Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/steve/root/sys/src/cmd/tex/dvipsk/dvips.c

Copyright © 2021 Plan 9 Foundation.
Distributed under the MIT License.
Download the Plan 9 distribution.

 *   This is the main routine.
#ifndef DEFRES
#define DEFRES (600)

#include "dvips.h" /* The copyright notice there is included too! */
#include <kpathsea/c-pathch.h>
#include <kpathsea/proginit.h>
#include <kpathsea/progname.h>
#include <kpathsea/tex-hush.h>
#include <kpathsea/tex-make.h>
#include <kpathsea/lib.h>
#ifdef strdup
#undef strdup
#define strdup xstrdup
#include "paths.h"
#else /* ! KPATHSEA */
#include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc, etc. */
#if !defined(SYSV) && !defined(WIN32)
extern char *strtok() ; /* some systems don't have this in strings.h */
#if defined(WIN32)
#include <io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#endif /* KPATHSEA */
#ifdef VMS
#define GLOBAL globaldef
#ifdef __GNUC__
#include "climsgdef.h"	/* created by hand, extracted from STARLET.MLB */
			/* and put in GNU_CC:[INCLUDE.LOCAL]           */
#include "ctype.h"
#include "descrip.h"
#include climsgdef
#include ctype
#include descrip
 *   First we define some globals.
#ifdef VMS
    static char ofnme[252],infnme[252],pap[40],thh[20];
fontdesctype *fonthead ;      /* list of all fonts mentioned so far */
fontdesctype *curfnt ;        /* the currently selected font */
sectiontype *sections ;       /* sections to process document in */
Boolean partialdownload = 1 ; /* turn on partial downloading */
Boolean manualfeed ;          /* manual feed? */
Boolean compressed ;          /* compressed? */
Boolean downloadpspk ;        /* use PK for downloaded PS fonts? */
Boolean safetyenclose ;
                          /* enclose in save/restore for stupid spoolers? */
Boolean removecomments = 0 ;  /* remove comments from included PS? */
Boolean nosmallchars ;        /* disable small char optimization for X4045? */
Boolean cropmarks ;           /* add cropmarks? */
Boolean abspage = 0 ;         /* are page numbers absolute? */
Boolean tryepsf = 0 ;         /* should we try to make it espf? */
Boolean secure = 0 ;          /* make safe for suid */
int collatedcopies = 1 ;      /* how many collated copies? */
int sectioncopies = 1 ;       /* how many times to repeat each section? */
integer pagecopies = 1 ;          /* how many times to repeat each page? */
shalfword linepos = 0 ;       /* where are we on the line being output? */
integer maxpages ;            /* the maximum number of pages */
Boolean notfirst, notlast ;   /* true if a first page was specified */
Boolean evenpages, oddpages ; /* true if doing only even/only odd pages */
Boolean pagelist ;            /* true if using page ranges */
Boolean sendcontrolD ;        /* should we send a control D at end? */
Boolean shiftlowchars ;       /* shift [0-32, 127] characters higher? */
integer firstpage ;           /* the number of the first page if specified */
integer lastpage ;
integer firstseq ;
integer lastseq ;
integer hpapersize, vpapersize ; /* horizontal and vertical paper size */
integer hoff, voff ;          /* horizontal and vertical offsets */
integer maxsecsize = 0;       /* the maximum size of a section */
integer firstboploc ;         /* where the first bop is */
Boolean sepfiles ;            /* each section in its own file? */
int numcopies ;               /* number of copies of each page to print */
char *oname ;                 /* output file name */
char *iname ;                 /* dvi file name */
char *fulliname ;             /* same, with current working directory */
char *strings ;               /* strings for program */
char *nextstring, *maxstring ; /* string pointers */
FILE *dvifile, *bitfile ;     /* dvi and output files */
quarterword *curpos ;        /* current position in virtual character packet */
quarterword *curlim ;         /* final byte in virtual character packet */
fontmaptype *ffont ;          /* first font in current frame */
real conv ;                   /* conversion ratio, pixels per DVI unit */
real vconv ;                  /* conversion ratio, pixels per DVI unit */
real alpha ;                  /* conversion ratio, DVI unit per TFM unit */
double mag ;                  /* the magnification of this document */
integer num, den ;            /* the numerator and denominator */
int overridemag ;             /* substitute for mag value in DVI file? */
int actualdpi = DEFRES ;      /* the actual resolution of the printer */
int vactualdpi = DEFRES ;     /* the actual resolution of the printer */
int maxdrift ;                /* max pixels away from true rounded position */
int vmaxdrift ;               /* max pixels away from true rounded position */
char *paperfmt ;              /* command-line paper format */
int landscape = 0 ;           /* landscape mode */
integer fontmem ;             /* memory remaining in printer */
integer pagecount ;           /* page counter for the sections */
integer pagenum ;             /* the page number we currently look at */
long bytesleft ;              /* number of bytes left in raster */
quarterword *raster ;         /* area for raster manipulations */
integer hh, vv ;              /* horizontal and vertical pixel positions */

