Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/steve/root/sys/src/cmd/tex/web2c/mf/mf1.c

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#define EXTERN extern
#include "mfd.h"

zsplitforoffset ( halfword p , fraction t ) 
zsplitforoffset ( p , t ) 
  halfword p ;
  fraction t ;
  halfword q  ;
  halfword r  ;
  q = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  splitcubic ( p , t , mem [q + 1 ].cint , mem [q + 2 ].cint ) ;
  r = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  if ( mem [r + 2 ].cint < mem [p + 2 ].cint ) 
  mem [r + 2 ].cint = mem [p + 2 ].cint ;
  else if ( mem [r + 2 ].cint > mem [q + 2 ].cint ) 
  mem [r + 2 ].cint = mem [q + 2 ].cint ;
  if ( mem [r + 1 ].cint < mem [p + 1 ].cint ) 
  mem [r + 1 ].cint = mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
  else if ( mem [r + 1 ].cint > mem [q + 1 ].cint ) 
  mem [r + 1 ].cint = mem [q + 1 ].cint ;
zfinoffsetprep ( halfword p , halfword k , halfword w , integer x0 , integer 
x1 , integer x2 , integer y0 , integer y1 , integer y2 , boolean rising , 
integer n ) 
zfinoffsetprep ( p , k , w , x0 , x1 , x2 , y0 , y1 , y2 , rising , n ) 
  halfword p ;
  halfword k ;
  halfword w ;
  integer x0 ;
  integer x1 ;
  integer x2 ;
  integer y0 ;
  integer y1 ;
  integer y2 ;
  boolean rising ;
  integer n ;
  /* 10 */ halfword ww  ;
  scaled du, dv  ;
  integer t0, t1, t2  ;
  fraction t  ;
  fraction s  ;
  integer v  ;
  while ( true ) {
    mem [p ].hhfield .b1 = k ;
    if ( rising ) 
    if ( k == n ) 
    goto lab10 ;
    else ww = mem [w ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    else if ( k == 1 ) 
    goto lab10 ;
    else ww = mem [w ].hhfield .lhfield ;
    du = mem [ww + 1 ].cint - mem [w + 1 ].cint ;
    dv = mem [ww + 2 ].cint - mem [w + 2 ].cint ;
    if ( abs ( du ) >= abs ( dv ) ) 
      s = makefraction ( dv , du ) ;
      t0 = takefraction ( x0 , s ) - y0 ;
      t1 = takefraction ( x1 , s ) - y1 ;
      t2 = takefraction ( x2 , s ) - y2 ;
    else {
      s = makefraction ( du , dv ) ;
      t0 = x0 - takefraction ( y0 , s ) ;
      t1 = x1 - takefraction ( y1 , s ) ;
      t2 = x2 - takefraction ( y2 , s ) ;
    t = crossingpoint ( t0 , t1 , t2 ) ;
    if ( t >= 268435456L ) 
    goto lab10 ;
      splitforoffset ( p , t ) ;
      mem [p ].hhfield .b1 = k ;
      p = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
      v = x0 - takefraction ( x0 - x1 , t ) ;
      x1 = x1 - takefraction ( x1 - x2 , t ) ;
      x0 = v - takefraction ( v - x1 , t ) ;
      v = y0 - takefraction ( y0 - y1 , t ) ;
      y1 = y1 - takefraction ( y1 - y2 , t ) ;
      y0 = v - takefraction ( v - y1 , t ) ;
      t1 = t1 - takefraction ( t1 - t2 , t ) ;
      if ( t1 > 0 ) 
      t1 = 0 ;
      t = crossingpoint ( 0 , - (integer) t1 , - (integer) t2 ) ;
      if ( t < 268435456L ) 
	splitforoffset ( p , t ) ;
	mem [mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ].hhfield .b1 = k ;
	v = x1 - takefraction ( x1 - x2 , t ) ;
	x1 = x0 - takefraction ( x0 - x1 , t ) ;
	x2 = x1 - takefraction ( x1 - v , t ) ;
	v = y1 - takefraction ( y1 - y2 , t ) ;
	y1 = y0 - takefraction ( y0 - y1 , t ) ;
	y2 = y1 - takefraction ( y1 - v , t ) ;
    if ( rising ) 
    incr ( k ) ;
    else decr ( k ) ;
    w = ww ;
  lab10: ;
zoffsetprep ( halfword c , halfword h ) 
zoffsetprep ( c , h ) 
  halfword c ;
  halfword h ;
  /* 30 45 */ halfword n  ;
  halfword p, q, r, lh, ww  ;
  halfword k  ;
  halfword w  ;
  integer x0, x1, x2, y0, y1, y2  ;
  integer t0, t1, t2  ;
  integer du, dv, dx, dy  ;
  integer lmaxcoef  ;
  integer x0a, x1a, x2a, y0a, y1a, y2a  ;
  fraction t  ;
  fraction s  ;
  p = c ;
  n = mem [h ].hhfield .lhfield ;
  lh = mem [h ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  while ( mem [p ].hhfield .b1 != 0 ) {
    q = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    if ( n <= 1 ) 
    mem [p ].hhfield .b1 = 1 ;
    else {
      x0 = mem [p + 5 ].cint - mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
      x2 = mem [q + 1 ].cint - mem [q + 3 ].cint ;
      x1 = mem [q + 3 ].cint - mem [p + 5 ].cint ;
      y0 = mem [p + 6 ].cint - mem [p + 2 ].cint ;
      y2 = mem [q + 2 ].cint - mem [q + 4 ].cint ;
      y1 = mem [q + 4 ].cint - mem [p + 6 ].cint ;
      lmaxcoef = abs ( x0 ) ;
      if ( abs ( x1 ) > lmaxcoef ) 
      lmaxcoef = abs ( x1 ) ;
      if ( abs ( x2 ) > lmaxcoef ) 
      lmaxcoef = abs ( x2 ) ;
      if ( abs ( y0 ) > lmaxcoef ) 
      lmaxcoef = abs ( y0 ) ;
      if ( abs ( y1 ) > lmaxcoef ) 
      lmaxcoef = abs ( y1 ) ;
      if ( abs ( y2 ) > lmaxcoef ) 
      lmaxcoef = abs ( y2 ) ;
      if ( lmaxcoef == 0 ) 
      goto lab45 ;
      while ( lmaxcoef < 134217728L ) {
	lmaxcoef = lmaxcoef + lmaxcoef ;
	x0 = x0 + x0 ;
	x1 = x1 + x1 ;
	x2 = x2 + x2 ;
	y0 = y0 + y0 ;
	y1 = y1 + y1 ;
	y2 = y2 + y2 ;
      dx = x0 ;
      dy = y0 ;
      if ( dx == 0 ) 
      if ( dy == 0 ) 
	dx = x1 ;
	dy = y1 ;
	if ( dx == 0 ) 
	if ( dy == 0 ) 
	  dx = x2 ;
	  dy = y2 ;
      if ( dx == 0 ) 
      finoffsetprep ( p , n , mem [mem [lh ].hhfield .lhfield ].hhfield 
      .lhfield , - (integer) x0 , - (integer) x1 , - (integer) x2 , 
      - (integer) y0 , - (integer) y1 , - (integer) y2 , false , n ) ;
      else {
	k = 1 ;
	w = mem [lh ].hhfield .v.RH ;
	while ( true ) {
	  if ( k == n ) 
	  goto lab30 ;
	  ww = mem [w ].hhfield .v.RH ;
	  if ( abvscd ( dy , abs ( mem [ww + 1 ].cint - mem [w + 1 ].cint 
	  ) , dx , abs ( mem [ww + 2 ].cint - mem [w + 2 ].cint ) ) >= 0 ) 
	    incr ( k ) ;
	    w = ww ;
	  else goto lab30 ;
	lab30: ;
	if ( k == 1 ) 
	t = 268435457L ;
	else {
	  ww = mem [w ].hhfield .lhfield ;
	  du = mem [ww + 1 ].cint - mem [w + 1 ].cint ;
	  dv = mem [ww + 2 ].cint - mem [w + 2 ].cint ;
	  if ( abs ( du ) >= abs ( dv ) ) 
	    s = makefraction ( dv , du ) ;
	    t0 = takefraction ( x0 , s ) - y0 ;
	    t1 = takefraction ( x1 , s ) - y1 ;
	    t2 = takefraction ( x2 , s ) - y2 ;
	  else {
	    s = makefraction ( du , dv ) ;
	    t0 = x0 - takefraction ( y0 , s ) ;
	    t1 = x1 - takefraction ( y1 , s ) ;
	    t2 = x2 - takefraction ( y2 , s ) ;
	  t = crossingpoint ( - (integer) t0 , - (integer) t1 , - (integer) t2 
	  ) ;
	if ( t >= 268435456L ) 
	finoffsetprep ( p , k , w , x0 , x1 , x2 , y0 , y1 , y2 , true , n ) ;
	else {
	  splitforoffset ( p , t ) ;
	  r = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
	  x1a = x0 - takefraction ( x0 - x1 , t ) ;
	  x1 = x1 - takefraction ( x1 - x2 , t ) ;
	  x2a = x1a - takefraction ( x1a - x1 , t ) ;
	  y1a = y0 - takefraction ( y0 - y1 , t ) ;
	  y1 = y1 - takefraction ( y1 - y2 , t ) ;
	  y2a = y1a - takefraction ( y1a - y1 , t ) ;
	  finoffsetprep ( p , k , w , x0 , x1a , x2a , y0 , y1a , y2a , true , 
	  n ) ;
	  x0 = x2a ;
	  y0 = y2a ;
	  t1 = t1 - takefraction ( t1 - t2 , t ) ;
	  if ( t1 < 0 ) 
	  t1 = 0 ;
	  t = crossingpoint ( 0 , t1 , t2 ) ;
	  if ( t < 268435456L ) 
	    splitforoffset ( r , t ) ;
	    x1a = x1 - takefraction ( x1 - x2 , t ) ;
	    x1 = x0 - takefraction ( x0 - x1 , t ) ;
	    x0a = x1 - takefraction ( x1 - x1a , t ) ;
	    y1a = y1 - takefraction ( y1 - y2 , t ) ;
	    y1 = y0 - takefraction ( y0 - y1 , t ) ;
	    y0a = y1 - takefraction ( y1 - y1a , t ) ;
	    finoffsetprep ( mem [r ].hhfield .v.RH , k , w , x0a , x1a , x2 
	    , y0a , y1a , y2 , true , n ) ;
	    x2 = x0a ;
	    y2 = y0a ;
	  finoffsetprep ( r , k - 1 , ww , - (integer) x0 , - (integer) x1 , 
	  - (integer) x2 , - (integer) y0 , - (integer) y1 , - (integer) y2 , 
	  false , n ) ;
      lab45: ;
    do {
	r = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
      if ( mem [p + 1 ].cint == mem [p + 5 ].cint ) 
      if ( mem [p + 2 ].cint == mem [p + 6 ].cint ) 
      if ( mem [p + 1 ].cint == mem [r + 3 ].cint ) 
      if ( mem [p + 2 ].cint == mem [r + 4 ].cint ) 
      if ( mem [p + 1 ].cint == mem [r + 1 ].cint ) 
      if ( mem [p + 2 ].cint == mem [r + 2 ].cint ) 
	removecubic ( p ) ;
	if ( r == q ) 
	q = p ;
	r = p ;
      p = r ;
    } while ( ! ( p == q ) ) ;
zskewlineedges ( halfword p , halfword w , halfword ww ) 
zskewlineedges ( p , w , ww ) 
  halfword p ;
  halfword w ;
  halfword ww ;
  scaled x0, y0, x1, y1  ;
  if ( ( mem [w + 1 ].cint != mem [ww + 1 ].cint ) || ( mem [w + 2 ]
  .cint != mem [ww + 2 ].cint ) ) 
    x0 = mem [p + 1 ].cint + mem [w + 1 ].cint ;
    y0 = mem [p + 2 ].cint + mem [w + 2 ].cint ;
    x1 = mem [p + 1 ].cint + mem [ww + 1 ].cint ;
    y1 = mem [p + 2 ].cint + mem [ww + 2 ].cint ;
    unskew ( x0 , y0 , octant ) ;
    x0 = curx ;
    y0 = cury ;
    unskew ( x1 , y1 , octant ) ;
#ifdef STAT
    if ( internal [10 ]> 65536L ) 
      printnl ( 583 ) ;
      printtwo ( x0 , y0 ) ;
      print ( 582 ) ;
      printtwo ( curx , cury ) ;
      printnl ( 283 ) ;
#endif /* STAT */
    lineedges ( x0 , y0 , curx , cury ) ;
zdualmoves ( halfword h , halfword p , halfword q ) 
zdualmoves ( h , p , q ) 
  halfword h ;
  halfword p ;
  halfword q ;
  /* 30 31 */ halfword r, s  ;
  integer m, n  ;
  integer mm0, mm1  ;
  integer k  ;
  halfword w, ww  ;
  integer smoothbot, smoothtop  ;
  scaled xx, yy, xp, yp, delx, dely, tx, ty  ;
  k = mem [h ].hhfield .lhfield + 1 ;
  ww = mem [h ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  w = mem [ww ].hhfield .lhfield ;
  mm0 = floorunscaled ( mem [p + 1 ].cint + mem [w + 1 ].cint - xycorr [
  octant ]) ;
  mm1 = floorunscaled ( mem [q + 1 ].cint + mem [ww + 1 ].cint - xycorr [
  octant ]) ;
  {register integer for_end; n = 1 ;for_end = n1 - n0 + 1 ; if ( n <= 
  for_end) do 
    envmove [n ]= mm1 ;
  while ( n++ < for_end ) ;} 
  envmove [0 ]= mm0 ;
  moveptr = 0 ;
  m = mm0 ;
  r = p ;
  while ( true ) {
    if ( r == q ) 
    smoothtop = moveptr ;
    while ( mem [r ].hhfield .b1 != k ) {
      xx = mem [r + 1 ].cint + mem [w + 1 ].cint ;
      yy = mem [r + 2 ].cint + mem [w + 2 ].cint + 32768L ;
#ifdef STAT
      if ( internal [10 ]> 65536L ) 
	printnl ( 584 ) ;
	printint ( k ) ;
	print ( 585 ) ;
	unskew ( xx , yy - 32768L , octant ) ;
	printtwo ( curx , cury ) ;
#endif /* STAT */
      if ( mem [r ].hhfield .b1 < k ) 
	decr ( k ) ;
	w = mem [w ].hhfield .lhfield ;
	xp = mem [r + 1 ].cint + mem [w + 1 ].cint ;
	yp = mem [r + 2 ].cint + mem [w + 2 ].cint + 32768L ;
	if ( yp != yy ) 
	  ty = floorscaled ( yy - ycorr [octant ]) ;
	  dely = yp - yy ;
	  yy = yy - ty ;
	  ty = yp - ycorr [octant ]- ty ;
	  if ( ty >= 65536L ) 
	    delx = xp - xx ;
	    yy = 65536L - yy ;
	    while ( true ) {
	      if ( m < envmove [moveptr ]) 
	      envmove [moveptr ]= m ;
	      tx = takefraction ( delx , makefraction ( yy , dely ) ) ;
	      if ( abvscd ( tx , dely , delx , yy ) + xycorr [octant ]> 0 ) 
	      decr ( tx ) ;
	      m = floorunscaled ( xx + tx ) ;
	      ty = ty - 65536L ;
	      incr ( moveptr ) ;
	      if ( ty < 65536L ) 
	      goto lab31 ;
	      yy = yy + 65536L ;
	    lab31: if ( m < envmove [moveptr ]) 
	    envmove [moveptr ]= m ;
      else {
	incr ( k ) ;
	w = mem [w ].hhfield .v.RH ;
	xp = mem [r + 1 ].cint + mem [w + 1 ].cint ;
	yp = mem [r + 2 ].cint + mem [w + 2 ].cint + 32768L ;
#ifdef STAT
      if ( internal [10 ]> 65536L ) 
	print ( 582 ) ;
	unskew ( xp , yp - 32768L , octant ) ;
	printtwo ( curx , cury ) ;
	printnl ( 283 ) ;
#endif /* STAT */
      m = floorunscaled ( xp - xycorr [octant ]) ;
      moveptr = floorunscaled ( yp - ycorr [octant ]) - n0 ;
      if ( m < envmove [moveptr ]) 
      envmove [moveptr ]= m ;
    if ( r == p ) 
    smoothbot = moveptr ;
    if ( r == q ) 
    goto lab30 ;
    move [moveptr ]= 1 ;
    n = moveptr ;
    s = mem [r ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    makemoves ( mem [r + 1 ].cint + mem [w + 1 ].cint , mem [r + 5 ]
    .cint + mem [w + 1 ].cint , mem [s + 3 ].cint + mem [w + 1 ].cint , 
    mem [s + 1 ].cint + mem [w + 1 ].cint , mem [r + 2 ].cint + mem [w 
    + 2 ].cint + 32768L , mem [r + 6 ].cint + mem [w + 2 ].cint + 32768L 
    , mem [s + 4 ].cint + mem [w + 2 ].cint + 32768L , mem [s + 2 ].cint 
    + mem [w + 2 ].cint + 32768L , xycorr [octant ], ycorr [octant ]) ;
    do {
	if ( m < envmove [n ]) 
      envmove [n ]= m ;
      m = m + move [n ]- 1 ;
      incr ( n ) ;
    } while ( ! ( n > moveptr ) ) ;
    r = s ;
  if ( ( m != mm1 ) || ( moveptr != n1 - n0 ) ) 
  confusion ( 50 ) ;
#endif /* TEXMF_DEBUG */
  move [0 ]= d0 + envmove [1 ]- mm0 ;
  {register integer for_end; n = 1 ;for_end = moveptr ; if ( n <= for_end) 
    move [n ]= envmove [n + 1 ]- envmove [n ]+ 1 ;
  while ( n++ < for_end ) ;} 
  move [moveptr ]= move [moveptr ]- d1 ;
  if ( internal [35 ]> 0 ) 
  smoothmoves ( smoothbot , smoothtop ) ;
  movetoedges ( m0 , n0 , m1 , n1 ) ;
  if ( mem [q + 6 ].cint == 1 ) 
    w = mem [h ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    skewlineedges ( q , w , mem [w ].hhfield .lhfield ) ;
zfillenvelope ( halfword spechead ) 
zfillenvelope ( spechead ) 
  halfword spechead ;
  /* 30 31 */ halfword p, q, r, s  ;
  halfword h  ;
  halfword www  ;
  integer m, n  ;
  integer mm0, mm1  ;
  integer k  ;
  halfword w, ww  ;
  integer smoothbot, smoothtop  ;
  scaled xx, yy, xp, yp, delx, dely, tx, ty  ;
  if ( internal [10 ]> 0 ) 
  beginedgetracing () ;
  p = spechead ;
  do {
      octant = mem [p + 3 ].cint ;
    h = curpen + octant ;
    q = p ;
    while ( mem [q ].hhfield .b1 != 0 ) q = mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    w = mem [h ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    if ( mem [p + 4 ].cint == 1 ) 
    w = mem [w ].hhfield .lhfield ;
#ifdef STAT
    if ( internal [10 ]> 65536L ) 
      printnl ( 579 ) ;
      print ( octantdir [octant ]) ;
      print ( 557 ) ;
      printint ( mem [h ].hhfield .lhfield ) ;
      print ( 580 ) ;
      if ( mem [h ].hhfield .lhfield != 1 ) 
      printchar ( 115 ) ;
      print ( 581 ) ;
      unskew ( mem [p + 1 ].cint + mem [w + 1 ].cint , mem [p + 2 ].cint 
      + mem [w + 2 ].cint , octant ) ;
      printtwo ( curx , cury ) ;
      ww = mem [h ].hhfield .v.RH ;
      if ( mem [q + 6 ].cint == 1 ) 
      ww = mem [ww ].hhfield .lhfield ;
      print ( 582 ) ;
      unskew ( mem [q + 1 ].cint + mem [ww + 1 ].cint , mem [q + 2 ]
      .cint + mem [ww + 2 ].cint , octant ) ;
      printtwo ( curx , cury ) ;
#endif /* STAT */
    ww = mem [h ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    www = ww ;
    if ( odd ( octantnumber [octant ]) ) 
    www = mem [www ].hhfield .lhfield ;
    else ww = mem [ww ].hhfield .lhfield ;
    if ( w != ww ) 
    skewlineedges ( p , w , ww ) ;
    endround ( mem [p + 1 ].cint + mem [ww + 1 ].cint , mem [p + 2 ]
    .cint + mem [ww + 2 ].cint ) ;
    m0 = m1 ;
    n0 = n1 ;
    d0 = d1 ;
    endround ( mem [q + 1 ].cint + mem [www + 1 ].cint , mem [q + 2 ]
    .cint + mem [www + 2 ].cint ) ;
    if ( n1 - n0 >= movesize ) 
    overflow ( 539 , movesize ) ;
    offsetprep ( p , h ) ;
    q = p ;
    while ( mem [q ].hhfield .b1 != 0 ) q = mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    if ( odd ( octantnumber [octant ]) ) 
      k = 0 ;
      w = mem [h ].hhfield .v.RH ;
      ww = mem [w ].hhfield .lhfield ;
      mm0 = floorunscaled ( mem [p + 1 ].cint + mem [w + 1 ].cint - xycorr 
      [octant ]) ;
      mm1 = floorunscaled ( mem [q + 1 ].cint + mem [ww + 1 ].cint - 
      xycorr [octant ]) ;
      {register integer for_end; n = 0 ;for_end = n1 - n0 ; if ( n <= 
      for_end) do 
	envmove [n ]= mm0 ;
      while ( n++ < for_end ) ;} 
      envmove [n1 - n0 ]= mm1 ;
      moveptr = 0 ;
      m = mm0 ;
      r = p ;
      mem [q ].hhfield .b1 = mem [h ].hhfield .lhfield + 1 ;
      while ( true ) {
	if ( r == q ) 
	smoothtop = moveptr ;
	while ( mem [r ].hhfield .b1 != k ) {
	  xx = mem [r + 1 ].cint + mem [w + 1 ].cint ;
	  yy = mem [r + 2 ].cint + mem [w + 2 ].cint + 32768L ;
#ifdef STAT
	  if ( internal [10 ]> 65536L ) 
	    printnl ( 584 ) ;
	    printint ( k ) ;
	    print ( 585 ) ;
	    unskew ( xx , yy - 32768L , octant ) ;
	    printtwo ( curx , cury ) ;
#endif /* STAT */
	  if ( mem [r ].hhfield .b1 > k ) 
	    incr ( k ) ;
	    w = mem [w ].hhfield .v.RH ;
	    xp = mem [r + 1 ].cint + mem [w + 1 ].cint ;
	    yp = mem [r + 2 ].cint + mem [w + 2 ].cint + 32768L ;
	    if ( yp != yy ) 
	      ty = floorscaled ( yy - ycorr [octant ]) ;
	      dely = yp - yy ;
	      yy = yy - ty ;
	      ty = yp - ycorr [octant ]- ty ;
	      if ( ty >= 65536L ) 
		delx = xp - xx ;
		yy = 65536L - yy ;
		while ( true ) {
		  tx = takefraction ( delx , makefraction ( yy , dely ) ) ;
		  if ( abvscd ( tx , dely , delx , yy ) + xycorr [octant ]> 
		  0 ) 
		  decr ( tx ) ;
		  m = floorunscaled ( xx + tx ) ;
		  if ( m > envmove [moveptr ]) 
		  envmove [moveptr ]= m ;
		  ty = ty - 65536L ;
		  if ( ty < 65536L ) 
		  goto lab31 ;
		  yy = yy + 65536L ;
