Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/steve/root/sys/src/cmd/tex/web2c/lib/mfmpi386.asm

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/* i386 assembly routines for inner loop fraction routines in Metafont
   and MetaPost. Public domain. Included in texmfmp.c. 
   By Wayne Sullivan <>. */

asm("        .align 4\n"
".globl _ztakefraction\n"
".globl ztakefraction\n"
"        pushl %ebp\n"
"	movl %esp,%ebp\n"
"        xorl %ecx,%ecx\n"
"        movl 8(%ebp),%eax\n"
"        cmpl $0x80000000,%eax\n"
"        jz LL5\n"
"        imull 12(%ebp)\n"
"        orl %edx,%edx\n"
"        jns LL2\n"
"        negl %edx\n"
"        negl %eax\n"
"        sbbl %ecx,%edx\n"
"        incl %ecx\n"
"        addl $0x08000000,%eax\n"
"        adcl $0,%edx\n"
"        cmpl $0x07ffffff,%edx\n"
"        ja LL3\n"
"        shrd $28, %edx,%eax\n"
"LL1:     jecxz LL4\n"
"        negl %eax\n"
"        movl %ebp,%esp\n"
"        popl %ebp\n"
"        ret\n"
"LL5:     incl %ecx\n"
"LL3:     movl $0x7fffffff,%eax\n"
"        movb $1,_aritherror\n"
"        movb $1,aritherror\n"
"        jmp LL1\n"
"        .align 4, 0x90\n"
".globl _ztakescaled\n"
".globl ztakescaled\n"
"        pushl %ebp\n"
"	movl %esp,%ebp\n"
"        movl 8(%ebp),%eax\n"
"        xorl %ecx,%ecx\n"
"        cmpl $0x80000000,%eax\n"
"        jz LL5\n"
"        imull 12(%ebp)\n"
"        orl %edx,%edx\n"
"        jns LL12\n"
"        negl %edx\n"
"        negl %eax\n"
"        sbbl %ecx,%edx\n"
"        incl %ecx\n"
"        addl $0x00008000,%eax\n"
"        adcl $0,%edx\n"
"        cmpl $0x00007fff,%edx\n"
"        ja LL3\n"
"        shrd $16, %edx,%eax\n"
"        jecxz LL4\n"
"        negl %eax\n"
"        jmp LL4\n"
"        .align 4, 0x90\n"
".globl _zmakescaled\n"
".globl _zmakefraction\n"
".globl zmakescaled\n"
".globl zmakefraction\n"
"        movb $16,%cl\n"
"        jmp LL30\n"
"        .align 4, 0x90\n"
"       movb $4,%cl\n"
"        movb $0,%ch\n"
"        pushl %ebp\n"
"	movl %esp,%ebp\n"
"        pushl %ebx\n"
"        movl 8(%ebp),%edx\n"
"        xorl %eax,%eax\n"
"        orl %edx,%edx\n"
"        jns LL32\n"
"        inc %ch\n"
"        negl %edx\n"
"        movl 12(%ebp),%ebx\n"
"        orl %ebx,%ebx\n"
"        jns LL33\n"
"        dec %ch\n"
"        negl %ebx\n"
"        orl %ebx,%ebx\n"
"        js LL34\n"
"        orl %edx,%edx\n"
"        js LL34\n"
"        shrd %cl,%edx,%eax\n"
"        shrl %cl,%edx\n"
"        cmpl %ebx,%edx\n"
"        jae LL34\n"
"        divl %ebx\n"
"        addl %edx,%edx\n"
"        incl %edx\n"
"        subl %edx,%ebx\n"
"        adcl $0,%eax\n"
"        jc LL34\n"
"        cmpl $0x7fffffff,%eax\n"
"        ja LL34\n"
"LL31:    or %ch,%ch\n"
"        jz LL35\n"
"        negl %eax\n"
"        popl %ebx\n"
"        movl %ebp,%esp\n"
"        popl %ebp\n"
"        ret\n"
"LL34:    movl $0x7fffffff,%eax\n"
"        movb $1,_aritherror\n"
"        movb $1,aritherror\n"
"        jmp LL31\n");

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