Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/steve/root/sys/src/cmd/graphviz/dotneato/common/macros.h

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#define NOT(v)		(!(v))
#ifndef FALSE
#define	FALSE		0
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE		NOT(FALSE)

#ifdef DMALLOC
#define NEW(t)		 (t*)calloc(1,sizeof(t))
#define N_NEW(n,t)	 (t*)calloc((n),sizeof(t))
#define GNEW(t)		 (t*)malloc(sizeof(t))
#define N_GNEW(n,t)	 (t*)malloc((n)*sizeof(t))
#define ALLOC(size,ptr,type) (ptr? (type*)realloc(ptr,(size)*sizeof(type)):(type*)malloc((size)*sizeof(type)))
#define RALLOC(size,ptr,type) ((type*)realloc(ptr,(size)*sizeof(type)))
#define ZALLOC(size,ptr,type,osize) (ptr? (type*)recalloc(ptr,(size)*sizeof(type)):(type*)calloc((size),sizeof(type)))
#define NEW(t)		 (t*)zmalloc(sizeof(t))
#define N_NEW(n,t)	 (t*)zmalloc((n)*sizeof(t))
#define GNEW(t)		 (t*)gmalloc(sizeof(t))
#define N_GNEW(n,t)	 (t*)gmalloc((n)*sizeof(t))
#define ALLOC(size,ptr,type) (ptr? (type*)grealloc(ptr,(size)*sizeof(type)):(type*)gmalloc((size)*sizeof(type)))
#define RALLOC(size,ptr,type) ((type*)grealloc(ptr,(size)*sizeof(type)))
#define ZALLOC(size,ptr,type,osize) (ptr? (type*)zrealloc(ptr,size,sizeof(type),osize):(type*)zmalloc((size)*sizeof(type)))

#ifdef MIN
#undef MIN
#define MIN(a,b)	((a)<(b)?(a):(b))

#ifdef MAX
#undef MAX
#define MAX(a,b)	((a)>(b)?(a):(b))

#ifdef ABS
#undef ABS
#define ABS(a)		((a) >= 0 ? (a) : -(a))

#ifndef MAXINT
#define	MAXINT		((int)(~(unsigned)0 >> 1))
#ifndef MAXSHORT
#define	MAXSHORT	(0x7fff)

#ifdef BETWEEN
#undef BETWEEN
#define BETWEEN(a,b,c)	(((a) <= (b)) && ((b) <= (c)))

#define ROUND(f)        ((f>=0)?(int)(f + .5):(int)(f - .5))
#define RADIANS(deg)	((deg)/180.0 * PI)
#define DEGREES(rad)	((rad)/PI * 180.0)
#define DIST(x1,y1,x2,y2) (sqrt(((x1) - (x2))*((x1) - (x2)) + ((y1) - (y2))*((y1) - (y2))))
#define POINTS_PER_INCH	72.0
#define POINTS(f_inch)	(ROUND(f_inch*POINTS_PER_INCH))
#define PS2INCH(ps)		((ps)/POINTS_PER_INCH)

#ifndef streq
#define streq(s,t)		(!strcmp((s),(t)))

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