		  incr ( moveptr ) ;
		lab31: ;
	  else {
	    decr ( k ) ;
	    w = mem [w ].hhfield .lhfield ;
	    xp = mem [r + 1 ].cint + mem [w + 1 ].cint ;
	    yp = mem [r + 2 ].cint + mem [w + 2 ].cint + 32768L ;
#ifdef STAT
	  if ( internal [10 ]> 65536L ) 
	    print ( 582 ) ;
	    unskew ( xp , yp - 32768L , octant ) ;
	    printtwo ( curx , cury ) ;
	    printnl ( 283 ) ;
#endif /* STAT */
	  m = floorunscaled ( xp - xycorr [octant ]) ;
	  moveptr = floorunscaled ( yp - ycorr [octant ]) - n0 ;
	  if ( m > envmove [moveptr ]) 
	  envmove [moveptr ]= m ;
	if ( r == p ) 
	smoothbot = moveptr ;
	if ( r == q ) 
	goto lab30 ;
	move [moveptr ]= 1 ;
	n = moveptr ;
	s = mem [r ].hhfield .v.RH ;
	makemoves ( mem [r + 1 ].cint + mem [w + 1 ].cint , mem [r + 5 ]
	.cint + mem [w + 1 ].cint , mem [s + 3 ].cint + mem [w + 1 ]
	.cint , mem [s + 1 ].cint + mem [w + 1 ].cint , mem [r + 2 ]
	.cint + mem [w + 2 ].cint + 32768L , mem [r + 6 ].cint + mem [w + 
	2 ].cint + 32768L , mem [s + 4 ].cint + mem [w + 2 ].cint + 
	32768L , mem [s + 2 ].cint + mem [w + 2 ].cint + 32768L , xycorr [
	octant ], ycorr [octant ]) ;
	do {
	    m = m + move [n ]- 1 ;
	  if ( m > envmove [n ]) 
	  envmove [n ]= m ;
	  incr ( n ) ;
	} while ( ! ( n > moveptr ) ) ;
	r = s ;
      if ( ( m != mm1 ) || ( moveptr != n1 - n0 ) ) 
      confusion ( 49 ) ;
#endif /* TEXMF_DEBUG */
      move [0 ]= d0 + envmove [0 ]- mm0 ;
      {register integer for_end; n = 1 ;for_end = moveptr ; if ( n <= 
      for_end) do 
	move [n ]= envmove [n ]- envmove [n - 1 ]+ 1 ;
      while ( n++ < for_end ) ;} 
      move [moveptr ]= move [moveptr ]- d1 ;
      if ( internal [35 ]> 0 ) 
      smoothmoves ( smoothbot , smoothtop ) ;
      movetoedges ( m0 , n0 , m1 , n1 ) ;
      if ( mem [q + 6 ].cint == 0 ) 
	w = mem [h ].hhfield .v.RH ;
	skewlineedges ( q , mem [w ].hhfield .lhfield , w ) ;
    else dualmoves ( h , p , q ) ;
    mem [q ].hhfield .b1 = 0 ;
    p = mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  } while ( ! ( p == spechead ) ) ;
  if ( internal [10 ]> 0 ) 
  endedgetracing () ;
  tossknotlist ( spechead ) ;
zmakeellipse ( scaled majoraxis , scaled minoraxis , angle theta ) 
zmakeellipse ( majoraxis , minoraxis , theta ) 
  scaled majoraxis ;
  scaled minoraxis ;
  angle theta ;
  /* 30 31 40 */ register halfword Result; halfword p, q, r, s  ;
  halfword h  ;
  integer alpha, beta, gamma, delta  ;
  integer c, d  ;
  integer u, v  ;
  boolean symmetric  ;
  if ( ( majoraxis == minoraxis ) || ( theta % 94371840L == 0 ) ) 
    symmetric = true ;
    alpha = 0 ;
    if ( odd ( theta / 94371840L ) ) 
      beta = majoraxis ;
      gamma = minoraxis ;
      nsin = 268435456L ;
      ncos = 0 ;
    else {
      beta = minoraxis ;
      gamma = majoraxis ;
  else {
    symmetric = false ;
    nsincos ( theta ) ;
    gamma = takefraction ( majoraxis , nsin ) ;
    delta = takefraction ( minoraxis , ncos ) ;
    beta = pythadd ( gamma , delta ) ;
    alpha = makefraction ( gamma , beta ) ;
    alpha = takefraction ( majoraxis , alpha ) ;
    alpha = takefraction ( alpha , ncos ) ;
    alpha = ( alpha + 32768L ) / 65536L ;
    gamma = takefraction ( minoraxis , nsin ) ;
    gamma = pythadd ( takefraction ( majoraxis , ncos ) , gamma ) ;
  beta = ( beta + 32768L ) / 65536L ;
  gamma = ( gamma + 32768L ) / 65536L ;
  p = getnode ( 7 ) ;
  q = getnode ( 7 ) ;
  r = getnode ( 7 ) ;
  if ( symmetric ) 
  s = 0 ;
  else s = getnode ( 7 ) ;
  h = p ;
  mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH = q ;
  mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH = r ;
  mem [r ].hhfield .v.RH = s ;
  if ( beta == 0 ) 
  beta = 1 ;
  if ( gamma == 0 ) 
  gamma = 1 ;
  if ( gamma <= abs ( alpha ) ) 
  if ( alpha > 0 ) 
  alpha = gamma - 1 ;
  else alpha = 1 - gamma ;
  mem [p + 1 ].cint = - (integer) alpha * 32768L ;
  mem [p + 2 ].cint = - (integer) beta * 32768L ;
  mem [q + 1 ].cint = gamma * 32768L ;
  mem [q + 2 ].cint = mem [p + 2 ].cint ;
  mem [r + 1 ].cint = mem [q + 1 ].cint ;
  mem [p + 5 ].cint = 0 ;
  mem [q + 3 ].cint = -32768L ;
  mem [q + 5 ].cint = 32768L ;
  mem [r + 3 ].cint = 0 ;
  mem [r + 5 ].cint = 0 ;
  mem [p + 6 ].cint = beta ;
  mem [q + 6 ].cint = gamma ;
  mem [r + 6 ].cint = beta ;
  mem [q + 4 ].cint = gamma + alpha ;
  if ( symmetric ) 
    mem [r + 2 ].cint = 0 ;
    mem [r + 4 ].cint = beta ;
  else {
    mem [r + 2 ].cint = - (integer) mem [p + 2 ].cint ;
    mem [r + 4 ].cint = beta + beta ;
    mem [s + 1 ].cint = - (integer) mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
    mem [s + 2 ].cint = mem [r + 2 ].cint ;
    mem [s + 3 ].cint = 32768L ;
    mem [s + 4 ].cint = gamma - alpha ;
  while ( true ) {
    u = mem [p + 5 ].cint + mem [q + 5 ].cint ;
    v = mem [q + 3 ].cint + mem [r + 3 ].cint ;
    c = mem [p + 6 ].cint + mem [q + 6 ].cint ;
    delta = pythadd ( u , v ) ;
    if ( majoraxis == minoraxis ) 
    d = majoraxis ;
    else {
      if ( theta == 0 ) 
	alpha = u ;
	beta = v ;
      else {
	alpha = takefraction ( u , ncos ) + takefraction ( v , nsin ) ;
	beta = takefraction ( v , ncos ) - takefraction ( u , nsin ) ;
      alpha = makefraction ( alpha , delta ) ;
      beta = makefraction ( beta , delta ) ;
      d = pythadd ( takefraction ( majoraxis , alpha ) , takefraction ( 
      minoraxis , beta ) ) ;
    alpha = abs ( u ) ;
    beta = abs ( v ) ;
    if ( alpha < beta ) 
      alpha = abs ( v ) ;
      beta = abs ( u ) ;
    if ( internal [38 ]!= 0 ) 
    d = d - takefraction ( internal [38 ], makefraction ( beta + beta , 
    delta ) ) ;
    d = takefraction ( ( d + 4 ) / 8 , delta ) ;
    alpha = alpha / 32768L ;
    if ( d < alpha ) 
    d = alpha ;
    delta = c - d ;
    if ( delta > 0 ) 
      if ( delta > mem [r + 4 ].cint ) 
      delta = mem [r + 4 ].cint ;
      if ( delta >= mem [q + 4 ].cint ) 
	delta = mem [q + 4 ].cint ;
	mem [p + 6 ].cint = c - delta ;
	mem [p + 5 ].cint = u ;
	mem [q + 3 ].cint = v ;
	mem [q + 1 ].cint = mem [q + 1 ].cint - delta * mem [r + 3 ]
	.cint ;
	mem [q + 2 ].cint = mem [q + 2 ].cint + delta * mem [q + 5 ]
	.cint ;
	mem [r + 4 ].cint = mem [r + 4 ].cint - delta ;
      else {
	s = getnode ( 7 ) ;
	mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH = s ;
	mem [s ].hhfield .v.RH = q ;
	mem [s + 1 ].cint = mem [q + 1 ].cint + delta * mem [q + 3 ]
	.cint ;
	mem [s + 2 ].cint = mem [q + 2 ].cint - delta * mem [p + 5 ]
	.cint ;
	mem [q + 1 ].cint = mem [q + 1 ].cint - delta * mem [r + 3 ]
	.cint ;
	mem [q + 2 ].cint = mem [q + 2 ].cint + delta * mem [q + 5 ]
	.cint ;
	mem [s + 3 ].cint = mem [q + 3 ].cint ;
	mem [s + 5 ].cint = u ;
	mem [q + 3 ].cint = v ;
	mem [s + 6 ].cint = c - delta ;
	mem [s + 4 ].cint = mem [q + 4 ].cint - delta ;
	mem [q + 4 ].cint = delta ;
	mem [r + 4 ].cint = mem [r + 4 ].cint - delta ;
    else p = q ;
    while ( true ) {
      q = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
      if ( q == 0 ) 
      goto lab30 ;
      if ( mem [q + 4 ].cint == 0 ) 
	mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH = mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH ;
	mem [p + 6 ].cint = mem [q + 6 ].cint ;
	mem [p + 5 ].cint = mem [q + 5 ].cint ;
	freenode ( q , 7 ) ;
      else {
	r = mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH ;
	if ( r == 0 ) 
	goto lab30 ;
	if ( mem [r + 4 ].cint == 0 ) 
	  mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH = r ;
	  freenode ( q , 7 ) ;
	  p = r ;
	else goto lab40 ;
    lab40: ;
  lab30: ;
  if ( symmetric ) 
    s = 0 ;
    q = h ;
    while ( true ) {
      r = getnode ( 7 ) ;
      mem [r ].hhfield .v.RH = s ;
      s = r ;
      mem [s + 1 ].cint = mem [q + 1 ].cint ;
      mem [s + 2 ].cint = - (integer) mem [q + 2 ].cint ;
      if ( q == p ) 
      goto lab31 ;
      q = mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH ;
      if ( mem [q + 2 ].cint == 0 ) 
      goto lab31 ;
    lab31: mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH = s ;
    beta = - (integer) mem [h + 2 ].cint ;
    while ( mem [p + 2 ].cint != beta ) p = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    q = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  if ( q != 0 ) 
    if ( mem [h + 5 ].cint == 0 ) 
      p = h ;
      h = mem [h ].hhfield .v.RH ;
      freenode ( p , 7 ) ;
      mem [q + 1 ].cint = - (integer) mem [h + 1 ].cint ;
    p = q ;
  else q = p ;
  r = mem [h ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  do {
      s = getnode ( 7 ) ;
    mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH = s ;
    p = s ;
    mem [p + 1 ].cint = - (integer) mem [r + 1 ].cint ;
    mem [p + 2 ].cint = - (integer) mem [r + 2 ].cint ;
    r = mem [r ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  } while ( ! ( r == q ) ) ;
  mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH = h ;
  Result = h ;
  return Result ;
zfinddirectiontime ( scaled x , scaled y , halfword h ) 
zfinddirectiontime ( x , y , h ) 
  scaled x ;
  scaled y ;
  halfword h ;
  /* 10 40 45 30 */ register scaled Result; scaled max  ;
  halfword p, q  ;
  scaled n  ;
  scaled tt  ;
  scaled x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3  ;
  angle theta, phi  ;
  fraction t  ;
  if ( abs ( x ) < abs ( y ) ) 
    x = makefraction ( x , abs ( y ) ) ;
    if ( y > 0 ) 
    y = 268435456L ;
    else y = -268435456L ;
  else if ( x == 0 ) 
    Result = 0 ;
    goto lab10 ;
  else {
    y = makefraction ( y , abs ( x ) ) ;
    if ( x > 0 ) 
    x = 268435456L ;
    else x = -268435456L ;
  n = 0 ;
  p = h ;
  while ( true ) {
    if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b1 == 0 ) 
    goto lab45 ;
    q = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    tt = 0 ;
    x1 = mem [p + 5 ].cint - mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
    x2 = mem [q + 3 ].cint - mem [p + 5 ].cint ;
    x3 = mem [q + 1 ].cint - mem [q + 3 ].cint ;
    y1 = mem [p + 6 ].cint - mem [p + 2 ].cint ;
    y2 = mem [q + 4 ].cint - mem [p + 6 ].cint ;
    y3 = mem [q + 2 ].cint - mem [q + 4 ].cint ;
    max = abs ( x1 ) ;
    if ( abs ( x2 ) > max ) 
    max = abs ( x2 ) ;
    if ( abs ( x3 ) > max ) 
    max = abs ( x3 ) ;
    if ( abs ( y1 ) > max ) 
    max = abs ( y1 ) ;
    if ( abs ( y2 ) > max ) 
    max = abs ( y2 ) ;
    if ( abs ( y3 ) > max ) 
    max = abs ( y3 ) ;
    if ( max == 0 ) 
    goto lab40 ;
    while ( max < 134217728L ) {
      max = max + max ;
      x1 = x1 + x1 ;
      x2 = x2 + x2 ;
      x3 = x3 + x3 ;
      y1 = y1 + y1 ;
      y2 = y2 + y2 ;
      y3 = y3 + y3 ;
    t = x1 ;
    x1 = takefraction ( x1 , x ) + takefraction ( y1 , y ) ;
    y1 = takefraction ( y1 , x ) - takefraction ( t , y ) ;
    t = x2 ;
    x2 = takefraction ( x2 , x ) + takefraction ( y2 , y ) ;
    y2 = takefraction ( y2 , x ) - takefraction ( t , y ) ;
    t = x3 ;
    x3 = takefraction ( x3 , x ) + takefraction ( y3 , y ) ;
    y3 = takefraction ( y3 , x ) - takefraction ( t , y ) ;
    if ( y1 == 0 ) 
    if ( x1 >= 0 ) 
    goto lab40 ;
    if ( n > 0 ) 
      theta = narg ( x1 , y1 ) ;
      if ( theta >= 0 ) 
      if ( phi <= 0 ) 
      if ( phi >= theta - 188743680L ) 
      goto lab40 ;
      if ( theta <= 0 ) 
      if ( phi >= 0 ) 
      if ( phi <= theta + 188743680L ) 
      goto lab40 ;
      if ( p == h ) 
      goto lab45 ;
    if ( ( x3 != 0 ) || ( y3 != 0 ) ) 
    phi = narg ( x3 , y3 ) ;
    if ( x1 < 0 ) 
    if ( x2 < 0 ) 
    if ( x3 < 0 ) 
    goto lab30 ;
    if ( abvscd ( y1 , y3 , y2 , y2 ) == 0 ) 
      if ( abvscd ( y1 , y2 , 0 , 0 ) < 0 ) 
	t = makefraction ( y1 , y1 - y2 ) ;
	x1 = x1 - takefraction ( x1 - x2 , t ) ;
	x2 = x2 - takefraction ( x2 - x3 , t ) ;
	if ( x1 - takefraction ( x1 - x2 , t ) >= 0 ) 
	  tt = ( t + 2048 ) / 4096 ;
	  goto lab40 ;
      else if ( y3 == 0 ) 
      if ( y1 == 0 ) 
	t = crossingpoint ( - (integer) x1 , - (integer) x2 , - (integer) x3 ) 
	if ( t <= 268435456L ) 
	  tt = ( t + 2048 ) / 4096 ;
	  goto lab40 ;
	if ( abvscd ( x1 , x3 , x2 , x2 ) <= 0 ) 
	  t = makefraction ( x1 , x1 - x2 ) ;
	    tt = ( t + 2048 ) / 4096 ;
	    goto lab40 ;
      else if ( x3 >= 0 ) 
	tt = 65536L ;
	goto lab40 ;
      goto lab30 ;
    if ( y1 <= 0 ) 
    if ( y1 < 0 ) 
      y1 = - (integer) y1 ;
      y2 = - (integer) y2 ;
      y3 = - (integer) y3 ;
    else if ( y2 > 0 ) 
      y2 = - (integer) y2 ;
      y3 = - (integer) y3 ;
    t = crossingpoint ( y1 , y2 , y3 ) ;
    if ( t > 268435456L ) 
    goto lab30 ;
    y2 = y2 - takefraction ( y2 - y3 , t ) ;
    x1 = x1 - takefraction ( x1 - x2 , t ) ;
    x2 = x2 - takefraction ( x2 - x3 , t ) ;
    x1 = x1 - takefraction ( x1 - x2 , t ) ;
    if ( x1 >= 0 ) 
      tt = ( t + 2048 ) / 4096 ;
      goto lab40 ;
    if ( y2 > 0 ) 
    y2 = 0 ;
    tt = t ;
    t = crossingpoint ( 0 , - (integer) y2 , - (integer) y3 ) ;
    if ( t > 268435456L ) 
    goto lab30 ;
    x1 = x1 - takefraction ( x1 - x2 , t ) ;
    x2 = x2 - takefraction ( x2 - x3 , t ) ;
    if ( x1 - takefraction ( x1 - x2 , t ) >= 0 ) 
      t = tt - takefraction ( tt - 268435456L , t ) ;
	tt = ( t + 2048 ) / 4096 ;
	goto lab40 ;
    lab30: ;
    p = q ;
    n = n + 65536L ;
  lab45: Result = -65536L ;
  goto lab10 ;
  lab40: Result = n + tt ;
  lab10: ;
  return Result ;
zcubicintersection ( halfword p , halfword pp ) 
zcubicintersection ( p , pp ) 
  halfword p ;
  halfword pp ;
  /* 22 45 10 */ halfword q, qq  ;
  timetogo = 5000 ;
  maxt = 2 ;
  q = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  qq = mem [pp ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  bisectptr = 20 ;
  bisectstack [bisectptr - 5 ]= mem [p + 5 ].cint - mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
  bisectstack [bisectptr - 4 ]= mem [q + 3 ].cint - mem [p + 5 ].cint ;
  bisectstack [bisectptr - 3 ]= mem [q + 1 ].cint - mem [q + 3 ].cint ;
  if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 5 ]< 0 ) 
  if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 3 ]>= 0 ) 
    if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 4 ]< 0 ) 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 2 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 5 ]+ 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 4 ];
    else bisectstack [bisectptr - 2 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 5 ];
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 1 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 5 ]+ 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 4 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 3 ];
    if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 1 ]< 0 ) 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 1 ]= 0 ;
  else {
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 2 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 5 ]+ 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 4 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 3 ];
    if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 2 ]> bisectstack [bisectptr - 5 ]) 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 2 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 5 ];
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 1 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 5 ]+ 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 4 ];
    if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 1 ]< 0 ) 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 1 ]= 0 ;
  else if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 3 ]<= 0 ) 
    if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 4 ]> 0 ) 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 1 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 5 ]+ 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 4 ];
    else bisectstack [bisectptr - 1 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 5 ];
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 2 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 5 ]+ 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 4 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 3 ];
    if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 2 ]> 0 ) 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 2 ]= 0 ;
  else {
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 1 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 5 ]+ 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 4 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 3 ];
    if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 1 ]< bisectstack [bisectptr - 5 ]) 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 1 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 5 ];
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 2 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 5 ]+ 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 4 ];
