'.

Processing file pict2e.dtx (package) -> pict2e.sty
Lines  processed: 48
Comments removed: 14
Comments  passed: 0
Codelines passed: 30

) (makeindx.ins

Generating file(s) ./makeidx.sty ./showidx.sty 
\openout0 = `./makeidx.sty'.

\openout1 = `./showidx.sty'.

Processing file makeindx.dtx (makeidx) -> makeidx.sty
                             (showidx) -> showidx.sty
File makeindx.dtx ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 275
Comments removed: 219
Comments  passed: 0
Codelines passed: 48

) (syntonly.ins

Generating file(s) ./syntonly.sty 
\openout0 = `./syntonly.sty'.

Processing file syntonly.dtx (package) -> syntonly.sty
File syntonly.dtx ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 274
Comments removed: 200
Comments  passed: 17
Codelines passed: 48

) (exscale.ins

Generating file(s) ./exscale.sty 
\openout0 = `./exscale.sty'.

Processing file exscale.dtx (package) -> exscale.sty
File exscale.dtx ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 168
Comments removed: 125
Comments  passed: 3
Codelines passed: 28

) (alltt.ins

Generating file(s) ./alltt.sty 
\openout0 = `./alltt.sty'.

Processing file alltt.dtx (package) -> alltt.sty
File alltt.dtx ended by \endinput.
Lines  processed: 198
Comments removed: 124
Comments  passed: 6
Codelines passed: 59


* Now run INITEX on latex.ltx

Overall statistics:
Files  processed: 69
Lines  processed: 73158
Comments removed: 48086
Comments  passed: 427
Codelines passed: 21727
No pages of output.

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