Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/steve/root/sys/lib/texmf/tex/latex/local/troffman.sty

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% -*-LaTeX-*-
% <BEEBE.TR2TEX>TROFFMAN.STY.6, 24-Feb-87 09:53:53, Edit by BEEBE
% These macros are intended to be referenced by a LaTeX
% \documentstyle[troffman]{article}
% command.  You can insert an 11pt or 12pt option if you like larger
% type--sizes set here are computed from the LaTeX point size setting.
% Size values have been chosen to closely match Unix manual page
% documents, which are actually too wide and too high for good
% typographic taste and readability.
\hbadness=10000                 % do not want underfull box messages--there are
                                % usually lots in man pages
\hfuzz=\maxdimen                % no overfull box messages either
\voffset=-0.8in                 % man pages start high on page
\textheight=9in                 % and are long
\textwidth=6.5in                % troff man pages have very wide text
\singlespacing=10pt                     % LaTeX has (10+\@ptsize)pt
\addtolength{\singlespacing}{\@ptsize pt} % get size from \documentstyle[??pt]{}

% Use conventional typesetting baselineskip spacing for 10pt type
\newlength{\parmargin}  % whole paragraphs indented this much on man pages

% page heading/footing
% NB: we need \hfill, not \hfil, here; otherwise box is filled only to current
%     paragraph width
     {\makebox[\textwidth]{#1(#2) \hfill \rm UNIX Programmer's Manual%
         \hfill #1(#2)}}}%
      {\makebox[\textwidth]{4th Berkeley distribution \hfill #3%
         \hfill \rm\thepage}}}%
% multi-line left-justified subheading
        \par % force out previous paragraph with its \hangindent values
        \typeout{[#1]}  % maybe temporary, but nice for progress report

\def\nwl{\hfill\break}          % similar to LaTex's \newline but does not
                                % complain if there is no line to break
\def\cntr#1{\begin{SEPcntr} #1 \end{SEPcntr}}
% displayed text, indented, justification off
% fill and nofill
{\catcode`\ =\active\gdef\@vobeyspaces{\catcode`\ \active \let \@xobeysp}}
\def\@xobeysp{\leavevmode{} }

% define a boxing macro

% try this TPlist environment
      \setlength{\leftmargin}{\parmargin}       % all paragraphs have this much
      \addtolength{\leftmargin}{\labelwidth}    % space for label

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