    if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 2 ]> 0 ) 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 2 ]= 0 ;
  bisectstack [bisectptr - 10 ]= mem [p + 6 ].cint - mem [p + 2 ].cint ;
  bisectstack [bisectptr - 9 ]= mem [q + 4 ].cint - mem [p + 6 ].cint ;
  bisectstack [bisectptr - 8 ]= mem [q + 2 ].cint - mem [q + 4 ].cint ;
  if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 10 ]< 0 ) 
  if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 8 ]>= 0 ) 
    if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 9 ]< 0 ) 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 7 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 10 ]+ 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 9 ];
    else bisectstack [bisectptr - 7 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 10 ];
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 6 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 10 ]+ 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 9 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 8 ];
    if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 6 ]< 0 ) 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 6 ]= 0 ;
  else {
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 7 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 10 ]+ 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 9 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 8 ];
    if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 7 ]> bisectstack [bisectptr - 10 ]) 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 7 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 10 ];
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 6 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 10 ]+ 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 9 ];
    if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 6 ]< 0 ) 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 6 ]= 0 ;
  else if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 8 ]<= 0 ) 
    if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 9 ]> 0 ) 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 6 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 10 ]+ 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 9 ];
    else bisectstack [bisectptr - 6 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 10 ];
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 7 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 10 ]+ 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 9 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 8 ];
    if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 7 ]> 0 ) 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 7 ]= 0 ;
  else {
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 6 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 10 ]+ 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 9 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 8 ];
    if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 6 ]< bisectstack [bisectptr - 10 ]) 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 6 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 10 ];
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 7 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 10 ]+ 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 9 ];
    if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 7 ]> 0 ) 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 7 ]= 0 ;
  bisectstack [bisectptr - 15 ]= mem [pp + 5 ].cint - mem [pp + 1 ].cint 
  bisectstack [bisectptr - 14 ]= mem [qq + 3 ].cint - mem [pp + 5 ].cint 
  bisectstack [bisectptr - 13 ]= mem [qq + 1 ].cint - mem [qq + 3 ].cint 
  if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 15 ]< 0 ) 
  if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 13 ]>= 0 ) 
    if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 14 ]< 0 ) 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 12 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 15 ]+ 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 14 ];
    else bisectstack [bisectptr - 12 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 15 ];
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 11 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 15 ]+ 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 14 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 13 ];
    if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 11 ]< 0 ) 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 11 ]= 0 ;
  else {
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 12 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 15 ]+ 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 14 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 13 ];
    if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 12 ]> bisectstack [bisectptr - 15 ]) 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 12 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 15 ];
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 11 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 15 ]+ 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 14 ];
    if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 11 ]< 0 ) 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 11 ]= 0 ;
  else if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 13 ]<= 0 ) 
    if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 14 ]> 0 ) 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 11 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 15 ]+ 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 14 ];
    else bisectstack [bisectptr - 11 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 15 ];
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 12 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 15 ]+ 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 14 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 13 ];
    if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 12 ]> 0 ) 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 12 ]= 0 ;
  else {
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 11 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 15 ]+ 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 14 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 13 ];
    if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 11 ]< bisectstack [bisectptr - 15 ]) 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 11 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 15 ];
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 12 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 15 ]+ 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 14 ];
    if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 12 ]> 0 ) 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 12 ]= 0 ;
  bisectstack [bisectptr - 20 ]= mem [pp + 6 ].cint - mem [pp + 2 ].cint 
  bisectstack [bisectptr - 19 ]= mem [qq + 4 ].cint - mem [pp + 6 ].cint 
  bisectstack [bisectptr - 18 ]= mem [qq + 2 ].cint - mem [qq + 4 ].cint 
  if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 20 ]< 0 ) 
  if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 18 ]>= 0 ) 
    if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 19 ]< 0 ) 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 17 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 20 ]+ 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 19 ];
    else bisectstack [bisectptr - 17 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 20 ];
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 16 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 20 ]+ 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 19 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 18 ];
    if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 16 ]< 0 ) 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 16 ]= 0 ;
  else {
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 17 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 20 ]+ 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 19 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 18 ];
    if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 17 ]> bisectstack [bisectptr - 20 ]) 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 17 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 20 ];
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 16 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 20 ]+ 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 19 ];
    if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 16 ]< 0 ) 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 16 ]= 0 ;
  else if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 18 ]<= 0 ) 
    if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 19 ]> 0 ) 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 16 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 20 ]+ 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 19 ];
    else bisectstack [bisectptr - 16 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 20 ];
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 17 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 20 ]+ 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 19 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 18 ];
    if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 17 ]> 0 ) 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 17 ]= 0 ;
  else {
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 16 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 20 ]+ 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 19 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 18 ];
    if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 16 ]< bisectstack [bisectptr - 20 ]) 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 16 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 20 ];
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 17 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 20 ]+ 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 19 ];
    if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 17 ]> 0 ) 
    bisectstack [bisectptr - 17 ]= 0 ;
  delx = mem [p + 1 ].cint - mem [pp + 1 ].cint ;
  dely = mem [p + 2 ].cint - mem [pp + 2 ].cint ;
  tol = 0 ;
  uv = bisectptr ;
  xy = bisectptr ;
  threel = 0 ;
  curt = 1 ;
  curtt = 1 ;
  while ( true ) {
    lab22: if ( delx - tol <= bisectstack [xy - 11 ]- bisectstack [uv - 2 ]
    if ( delx + tol >= bisectstack [xy - 12 ]- bisectstack [uv - 1 ]) 
    if ( dely - tol <= bisectstack [xy - 16 ]- bisectstack [uv - 7 ]) 
    if ( dely + tol >= bisectstack [xy - 17 ]- bisectstack [uv - 6 ]) 
      if ( curt >= maxt ) 
	if ( maxt == 131072L ) 
	  curt = halfp ( curt + 1 ) ;
	  curtt = halfp ( curtt + 1 ) ;
	  goto lab10 ;
	maxt = maxt + maxt ;
	apprt = curt ;
	apprtt = curtt ;
      bisectstack [bisectptr ]= delx ;
      bisectstack [bisectptr + 1 ]= dely ;
      bisectstack [bisectptr + 2 ]= tol ;
      bisectstack [bisectptr + 3 ]= uv ;
      bisectstack [bisectptr + 4 ]= xy ;
      bisectptr = bisectptr + 45 ;
      curt = curt + curt ;
      curtt = curtt + curtt ;
      bisectstack [bisectptr - 25 ]= bisectstack [uv - 5 ];
      bisectstack [bisectptr - 3 ]= bisectstack [uv - 3 ];
      bisectstack [bisectptr - 24 ]= half ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 25 ]+ 
      bisectstack [uv - 4 ]) ;
      bisectstack [bisectptr - 4 ]= half ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 3 ]+ 
      bisectstack [uv - 4 ]) ;
      bisectstack [bisectptr - 23 ]= half ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 24 ]+ 
      bisectstack [bisectptr - 4 ]) ;
      bisectstack [bisectptr - 5 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 23 ];
      if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 25 ]< 0 ) 
      if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 23 ]>= 0 ) 
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 24 ]< 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 22 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 25 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 24 ];
	else bisectstack [bisectptr - 22 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 25 ];
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 21 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 25 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 24 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 23 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 21 ]< 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 21 ]= 0 ;
      else {
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 22 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 25 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 24 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 23 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 22 ]> bisectstack [bisectptr - 25 ]) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 22 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 25 ];
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 21 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 25 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 24 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 21 ]< 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 21 ]= 0 ;
      else if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 23 ]<= 0 ) 
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 24 ]> 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 21 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 25 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 24 ];
	else bisectstack [bisectptr - 21 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 25 ];
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 22 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 25 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 24 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 23 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 22 ]> 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 22 ]= 0 ;
      else {
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 21 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 25 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 24 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 23 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 21 ]< bisectstack [bisectptr - 25 ]) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 21 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 25 ];
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 22 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 25 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 24 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 22 ]> 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 22 ]= 0 ;
      if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 5 ]< 0 ) 
      if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 3 ]>= 0 ) 
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 4 ]< 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 2 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 5 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 4 ];
	else bisectstack [bisectptr - 2 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 5 ];
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 1 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 5 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 4 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 3 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 1 ]< 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 1 ]= 0 ;
      else {
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 2 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 5 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 4 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 3 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 2 ]> bisectstack [bisectptr - 5 ]) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 2 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 5 ];
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 1 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 5 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 4 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 1 ]< 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 1 ]= 0 ;
      else if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 3 ]<= 0 ) 
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 4 ]> 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 1 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 5 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 4 ];
