Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/steve/root/sys/lib/texmf/tex/latex/cite/drftcite.sty

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%     D R F T C I T E . S T Y
%     version 3.5  (Jan 1995)
%     Print the tags instead of the numbers for \cite.
%     See also CITE.STY and OVERCITE.STY.
%     Copyright (C) 1989,1991-1995 by Donald Arseneau
%     These macros may be freely transmitted, reproduced, or modified
%     provided that this notice is left intact.
%     Instructions are below, after \endinput.
% ........................
%   Handle formatting hooks:
%   \citeform,\citeleft,\citeright,\citemid,\citepunct
%   Set defaults:

%   [ on the left.

%   ] on the right:

%   , (comma space) before note
\@ifundefined{citemid}{\def\citemid{,\penalty\@lowpenalty\ }}{}

%   , (comma space) between entries
% Default: To put space after the comma.  [nospace] eliminates the space
   \def\citepunct{,\penalty\@lowpenalty\ }%

%   Each citation tag left as-is:

%   Do not repeat warnings.  [verbose] reverses

%  \citen gives the citation tag in the text and writes the aux file entry.
%  Use \citen to give citation name without the other formatting; e.g.,
%  "See also ref.~\citen{junk}" gives "See also ref. junk".
\edef\citen{\noexpand\protect \expandafter\noexpand\csname citen \endcsname}

\@namedef{citen }#1{%
\edef\@tempa{\@ignspaftercomma,#1, \@end, }% ignore spaces in parameter list.
\if@filesw \immediate\write \@auxout {\string\citation {\@tempa}}\fi
\@for \@citeb:=\@tempa\do {\@citea
  \@ifundefined {b@\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}%
    {{\bf \@citeverb{\@citeb}?}%% issue warning only for first mis-use:
     \@dftc@ifund {DCN@\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}{% delete to warn always
     \@warning {Citation `\@citeb' on page \thepage\space undefined}%
     }{}% delete to warn always
    }% else, defined

% for ignoring spaces in the input:
\def\@ignspaftercomma#1, {\ifx\@end#1\@empty\else

% Make \cite robust.
\edef\cite{\noexpand\protect\expandafter\noexpand\csname cite \endcsname}

\@namedef{cite }{\@ifnextchar [{\@tempswatrue\@citex}{\@tempswafalse\@citex[]}}

%  Make \@citex refer to \citen:
%  (Put a single space before the output)

%  Replacement for \@cite which defines the formatting normally done
%  around the citation list.  Adjust the spacing before the citation:
%  if no space or if there is extra space due to some punctuation, then
%  change to one inter-word space.  The way to change this is by changing
%  \citeleft, \citemid, and \citeright; but in extreme cases it might be
%  necessary to redefine the whole macro.
  \@tempskipa\lastskip \edef\@tempa{\the\@tempskipa}\unskip
  \ifx\@tempa\@zero@skip \spacefactor1001 \fi % if no space before, set flag
  \ifnum\spacefactor>\@m \ \else \hskip\@tempskipa \fi
  \citeleft{#1\if@tempswa \citemid #2\fi}\citeright
  \spacefactor\@m % punctuation in note doesn't affect outside
%  Give the citation tag as the label (even if another label is specified)
    {Reference `#2' on page \thepage\space was never cited}}{}%
   \DC@llap{$^{\@nameuse{DCN@#2\@extra@b@citeb}}$\ \ }%%o
   \@citeverb{#2}}\hfil]\if@filesw{\def\protect##1{\string ##1\space}%


%  make the special characters in the citation tag printable
 {\citeform{% to get characters <>_|{}: \citeform->\tt
   \expandafter \expandafter \expandafter \@gobblethree %  do \csname, \string,
   \expandafter \string\csname b@#1\endcsname}%     %  \@gobble, in that order.


%   \@extra@b@citeb is a hook for other style files to further specify
%   citations; for example, to number by chapter.
%   In case no fancy bib package (chapterbib) defines it:


%   Handle optional variations:

\nocitecount % in case what follows gets removed

\newcount\@HighCite \global\@HighCite\z@

{ \DeclareOption{nocitecount}{\endinput}
  \DeclareOption{space}{\def\citepunct{,\ }}
  \ProvidesPackage{drftcite}[1995/01/23 \space  v 3.5]
  \ProcessOptions }

% The rest deals only with counting, and can be removed if counting is never
% desired.