 * The PATH definitions cannot be defined on the command line because so many
 * DEFINE's overflow the DCL buffer when using the GNU CC compiler.
#if defined(VMS) && defined(__GNUC__)
#include "vms_gcc_paths.h"

char *infont ;                /* is the file we are downloading a font? */
#ifndef KPATHSEA
#ifdef ATARIST
#   define TFMPATH "."
#   define PKPATH "."
#   define VFPATH "."
#   define FIGPATH "."
#   define HEADERPATH "."
#   define CONFIGPATH "."
char *tfmpath = TFMPATH ;     /* pointer to directories for tfm files */
char *pkpath = PKPATH ;       /* pointer to directories for pk files */
char *vfpath = VFPATH ;       /* pointer to directories for vf files */
char *figpath = FIGPATH ;     /* pointer to directories for figure files */
char *headerpath = HEADERPATH ; /* pointer to directories for header files */
char *configpath = CONFIGPATH ; /* where to find config files */
#ifndef PICTPATH
#ifndef __THINK__
#define PICTPATH "."
#define PICTPATH ":"
char *pictpath = PICTPATH ;   /* where IFF/etc. pictures are found */
char *fontsubdirpath = FONTSUBDIRPATH ;
#endif /* ! KPATHSEA */
#ifdef FONTLIB
char *flipath = FLIPATH ;     /* pointer to directories for fli files */
char *fliname = FLINAME ;     /* pointer to names of fli files */
integer swmem ;               /* font memory in the PostScript printer */
int quiet ;                   /* should we only print errors to stderr? */
int filter ;                  /* act as filter default output to stdout,
                                               default input to stdin? */
int prettycolumn ;            /* the column we are at when running pretty */
int gargc ;                   /* global argument count */
char **gargv ;                /* global argument vector */
int totalpages = 0 ;          /* total number of pages */
Boolean reverse ;             /* are we going reverse? */
Boolean usesPSfonts ;         /* do we use local PostScript fonts? */
Boolean usesspecial ;         /* do we use \special? */
Boolean headers_off ;         /* do we send headers or not? */
Boolean usescolor ;           /* IBM: color - do we use colors? */
char *headerfile ;            /* default header file */
char *warningmsg ;            /* a message to write, if set in config file */
Boolean multiplesects ;       /* more than one section? */
Boolean disablecomments ;     /* should we suppress any EPSF comments? */
char *printer ;               /* what printer to send this to? */
char *mfmode ;                /* default MF mode */
char *mflandmode ;            /* allow an optional landscape mode def */
int mfmode_option;            /* set by -mode command-line option */
int oname_option;             /* set by -o option */
frametype frames[MAXFRAME] ;  /* stack for virtual fonts */
fontdesctype *baseFonts[256] ; /* base fonts for dvi file */
integer pagecost;               /* memory used on the page being prescanned */
int delchar;                    /* characters to delete from prescanned page */
integer fsizetol;               /* max dvi units error for psfile font sizes */
Boolean includesfonts;          /* are fonts used in included psfiles? */
fontdesctype *fonthd[MAXFONTHD];/* list headers for included fonts of 1 name */
int nextfonthd;                 /* next unused fonthd[] index */
char xdig[256];                 /* table for reading hexadecimal digits */
char banner[] = BANNER ;        /* our startup message */
Boolean noenv = 0 ;             /* ignore PRINTER envir variable? */
Boolean dopprescan = 0 ;        /* do we do a scan before the prescan? */
extern int dontmakefont ;
struct papsiz *papsizes ;       /* all available paper size */
int headersready ;              /* ready to check headers? */
#if defined(MSDOS) || defined(OS2) || defined(ATARIST)
char *mfjobname = NULL;         /* name of mfjob file if given */
FILE *mfjobfile = NULL;         /* mfjob file for font making instructions */
#ifdef DEBUG
integer debug_flag = 0;
#endif /* DEBUG */
char queryline[256];                /* interactive query of options */
int qargc;
char *qargv[32];
char queryoptions;
 *   This routine calls the following externals:
#include "protos.h"
#ifdef HPS
Boolean HPS_FLAG = 0 ;
extern int lastresortsizes[];
extern char errbuf[];

/* Declare the routine to get the current working directory.  */

/* The getwd/getcwd stuff here is not portable, and I don't think it's
   worth it to include xgetcwd.d just so we can print the full pathname
   of the DVI file in the output. --karl */
#define IGNORE_CWD

#ifndef IGNORE_CWD
extern char *getwd (); /* said to be faster than getcwd (SunOS man page) */
#define getcwd(b, len)  getwd(b) /* used here only when b nonnull */
#ifdef ANSI
extern char *getcwd (char *, int);
extern char *getcwd ();
#endif /* not ANSI */
#endif /* not HAVE_GETWD */
#if defined(SYSV) || defined(VMS) || (defined(MSDOS) && !defined(__DJGPP__)) || defined(OS2) || defined(ATARIST)
#define MAXPATHLEN (256)
#include <sys/param.h>          /* for MAXPATHLEN */
#endif /* not IGNORE_CWD */