	else bisectstack [bisectptr - 1 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 5 ];
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 2 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 5 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 4 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 3 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 2 ]> 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 2 ]= 0 ;
      else {
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 1 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 5 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 4 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 3 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 1 ]< bisectstack [bisectptr - 5 ]) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 1 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 5 ];
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 2 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 5 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 4 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 2 ]> 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 2 ]= 0 ;
      bisectstack [bisectptr - 30 ]= bisectstack [uv - 10 ];
      bisectstack [bisectptr - 8 ]= bisectstack [uv - 8 ];
      bisectstack [bisectptr - 29 ]= half ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 30 ]+ 
      bisectstack [uv - 9 ]) ;
      bisectstack [bisectptr - 9 ]= half ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 8 ]+ 
      bisectstack [uv - 9 ]) ;
      bisectstack [bisectptr - 28 ]= half ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 29 ]+ 
      bisectstack [bisectptr - 9 ]) ;
      bisectstack [bisectptr - 10 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 28 ];
      if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 30 ]< 0 ) 
      if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 28 ]>= 0 ) 
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 29 ]< 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 27 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 30 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 29 ];
	else bisectstack [bisectptr - 27 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 30 ];
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 26 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 30 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 29 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 28 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 26 ]< 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 26 ]= 0 ;
      else {
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 27 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 30 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 29 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 28 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 27 ]> bisectstack [bisectptr - 30 ]) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 27 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 30 ];
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 26 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 30 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 29 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 26 ]< 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 26 ]= 0 ;
      else if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 28 ]<= 0 ) 
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 29 ]> 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 26 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 30 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 29 ];
	else bisectstack [bisectptr - 26 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 30 ];
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 27 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 30 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 29 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 28 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 27 ]> 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 27 ]= 0 ;
      else {
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 26 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 30 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 29 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 28 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 26 ]< bisectstack [bisectptr - 30 ]) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 26 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 30 ];
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 27 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 30 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 29 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 27 ]> 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 27 ]= 0 ;
      if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 10 ]< 0 ) 
      if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 8 ]>= 0 ) 
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 9 ]< 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 7 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 10 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 9 ];
	else bisectstack [bisectptr - 7 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 10 ];
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 6 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 10 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 9 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 8 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 6 ]< 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 6 ]= 0 ;
      else {
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 7 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 10 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 9 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 8 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 7 ]> bisectstack [bisectptr - 10 ]) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 7 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 10 ];
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 6 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 10 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 9 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 6 ]< 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 6 ]= 0 ;
      else if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 8 ]<= 0 ) 
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 9 ]> 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 6 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 10 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 9 ];
	else bisectstack [bisectptr - 6 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 10 ];
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 7 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 10 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 9 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 8 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 7 ]> 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 7 ]= 0 ;
      else {
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 6 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 10 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 9 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 8 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 6 ]< bisectstack [bisectptr - 10 ]) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 6 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 10 ];
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 7 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 10 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 9 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 7 ]> 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 7 ]= 0 ;
      bisectstack [bisectptr - 35 ]= bisectstack [xy - 15 ];
      bisectstack [bisectptr - 13 ]= bisectstack [xy - 13 ];
      bisectstack [bisectptr - 34 ]= half ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 35 ]+ 
      bisectstack [xy - 14 ]) ;
      bisectstack [bisectptr - 14 ]= half ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 13 ]+ 
      bisectstack [xy - 14 ]) ;
      bisectstack [bisectptr - 33 ]= half ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 34 ]+ 
      bisectstack [bisectptr - 14 ]) ;
      bisectstack [bisectptr - 15 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 33 ];
      if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 35 ]< 0 ) 
      if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 33 ]>= 0 ) 
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 34 ]< 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 32 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 35 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 34 ];
	else bisectstack [bisectptr - 32 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 35 ];
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 31 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 35 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 34 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 33 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 31 ]< 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 31 ]= 0 ;
      else {
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 32 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 35 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 34 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 33 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 32 ]> bisectstack [bisectptr - 35 ]) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 32 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 35 ];
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 31 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 35 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 34 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 31 ]< 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 31 ]= 0 ;
      else if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 33 ]<= 0 ) 
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 34 ]> 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 31 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 35 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 34 ];
	else bisectstack [bisectptr - 31 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 35 ];
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 32 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 35 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 34 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 33 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 32 ]> 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 32 ]= 0 ;
      else {
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 31 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 35 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 34 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 33 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 31 ]< bisectstack [bisectptr - 35 ]) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 31 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 35 ];
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 32 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 35 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 34 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 32 ]> 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 32 ]= 0 ;
      if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 15 ]< 0 ) 
      if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 13 ]>= 0 ) 
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 14 ]< 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 12 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 15 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 14 ];
	else bisectstack [bisectptr - 12 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 15 ];
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 11 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 15 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 14 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 13 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 11 ]< 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 11 ]= 0 ;
      else {
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 12 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 15 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 14 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 13 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 12 ]> bisectstack [bisectptr - 15 ]) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 12 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 15 ];
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 11 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 15 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 14 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 11 ]< 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 11 ]= 0 ;
      else if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 13 ]<= 0 ) 
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 14 ]> 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 11 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 15 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 14 ];
	else bisectstack [bisectptr - 11 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 15 ];
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 12 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 15 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 14 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 13 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 12 ]> 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 12 ]= 0 ;
      else {
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 11 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 15 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 14 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 13 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 11 ]< bisectstack [bisectptr - 15 ]) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 11 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 15 ];
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 12 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 15 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 14 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 12 ]> 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 12 ]= 0 ;
      bisectstack [bisectptr - 40 ]= bisectstack [xy - 20 ];
      bisectstack [bisectptr - 18 ]= bisectstack [xy - 18 ];
      bisectstack [bisectptr - 39 ]= half ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 40 ]+ 
      bisectstack [xy - 19 ]) ;
      bisectstack [bisectptr - 19 ]= half ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 18 ]+ 
      bisectstack [xy - 19 ]) ;
      bisectstack [bisectptr - 38 ]= half ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 39 ]+ 
      bisectstack [bisectptr - 19 ]) ;
      bisectstack [bisectptr - 20 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 38 ];
      if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 40 ]< 0 ) 
      if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 38 ]>= 0 ) 
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 39 ]< 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 37 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 40 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 39 ];
	else bisectstack [bisectptr - 37 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 40 ];
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 36 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 40 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 39 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 38 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 36 ]< 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 36 ]= 0 ;
      else {
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 37 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 40 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 39 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 38 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 37 ]> bisectstack [bisectptr - 40 ]) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 37 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 40 ];
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 36 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 40 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 39 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 36 ]< 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 36 ]= 0 ;
