Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/steve/root/sys/lib/texmf/tex/latex/koma-script/scrbook.cls

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%% This is file `scrbook.cls',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% scrclass.dtx  (with options: `scrbook')
%% Copyright 1994-1996 Markus Kohm and Frank Neukam. 
%% All rights reserved. For further copyright information see the file 
%% readme.txt or liesmich.txt, and any other copyright indicated in this 
%% file. 
%% This file is part of the LaTeX2e KOMA-Script bundle. 
%% ---------------------------------------------------- 
%% The KOMA-Script bundle bases on the Script-family created by 
%% Frank Neukam 1993 and the standard documents classes created 
%% by the LaTeX3-Team 1994-1996. 
%% ------------------------------------------------------------- 
%% This system is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
%% For error reports in case of UNCHANGED versions see documentation. 
%% Please do not request updates from us directly. Distribution is 
%% done through Mail-Servers, Mailboxes and TeX organizations. 
%% You are not allowed to change this file. 
%% You are allowed to distribute this file under the condition that 
%% it is distributed together with all files mentioned in readme.txt 
%% and liesmich.txt. 
%% If you receive only some of these files from someone, complain! 
%% You are NOT ALLOWED to distribute this file alone. You are NOT 
%% ALLOWED to take money for the distribution or use of either this 
%% file or a changed version, except for a nominal charge for copying 
%% etc. 
              [1996/11/09 v2.4h LaTeX2e KOMA
               document class]
\newif\if@mainmatter \@mainmattertrue
\def\@BCOR{\@ifnextchar B{\@@BCOR}{\@DIV}}
\def\@@BCOR B{\@ifnextchar C{\@@@BCOR}{\sc@TraceError B}}
\def\@@@BCOR C{\@ifnextchar O{\@@@@BCOR}{\sc@TraceError BC}}
\def\@@@@BCOR O{\@ifnextchar R{\@v@BCOR}{\sc@TraceError BCO}}
\def\@v@BCOR R{\@ifnextchar .{\@vi@BCOR}
               {\@ifnextchar 0{\@vi@BCOR}
                {\@ifnextchar 1{\@vi@BCOR}
                 {\@ifnextchar 2{\@vi@BCOR}
                  {\@ifnextchar 3{\@vi@BCOR}
                   {\@ifnextchar 4{\@vi@BCOR}
                    {\@ifnextchar 5{\@vi@BCOR}
                     {\@ifnextchar 6{\@vi@BCOR}
                      {\@ifnextchar 7{\@vi@BCOR}
                       {\@ifnextchar 8{\@vi@BCOR}
                        {\@ifnextchar 9{\@vi@BCOR}
                         {\sc@TraceError BCOR}}}}}}}}}}}}
\def\@DIV{\@ifnextchar D{\@@DIV}{\sc@TraceError}}
\def\@@DIV D{\@ifnextchar I{\@@@DIV}{\sc@TraceError D}}
\def\@@@DIV I{\@ifnextchar V{\@@@@DIV}{\sc@TraceError DI}}
\def\@@@@DIV V{\@ifnextchar 0{\@v@DIV}
               {\@ifnextchar 1{\@v@DIV}
                {\@ifnextchar 2{\@v@DIV}
                 {\@ifnextchar 3{\@v@DIV}
                  {\@ifnextchar 4{\@v@DIV}
                   {\@ifnextchar 5{\@v@DIV}
                    {\@ifnextchar 6{\@v@DIV}
                     {\@ifnextchar 7{\@v@DIV}
                      {\@ifnextchar 8{\@v@DIV}
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    {undefined option `pointednumber' instead of `pointednumbers'.}
    {You've used the class-option `pointednumber'.\MessageBreak
     This name was an implementation-error at versions from 2.3h till
     The correct name ist `pointednumber'.
     Change this at your document.\MessageBreak
     If you'll continue, the option `pointednumbers' will be used.}}
    {undefined option `pointlessnumber' instead of `pointlessnumbers'.}
    {You've used the class-option `pointlessnumber'.\MessageBreak
     This name was an implementation-error at versions from 2.3h till
     The correct name ist `pointlessnumber'.
     Change this at your document.\MessageBreak
     If you'll continue, the option `pointlessnumbers' will be used.}}
    {You've used the old option name `bigheading'!\MessageBreak
     The correct name of the option ist `bigheadings'.\MessageBreak
     The old name was an implementation error from\MessageBreak
     version 2.3h till 2.4f.\MessageBreak
     You should change this at your document!\MessageBreak
     If you'll continue, option `bigheadings' will be used.}}
    {You've used the old option name `normalheading'!\MessageBreak
     The correct name of the option ist `normalheadings'.\MessageBreak
     The old name was an implementation error from\MessageBreak
     version 2.3h till 2.4f.\MessageBreak
     You should change this at your document!\MessageBreak
     If you'll continue, option `normalheadings' will be used.}}
    {You've used the old option name `smallheading'!\MessageBreak
     The correct name of the option ist `smallheadings'.\MessageBreak
     The old name was an implementation error from\MessageBreak
     version 2.3h till 2.4f.\MessageBreak
     You should change this at your document!\MessageBreak
     If you'll continue, option `smallheadings' will be used.}}
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\newcommand*\listfigurename{List of Figures}
\newcommand*\listtablename{List of Tables}
  January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
  July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi
  \space\number\day, \number\year}
\newcommand*\chaptermarkformat    {\thechapter\if@altsecnumformat.\fi\quad}
\newcommand*\sectionmarkformat    {\thesection\if@altsecnumformat.\fi\quad}
\newcommand*\partformat    {\partname~\thepart\if@altsecnumformat.\fi\ }
\newcommand*\chapterformat {\thechapter\if@altsecnumformat.\fi\ }
\newcommand*\figureformat  {\figurename~\thefigure%
\newcommand*\tableformat   {\tablename~\thetable%
\newcommand*\captionformat {:\ }
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\pagenumbering{arabic}      % Arabic page numbers
%% End of file `scrbook.cls'.

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