static char *helparr[] = {
#ifdef Omega
#ifndef VMCMS
"Usage: odvips [OPTION]... FILENAME[.dvi]",
"    VM/CMS Usage:",
"           odvips fname [ftype [fmode]] [options]",
"           odvips fname[.ftype[.fmode]] [options]",
#ifndef VMCMS
"Usage: dvips [OPTION]... FILENAME[.dvi]",
"    VM/CMS Usage:",
"           dvips fname [ftype [fmode]] [options]",
"           dvips fname[.ftype[.fmode]] [options]",
#endif /* Omega */
"a*  Conserve memory, not time      A   Print only odd (TeX) pages      ",
"b # Page copies, for posters e.g.  B   Print only even (TeX) pages     ",
"c # Uncollated copies              C # Collated copies                 ",
"d # Debugging                      D # Resolution                      ",
"e # Maxdrift value                 E*  Try to create EPSF              ",
"f*  Run as filter                  F*  Send control-D at end           ",
"                                   G*  Shift low chars to higher pos.  ",
"h f Add header file                                                    ",
"i*  Separate file per section                                          ",
"j*  Download fonts partially                                           ",
"k*  Print crop marks               K*  Pull comments from inclusions   ",
"l # Last page                                                          ",
"m*  Manual feed                    M*  Don't make fonts                ",
"n # Maximum number of pages        N*  No structured comments          ",
"o f Output file                    O c Set/change paper offset         ",
#if defined(MSDOS) || defined(OS2)
"p # First page                     P s Load $s.cfg                     ",
"p # First page                     P s Load config.$s                  ",
"q*  Run quietly                                                        ",
"r*  Reverse order of pages         R   Run securely                    ",
"s*  Enclose output in save/restore S # Max section size in pages       ",
"t s Paper format                   T c Specify desired page size       ",  
"u s PS mapfile                     U*  Disable string param trick      ",
"                                   V*  Send downloadable PS fonts as PK",
"x # Override dvi magnification     X # Horizontal resolution           ",
"y # Multiply by dvi magnification  Y # Vertical resolution             ",  
"                                   Z*  Compress bitmap fonts           ",
/* "-   Interactive query of options", */
"    # = number   f = file   s = string  * = suffix, `0' to turn off    ",
"    c = comma-separated dimension pair (e.g., 3.2in,-32.1cm)           ", 0} ;

help P1C(int, status)
   char **p;
   FILE *f = status == 0 ? stdout : stderr;
   extern DllImport char *kpse_bug_address;
   for (p=helparr; *p; p++)
      fprintf (f, "%s\n", *p);

   putc ('\n', f);
   fputs (kpse_bug_address, f);
 *   This error routine prints an error message; if the first
 *   character is !, it aborts the job.

static char *progname ;

error_with_perror P2C(char *, s, char *, fname)
   if (prettycolumn > 0)
   prettycolumn = 0;
   (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s", progname, s) ;
   if (fname) {
     putc (' ', stderr);
     perror (fname);
   } else {
     putc ('\n', stderr);
   if (*s=='!') {
      if (bitfile != NULL) {
         cleanprinter() ;
      exit(1) ; /* fatal */

 *   This error routine prints an error message; if the first
 *   character is !, it aborts the job.
error P1C(char *, s)
   error_with_perror (s, NULL);

#ifndef KPATHSEA
char *concat P2C(char *, s1, char *, s2)
  char *s = malloc(strlen(s1)+strlen(s2)+1);
  if (s == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Malloc failed to give %d bytes.\nAborting\n",
  strcpy(s, s1);
  strcat(s, s2);

/* Report a warning if both checksums are nonzero, they don't match, and
   the user hasn't turned it off.  */

check_checksum P3C(unsigned, c1, unsigned, c2, const char *, name)
  if (c1 && c2 && c1 != c2 
      && !kpse_tex_hush ("checksum")
      ) {
     sprintf (errbuf, "Checksum mismatch in %s", name);
     error (errbuf);

 *   This is our malloc that checks the results.  We debug the
 *   allocations but not the frees, since memory fragmentation
 *   might be such that we can never use the free'd memory and
 *   it's wise to be conservative.  The only real place we free
 *   is when repacking *huge* characters anyway.
#ifdef DEBUG
static integer totalalloc = 0 ;
char *mymalloc P1C(integer, n)
   char *p ;

   if (n > 65500L)
      error("! can't allocate more than 64K!") ;
   if (n <= 0) /* catch strange 0 mallocs in flib.c without breaking code */
      n = 1 ;
#ifdef DEBUG
   totalalloc += n ;
   if (dd(D_MEM)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Alloc %ld\n", n) ;
      fprintf(stderr, "Alloc %d\n", n) ;
   p = malloc(n) ;
   if (p == NULL)
      error("! no memory") ;
   return p ;
morestrings P1H(void) {
   strings = mymalloc((integer)STRINGSIZE) ;
   nextstring = strings ;
   maxstring = strings + STRINGSIZE - 200 ;
   *nextstring++ = 0 ;
checkstrings P1H(void) {
   if (nextstring - strings > STRINGSIZE / 2)
      morestrings() ;
 *   Initialize sets up all the globals and data structures.
initialize P1H(void)
   int i;
   char *s;

   nextfonthd = 0;
   for (i=0; i<256; i++)
      xdig[i] = 0;
   i = 0;
   for (s="0123456789ABCDEF"; *s!=0; s++)
      xdig[(int)*s] = i++;
   i = 10;
   for (s="abcdef"; *s!=0; s++)
      xdig[(int)*s] = i++;
   morestrings() ;
   maxpages = 100000 ;
   numcopies = 1 ;
   iname = fulliname = strings ;
   bitfile = NULL ;
   bytesleft = 0 ;
   swmem = SWMEM ;
   oname = OUTPATH ;
   sendcontrolD = 0 ;
   shiftlowchars = 0 ;
   multiplesects = 0 ;
   disablecomments = 0 ;
   maxdrift = -1 ;
   vmaxdrift = -1 ;
   dontmakefont = !MAKE_TEX_PK_BY_DEFAULT;
   kpse_set_program_enabled (kpse_pk_format, !dontmakefont, kpse_src_cmdline);
 *   This routine copies a string into the string `pool', safely.
char *
newstring P1C(char *, s)
   int l ;