      else if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 38 ]<= 0 ) 
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 39 ]> 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 36 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 40 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 39 ];
	else bisectstack [bisectptr - 36 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 40 ];
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 37 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 40 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 39 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 38 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 37 ]> 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 37 ]= 0 ;
      else {
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 36 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 40 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 39 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 38 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 36 ]< bisectstack [bisectptr - 40 ]) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 36 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 40 ];
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 37 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 40 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 39 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 37 ]> 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 37 ]= 0 ;
      if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 20 ]< 0 ) 
      if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 18 ]>= 0 ) 
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 19 ]< 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 17 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 20 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 19 ];
	else bisectstack [bisectptr - 17 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 20 ];
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 16 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 20 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 19 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 18 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 16 ]< 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 16 ]= 0 ;
      else {
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 17 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 20 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 19 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 18 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 17 ]> bisectstack [bisectptr - 20 ]) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 17 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 20 ];
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 16 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 20 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 19 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 16 ]< 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 16 ]= 0 ;
      else if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 18 ]<= 0 ) 
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 19 ]> 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 16 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 20 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 19 ];
	else bisectstack [bisectptr - 16 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 20 ];
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 17 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 20 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 19 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 18 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 17 ]> 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 17 ]= 0 ;
      else {
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 16 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 20 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 19 ]+ bisectstack [bisectptr - 18 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 16 ]< bisectstack [bisectptr - 20 ]) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 16 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 20 ];
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 17 ]= bisectstack [bisectptr - 20 ]+ 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 19 ];
	if ( bisectstack [bisectptr - 17 ]> 0 ) 
	bisectstack [bisectptr - 17 ]= 0 ;
      uv = bisectptr - 20 ;
      xy = bisectptr - 20 ;
      delx = delx + delx ;
      dely = dely + dely ;
      tol = tol - threel + tolstep ;
      tol = tol + tol ;
      threel = threel + tolstep ;
      goto lab22 ;
    if ( timetogo > 0 ) 
    decr ( timetogo ) ;
    else {
      while ( apprt < 65536L ) {
	apprt = apprt + apprt ;
	apprtt = apprtt + apprtt ;
      curt = apprt ;
      curtt = apprtt ;
      goto lab10 ;
    lab45: if ( odd ( curtt ) ) 
    if ( odd ( curt ) ) 
      curt = halfp ( curt ) ;
      curtt = halfp ( curtt ) ;
      if ( curt == 0 ) 
      goto lab10 ;
      bisectptr = bisectptr - 45 ;
      threel = threel - tolstep ;
      delx = bisectstack [bisectptr ];
      dely = bisectstack [bisectptr + 1 ];
      tol = bisectstack [bisectptr + 2 ];
      uv = bisectstack [bisectptr + 3 ];
      xy = bisectstack [bisectptr + 4 ];
      goto lab45 ;
    else {
      incr ( curt ) ;
      delx = delx + bisectstack [uv - 5 ]+ bisectstack [uv - 4 ]+ 
      bisectstack [uv - 3 ];
      dely = dely + bisectstack [uv - 10 ]+ bisectstack [uv - 9 ]+ 
      bisectstack [uv - 8 ];
      uv = uv + 20 ;
      decr ( curtt ) ;
      xy = xy - 20 ;
      delx = delx + bisectstack [xy - 15 ]+ bisectstack [xy - 14 ]+ 
      bisectstack [xy - 13 ];
      dely = dely + bisectstack [xy - 20 ]+ bisectstack [xy - 19 ]+ 
      bisectstack [xy - 18 ];
    else {
      incr ( curtt ) ;
      tol = tol + threel ;
      delx = delx - bisectstack [xy - 15 ]- bisectstack [xy - 14 ]- 
      bisectstack [xy - 13 ];
      dely = dely - bisectstack [xy - 20 ]- bisectstack [xy - 19 ]- 
      bisectstack [xy - 18 ];
      xy = xy + 20 ;
  lab10: ;
zpathintersection ( halfword h , halfword hh ) 
zpathintersection ( h , hh ) 
  halfword h ;
  halfword hh ;
  /* 10 */ halfword p, pp  ;
  integer n, nn  ;
  if ( mem [h ].hhfield .b1 == 0 ) 
    mem [h + 5 ].cint = mem [h + 1 ].cint ;
    mem [h + 3 ].cint = mem [h + 1 ].cint ;
    mem [h + 6 ].cint = mem [h + 2 ].cint ;
    mem [h + 4 ].cint = mem [h + 2 ].cint ;
    mem [h ].hhfield .b1 = 1 ;
  if ( mem [hh ].hhfield .b1 == 0 ) 
    mem [hh + 5 ].cint = mem [hh + 1 ].cint ;
    mem [hh + 3 ].cint = mem [hh + 1 ].cint ;
    mem [hh + 6 ].cint = mem [hh + 2 ].cint ;
    mem [hh + 4 ].cint = mem [hh + 2 ].cint ;
    mem [hh ].hhfield .b1 = 1 ;
  tolstep = 0 ;
  do {
      n = -65536L ;
    p = h ;
    do {
	if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b1 != 0 ) 
	nn = -65536L ;
	pp = hh ;
	do {
	    if ( mem [pp ].hhfield .b1 != 0 ) 
	    cubicintersection ( p , pp ) ;
	    if ( curt > 0 ) 
	      curt = curt + n ;
	      curtt = curtt + nn ;
	      goto lab10 ;
	  nn = nn + 65536L ;
	  pp = mem [pp ].hhfield .v.RH ;
	} while ( ! ( pp == hh ) ) ;
      n = n + 65536L ;
      p = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    } while ( ! ( p == h ) ) ;
    tolstep = tolstep + 3 ;
  } while ( ! ( tolstep > 3 ) ) ;
  curt = -65536L ;
  curtt = -65536L ;
  lab10: ;
zopenawindow ( windownumber k , scaled r0 , scaled c0 , scaled r1 , scaled c1 
, scaled x , scaled y ) 
zopenawindow ( k , r0 , c0 , r1 , c1 , x , y ) 
  windownumber k ;
  scaled r0 ;
  scaled c0 ;
  scaled r1 ;
  scaled c1 ;
  scaled x ;
  scaled y ;
  integer m, n  ;
  if ( r0 < 0 ) 
  r0 = 0 ;
  else r0 = roundunscaled ( r0 ) ;
  r1 = roundunscaled ( r1 ) ;
  if ( r1 > screendepth ) 
  r1 = screendepth ;
  if ( r1 < r0 ) 
  if ( r0 > screendepth ) 
  r0 = r1 ;
  else r1 = r0 ;
  if ( c0 < 0 ) 
  c0 = 0 ;
  else c0 = roundunscaled ( c0 ) ;
  c1 = roundunscaled ( c1 ) ;
  if ( c1 > screenwidth ) 
  c1 = screenwidth ;
  if ( c1 < c0 ) 
  if ( c0 > screenwidth ) 
  c0 = c1 ;
  else c1 = c0 ;
  windowopen [k ]= true ;
  incr ( windowtime [k ]) ;
  leftcol [k ]= c0 ;
  rightcol [k ]= c1 ;
  toprow [k ]= r0 ;
  botrow [k ]= r1 ;
  m = roundunscaled ( x ) ;
  n = roundunscaled ( y ) - 1 ;
  mwindow [k ]= c0 - m ;
  nwindow [k ]= r0 + n ;
    if ( ! screenstarted ) 
      screenOK = initscreen () ;
      screenstarted = true ;
  if ( screenOK ) 
    blankrectangle ( c0 , c1 , r0 , r1 ) ;
    updatescreen () ;
zdispedges ( windownumber k ) 
zdispedges ( k ) 
  windownumber k ;
  /* 30 40 */ halfword p, q  ;
  boolean alreadythere  ;
  integer r  ;
  screencol n  ;
  integer w, ww  ;
  pixelcolor b  ;
  integer m, mm  ;
  integer d  ;
  integer madjustment  ;
  integer rightedge  ;
  screencol mincol  ;
  if ( screenOK ) 
  if ( leftcol [k ]< rightcol [k ]) 
  if ( toprow [k ]< botrow [k ]) 
    alreadythere = false ;
    if ( mem [curedges + 3 ].hhfield .v.RH == k ) 
    if ( mem [curedges + 4 ].cint == windowtime [k ]) 
    alreadythere = true ;
    if ( ! alreadythere ) 
    blankrectangle ( leftcol [k ], rightcol [k ], toprow [k ], botrow [
    k ]) ;
    madjustment = mwindow [k ]- mem [curedges + 3 ].hhfield .lhfield ;
    rightedge = 8 * ( rightcol [k ]- madjustment ) ;
    mincol = leftcol [k ];
    p = mem [curedges ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    r = nwindow [k ]- ( mem [curedges + 1 ].hhfield .lhfield - 4096 ) ;
    while ( ( p != curedges ) && ( r >= toprow [k ]) ) {
      if ( r < botrow [k ]) 
	if ( mem [p + 1 ].hhfield .lhfield > 1 ) 
	sortedges ( p ) ;
	else if ( mem [p + 1 ].hhfield .lhfield == 1 ) 
	if ( alreadythere ) 
	goto lab30 ;
	mem [p + 1 ].hhfield .lhfield = 1 ;
	n = 0 ;
	ww = 0 ;
	m = -1 ;
	w = 0 ;
	q = mem [p + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH ;
	rowtransition [0 ]= mincol ;
	while ( true ) {
	  if ( q == memtop ) 
	  d = rightedge ;
	  else d = mem [q ].hhfield .lhfield ;
	  mm = ( d / 8 ) + madjustment ;
	  if ( mm != m ) 
	    if ( w <= 0 ) 
	      if ( ww > 0 ) 
	      if ( m > mincol ) 
		if ( n == 0 ) 
		if ( alreadythere ) 
		  b = 0 ;
		  incr ( n ) ;
		else b = 1 ;
		else incr ( n ) ;
		rowtransition [n ]= m ;
	    else if ( ww <= 0 ) 
	    if ( m > mincol ) 
	      if ( n == 0 ) 
	      b = 1 ;
	      incr ( n ) ;
	      rowtransition [n ]= m ;
	    m = mm ;
	    w = ww ;
	  if ( d >= rightedge ) 
	  goto lab40 ;
	  ww = ww + ( d % 8 ) - 4 ;
	  q = mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH ;
	lab40: if ( alreadythere || ( ww > 0 ) ) 
	  if ( n == 0 ) 
	  if ( ww > 0 ) 
	  b = 1 ;
	  else b = 0 ;
	  incr ( n ) ;
	  rowtransition [n ]= rightcol [k ];
	else if ( n == 0 ) 
	goto lab30 ;
	paintrow ( r , b , rowtransition , n ) ;
	lab30: ;
      p = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
      decr ( r ) ;
    updatescreen () ;
    incr ( windowtime [k ]) ;
    mem [curedges + 3 ].hhfield .v.RH = k ;
    mem [curedges + 4 ].cint = windowtime [k ];
zmaxcoef ( halfword p ) 
zmaxcoef ( p ) 
  halfword p ;
  register fraction Result; fraction x  ;
  x = 0 ;
  while ( mem [p ].hhfield .lhfield != 0 ) {
    if ( abs ( mem [p + 1 ].cint ) > x ) 
    x = abs ( mem [p + 1 ].cint ) ;
    p = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  Result = x ;
  return Result ;
zpplusq ( halfword p , halfword q , smallnumber t ) 
zpplusq ( p , q , t ) 
  halfword p ;
  halfword q ;
  smallnumber t ;
  /* 30 */ register halfword Result; halfword pp, qq  ;
  halfword r, s  ;
  integer threshold  ;
  integer v  ;
  if ( t == 17 ) 
  threshold = 2685 ;
  else threshold = 8 ;
  r = memtop - 1 ;
  pp = mem [p ].hhfield .lhfield ;
  qq = mem [q ].hhfield .lhfield ;
  while ( true ) if ( pp == qq ) 
  if ( pp == 0 ) 
  goto lab30 ;
  else {
    v = mem [p + 1 ].cint + mem [q + 1 ].cint ;
    mem [p + 1 ].cint = v ;
    s = p ;
    p = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    pp = mem [p ].hhfield .lhfield ;
    if ( abs ( v ) < threshold ) 
    freenode ( s , 2 ) ;
    else {
      if ( abs ( v ) >= 626349397L ) 
      if ( watchcoefs ) 
	mem [qq ].hhfield .b0 = 0 ;
	fixneeded = true ;
      mem [r ].hhfield .v.RH = s ;
      r = s ;
    q = mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    qq = mem [q ].hhfield .lhfield ;
  else if ( mem [pp + 1 ].cint < mem [qq + 1 ].cint ) 
    s = getnode ( 2 ) ;
    mem [s ].hhfield .lhfield = qq ;
    mem [s + 1 ].cint = mem [q + 1 ].cint ;
    q = mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    qq = mem [q ].hhfield .lhfield ;
    mem [r ].hhfield .v.RH = s ;
    r = s ;
  else {
    mem [r ].hhfield .v.RH = p ;
    r = p ;
    p = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    pp = mem [p ].hhfield .lhfield ;
  lab30: mem [p + 1 ].cint = slowadd ( mem [p + 1 ].cint , mem [q + 1 ]
  .cint ) ;
  mem [r ].hhfield .v.RH = p ;
  depfinal = p ;
  Result = mem [memtop - 1 ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  return Result ;
zptimesv ( halfword p , integer v , smallnumber t0 , smallnumber t1 , boolean 
visscaled ) 
zptimesv ( p , v , t0 , t1 , visscaled ) 
  halfword p ;
  integer v ;
  smallnumber t0 ;
  smallnumber t1 ;
  boolean visscaled ;
  register halfword Result; halfword r, s  ;
  integer w  ;
  integer threshold  ;
  boolean scalingdown  ;
  if ( t0 != t1 ) 
  scalingdown = true ;
  else scalingdown = ! visscaled ;
  if ( t1 == 17 ) 
  threshold = 1342 ;
  else threshold = 4 ;
  r = memtop - 1 ;
  while ( mem [p ].hhfield .lhfield != 0 ) {
    if ( scalingdown ) 
    w = takefraction ( v , mem [p + 1 ].cint ) ;
    else w = takescaled ( v , mem [p + 1 ].cint ) ;
    if ( abs ( w ) <= threshold ) 
      s = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
      freenode ( p , 2 ) ;
      p = s ;
    else {
      if ( abs ( w ) >= 626349397L ) 
	fixneeded = true ;
	mem [mem [p ].hhfield .lhfield ].hhfield .b0 = 0 ;
      mem [r ].hhfield .v.RH = p ;
      r = p ;
      mem [p + 1 ].cint = w ;
      p = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  mem [r ].hhfield .v.RH = p ;
  if ( visscaled ) 
  mem [p + 1 ].cint = takescaled ( mem [p + 1 ].cint , v ) ;
  else mem [p + 1 ].cint = takefraction ( mem [p + 1 ].cint , v ) ;
  Result = mem [memtop - 1 ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  return Result ;
zpwithxbecomingq ( halfword p , halfword x , halfword q , smallnumber t ) 
zpwithxbecomingq ( p , x , q , t ) 
  halfword p ;
  halfword x ;
  halfword q ;
  smallnumber t ;
  register halfword Result; halfword r, s  ;
  integer v  ;
  integer sx  ;
  s = p ;
  r = memtop - 1 ;
  sx = mem [x + 1 ].cint ;
  while ( mem [mem [s ].hhfield .lhfield + 1 ].cint > sx ) {
    r = s ;
    s = mem [s ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  if ( mem [s ].hhfield .lhfield != x ) 
  Result = p ;
  else {
    mem [memtop - 1 ].hhfield .v.RH = p ;
    mem [r ].hhfield .v.RH = mem [s ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    v = mem [s + 1 ].cint ;
    freenode ( s , 2 ) ;
    Result = pplusfq ( mem [memtop - 1 ].hhfield .v.RH , v , q , t , 17 ) ;
  return Result ;
znewdep ( halfword q , halfword p ) 
znewdep ( q , p ) 
  halfword q ;
  halfword p ;
  halfword r  ;
  mem [q + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH = p ;
  mem [q + 1 ].hhfield .lhfield = 13 ;
  r = mem [13 ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  mem [depfinal ].hhfield .v.RH = r ;
  mem [r + 1 ].hhfield .lhfield = depfinal ;
  mem [13 ].hhfield .v.RH = q ;
zconstdependency ( scaled v ) 
zconstdependency ( v ) 
  scaled v ;
  register halfword Result; depfinal = getnode ( 2 ) ;
  mem [depfinal + 1 ].cint = v ;
  mem [depfinal ].hhfield .lhfield = 0 ;
  Result = depfinal ;
  return Result ;
zsingledependency ( halfword p ) 
zsingledependency ( p ) 
  halfword p ;
  register halfword Result; halfword q  ;
  integer m  ;
  m = mem [p + 1 ].cint % 64 ;
  if ( m > 28 ) 
  Result = constdependency ( 0 ) ;
  else {
    q = getnode ( 2 ) ;
    mem [q + 1 ].cint = twotothe [28 - m ];
    mem [q ].hhfield .lhfield = p ;
    mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH = constdependency ( 0 ) ;
    Result = q ;
  return Result ;
zcopydeplist ( halfword p ) 
zcopydeplist ( p ) 
  halfword p ;
  /* 30 */ register halfword Result; halfword q  ;
  q = getnode ( 2 ) ;
  depfinal = q ;
  while ( true ) {
    mem [depfinal ].hhfield .lhfield = mem [p ].hhfield .lhfield ;
    mem [depfinal + 1 ].cint = mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
    if ( mem [depfinal ].hhfield .lhfield == 0 ) 