%     count the citations as they appear in the text
\def\@advancecitecount{\@ifundefined {DCN@\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}%
\expandafter\xdef\csname DCN@\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb\endcsname{\the\@HighCite}}%
%  The remainder handles (counting over) input files skipped by \includeonly.
%  It adds code to LaTeX's \include to re-read the .aux file checking the
%  \citation commands.
%  For included files that are skipped (not listed by \includeonly)
%  input the .aux file ignoring all commands but \citation, which
%  does \@advancecitecount (keeps count of the citations).  This adds
%  a requirement for other style files that add commands to the .aux
%  file:  the commands must be safe to execute an extra time.
 \ifx\DC@llap\llap \begingroup % do counting only if wanted
  \@ifundefined{cp@#1}{}% don't do if .aux file not there!
   {\toks@\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\csname cp@#1\endcsname}%
   \expandafter\xdef\csname cp@#1\endcsname{\the\toks@
 \endgroup\fi \@dftc@include{#1}}
\def\@dftc@auxcite#1{\begingroup % disable everything but \citation
  \let\bibcite\@gobbletwo \let\newlabel\@gobbletwo \let\@writefile\@gobbletwo
  \let\bibdata\@gobble \let\bibstyle\@gobble % already \@gobble normally
  \def\citation##1{\@for\@citeb:=##1\do {\@advancecitecount}}%

%     D R F T C I T E . S T Y
%     version 3.5  (Jan 1995)
%  This package makes LaTeX use the identifying label instead of the number
%  for citations, as if the bibliography had entries like \bibitem[name]{name}
%  but LaTeX writes the proper citation number to the aux file for later runs.
%  Spaces before the \cite command are ignored, and an ordinary interword
%  space is used.  This package is particularly useful for draft (draught)
%  versions of documents.
%  The \citen command is provided, as in cite.sty, to print just the citation
%  or list of citations without the brackets and other formatting.
%  Drftcite keeps track of which references were cited, and issues warnings
%  for bibliography items that were never cited in the text.
%  This package also keeps track of the order of first-citations in the text
%  for easy sorting (in lieu of BibTeX).  To omit this counting...
%  LaTeX 2.09: declare \nocitecount before the first \cite; or, for
%     a more permanent removal, comment-out the lines ending with %%o
%     below, and omit everything following the line that begins with %%o.
%  LaTeX2e: specify \usepackage[nocitecount]{drftcite}, or perform the
%     editing described above.
%  The characters <>|_{}\ are not present in the cm roman fonts, so if you use
%  them in identifiers, they will have to be typeset in typewriter style.
%  To do this,...
%  LaTeX 2.09: insert \renewcommand\citeform{\tt} in your preamble
%  LaTeX2e: specify \usepackage[tt]{drftcite}
%  `Citation...undefined' warnings are only given once per undefined
%  citation name.  In the text, missing numbers are represented with a
%  bold `name?'.   To restore multiple warnings...
%  LaTex 2.09: edit this file, removing the lines with the comments:
%      "delete to warn always"
%  LaTeX2e: specify \usepackage[verbose]{drftcite}
%  Other options for \usepackage are:
%  [space]    -  Separate printed names with comma-space (Default).
%  [nospace]  -  Print just a comma (not comma-space) after each name.
%  [breakcites]  - Allow each printed name to be broken (hyphenated).
%  There are several commands that you may redefine (using \renewcommand)
%  to change the formatting of citation lists:
%   command       function                   default
%  ----------    -----------------------    ----------------------------
%  \citeform     reformats every entry      nothing
%  \citepunct    printed between numbers    comma + space
%  \citeleft     left delimiter of list     [
%  \citeright    right delimeter of list    ]
%  \citemid      printed before note        comma + space
%  This version of drftcite can co-exist with chapterbib.sty (version 1.4
%  or later).
%  [This file is named "drftcite" because "draftcite" is too long a name for
%   some computers.  Sorry to those who use the spelling "draught."  I could
%   have abbreviated the name by selecting the shared letters in "draft" and
%   "draught," but "dratcite" somehow conveys the wrong meaning.]
% Version 1991: Ignore spaces after commas in the parameter list. Create
%    \nocitecount to turn off counting the order of citations.
% Version 3.1 (1992): protect \cite and \citen. (There is no version 3.0)
% Version 3.2 (1993): Supress repetitions of warning messages.  Include
%    \@extra@b@citeb hook for chapterbib.sty.  Make \include handle case that
%    \cp@FOO was not defined.
% Version 3.3 (1993): Fix \nocitecount. Change printing of undefined refs.
% Version 3.4 (1994): LaTex2e support, including spaces in protected command
%    names; better chapterbib support.
% Version 3.5 (1995): Add tests before removing space + options from cite.sty.
%    change \@citeverb to not eat hash space.
% Send problem reports to
% Test integrity of file:
% brackets:  round, square, curly, angle:   () [] {} <>
% backslash, slash, vertical, at, dollar, and: \ / | @ $ &
% hat, grave, acute (apostrophe), quote, tilde, under:   ^ ` ' " ~ _

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