   if (s == NULL)
      return(NULL) ;
   l = strlen(s) ;
   if (nextstring + l >= maxstring)
      morestrings() ;
   if (nextstring + l >= maxstring)
      error("! out of string space") ;
   (void)strcpy(nextstring, s) ;
   s = nextstring ;
   nextstring += l + 1 ;
   return(s) ;
void newoutname P1H(void) {
   static int seq = 0 ;
   static char *seqptr = 0 ;
   char *p ;

   if (oname == 0 || *oname == 0)
      error("! need an output file name to specify separate files") ;
   if (*oname != '!' && *oname != '|') {
      if (seqptr == 0) {
         oname = newstring(oname) ;
         seqptr = 0 ;
         for (p = oname; *p; p++)
            if (*p == '.')
               seqptr = p + 1 ;
         if (seqptr == 0)
            seqptr = p ;
         nextstring += 5 ; /* make room for the number, up to five digits */
      sprintf(seqptr, "%03d", ++seq) ;
 *   This routine reverses a list, where a list is defined to be any
 *   structure whose first element is a pointer to another such structure.
VOID *revlist P1C(VOID *, p)
   struct list {
      struct list *next ;
   } *pp = (struct list *)p, *qq = 0, *tt ;

   while (pp) {
      tt = pp->next ;
      pp->next = qq ;
      qq = pp ;
      pp = tt ;
   return (VOID *)qq ;
/* this asks for a new set of arguments from the command line */
queryargs P1H(void)
   fputs("Options: ",stdout);
   if ( (qargv[1] = strtok(queryline," \n")) != (char *)NULL ) {
      while ( ((qargv[qargc] = strtok((char *)NULL," \n")) != (char *)NULL)
            && (qargc < 31) )
   qargv[qargc] = (char *)NULL;
 *   Finally, our main routine.
extern void handlepapersize() ;
#ifdef VMS
main P1H(void)
main P2C(int, argc, char **, argv)
   int i, lastext = -1 ;
#ifdef MVSXA
   int firstext = -1 ;
   register sectiontype *sects ;

   kpse_set_progname (argv[0]);
#ifdef __THINK__
   argc = dcommand(&argv) ; /* do I/O stream redirection */
#ifdef VMS		/* Grab the command-line buffer */
   short len_arg;
   $DESCRIPTOR( verb_dsc, "DVIPS ");	/* assume the verb is always DVIPS */
   struct dsc$descriptor_d temp_dsc = { 0, DSC$K_DTYPE_T, DSC$K_CLASS_D, 0};

   progname = &thh[0] ;

   lib$get_foreign( &temp_dsc, 0, &len_arg, 0);	/* Get the command line */
   str$prefix(&temp_dsc, &verb_dsc);		/* prepend the VERB     */
   len_arg += verb_dsc.dsc$w_length;		/* update the length    */
   temp_dsc.dsc$a_pointer[len_arg] = '\0';	/* terminate the string */
   gargv = &temp_dsc.dsc$a_pointer;		/* point to the buffer  */
   gargc = 1 ;					/* only one big argv    */
   progname = argv[0] ;
   gargv = argv ;
   gargc = argc ;
/* we sneak a look at the first arg in case it's debugging */
#ifdef DEBUG
   if (argc > 1 && strncmp(argv[1], "-d", 2)==0) {
      if (argv[1][2]==0 && argc > 2) {
         if (sscanf(argv[2], "%d", &debug_flag)==0)
            debug_flag = 0 ;
      } else {
         if (sscanf(argv[1]+2, "%d", &debug_flag)==0)
            debug_flag = 0 ;
#endif /* KPATHSEA */
#endif /* DEBUG */
   if (argc > 1) {
      if (strcmp (argv[1], "--help") == 0) {
        help (0);
        exit (0);
      } else if (strcmp (argv[1], "--version") == 0) {
        extern DllImport char *kpathsea_version_string;
        puts ("dvips(k) 5.78");
        puts (kpathsea_version_string);
        puts ("Copyright (C) 1998 Radical Eye Software.\n\
There is NO warranty.  You may redistribute this software\n\
under the terms of the GNU General Public License\n\
and the Dvips copyright.\n\
For more information about these matters, see the files\n\
named COPYING and dvips.h.\n\
Primary author of Dvips: T. Rokicki; -k maintainer: K. Berry.");
        exit (0);
   initialize() ;
   checkenv(0) ;
   getdefaults(CONFIGFILE) ;
   getdefaults((char *)0) ;
 *   This next whole big section of code is straightforward; we just scan
 *   the options.  An argument can either immediately follow its option letter
 *   or be separated by spaces.  Any argument not preceded by '-' and an
 *   option letter is considered a file name; the program complains if more
 *   than one file name is given, and uses stdin if none is given.
#ifdef VMS
   vmscli P1H(void);
   papsizes = (struct papsiz *)revlist((void *)papsizes) ; /* Added by PWD 21-Mar-1997 */
   queryoptions = 0;
      for (i=1; i<argc; i++) {
         if (*argv[i]=='-') {
            char *p=argv[i]+2 ;
            char c=argv[i][1] ;
            switch (c) {
case '-':
               queryoptions = 1;
case 'a':
               dopprescan = (*p != '0') ;
               break ;
case 'b':
               if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1])
                  p = argv[++i] ;
               if (sscanf(p, "%d", &pagecopies)==0)
                  error("! Bad number of page copies option (-b).") ;
               if (pagecopies < 1 || pagecopies > 1000)
                  error("! can only print one to a thousand page copies") ;
               break ;
case 'c' :
               if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1])
                  p = argv[++i] ;
               if (sscanf(p, "%d", &numcopies)==0)
                  error("! Bad number of copies option (-c).") ;
               break ;
case 'd' :
#ifdef DEBUG
                  int old_debug = debug_flag ;
                  static int warned_already = 0 ;