    goto lab30 ;
    mem [depfinal ].hhfield .v.RH = getnode ( 2 ) ;
    depfinal = mem [depfinal ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    p = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  lab30: Result = q ;
  return Result ;
zlineareq ( halfword p , smallnumber t ) 
zlineareq ( p , t ) 
  halfword p ;
  smallnumber t ;
  halfword q, r, s  ;
  halfword x  ;
  integer n  ;
  integer v  ;
  halfword prevr  ;
  halfword finalnode  ;
  integer w  ;
  q = p ;
  r = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  v = mem [q + 1 ].cint ;
  while ( mem [r ].hhfield .lhfield != 0 ) {
    if ( abs ( mem [r + 1 ].cint ) > abs ( v ) ) 
      q = r ;
      v = mem [r + 1 ].cint ;
    r = mem [r ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  x = mem [q ].hhfield .lhfield ;
  n = mem [x + 1 ].cint % 64 ;
  s = memtop - 1 ;
  mem [s ].hhfield .v.RH = p ;
  r = p ;
  do {
      if ( r == q ) 
      mem [s ].hhfield .v.RH = mem [r ].hhfield .v.RH ;
      freenode ( r , 2 ) ;
    else {
      w = makefraction ( mem [r + 1 ].cint , v ) ;
      if ( abs ( w ) <= 1342 ) 
	mem [s ].hhfield .v.RH = mem [r ].hhfield .v.RH ;
	freenode ( r , 2 ) ;
      else {
	mem [r + 1 ].cint = - (integer) w ;
	s = r ;
    r = mem [s ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  } while ( ! ( mem [r ].hhfield .lhfield == 0 ) ) ;
  if ( t == 18 ) 
  mem [r + 1 ].cint = - (integer) makescaled ( mem [r + 1 ].cint , v ) ;
  else if ( v != -268435456L ) 
  mem [r + 1 ].cint = - (integer) makefraction ( mem [r + 1 ].cint , v ) ;
  finalnode = r ;
  p = mem [memtop - 1 ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  if ( internal [2 ]> 0 ) 
  if ( interesting ( x ) ) 
    begindiagnostic () ;
    printnl ( 594 ) ;
    printvariablename ( x ) ;
    w = n ;
    while ( w > 0 ) {
      print ( 587 ) ;
      w = w - 2 ;
    printchar ( 61 ) ;
    printdependency ( p , 17 ) ;
    enddiagnostic ( false ) ;
  prevr = 13 ;
  r = mem [13 ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  while ( r != 13 ) {
    s = mem [r + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    q = pwithxbecomingq ( s , x , p , mem [r ].hhfield .b0 ) ;
    if ( mem [q ].hhfield .lhfield == 0 ) 
    makeknown ( r , q ) ;
    else {
      mem [r + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH = q ;
      do {
	  q = mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH ;
      } while ( ! ( mem [q ].hhfield .lhfield == 0 ) ) ;
      prevr = q ;
    r = mem [prevr ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  if ( n > 0 ) 
    s = memtop - 1 ;
    mem [memtop - 1 ].hhfield .v.RH = p ;
    r = p ;
    do {
	if ( n > 30 ) 
      w = 0 ;
      else w = mem [r + 1 ].cint / twotothe [n ];
      if ( ( abs ( w ) <= 1342 ) && ( mem [r ].hhfield .lhfield != 0 ) ) 
	mem [s ].hhfield .v.RH = mem [r ].hhfield .v.RH ;
	freenode ( r , 2 ) ;
      else {
	mem [r + 1 ].cint = w ;
	s = r ;
      r = mem [s ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    } while ( ! ( mem [s ].hhfield .lhfield == 0 ) ) ;
    p = mem [memtop - 1 ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  if ( mem [p ].hhfield .lhfield == 0 ) 
    mem [x ].hhfield .b0 = 16 ;
    mem [x + 1 ].cint = mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
    if ( abs ( mem [x + 1 ].cint ) >= 268435456L ) 
    valtoobig ( mem [x + 1 ].cint ) ;
    freenode ( p , 2 ) ;
    if ( curexp == x ) 
    if ( curtype == 19 ) 
      curexp = mem [x + 1 ].cint ;
      curtype = 16 ;
      freenode ( x , 2 ) ;
  else {
    mem [x ].hhfield .b0 = 17 ;
    depfinal = finalnode ;
    newdep ( x , p ) ;
    if ( curexp == x ) 
    if ( curtype == 19 ) 
    curtype = 17 ;
  if ( fixneeded ) 
  fixdependencies () ;
znewringentry ( halfword p ) 
znewringentry ( p ) 
  halfword p ;
  register halfword Result; halfword q  ;
  q = getnode ( 2 ) ;
  mem [q ].hhfield .b1 = 11 ;
  mem [q ].hhfield .b0 = mem [p ].hhfield .b0 ;
  if ( mem [p + 1 ].cint == 0 ) 
  mem [q + 1 ].cint = p ;
  else mem [q + 1 ].cint = mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
  mem [p + 1 ].cint = q ;
  Result = q ;
  return Result ;
znonlineareq ( integer v , halfword p , boolean flushp ) 
znonlineareq ( v , p , flushp ) 
  integer v ;
  halfword p ;
  boolean flushp ;
  smallnumber t  ;
  halfword q, r  ;
  t = mem [p ].hhfield .b0 - 1 ;
  q = mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
  if ( flushp ) 
  mem [p ].hhfield .b0 = 1 ;
  else p = q ;
  do {
      r = mem [q + 1 ].cint ;
    mem [q ].hhfield .b0 = t ;
    switch ( t ) 
    {case 2 : 
      mem [q + 1 ].cint = v ;
      break ;
    case 4 : 
	mem [q + 1 ].cint = v ;
	  if ( strref [v ]< 127 ) 
	  incr ( strref [v ]) ;
      break ;
    case 6 : 
	mem [q + 1 ].cint = v ;
	incr ( mem [v ].hhfield .lhfield ) ;
      break ;
    case 9 : 
      mem [q + 1 ].cint = copypath ( v ) ;
      break ;
    case 11 : 
      mem [q + 1 ].cint = copyedges ( v ) ;
      break ;
    q = r ;
  } while ( ! ( q == p ) ) ;
zringmerge ( halfword p , halfword q ) 
zringmerge ( p , q ) 
  halfword p ;
  halfword q ;
  /* 10 */ halfword r  ;
  r = mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
  while ( r != p ) {
    if ( r == q ) 
	  if ( interaction == 3 ) 
	  printnl ( 261 ) ;
	  print ( 597 ) ;
	  helpptr = 2 ;
	  helpline [1 ]= 598 ;
	  helpline [0 ]= 599 ;
	putgeterror () ;
      goto lab10 ;
    r = mem [r + 1 ].cint ;
  r = mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
  mem [p + 1 ].cint = mem [q + 1 ].cint ;
  mem [q + 1 ].cint = r ;
  lab10: ;
zshowcmdmod ( integer c , integer m ) 
zshowcmdmod ( c , m ) 
  integer c ;
  integer m ;
  begindiagnostic () ;
  printnl ( 123 ) ;
  printcmdmod ( c , m ) ;
  printchar ( 125 ) ;
  enddiagnostic ( false ) ;
showcontext ( void ) 
showcontext ( ) 
  /* 30 */ char oldsetting  ;
  integer i  ;
  integer l  ;
  integer m  ;
  integer n  ;
  integer p  ;
  integer q  ;
  fileptr = inputptr ;
  inputstack [fileptr ]= curinput ;
  while ( true ) {
    curinput = inputstack [fileptr ];
    if ( ( fileptr == inputptr ) || ( curinput .indexfield <= 15 ) || ( 
    curinput .indexfield != 19 ) || ( curinput .locfield != 0 ) ) 
      tally = 0 ;
      oldsetting = selector ;
      if ( ( curinput .indexfield <= 15 ) ) 
	if ( curinput .namefield <= 1 ) 
	if ( ( curinput .namefield == 0 ) && ( fileptr == 0 ) ) 
	printnl ( 601 ) ;
	else printnl ( 602 ) ;
	else if ( curinput .namefield == 2 ) 
	printnl ( 603 ) ;
	else {
	  printnl ( curinput .namefield ) ;
	  print ( 58 ) ;
	  printint ( line ) ;
	  print ( 58 ) ;
	printchar ( 32 ) ;
	  l = tally ;
	  tally = 0 ;
	  selector = 4 ;
	  trickcount = 1000000L ;
	if ( curinput .limitfield > 0 ) 
	{register integer for_end; i = curinput .startfield ;for_end = 
	curinput .limitfield - 1 ; if ( i <= for_end) do 
	    if ( i == curinput .locfield ) 
	      firstcount = tally ;
	      trickcount = tally + 1 + errorline - halferrorline ;
	      if ( trickcount < errorline ) 
	      trickcount = errorline ;
	    print ( buffer [i ]) ;
	while ( i++ < for_end ) ;} 
      else {
	switch ( curinput .indexfield ) 
	{case 16 : 
	  printnl ( 604 ) ;
	  break ;
	case 17 : 
	    printnl ( 609 ) ;
	    p = paramstack [curinput .limitfield ];
	    if ( p != 0 ) 
	    if ( mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH == 1 ) 
	    printexp ( p , 0 ) ;
	    else showtokenlist ( p , 0 , 20 , tally ) ;
	    print ( 610 ) ;
	  break ;
	case 18 : 
	  printnl ( 605 ) ;
	  break ;
	case 19 : 
	  if ( curinput .locfield == 0 ) 
	  printnl ( 606 ) ;
	  else printnl ( 607 ) ;
	  break ;
	case 20 : 
	  printnl ( 608 ) ;
	  break ;
	case 21 : 
	    println () ;
	    if ( curinput .namefield != 0 ) 
	    print ( hash [curinput .namefield ].v.RH ) ;
	    else {
	      p = paramstack [curinput .limitfield ];
	      if ( p == 0 ) 
	      showtokenlist ( paramstack [curinput .limitfield + 1 ], 0 , 20 
	      , tally ) ;
	      else {
		q = p ;
		while ( mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH != 0 ) q = mem [q ].hhfield 
		.v.RH ;
		mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH = paramstack [curinput .limitfield + 
		1 ];
		showtokenlist ( p , 0 , 20 , tally ) ;
		mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH = 0 ;
	    print ( 500 ) ;
	  break ;
	  printnl ( 63 ) ;
	  break ;
	  l = tally ;
	  tally = 0 ;
	  selector = 4 ;
	  trickcount = 1000000L ;
	if ( curinput .indexfield != 21 ) 
	showtokenlist ( curinput .startfield , curinput .locfield , 100000L , 
	0 ) ;
	else showmacro ( curinput .startfield , curinput .locfield , 100000L ) 
      selector = oldsetting ;
      if ( trickcount == 1000000L ) 
	firstcount = tally ;
	trickcount = tally + 1 + errorline - halferrorline ;
	if ( trickcount < errorline ) 
	trickcount = errorline ;
      if ( tally < trickcount ) 
      m = tally - firstcount ;
      else m = trickcount - firstcount ;
      if ( l + firstcount <= halferrorline ) 
	p = 0 ;
	n = l + firstcount ;
      else {
	print ( 274 ) ;
	p = l + firstcount - halferrorline + 3 ;
	n = halferrorline ;
      {register integer for_end; q = p ;for_end = firstcount - 1 ; if ( q <= 
      for_end) do 
	printchar ( trickbuf [q % errorline ]) ;
      while ( q++ < for_end ) ;} 
      println () ;
      {register integer for_end; q = 1 ;for_end = n ; if ( q <= for_end) do 
	printchar ( 32 ) ;
      while ( q++ < for_end ) ;} 
      if ( m + n <= errorline ) 
      p = firstcount + m ;
      else p = firstcount + ( errorline - n - 3 ) ;
      {register integer for_end; q = firstcount ;for_end = p - 1 ; if ( q <= 
      for_end) do 
	printchar ( trickbuf [q % errorline ]) ;
      while ( q++ < for_end ) ;} 
      if ( m + n > errorline ) 
      print ( 274 ) ;
    if ( ( curinput .indexfield <= 15 ) ) 
    if ( ( curinput .namefield > 2 ) || ( fileptr == 0 ) ) 
    goto lab30 ;
    decr ( fileptr ) ;
  lab30: curinput = inputstack [inputptr ];
zbegintokenlist ( halfword p , quarterword t ) 
zbegintokenlist ( p , t ) 
  halfword p ;
  quarterword t ;
    if ( inputptr > maxinstack ) 
      maxinstack = inputptr ;
      if ( inputptr == stacksize ) 
      overflow ( 611 , stacksize ) ;
    inputstack [inputptr ]= curinput ;
    incr ( inputptr ) ;
  curinput .startfield = p ;
  curinput .indexfield = t ;
  curinput .limitfield = paramptr ;
  curinput .locfield = p ;
endtokenlist ( void ) 
endtokenlist ( ) 
  /* 30 */ halfword p  ;
  if ( curinput .indexfield >= 19 ) 
  if ( curinput .indexfield <= 20 ) 
    flushtokenlist ( curinput .startfield ) ;
    goto lab30 ;
  else deletemacref ( curinput .startfield ) ;
  while ( paramptr > curinput .limitfield ) {
    decr ( paramptr ) ;
    p = paramstack [paramptr ];
    if ( p != 0 ) 
    if ( mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH == 1 ) 
      recyclevalue ( p ) ;
      freenode ( p , 2 ) ;
    else flushtokenlist ( p ) ;
  lab30: {
    decr ( inputptr ) ;
    curinput = inputstack [inputptr ];
    if ( interrupt != 0 ) 
    pauseforinstructions () ;
zencapsulate ( halfword p ) 
zencapsulate ( p ) 
  halfword p ;
  curexp = getnode ( 2 ) ;
  mem [curexp ].hhfield .b0 = curtype ;
  mem [curexp ].hhfield .b1 = 11 ;
  newdep ( curexp , p ) ;
zinstall ( halfword r , halfword q ) 
zinstall ( r , q ) 
  halfword r ;
  halfword q ;
  halfword p  ;
  if ( mem [q ].hhfield .b0 == 16 ) 
    mem [r + 1 ].cint = mem [q + 1 ].cint ;
    mem [r ].hhfield .b0 = 16 ;
  else if ( mem [q ].hhfield .b0 == 19 ) 
    p = singledependency ( q ) ;
    if ( p == depfinal ) 
      mem [r ].hhfield .b0 = 16 ;
      mem [r + 1 ].cint = 0 ;
      freenode ( p , 2 ) ;
    else {
      mem [r ].hhfield .b0 = 17 ;
      newdep ( r , p ) ;
  else {
    mem [r ].hhfield .b0 = mem [q ].hhfield .b0 ;
    newdep ( r , copydeplist ( mem [q + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH ) ) ;
zmakeexpcopy ( halfword p ) 
zmakeexpcopy ( p ) 
  halfword p ;
  /* 20 */ halfword q, r, t  ;
  lab20: curtype = mem [p ].hhfield .b0 ;
  switch ( curtype ) 
  {case 1 : 
  case 2 : 
  case 16 : 
    curexp = mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
    break ;
  case 3 : 
  case 5 : 
  case 7 : 
  case 12 : 
  case 10 : 
    curexp = newringentry ( p ) ;
    break ;
  case 4 : 
      curexp = mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
	if ( strref [curexp ]< 127 ) 
	incr ( strref [curexp ]) ;
    break ;
  case 6 : 
      curexp = mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
      incr ( mem [curexp ].hhfield .lhfield ) ;
    break ;
  case 11 : 
    curexp = copyedges ( mem [p + 1 ].cint ) ;
    break ;
  case 9 : 
  case 8 : 
    curexp = copypath ( mem [p + 1 ].cint ) ;
    break ;
  case 13 : 
  case 14 : 
      if ( mem [p + 1 ].cint == 0 ) 
      initbignode ( p ) ;
      t = getnode ( 2 ) ;
      mem [t ].hhfield .b1 = 11 ;
      mem [t ].hhfield .b0 = curtype ;
      initbignode ( t ) ;
      q = mem [p + 1 ].cint + bignodesize [curtype ];
      r = mem [t + 1 ].cint + bignodesize [curtype ];
      do {
	  q = q - 2 ;
	r = r - 2 ;
	install ( r , q ) ;
      } while ( ! ( q == mem [p + 1 ].cint ) ) ;
      curexp = t ;
    break ;
  case 17 : 
  case 18 : 
    encapsulate ( copydeplist ( mem [p + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH ) ) ;
    break ;
  case 15 : 
	mem [p ].hhfield .b0 = 19 ;
	serialno = serialno + 64 ;
	mem [p + 1 ].cint = serialno ;
      goto lab20 ;
    break ;
  case 19 : 
      q = singledependency ( p ) ;
      if ( q == depfinal ) 
	curtype = 16 ;
	curexp = 0 ;
	freenode ( q , 2 ) ;
      else {
	curtype = 17 ;
	encapsulate ( q ) ;
    break ;
    confusion ( 796 ) ;
    break ;
curtok ( void ) 
curtok ( ) 
  register halfword Result; halfword p  ;
  smallnumber savetype  ;
  integer saveexp  ;
  if ( cursym == 0 ) 
  if ( curcmd == 38 ) 
    savetype = curtype ;
    saveexp = curexp ;
    makeexpcopy ( curmod ) ;
    p = stashcurexp () ;
    mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH = 0 ;
    curtype = savetype ;
    curexp = saveexp ;
  else {
    p = getnode ( 2 ) ;
    mem [p + 1 ].cint = curmod ;
    mem [p ].hhfield .b1 = 12 ;
    if ( curcmd == 42 ) 
    mem [p ].hhfield .b0 = 16 ;
    else mem [p ].hhfield .b0 = 4 ;
  else {
      p = avail ;
      if ( p == 0 ) 
      p = getavail () ;
      else {
	avail = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
	mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH = 0 ;
#ifdef STAT
	incr ( dynused ) ;
#endif /* STAT */
    mem [p ].hhfield .lhfield = cursym ;
  Result = p ;
  return Result ;
backinput ( void ) 
backinput ( ) 
  halfword p  ;
  p = curtok () ;
  while ( ( curinput .indexfield > 15 ) && ( curinput .locfield == 0 ) ) 
  endtokenlist () ;
  begintokenlist ( p , 19 ) ;
backerror ( void ) 
backerror ( ) 
  OKtointerrupt = false ;
  backinput () ;
  OKtointerrupt = true ;
  error () ;
inserror ( void ) 
inserror ( ) 
  OKtointerrupt = false ;
  backinput () ;
  curinput .indexfield = 20 ;
  OKtointerrupt = true ;
  error () ;
beginfilereading ( void ) 
beginfilereading ( ) 
  if ( inopen == 15 ) 
  overflow ( 612 , 15 ) ;
  if ( first == bufsize ) 
  overflow ( 256 , bufsize ) ;
  incr ( inopen ) ;
    if ( inputptr > maxinstack ) 
      maxinstack = inputptr ;
      if ( inputptr == stacksize ) 
      overflow ( 611 , stacksize ) ;
    inputstack [inputptr ]= curinput ;
    incr ( inputptr ) ;
  curinput .indexfield = inopen ;
  linestack [curinput .indexfield ]= line ;
  curinput .startfield = first ;
  curinput .namefield = 0 ;
endfilereading ( void ) 
endfilereading ( ) 
  first = curinput .startfield ;
  line = linestack [curinput .indexfield ];
  if ( curinput .indexfield != inopen ) 
  confusion ( 613 ) ;
  if ( curinput .namefield > 2 ) 
  aclose ( inputfile [curinput .indexfield ]) ;
    decr ( inputptr ) ;
    curinput = inputstack [inputptr ];
  decr ( inopen ) ;
clearforerrorprompt ( void ) 
clearforerrorprompt ( ) 
  while ( ( curinput .indexfield <= 15 ) && ( curinput .namefield == 0 ) && 
  ( inputptr > 0 ) && ( curinput .locfield == curinput .limitfield ) ) 
  endfilereading () ;
  println () ;
checkoutervalidity ( void ) 
checkoutervalidity ( ) 
  register boolean Result; halfword p  ;
  if ( scannerstatus == 0 ) 
  Result = true ;
  else {
    deletionsallowed = false ;
    if ( cursym != 0 ) 
      p = getavail () ;
      mem [p ].hhfield .lhfield = cursym ;
      begintokenlist ( p , 19 ) ;
    if ( scannerstatus > 1 ) 
      runaway () ;
      if ( cursym == 0 ) 
	if ( interaction == 3 ) 
	printnl ( 261 ) ;
	print ( 619 ) ;
      else {
	  if ( interaction == 3 ) 
	  printnl ( 261 ) ;
	  print ( 620 ) ;
      print ( 621 ) ;
	helpptr = 4 ;
	helpline [3 ]= 622 ;
	helpline [2 ]= 623 ;
	helpline [1 ]= 624 ;
	helpline [0 ]= 625 ;
      switch ( scannerstatus ) 