                  if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1])
                     p = argv[++i];
                  if (sscanf(p, "%d", &debug_flag)==0)
                     error("! Bad debug option (-d).");
                  if (debug_flag != old_debug && warned_already++ == 0) {
  "I found a debug option that was not the first argument to the dvips\n") ;
  "command.  Some debugging output may have been lost because of this.\n") ;
               error("not compiled in debug mode") ;
               break ;
#endif /* DEBUG */
case 'e' :
               if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1])
                  p = argv[++i] ;
               if (sscanf(p, "%d", &maxdrift)==0 || maxdrift<0)
                  error("! Bad maxdrift option (-e).") ;
               vmaxdrift = maxdrift;
               break ;
case 'f' :
               filter = (*p != '0') ;
               if (filter)
                  oname = "" ;
               noenv = 1 ;
               sendcontrolD = 0 ;
               break ;
               break ;
case 'u' :
                  extern char *psmapfile;
                  char PSname[300] ;               
                  if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1])
                     p = argv[++i] ;
                  strcpy(PSname, p) ;
                  if (!strchr(PSname, '.'))        
                     strcat(PSname, ".map") ;     /* default extension */
                  if (PSname[0] == '+')
                     getpsinfo(PSname+1) ;
                     psmapfile = strdup(PSname) ; /* a cute small memory leak (just as in 'p' option handling in resident.c) */
case 'h' : case 'H' :
               if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1])
                  p = argv[++i] ;
               if (strcmp(p, "-") == 0)
                  headers_off = 1 ;
                  (void)add_header(p) ;
               break ;
case 'i':
               sepfiles = (*p != '0') ;
               if (sepfiles && maxsecsize == 0) {
                 maxsecsize = 1; /* default section size to one page/file */
               break ;
case 'j':
               partialdownload = (*p != '0') ;
               break ;
case 'k':
               cropmarks = (*p != '0') ;
               break ;
case 'R':
               secure = 1 ;
               break ;
case 'S':
               if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1])
                  p = argv[++i] ;
               if (sscanf(p, "%d", &maxsecsize)==0)
                  error("! Bad section size arg (-S).") ;
               break ;
case 'm' :
               if (STREQ (p, "ode")) {
                 mfmode = argv[++i];
                 mfmode_option = 1;
               } else
                 manualfeed = (*p != '0') ;
               break ;
case 'n' :
               if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1])
                  p = argv[++i] ;
               if (sscanf(p, "%ld", &maxpages)==0)
#else        /* ~SHORTINT */
               if (sscanf(p, "%d", &maxpages)==0)
#endif        /* ~SHORTINT */
                  error("! Bad number of pages option (-n).") ;
               break ;
case 'o' :
               if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1] 
                   && (*argv[i+1] != '-' || argv[i+1][1] == 0))
                  p = argv[++i] ;
               oname_option = 1;
               oname = p ;
               noenv = 1 ;
               sendcontrolD = 0 ;
               break ;
case 'O' :
               if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1])
                  p = argv[++i] ;
               handlepapersize(p, &hoff, &voff) ;
               break ;
case 'T' :
               if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1])
                  p = argv[++i] ;
               handlepapersize(p, &hpapersize, &vpapersize) ;
               if (landscape) {
              "both landscape and papersize specified; ignoring landscape") ;
                  landscape = 0 ;
               break ;
case 'p' :
#if defined(MSDOS) || defined(OS2) || defined(ATARIST)
               /* check for emTeX job file (-pj=filename) */
               if (*p == 'j') {
                 if (*p == '=' || *p == ':')
                 mfjobname = newstring(p);
               /* must be page number instead */
               if (*p == 'p') {  /* a -pp specifier for a page list? */
                  p++ ;
                  if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1])
                     p = argv[++i] ;
                  if (ParsePages(p))
                     error("! Bad page list specifier (-pp).") ;
                  pagelist = 1 ;
                  break ;
               if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1])
                  p = argv[++i] ;
               if (*p == '=') {
                  abspage = 1 ;
                  p++ ;
               switch(sscanf(p, "%ld.%ld", &firstpage, &firstseq)) {
#else        /* ~SHORTINT */
               switch(sscanf(p, "%d.%d", &firstpage, &firstseq)) {
#endif        /* ~SHORTINT */
case 1:           firstseq = 0 ;
case 2:           break ;
                  error(concat3 ("! Bad first page option (-p ", p, ").")) ;
                  error("! Bad first page option (-p).") ;
               notfirst = 1 ;
               break ;
case 'l':
               if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1])
                  p = argv[++i] ;
               if (*p == '=') {
                  abspage = 1 ;
                  p++ ;
               switch(sscanf(p, "%ld.%ld", &lastpage, &lastseq)) {
#else        /* ~SHORTINT */
               switch(sscanf(p, "%d.%d", &lastpage, &lastseq)) {
#endif        /* ~SHORTINT */
case 1:           lastseq = 0 ;
case 2:           break ;
                  error(concat3 ("! Bad last page option (-l ", p, ").")) ;
                  error("! Bad last page option (-l).") ;
               notlast = 1 ;
               break ;
case 'A':
               oddpages = 1 ;
               break ;
case 'B':
               evenpages = 1 ;
               break ;
case 'q' : case 'Q' :
               quiet = (*p != '0') ;
               break ;
case 'r' :
               reverse = (*p != '0') ;
               break ;
case 't' :
               if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1])
                  p = argv[++i] ;
               if (strcmp(p, "landscape") == 0) {
                  if (hpapersize || vpapersize)
             "both landscape and papersize specified; ignoring landscape") ;
                     landscape = 1 ;
               } else
                  paperfmt = p ;
               break ;
case 'v':
                printf ("%s", BANNER);
                exit (0);
case 'x' : case 'y' :
               if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1])
                  p = argv[++i] ;
               if (sscanf(p, "%lg", &mag)==0 || mag < 1 ||
                          mag > 1000000)
                  error("! Bad magnification parameter (-x or -y).") ;
               overridemag = (c == 'x' ? 1 : -1) ;
               break ;
case 'C' :
               if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1])
                  p = argv[++i] ;
               if (sscanf(p, "%d", &collatedcopies)==0)
                  error("! Bad number of collated copies option (-C).") ;
               break ;
case 'D' :
               if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1])
                  p = argv[++i] ;
               if (sscanf(p, "%d", &actualdpi)==0 || actualdpi < 10 ||
                          actualdpi > 10000)
                  error("! Bad dpi parameter (-D).") ;
               vactualdpi = actualdpi;
               /* If we had the mode from, don't use it.
                  If they specified one with -mode, keep it.  */
               if (!mfmode_option)
                 mfmode = NULL;
               break ;
case 'E' :
               tryepsf = (*p != '0') ;
               removecomments = disablecomments = 0;
               if (tryepsf && maxsecsize == 0)
                  maxsecsize = 1 ;
               break ;
case 'K' :
               removecomments = (*p != '0') ;
               break ;
case 'U' :
               nosmallchars = (*p != '0') ;
               break ;
case 'X' :
               if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1])
                  p = argv[++i] ;
               if (sscanf(p, "%d", &actualdpi)==0 || actualdpi < 10 ||
                          actualdpi > 10000)
                  error("! Bad dpi parameter (-D).") ;
               break ;
case 'Y' :
               if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1])
                  p = argv[++i] ;
               if (sscanf(p, "%d", &vactualdpi)==0 || vactualdpi < 10 ||
                          vactualdpi > 10000)
                  error("! Bad dpi parameter (-D).") ;
               vactualdpi = vactualdpi;
               break ;
case 'F' :
               sendcontrolD = (*p != '0') ;
               break ;
case 'G' :
               shiftlowchars = (*p != '0');
case 'M':
               dontmakefont = (*p != '0') ;
               kpse_set_program_enabled (kpse_pk_format, !dontmakefont,
               break ;
case 'N' :
               disablecomments = (*p != '0') ;
               break ;
case 'P' :
                  struct papsiz *opapsiz = papsizes ;
                  struct papsiz *npapsiz ;
                  papsizes = 0 ;
                  if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1])
                     p = argv[++i] ;
                  printer = p ;
                  noenv = 1 ;
                  if (!getdefaults("")) {
                    /* If no config file, default the output name.  */
                    oname = concat ("| lpr -P", printer);
                  npapsiz = opapsiz ;
                  while (npapsiz && npapsiz->next)
                     npapsiz = npapsiz->next ;
                  if (npapsiz) {
                     npapsiz->next = papsizes ;
                     papsizes = opapsiz ;
               break ;
case 's':
               safetyenclose = (*p != '0') ;
               break ;
case 'V':
               downloadpspk = (*p != '0') ;
               break ;
case 'Z':
               compressed = (*p != '0') ;
               break ;
#ifdef HPS
case 'z':
               HPS_FLAG = (*p != '0') ;
               break ;
case '?':
               error(concat3 ("! Invalid option `", argv[i],
                              "'. Try --help for more information."));
     "! Bad option, not one of acdefhijklmnopqrstxyzABCDEFKMNOPSTUXYZ?") ;
         } else {
            if (*iname == 0) {
               register char *p ;
               lastext = 0 ;
               iname = nextstring ;
               p = argv[i] ;
	       if (NAME_BEGINS_WITH_DEVICE(p)) { /* get past DOSISH drive */
		  *nextstring++ = *p++ ;
		  *nextstring++ = *p++ ;
               while (*p) {
                  *nextstring = *p++ ;
                  if (*nextstring == '.')
                     lastext = nextstring - iname ;
                  else if (IS_DIR_SEP(*nextstring))
                     lastext = 0 ;
                  nextstring++ ;
               *nextstring++ = '.' ;
               *nextstring++ = 'd' ;
               *nextstring++ = 'v' ;
               *nextstring++ = 'i' ;
               *nextstring++ = 0 ;
            } else
               error(concat3("! Second input filename (", argv[i],
                             ") specified.")) ;
               error("! Two input file names specified.") ;
      if (noenv == 0) {
         register char *p ;
         struct papsiz *opapsiz = papsizes ;
         papsizes = 0 ;
	 if (0 != (p = getenv("PRINTER"))) {
#if defined(MSDOS) || defined(OS2)
            strcpy(nextstring, p) ;
            strcat(nextstring, ".cfg") ;
            strcpy(nextstring, "config.") ;
            strcat(nextstring, p) ;
            getdefaults(nextstring) ;
            struct papsiz *npapsiz = opapsiz ;
            while (npapsiz && npapsiz->next)
               npapsiz = npapsiz->next ;
            if (npapsiz) {
               npapsiz->next = papsizes ;
               papsizes = opapsiz ;
      papsizes = (struct papsiz *)revlist((void *)papsizes) ;
      if (queryoptions != 0) {            /* get new options */
         (void)fprintf(stderr, banner) ;
         help(1) ;
         if (qargc == 1)
           queryoptions = 0;
         else {
           qargv[0] = argv[0];
   } while (queryoptions != 0) ;
#if (defined(KPATHSEA) && defined(DEBUG)) /* this should really be part of a subroutine */
#endif /* DEBUG */
   checkenv(1) ;
   kpse_init_prog ("DVIPS", actualdpi, mfmode, "cmr10");
   kpse_make_tex_discard_errors = quiet;
 *   The logic here is a bit convoluted.  Since all `additional'
 *   PostScript font information files are loaded *before* the master
 *   one, and yet they should be able to override the master one, we
 *   have to add the information in the master list to the *ends* of
 *   the hash chain.  We do this by reversing the lists, adding them
 *   to the front, and then reversing them again.
   revpslists() ;
   getpsinfo((char *)NULL) ;
   revpslists() ;
   if (!quiet)
      (void)fprintf(stderr, banner) ;
   if (*iname) {
      dvifile = fopen(iname, READBIN) ;
 *   Allow names like a.b.
      if (dvifile == 0) {
         iname[strlen(iname)-4] = 0 ; /* remove the .dvi suffix */
         dvifile = fopen(iname, READBIN) ;
   if (oname[0] == '-' && oname[1] == 0)
      oname[0] = 0 ;
   if (*oname == 0 && ! filter) {
      oname = nextstring ;
#ifndef VMCMS  /* get stuff before LAST "." */
      lastext = strlen(iname) - 1 ;
      while (iname[lastext] != '.' && lastext > 0)
         lastext-- ;
      if (iname[lastext] != '.')
         lastext = strlen(iname) - 1 ;
#else   /* for VM/CMS we take the stuff before FIRST "." */
      lastext = strchr(iname,'.') - iname ;
      if ( lastext <= 0 )     /* if no '.' in "iname" */
         lastext = strlen(iname) -1 ;
#ifdef MVSXA /* IBM: MVS/XA */
      if (strchr(iname, '(') != NULL  &&
          strchr(iname, ')') != NULL) {
      firstext = strchr(iname, '(') - iname + 1;
      lastext = strrchr(iname, ')') - iname - 1;
      else {
      if (strrchr(iname, '.') != NULL) {
      lastext = strrchr(iname, '.') - iname - 1;
         else lastext = strlen(iname) - 1 ;
      if (strchr(iname, '\'') != NULL)
         firstext = strchr(iname, '.') - iname + 1;
         else firstext = 0;
#endif  /* IBM: MVS/XA */
#ifdef MVSXA /* IBM: MVS/XA */
      for (i=firstext; i<=lastext; i++)
      for (i=0; i<=lastext; i++)
         *nextstring++ = iname[i] ;
      if (iname[lastext] != '.')
         *nextstring++ = '.' ;
#ifndef VMCMS
      *nextstring++ = 'p' ;
      *nextstring++ = 's' ;
#else  /* might as well keep things uppercase */
      *nextstring++ = 'P' ;
      *nextstring++ = 'S' ;
      *nextstring++ = 0 ;
 *   Now we check the name, and `throw away' any prefix information.
 *   This means throwing away anything before (and including) a colon
 *   or slash.
         char *p = NAME_BEGINS_WITH_DEVICE(oname) ? oname + 2 : oname ;