      {case 2 : 
	  print ( 626 ) ;
	  helpline [3 ]= 627 ;
	  cursym = 9763 ;
	break ;
      case 3 : 
	  print ( 628 ) ;
	  helpline [3 ]= 629 ;
	  if ( warninginfo == 0 ) 
	  cursym = 9767 ;
	  else {
	    cursym = 9759 ;
	    eqtb [9759 ].v.RH = warninginfo ;
	break ;
      case 4 : 
      case 5 : 
	  print ( 630 ) ;
	  if ( scannerstatus == 5 ) 
	  print ( hash [warninginfo ].v.RH ) ;
	  else printvariablename ( warninginfo ) ;
	  cursym = 9765 ;
	break ;
      case 6 : 
	  print ( 631 ) ;
	  print ( hash [warninginfo ].v.RH ) ;
	  print ( 632 ) ;
	  helpline [3 ]= 633 ;
	  cursym = 9764 ;
	break ;
      inserror () ;
    else {
	if ( interaction == 3 ) 
	printnl ( 261 ) ;
	print ( 614 ) ;
      printint ( warninginfo ) ;
	helpptr = 3 ;
	helpline [2 ]= 615 ;
	helpline [1 ]= 616 ;
	helpline [0 ]= 617 ;
      if ( cursym == 0 ) 
      helpline [2 ]= 618 ;
      cursym = 9766 ;
      inserror () ;
    deletionsallowed = true ;
    Result = false ;
  return Result ;
getnext ( void ) 
getnext ( ) 
  /* 20 10 40 25 85 86 87 30 */ integer k  ;
  ASCIIcode c  ;
  ASCIIcode class  ;
  integer n, f  ;
  lab20: cursym = 0 ;
  if ( ( curinput .indexfield <= 15 ) ) 
    lab25: c = buffer [curinput .locfield ];
    incr ( curinput .locfield ) ;
    class = charclass [c ];
    switch ( class ) 
    {case 0 : 
      goto lab85 ;
      break ;
    case 1 : 
	class = charclass [buffer [curinput .locfield ]];
	if ( class > 1 ) 
	goto lab25 ;
	else if ( class < 1 ) 
	  n = 0 ;
	  goto lab86 ;
      break ;
    case 2 : 
      goto lab25 ;
      break ;
    case 3 : 
	if ( curinput .namefield > 2 ) 
	  incr ( line ) ;
	  first = curinput .startfield ;
	  if ( ! forceeof ) 
	    if ( inputln ( inputfile [curinput .indexfield ], true ) ) 
	    firmuptheline () ;
	    else forceeof = true ;
	  if ( forceeof ) 
	    printchar ( 41 ) ;
	    decr ( openparens ) ;
	    fflush ( stdout ) ;
	    forceeof = false ;
	    endfilereading () ;
	    if ( checkoutervalidity () ) 
	    goto lab20 ;
	    else goto lab20 ;
	  buffer [curinput .limitfield ]= 37 ;
	  first = curinput .limitfield + 1 ;
	  curinput .locfield = curinput .startfield ;
	else {
	  if ( inputptr > 0 ) 
	    endfilereading () ;
	    goto lab20 ;
	  if ( selector < 2 ) 
	  openlogfile () ;
	  if ( interaction > 1 ) 
	    if ( curinput .limitfield == curinput .startfield ) 
	    printnl ( 648 ) ;
	    println () ;
	    first = curinput .startfield ;
	      print ( 42 ) ;
	      terminput () ;
	    curinput .limitfield = last ;
	    buffer [curinput .limitfield ]= 37 ;
	    first = curinput .limitfield + 1 ;
	    curinput .locfield = curinput .startfield ;
	  else fatalerror ( 649 ) ;
	  if ( interrupt != 0 ) 
	  pauseforinstructions () ;
	goto lab25 ;
      break ;
    case 4 : 
	if ( buffer [curinput .locfield ]== 34 ) 
	curmod = 283 ;
	else {
	  k = curinput .locfield ;
	  buffer [curinput .limitfield + 1 ]= 34 ;
	  do {
	      incr ( curinput .locfield ) ;
	  } while ( ! ( buffer [curinput .locfield ]== 34 ) ) ;
	  if ( curinput .locfield > curinput .limitfield ) 
	    curinput .locfield = curinput .limitfield ;
	      if ( interaction == 3 ) 
	      printnl ( 261 ) ;
	      print ( 641 ) ;
	      helpptr = 3 ;
	      helpline [2 ]= 642 ;
	      helpline [1 ]= 643 ;
	      helpline [0 ]= 644 ;
	    deletionsallowed = false ;
	    error () ;
	    deletionsallowed = true ;
	    goto lab20 ;
	  if ( ( curinput .locfield == k + 1 ) && ( ( strstart [buffer [k ]
	  + 1 ]- strstart [buffer [k ]]) == 1 ) ) 
	  curmod = buffer [k ];
	  else {
	      if ( poolptr + curinput .locfield - k > maxpoolptr ) 
		if ( poolptr + curinput .locfield - k > poolsize ) 
		overflow ( 257 , poolsize - initpoolptr ) ;
		maxpoolptr = poolptr + curinput .locfield - k ;
	    do {
		strpool [poolptr ]= buffer [k ];
		incr ( poolptr ) ;
	      incr ( k ) ;
	    } while ( ! ( k == curinput .locfield ) ) ;
	    curmod = makestring () ;
	incr ( curinput .locfield ) ;
	curcmd = 39 ;
	goto lab10 ;
      break ;
    case 5 : 
    case 6 : 
    case 7 : 
    case 8 : 
	k = curinput .locfield - 1 ;
	goto lab40 ;
      break ;
    case 20 : 
	  if ( interaction == 3 ) 
	  printnl ( 261 ) ;
	  print ( 638 ) ;
	  helpptr = 2 ;
	  helpline [1 ]= 639 ;
	  helpline [0 ]= 640 ;
	deletionsallowed = false ;
	error () ;
	deletionsallowed = true ;
	goto lab20 ;
      break ;
      break ;
    k = curinput .locfield - 1 ;
    while ( charclass [buffer [curinput .locfield ]]== class ) incr ( 
    curinput .locfield ) ;
    goto lab40 ;
    lab85: n = c - 48 ;
    while ( charclass [buffer [curinput .locfield ]]== 0 ) {
      if ( n < 4096 ) 
      n = 10 * n + buffer [curinput .locfield ]- 48 ;
      incr ( curinput .locfield ) ;
    if ( buffer [curinput .locfield ]== 46 ) 
    if ( charclass [buffer [curinput .locfield + 1 ]]== 0 ) 
    goto lab30 ;
    f = 0 ;
    goto lab87 ;
    lab30: incr ( curinput .locfield ) ;
    lab86: k = 0 ;
    do {
	if ( k < 17 ) 
	dig [k ]= buffer [curinput .locfield ]- 48 ;
	incr ( k ) ;
      incr ( curinput .locfield ) ;
    } while ( ! ( charclass [buffer [curinput .locfield ]]!= 0 ) ) ;
    f = rounddecimals ( k ) ;
    if ( f == 65536L ) 
      incr ( n ) ;
      f = 0 ;
    lab87: if ( n < 4096 ) 
    curmod = n * 65536L + f ;
    else {
	if ( interaction == 3 ) 
	printnl ( 261 ) ;
	print ( 645 ) ;
	helpptr = 2 ;
	helpline [1 ]= 646 ;
	helpline [0 ]= 647 ;
      deletionsallowed = false ;
      error () ;
      deletionsallowed = true ;
      curmod = 268435455L ;
    curcmd = 42 ;
    goto lab10 ;
    lab40: cursym = idlookup ( k , curinput .locfield - k ) ;
  else if ( curinput .locfield >= himemmin ) 
    cursym = mem [curinput .locfield ].hhfield .lhfield ;
    curinput .locfield = mem [curinput .locfield ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    if ( cursym >= 9770 ) 
    if ( cursym >= 9920 ) 
      if ( cursym >= 10070 ) 
      cursym = cursym - 150 ;
      begintokenlist ( paramstack [curinput .limitfield + cursym - ( 9920 ) ]
      , 18 ) ;
      goto lab20 ;
    else {
      curcmd = 38 ;
      curmod = paramstack [curinput .limitfield + cursym - ( 9770 ) ];
      cursym = 0 ;
      goto lab10 ;
  else if ( curinput .locfield > 0 ) 
    if ( mem [curinput .locfield ].hhfield .b1 == 12 ) 
      curmod = mem [curinput .locfield + 1 ].cint ;
      if ( mem [curinput .locfield ].hhfield .b0 == 16 ) 
      curcmd = 42 ;
      else {
	curcmd = 39 ;
	  if ( strref [curmod ]< 127 ) 
	  incr ( strref [curmod ]) ;
    else {
      curmod = curinput .locfield ;
      curcmd = 38 ;
    curinput .locfield = mem [curinput .locfield ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    goto lab10 ;
  else {
    endtokenlist () ;
    goto lab20 ;
  curcmd = eqtb [cursym ].lhfield ;
  curmod = eqtb [cursym ].v.RH ;
  if ( curcmd >= 86 ) 
  if ( checkoutervalidity () ) 
  curcmd = curcmd - 86 ;
  else goto lab20 ;
  lab10: ;
firmuptheline ( void ) 
firmuptheline ( ) 
  integer k  ;
  curinput .limitfield = last ;
  if ( internal [31 ]> 0 ) 
  if ( interaction > 1 ) 
    println () ;
    if ( curinput .startfield < curinput .limitfield ) 
    {register integer for_end; k = curinput .startfield ;for_end = curinput 
    .limitfield - 1 ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
      print ( buffer [k ]) ;
    while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
    first = curinput .limitfield ;
      print ( 650 ) ;
      terminput () ;
    if ( last > first ) 
      {register integer for_end; k = first ;for_end = last - 1 ; if ( k <= 
      for_end) do 
	buffer [k + curinput .startfield - first ]= buffer [k ];
      while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
      curinput .limitfield = curinput .startfield + last - first ;
zscantoks ( commandcode terminator , halfword substlist , halfword tailend , 
smallnumber suffixcount ) 
zscantoks ( terminator , substlist , tailend , suffixcount ) 
  commandcode terminator ;
  halfword substlist ;
  halfword tailend ;
  smallnumber suffixcount ;
  /* 30 40 */ register halfword Result; halfword p  ;
  halfword q  ;
  integer balance  ;
  p = memtop - 2 ;
  balance = 1 ;
  mem [memtop - 2 ].hhfield .v.RH = 0 ;
  while ( true ) {
    getnext () ;
    if ( cursym > 0 ) 
	q = substlist ;
	while ( q != 0 ) {
	  if ( mem [q ].hhfield .lhfield == cursym ) 
	    cursym = mem [q + 1 ].cint ;
	    curcmd = 7 ;
	    goto lab40 ;
	  q = mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH ;
	lab40: ;
      if ( curcmd == terminator ) 
      if ( curmod > 0 ) 
      incr ( balance ) ;
      else {
	decr ( balance ) ;
	if ( balance == 0 ) 
	goto lab30 ;
      else if ( curcmd == 61 ) 
	if ( curmod == 0 ) 
	getnext () ;
	else if ( curmod <= suffixcount ) 
	cursym = 9919 + curmod ;
    mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH = curtok () ;
    p = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  lab30: mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH = tailend ;
  flushnodelist ( substlist ) ;
  Result = mem [memtop - 2 ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  return Result ;
getsymbol ( void ) 
getsymbol ( ) 
  /* 20 */ lab20: getnext () ;
  if ( ( cursym == 0 ) || ( cursym > 9757 ) ) 
      if ( interaction == 3 ) 
      printnl ( 261 ) ;
      print ( 662 ) ;
      helpptr = 3 ;
      helpline [2 ]= 663 ;
      helpline [1 ]= 664 ;
      helpline [0 ]= 665 ;
    if ( cursym > 0 ) 
    helpline [2 ]= 666 ;
    else if ( curcmd == 39 ) 
      if ( strref [curmod ]< 127 ) 
      if ( strref [curmod ]> 1 ) 
      decr ( strref [curmod ]) ;
      else flushstring ( curmod ) ;
    cursym = 9757 ;
    inserror () ;
    goto lab20 ;
getclearsymbol ( void ) 
getclearsymbol ( ) 
  getsymbol () ;
  clearsymbol ( cursym , false ) ;
checkequals ( void ) 
checkequals ( ) 
  if ( curcmd != 51 ) 
  if ( curcmd != 77 ) 
    missingerr ( 61 ) ;
      helpptr = 5 ;
      helpline [4 ]= 667 ;
      helpline [3 ]= 668 ;
      helpline [2 ]= 669 ;
      helpline [1 ]= 670 ;
      helpline [0 ]= 671 ;
    backerror () ;
makeopdef ( void ) 
makeopdef ( ) 
  commandcode m  ;
  halfword p, q, r  ;
  m = curmod ;
  getsymbol () ;
  q = getnode ( 2 ) ;
  mem [q ].hhfield .lhfield = cursym ;
  mem [q + 1 ].cint = 9770 ;
  getclearsymbol () ;
  warninginfo = cursym ;
  getsymbol () ;
  p = getnode ( 2 ) ;
  mem [p ].hhfield .lhfield = cursym ;
  mem [p + 1 ].cint = 9771 ;
  mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH = q ;
  getnext () ;
  checkequals () ;
  scannerstatus = 5 ;
  q = getavail () ;
  mem [q ].hhfield .lhfield = 0 ;
  r = getavail () ;
  mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH = r ;
  mem [r ].hhfield .lhfield = 0 ;
  mem [r ].hhfield .v.RH = scantoks ( 16 , p , 0 , 0 ) ;
  scannerstatus = 0 ;
  eqtb [warninginfo ].lhfield = m ;
  eqtb [warninginfo ].v.RH = q ;
  getxnext () ;
zcheckdelimiter ( halfword ldelim , halfword rdelim ) 
zcheckdelimiter ( ldelim , rdelim ) 
  halfword ldelim ;
  halfword rdelim ;
  /* 10 */ if ( curcmd == 62 ) 
  if ( curmod == ldelim ) 
  goto lab10 ;
  if ( cursym != rdelim ) 
    missingerr ( hash [rdelim ].v.RH ) ;
      helpptr = 2 ;
      helpline [1 ]= 918 ;
      helpline [0 ]= 919 ;
    backerror () ;
  else {
      if ( interaction == 3 ) 
      printnl ( 261 ) ;
      print ( 920 ) ;
    print ( hash [rdelim ].v.RH ) ;
    print ( 921 ) ;
      helpptr = 3 ;
      helpline [2 ]= 922 ;
      helpline [1 ]= 923 ;
      helpline [0 ]= 924 ;
    error () ;
  lab10: ;
scandeclaredvariable ( void ) 
scandeclaredvariable ( ) 
  /* 30 */ register halfword Result; halfword x  ;
  halfword h, t  ;
  halfword l  ;
  getsymbol () ;
  x = cursym ;
  if ( curcmd != 41 ) 
  clearsymbol ( x , false ) ;
  h = getavail () ;
  mem [h ].hhfield .lhfield = x ;
  t = h ;
  while ( true ) {
    getxnext () ;
    if ( cursym == 0 ) 
    goto lab30 ;
    if ( curcmd != 41 ) 
    if ( curcmd != 40 ) 
    if ( curcmd == 63 ) 
      l = cursym ;
      getxnext () ;
      if ( curcmd != 64 ) 
	backinput () ;
	cursym = l ;
	curcmd = 63 ;
	goto lab30 ;
      else cursym = 0 ;
    else goto lab30 ;
    mem [t ].hhfield .v.RH = getavail () ;
    t = mem [t ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    mem [t ].hhfield .lhfield = cursym ;
  lab30: if ( eqtb [x ].lhfield != 41 ) 
  clearsymbol ( x , false ) ;
  if ( eqtb [x ].v.RH == 0 ) 
  newroot ( x ) ;
  Result = h ;
  return Result ;
scandef ( void ) 
scandef ( ) 
  char m  ;
  char n  ;
  unsigned char k  ;
  char c  ;
  halfword r  ;
  halfword q  ;
  halfword p  ;
  halfword base  ;
  halfword ldelim, rdelim  ;
  m = curmod ;
  c = 0 ;
  mem [memtop - 2 ].hhfield .v.RH = 0 ;
  q = getavail () ;
  mem [q ].hhfield .lhfield = 0 ;
  r = 0 ;
  if ( m == 1 ) 
    getclearsymbol () ;
    warninginfo = cursym ;
    getnext () ;
    scannerstatus = 5 ;
    n = 0 ;
    eqtb [warninginfo ].lhfield = 10 ;
    eqtb [warninginfo ].v.RH = q ;
  else {
    p = scandeclaredvariable () ;
    flushvariable ( eqtb [mem [p ].hhfield .lhfield ].v.RH , mem [p ]
    .hhfield .v.RH , true ) ;
    warninginfo = findvariable ( p ) ;
    flushlist ( p ) ;
    if ( warninginfo == 0 ) 
	if ( interaction == 3 ) 
	printnl ( 261 ) ;
	print ( 678 ) ;
	helpptr = 2 ;
	helpline [1 ]= 679 ;
	helpline [0 ]= 680 ;
      error () ;
      warninginfo = 21 ;
    scannerstatus = 4 ;
    n = 2 ;
    if ( curcmd == 61 ) 
    if ( curmod == 3 ) 
      n = 3 ;
      getnext () ;
    mem [warninginfo ].hhfield .b0 = 20 + n ;
    mem [warninginfo + 1 ].cint = q ;
  k = n ;
  if ( curcmd == 31 ) 
  do {
      ldelim = cursym ;
    rdelim = curmod ;
    getnext () ;
    if ( ( curcmd == 56 ) && ( curmod >= 9770 ) ) 
    base = curmod ;
    else {
	if ( interaction == 3 ) 
	printnl ( 261 ) ;
	print ( 681 ) ;
	helpptr = 1 ;
	helpline [0 ]= 682 ;
      backerror () ;
      base = 9770 ;
    do {
	mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH = getavail () ;
      q = mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH ;
      mem [q ].hhfield .lhfield = base + k ;
      getsymbol () ;
      p = getnode ( 2 ) ;
      mem [p + 1 ].cint = base + k ;
      mem [p ].hhfield .lhfield = cursym ;
      if ( k == 150 ) 
      overflow ( 683 , 150 ) ;
      incr ( k ) ;
      mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH = r ;
      r = p ;
      getnext () ;
    } while ( ! ( curcmd != 82 ) ) ;
    checkdelimiter ( ldelim , rdelim ) ;
    getnext () ;
  } while ( ! ( curcmd != 31 ) ) ;
  if ( curcmd == 56 ) 
    p = getnode ( 2 ) ;
    if ( curmod < 9770 ) 
      c = curmod ;
      mem [p + 1 ].cint = 9770 + k ;
    else {
      mem [p + 1 ].cint = curmod + k ;
      if ( curmod == 9770 ) 
      c = 4 ;
      else if ( curmod == 9920 ) 
      c = 6 ;
      else c = 7 ;
    if ( k == 150 ) 
    overflow ( 683 , 150 ) ;
    incr ( k ) ;
    getsymbol () ;
    mem [p ].hhfield .lhfield = cursym ;
    mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH = r ;
    r = p ;
    getnext () ;
    if ( c == 4 ) 
    if ( curcmd == 69 ) 
      c = 5 ;
      p = getnode ( 2 ) ;
      if ( k == 150 ) 
      overflow ( 683 , 150 ) ;
      mem [p + 1 ].cint = 9770 + k ;
      getsymbol () ;
      mem [p ].hhfield .lhfield = cursym ;
      mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH = r ;
      r = p ;
      getnext () ;
  checkequals () ;
  p = getavail () ;
  mem [p ].hhfield .lhfield = c ;
  mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH = p ;
  if ( m == 1 ) 
  mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH = scantoks ( 16 , r , 0 , n ) ;
  else {
    q = getavail () ;
    mem [q ].hhfield .lhfield = bgloc ;
    mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH = q ;
    p = getavail () ;
    mem [p ].hhfield .lhfield = egloc ;
    mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH = scantoks ( 16 , r , p , n ) ;
  if ( warninginfo == 21 ) 
  flushtokenlist ( mem [22 ].cint ) ;
  scannerstatus = 0 ;
  getxnext () ;
zprintmacroname ( halfword a , halfword n ) 
zprintmacroname ( a , n ) 
  halfword a ;
  halfword n ;
  halfword p, q  ;
  if ( n != 0 ) 
  print ( hash [n ].v.RH ) ;
  else {
    p = mem [a ].hhfield .lhfield ;
    if ( p == 0 ) 
    print ( hash [mem [mem [mem [a ].hhfield .v.RH ].hhfield .lhfield ]
    .hhfield .lhfield ].v.RH ) ;
    else {
      q = p ;
      while ( mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH != 0 ) q = mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH ;
      mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH = mem [mem [a ].hhfield .v.RH ].hhfield 
      .lhfield ;
      showtokenlist ( p , 0 , 1000 , 0 ) ;
      mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH = 0 ;
zprintarg ( halfword q , integer n , halfword b ) 
zprintarg ( q , n , b ) 
  halfword q ;
  integer n ;