         for (oname=p; *p && p[1]; p++)
            if (IS_DIR_SEP(*p))
               oname = p + 1 ;
#ifdef DEBUG
   if (dd(D_PATHS)) {
        (void)fprintf(stderr,"input file %s output file %s swmem %ld\n",
#else /* ~SHORTINT */
           (void)fprintf(stderr,"input file %s output file %s swmem %d\n",
#endif /* ~SHORTINT */
           iname, oname, swmem) ;
#ifndef KPATHSEA
   (void)fprintf(stderr,"tfm path %s\npk path %s\n", tfmpath, pkpath) ;
   (void)fprintf(stderr,"fig path %s\nvf path %s\n", figpath, vfpath) ;
   (void)fprintf(stderr,"config path %s\nheader path %s\n",
                  configpath, headerpath) ;
#ifdef FONTLIB
   (void)fprintf(stderr,"fli path %s\nfli names %s\n", flipath, fliname) ;
   } /* dd(D_PATHS) */
#endif /* DEBUG */
 *   Now we try to open the dvi file.
   if (!quiet && warningmsg)
      error(warningmsg) ;
   headersready = 1 ;
   headerfile = (compressed? CHEADERFILE : HEADERFILE) ;
   (void)add_header(headerfile) ;
   if (*iname != 0) {
      fulliname = nextstring ;
#ifndef IGNORE_CWD
      if (!IS_DIR_SEP(*iname) && !NAME_BEGINS_WITH_DEVICE(iname)) {
        getcwd(nextstring, MAXPATHLEN + 2);
        while (*nextstring++) ;
#ifdef VMS		/* VMS doesn't need the '/' character appended */
        nextstring--;	/* so just back up one byte. */
        *(nextstring-1) = '/' ;
      strcpy(nextstring,iname) ;
      while (*nextstring++) ; /* advance nextstring past iname */
   } else if (filter) {
      dvifile = stdin ;
      if (O_BINARY && !isatty(fileno(stdin)))
	 SET_BINARY(fileno(stdin)) ;
   } else {
      fprintf (stderr, "Missing DVI file argument (or -f).\n");
      fprintf (stderr, "Try --help for more information.\n");
      help(1) ;
      exit(1) ;
   initcolor() ;
   if (dvifile==NULL) {
      extern char errbuf[];
      (void)sprintf(errbuf,"! DVI file <%s> can't be opened.", iname) ;
      error("! DVI file can't be opened.") ;
   if (fseek(dvifile, 0L, 0) < 0)
      error("! DVI file must not be a pipe.") ;
#ifdef FONTLIB
   fliload();    /* read the font libaries */
 *   Now we do our main work.
   swmem += fontmem ;
   if (maxdrift < 0) {
      if (actualdpi <= 599)
         maxdrift = actualdpi / 100 ;
      else if (actualdpi < 1199)
         maxdrift = actualdpi / 200 + 3 ;
         maxdrift = actualdpi / 400 + 6 ;
   if (vmaxdrift < 0) {
      if (vactualdpi <= 599)
         vmaxdrift = vactualdpi / 100 ;
      else if (vactualdpi < 1199)
         vmaxdrift = vactualdpi / 200 + 3 ;
         vmaxdrift = vactualdpi / 400 + 6 ;
   if (dopprescan)
      pprescanpages() ;
   prescanpages() ;
#if defined MSDOS || defined OS2 || defined(ATARIST)
   if (mfjobfile != (FILE*)NULL) {
     char answer[5];
     fputs("Exit to make missing fonts now (y/n)? ",stdout);
     if (*answer=='y' || *answer=='Y')
       exit(8); /* exit with errorlevel 8 for emTeX dvidrv */
   if (includesfonts)
      (void)add_header(IFONTHEADER) ;
   if (usesPSfonts)
      (void)add_header(PSFONTHEADER) ;
   if (usesspecial)
      (void)add_header(SPECIALHEADER) ;
   if (usescolor)  /* IBM: color */
      (void)add_header(COLORHEADER) ;
#ifdef HPS
   if (HPS_FLAG)
      (void)add_header(HPSHEADER) ;
   sects = sections ;
   totalpages *= collatedcopies ;
   if (sects == NULL || sects->next == NULL) {
      sectioncopies = collatedcopies ;
      collatedcopies = 1 ;
   } else {
      if (! sepfiles)
         multiplesects = 1 ;
   totalpages *= pagecopies ;
   if (tryepsf) {
      if (paperfmt || landscape || manualfeed ||
          collatedcopies > 1 || numcopies > 1 || cropmarks ||
          *iname == 0 ||
           (totalpages > 1 && !(sepfiles && maxsecsize == 1))) {
         error("Can't make it EPSF, sorry") ;
         tryepsf = 0 ;
#ifdef HPS
   if (HPS_FLAG)
      set_bitfile("head.tmp", 0) ;
   if (! sepfiles) {
      initprinter(sections) ;
      outbangspecials() ;

   for (i=0; i<collatedcopies; i++) {
      sects = sections ;
      while (sects != NULL) {
         if (sepfiles) {
            newoutname() ;
            if (! quiet) {
               if (prettycolumn + strlen(oname) + 6 > STDOUTSIZE) {
                  fprintf(stderr, "\n") ;
                  prettycolumn = 0 ;
               (void)fprintf(stderr, "(-> %s) ", oname) ;
               prettycolumn += strlen(oname) + 6 ;
#ifdef HPS
            if (HPS_FLAG)
               set_bitfile("head.tmp", 0) ;
            initprinter(sects) ;
            outbangspecials() ;
         } else if (! quiet) {
            if (prettycolumn > STDOUTSIZE) {
               fprintf(stderr, "\n") ;
               prettycolumn = 0 ;
            (void)fprintf(stderr, ". ") ;
            prettycolumn += 2 ;
         (void)fflush(stderr) ;
         dosection(sects, sectioncopies) ;
         sects = sects->next ;
         if (sepfiles) {
#ifdef HPS
            if (HPS_FLAG)
               finish_hps() ;
            cleanprinter() ;
   if (! sepfiles) {
#ifdef HPS
      if (HPS_FLAG)
         finish_hps() ;
      cleanprinter() ;
   if (! quiet)
      (void)fprintf(stderr, "\n") ;
#ifdef DEBUG
   if (dd(D_MEM)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Total memory allocated:  %ld\n", totalalloc) ;
      fprintf(stderr, "Total memory allocated:  %d\n", totalalloc) ;
   return 0 ;
#ifdef VMS
#include "[.vms]vmscli.c"

#ifdef VMCMS  /* IBM: VM/CMS */
#include "dvipscms.h"

#ifdef MVSXA  /* IBM: MVS/XA */
#include "dvipsmvs.h"

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