  halfword b ;
  if ( mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH == 1 ) 
  printnl ( 497 ) ;
  else if ( ( b < 10070 ) && ( b != 7 ) ) 
  printnl ( 498 ) ;
  else printnl ( 499 ) ;
  printint ( n ) ;
  print ( 699 ) ;
  if ( mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH == 1 ) 
  printexp ( q , 1 ) ;
  else showtokenlist ( q , 0 , 1000 , 0 ) ;
zscantextarg ( halfword ldelim , halfword rdelim ) 
zscantextarg ( ldelim , rdelim ) 
  halfword ldelim ;
  halfword rdelim ;
  /* 30 */ integer balance  ;
  halfword p  ;
  warninginfo = ldelim ;
  scannerstatus = 3 ;
  p = memtop - 2 ;
  balance = 1 ;
  mem [memtop - 2 ].hhfield .v.RH = 0 ;
  while ( true ) {
    getnext () ;
    if ( ldelim == 0 ) 
      if ( curcmd > 82 ) 
	if ( balance == 1 ) 
	goto lab30 ;
	else if ( curcmd == 84 ) 
	decr ( balance ) ;
      else if ( curcmd == 32 ) 
      incr ( balance ) ;
    else {
      if ( curcmd == 62 ) 
	if ( curmod == ldelim ) 
	  decr ( balance ) ;
	  if ( balance == 0 ) 
	  goto lab30 ;
      else if ( curcmd == 31 ) 
      if ( curmod == rdelim ) 
      incr ( balance ) ;
    mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH = curtok () ;
    p = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  lab30: curexp = mem [memtop - 2 ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  curtype = 20 ;
  scannerstatus = 0 ;
zmacrocall ( halfword defref , halfword arglist , halfword macroname ) 
zmacrocall ( defref , arglist , macroname ) 
  halfword defref ;
  halfword arglist ;
  halfword macroname ;
  /* 40 */ halfword r  ;
  halfword p, q  ;
  integer n  ;
  halfword ldelim, rdelim  ;
  halfword tail  ;
  r = mem [defref ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  incr ( mem [defref ].hhfield .lhfield ) ;
  if ( arglist == 0 ) 
  n = 0 ;
  else {
    n = 1 ;
    tail = arglist ;
    while ( mem [tail ].hhfield .v.RH != 0 ) {
      incr ( n ) ;
      tail = mem [tail ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  if ( internal [9 ]> 0 ) 
    begindiagnostic () ;
    println () ;
    printmacroname ( arglist , macroname ) ;
    if ( n == 3 ) 
    print ( 661 ) ;
    showmacro ( defref , 0 , 100000L ) ;
    if ( arglist != 0 ) 
      n = 0 ;
      p = arglist ;
      do {
	  q = mem [p ].hhfield .lhfield ;
	printarg ( q , n , 0 ) ;
	incr ( n ) ;
	p = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
      } while ( ! ( p == 0 ) ) ;
    enddiagnostic ( false ) ;
  curcmd = 83 ;
  while ( mem [r ].hhfield .lhfield >= 9770 ) {
    if ( curcmd != 82 ) 
      getxnext () ;
      if ( curcmd != 31 ) 
	  if ( interaction == 3 ) 
	  printnl ( 261 ) ;
	  print ( 705 ) ;
	printmacroname ( arglist , macroname ) ;
	  helpptr = 3 ;
	  helpline [2 ]= 706 ;
	  helpline [1 ]= 707 ;
	  helpline [0 ]= 708 ;
	if ( mem [r ].hhfield .lhfield >= 9920 ) 
	  curexp = 0 ;
	  curtype = 20 ;
	else {
	  curexp = 0 ;
	  curtype = 16 ;
	backerror () ;
	curcmd = 62 ;
	goto lab40 ;
      ldelim = cursym ;
      rdelim = curmod ;
    if ( mem [r ].hhfield .lhfield >= 10070 ) 
    scantextarg ( ldelim , rdelim ) ;
    else {
      getxnext () ;
      if ( mem [r ].hhfield .lhfield >= 9920 ) 
      scansuffix () ;
      else scanexpression () ;
    if ( curcmd != 82 ) 
    if ( ( curcmd != 62 ) || ( curmod != ldelim ) ) 
    if ( mem [mem [r ].hhfield .v.RH ].hhfield .lhfield >= 9770 ) 
      missingerr ( 44 ) ;
	helpptr = 3 ;
	helpline [2 ]= 709 ;
	helpline [1 ]= 710 ;
	helpline [0 ]= 704 ;
      backerror () ;
      curcmd = 82 ;
    else {
      missingerr ( hash [rdelim ].v.RH ) ;
	helpptr = 2 ;
	helpline [1 ]= 711 ;
	helpline [0 ]= 704 ;
      backerror () ;
    lab40: {
      p = getavail () ;
      if ( curtype == 20 ) 
      mem [p ].hhfield .lhfield = curexp ;
      else mem [p ].hhfield .lhfield = stashcurexp () ;
      if ( internal [9 ]> 0 ) 
	begindiagnostic () ;
	printarg ( mem [p ].hhfield .lhfield , n , mem [r ].hhfield 
	.lhfield ) ;
	enddiagnostic ( false ) ;
      if ( arglist == 0 ) 
      arglist = p ;
      else mem [tail ].hhfield .v.RH = p ;
      tail = p ;
      incr ( n ) ;
    r = mem [r ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  if ( curcmd == 82 ) 
      if ( interaction == 3 ) 
      printnl ( 261 ) ;
      print ( 700 ) ;
    printmacroname ( arglist , macroname ) ;
    printchar ( 59 ) ;
    printnl ( 701 ) ;
    print ( hash [rdelim ].v.RH ) ;
    print ( 298 ) ;
      helpptr = 3 ;
      helpline [2 ]= 702 ;
      helpline [1 ]= 703 ;
      helpline [0 ]= 704 ;
    error () ;
  if ( mem [r ].hhfield .lhfield != 0 ) 
    if ( mem [r ].hhfield .lhfield < 7 ) 
      getxnext () ;
      if ( mem [r ].hhfield .lhfield != 6 ) 
      if ( ( curcmd == 51 ) || ( curcmd == 77 ) ) 
      getxnext () ;
    switch ( mem [r ].hhfield .lhfield ) 
    {case 1 : 
      scanprimary () ;
      break ;
    case 2 : 
      scansecondary () ;
      break ;
    case 3 : 
      scantertiary () ;
      break ;
    case 4 : 
      scanexpression () ;
      break ;
    case 5 : 
	scanexpression () ;
	p = getavail () ;
	mem [p ].hhfield .lhfield = stashcurexp () ;
	if ( internal [9 ]> 0 ) 
	  begindiagnostic () ;
	  printarg ( mem [p ].hhfield .lhfield , n , 0 ) ;
	  enddiagnostic ( false ) ;
	if ( arglist == 0 ) 
	arglist = p ;
	else mem [tail ].hhfield .v.RH = p ;
	tail = p ;
	incr ( n ) ;
	if ( curcmd != 69 ) 
	  missingerr ( 478 ) ;
	  print ( 712 ) ;
	  printmacroname ( arglist , macroname ) ;
	    helpptr = 1 ;
	    helpline [0 ]= 713 ;
	  backerror () ;
	getxnext () ;
	scanprimary () ;
      break ;
    case 6 : 
	if ( curcmd != 31 ) 
	ldelim = 0 ;
	else {
	  ldelim = cursym ;
	  rdelim = curmod ;
	  getxnext () ;
	scansuffix () ;
	if ( ldelim != 0 ) 
	  if ( ( curcmd != 62 ) || ( curmod != ldelim ) ) 
	    missingerr ( hash [rdelim ].v.RH ) ;
	      helpptr = 2 ;
	      helpline [1 ]= 711 ;
	      helpline [0 ]= 704 ;
	    backerror () ;
	  getxnext () ;
      break ;
    case 7 : 
      scantextarg ( 0 , 0 ) ;
      break ;
    backinput () ;
      p = getavail () ;
      if ( curtype == 20 ) 
      mem [p ].hhfield .lhfield = curexp ;
      else mem [p ].hhfield .lhfield = stashcurexp () ;
      if ( internal [9 ]> 0 ) 
	begindiagnostic () ;
	printarg ( mem [p ].hhfield .lhfield , n , mem [r ].hhfield 
	.lhfield ) ;
	enddiagnostic ( false ) ;
      if ( arglist == 0 ) 
      arglist = p ;
      else mem [tail ].hhfield .v.RH = p ;
      tail = p ;
      incr ( n ) ;
  r = mem [r ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  while ( ( curinput .indexfield > 15 ) && ( curinput .locfield == 0 ) ) 
  endtokenlist () ;
  if ( paramptr + n > maxparamstack ) 
    maxparamstack = paramptr + n ;
    if ( maxparamstack > 150 ) 
    overflow ( 683 , 150 ) ;
  begintokenlist ( defref , 21 ) ;
  curinput .namefield = macroname ;
  curinput .locfield = r ;
  if ( n > 0 ) 
    p = arglist ;
    do {
	paramstack [paramptr ]= mem [p ].hhfield .lhfield ;
      incr ( paramptr ) ;
      p = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    } while ( ! ( p == 0 ) ) ;
    flushlist ( arglist ) ;
expand ( void ) 
expand ( ) 
  halfword p  ;
  integer k  ;
  poolpointer j  ;
  if ( internal [7 ]> 65536L ) 
  if ( curcmd != 10 ) 
  showcmdmod ( curcmd , curmod ) ;
  switch ( curcmd ) 
  {case 1 : 
    conditional () ;
    break ;
  case 2 : 
    if ( curmod > iflimit ) 
    if ( iflimit == 1 ) 
      missingerr ( 58 ) ;
      backinput () ;
      cursym = 9762 ;
      inserror () ;
    else {
	if ( interaction == 3 ) 
	printnl ( 261 ) ;
	print ( 720 ) ;
      printcmdmod ( 2 , curmod ) ;
	helpptr = 1 ;
	helpline [0 ]= 721 ;
      error () ;
    else {
      while ( curmod != 2 ) passtext () ;
	p = condptr ;
	ifline = mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
	curif = mem [p ].hhfield .b1 ;
	iflimit = mem [p ].hhfield .b0 ;
	condptr = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
	freenode ( p , 2 ) ;
    break ;
  case 3 : 
    if ( curmod > 0 ) 
    forceeof = true ;
    else startinput () ;
    break ;
  case 4 : 
    if ( curmod == 0 ) 
	if ( interaction == 3 ) 
	printnl ( 261 ) ;
	print ( 684 ) ;
	helpptr = 2 ;
	helpline [1 ]= 685 ;
	helpline [0 ]= 686 ;
      error () ;
    else beginiteration () ;
    break ;
  case 5 : 
      while ( ( curinput .indexfield > 15 ) && ( curinput .locfield == 0 ) ) 
      endtokenlist () ;
      if ( loopptr == 0 ) 
	  if ( interaction == 3 ) 
	  printnl ( 261 ) ;
	  print ( 688 ) ;
	  helpptr = 2 ;
	  helpline [1 ]= 689 ;
	  helpline [0 ]= 690 ;
	error () ;
      else resumeiteration () ;
    break ;
  case 6 : 
      getboolean () ;
      if ( internal [7 ]> 65536L ) 
      showcmdmod ( 33 , curexp ) ;
      if ( curexp == 30 ) 
      if ( loopptr == 0 ) 
	  if ( interaction == 3 ) 
	  printnl ( 261 ) ;
	  print ( 691 ) ;
	  helpptr = 1 ;
	  helpline [0 ]= 692 ;
	if ( curcmd == 83 ) 
	error () ;
	else backerror () ;
      else {
	p = 0 ;
	do {
	    if ( ( curinput .indexfield <= 15 ) ) 
	  endfilereading () ;
	  else {
	    if ( curinput .indexfield <= 17 ) 
	    p = curinput .startfield ;
	    endtokenlist () ;
	} while ( ! ( p != 0 ) ) ;
	if ( p != mem [loopptr ].hhfield .lhfield ) 
	fatalerror ( 695 ) ;
	stopiteration () ;
      else if ( curcmd != 83 ) 
	missingerr ( 59 ) ;
	  helpptr = 2 ;
	  helpline [1 ]= 693 ;
	  helpline [0 ]= 694 ;
	backerror () ;
    break ;
  case 7 : 
    break ;
  case 9 : 
      getnext () ;
      p = curtok () ;
      getnext () ;
      if ( curcmd < 11 ) 
      expand () ;
      else backinput () ;
      begintokenlist ( p , 19 ) ;
    break ;
  case 8 : 
      getxnext () ;
      scanprimary () ;
      if ( curtype != 4 ) 
	disperr ( 0 , 696 ) ;
	  helpptr = 2 ;
	  helpline [1 ]= 697 ;
	  helpline [0 ]= 698 ;
	putgetflusherror ( 0 ) ;
      else {
	backinput () ;
	if ( ( strstart [curexp + 1 ]- strstart [curexp ]) > 0 ) 
	  beginfilereading () ;
	  curinput .namefield = 2 ;
	  k = first + ( strstart [curexp + 1 ]- strstart [curexp ]) ;
	  if ( k >= maxbufstack ) 
	    if ( k >= bufsize ) 
	      maxbufstack = bufsize ;
	      overflow ( 256 , bufsize ) ;
	    maxbufstack = k + 1 ;
	  j = strstart [curexp ];
	  curinput .limitfield = k ;
	  while ( first < curinput .limitfield ) {
	    buffer [first ]= strpool [j ];
	    incr ( j ) ;
	    incr ( first ) ;
	  buffer [curinput .limitfield ]= 37 ;
	  first = curinput .limitfield + 1 ;
	  curinput .locfield = curinput .startfield ;
	  flushcurexp ( 0 ) ;
    break ;
  case 10 : 
    macrocall ( curmod , 0 , cursym ) ;
    break ;
getxnext ( void ) 
getxnext ( ) 
  halfword saveexp  ;
  getnext () ;
  if ( curcmd < 11 ) 
    saveexp = stashcurexp () ;
    do {
	if ( curcmd == 10 ) 
      macrocall ( curmod , 0 , cursym ) ;
      else expand () ;
      getnext () ;
    } while ( ! ( curcmd >= 11 ) ) ;
    unstashcurexp ( saveexp ) ;
zstackargument ( halfword p ) 
zstackargument ( p ) 
  halfword p ;
  if ( paramptr == maxparamstack ) 
    incr ( maxparamstack ) ;
    if ( maxparamstack > 150 ) 
    overflow ( 683 , 150 ) ;
  paramstack [paramptr ]= p ;
  incr ( paramptr ) ;
passtext ( void ) 
passtext ( ) 
  /* 30 */ integer l  ;
  scannerstatus = 1 ;
  l = 0 ;
  warninginfo = line ;
  while ( true ) {
    getnext () ;
    if ( curcmd <= 2 ) 
    if ( curcmd < 2 ) 
    incr ( l ) ;
    else {
      if ( l == 0 ) 
      goto lab30 ;
      if ( curmod == 2 ) 
      decr ( l ) ;
    else if ( curcmd == 39 ) 
      if ( strref [curmod ]< 127 ) 
      if ( strref [curmod ]> 1 ) 
      decr ( strref [curmod ]) ;
      else flushstring ( curmod ) ;
  lab30: scannerstatus = 0 ;
zchangeiflimit ( smallnumber l , halfword p ) 
zchangeiflimit ( l , p ) 
  smallnumber l ;
  halfword p ;
  /* 10 */ halfword q  ;
  if ( p == condptr ) 
  iflimit = l ;
  else {
    q = condptr ;
    while ( true ) {
      if ( q == 0 ) 
      confusion ( 714 ) ;
      if ( mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH == p ) 
	mem [q ].hhfield .b0 = l ;
	goto lab10 ;
      q = mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  lab10: ;
checkcolon ( void ) 
checkcolon ( ) 
  if ( curcmd != 81 ) 
    missingerr ( 58 ) ;
      helpptr = 2 ;
      helpline [1 ]= 717 ;
      helpline [0 ]= 694 ;
    backerror () ;
conditional ( void ) 
conditional ( ) 
  /* 10 30 21 40 */ halfword savecondptr  ;
  char newiflimit  ;
  halfword p  ;
    p = getnode ( 2 ) ;
    mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH = condptr ;
    mem [p ].hhfield .b0 = iflimit ;
    mem [p ].hhfield .b1 = curif ;
    mem [p + 1 ].cint = ifline ;
    condptr = p ;
    iflimit = 1 ;
    ifline = line ;
    curif = 1 ;
  savecondptr = condptr ;
  lab21: getboolean () ;
  newiflimit = 4 ;
  if ( internal [7 ]> 65536L ) 
    begindiagnostic () ;
    if ( curexp == 30 ) 
    print ( 718 ) ;
    else print ( 719 ) ;
    enddiagnostic ( false ) ;
  lab40: checkcolon () ;
  if ( curexp == 30 ) 
    changeiflimit ( newiflimit , savecondptr ) ;
    goto lab10 ;
  while ( true ) {
    passtext () ;
    if ( condptr == savecondptr ) 
    goto lab30 ;
    else if ( curmod == 2 ) 
      p = condptr ;
      ifline = mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
      curif = mem [p ].hhfield .b1 ;
      iflimit = mem [p ].hhfield .b0 ;
      condptr = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
      freenode ( p , 2 ) ;
  lab30: curif = curmod ;
  ifline = line ;
  if ( curmod == 2 ) 
    p = condptr ;
    ifline = mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
    curif = mem [p ].hhfield .b1 ;
    iflimit = mem [p ].hhfield .b0 ;
    condptr = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    freenode ( p , 2 ) ;
  else if ( curmod == 4 ) 
  goto lab21 ;
  else {
    curexp = 30 ;
    newiflimit = 2 ;
    getxnext () ;
    goto lab40 ;
  lab10: ;
zbadfor ( strnumber s ) 
zbadfor ( s ) 
  strnumber s ;
  disperr ( 0 , 722 ) ;
  print ( s ) ;
  print ( 305 ) ;
    helpptr = 4 ;
    helpline [3 ]= 723 ;
    helpline [2 ]= 724 ;
    helpline [1 ]= 725 ;
    helpline [0 ]= 307 ;
  putgetflusherror ( 0 ) ;
beginiteration ( void ) 
beginiteration ( ) 
  /* 22 30 40 */ halfword m  ;
  halfword n  ;
  halfword p, q, s, pp  ;
  m = curmod ;
  n = cursym ;
  s = getnode ( 2 ) ;
  if ( m == 1 ) 
    mem [s + 1 ].hhfield .lhfield = 1 ;
    p = 0 ;
    getxnext () ;
    goto lab40 ;
  getsymbol () ;
  p = getnode ( 2 ) ;
  mem [p ].hhfield .lhfield = cursym ;
  mem [p + 1 ].cint = m ;
  getxnext () ;
  if ( ( curcmd != 51 ) && ( curcmd != 77 ) ) 
    missingerr ( 61 ) ;
      helpptr = 3 ;
      helpline [2 ]= 726 ;
      helpline [1 ]= 669 ;
      helpline [0 ]= 727 ;
    backerror () ;
  mem [s + 1 ].hhfield .lhfield = 0 ;
  q = s + 1 ;
  mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH = 0 ;
  do {
      getxnext () ;
    if ( m != 9770 ) 
    scansuffix () ;
    else {
      if ( curcmd >= 81 ) 
      if ( curcmd <= 82 ) 
      goto lab22 ;
      scanexpression () ;
      if ( curcmd == 74 ) 
      if ( q == s + 1 ) 
	if ( curtype != 16 ) 
	badfor ( 733 ) ;
	pp = getnode ( 4 ) ;
	mem [pp + 1 ].cint = curexp ;
	getxnext () ;
	scanexpression () ;
	if ( curtype != 16 ) 
	badfor ( 734 ) ;
	mem [pp + 2 ].cint = curexp ;
	if ( curcmd != 75 ) 
	  missingerr ( 489 ) ;
	    helpptr = 2 ;
	    helpline [1 ]= 735 ;
	    helpline [0 ]= 736 ;
	  backerror () ;
	getxnext () ;
	scanexpression () ;
	if ( curtype != 16 ) 
	badfor ( 737 ) ;
	mem [pp + 3 ].cint = curexp ;
	mem [s + 1 ].hhfield .lhfield = pp ;
	goto lab30 ;
      curexp = stashcurexp () ;
    mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH = getavail () ;
    q = mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    mem [q ].hhfield .lhfield = curexp ;
    curtype = 1 ;
    lab22: ;
  } while ( ! ( curcmd != 82 ) ) ;
  lab30: ;
  lab40: if ( curcmd != 81 ) 
    missingerr ( 58 ) ;
      helpptr = 3 ;
      helpline [2 ]= 728 ;
      helpline [1 ]= 729 ;
      helpline [0 ]= 730 ;
    backerror () ;
  q = getavail () ;
  mem [q ].hhfield .lhfield = 9758 ;
  scannerstatus = 6 ;
  warninginfo = n ;
  mem [s ].hhfield .lhfield = scantoks ( 4 , p , q , 0 ) ;
  scannerstatus = 0 ;
  mem [s ].hhfield .v.RH = loopptr ;
  loopptr = s ;
  resumeiteration () ;
resumeiteration ( void ) 
resumeiteration ( ) 
  /* 45 10 */ halfword p, q  ;
  p = mem [loopptr + 1 ].hhfield .lhfield ;
  if ( p > 1 ) 
    curexp = mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
    if ( ( ( mem [p + 2 ].cint > 0 ) && ( curexp > mem [p + 3 ].cint ) ) 
    || ( ( mem [p + 2 ].cint < 0 ) && ( curexp < mem [p + 3 ].cint ) ) ) 
    goto lab45 ;
    curtype = 16 ;
    q = stashcurexp () ;
    mem [p + 1 ].cint = curexp + mem [p + 2 ].cint ;
  else if ( p < 1 ) 
    p = mem [loopptr + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    if ( p == 0 ) 
    goto lab45 ;
    mem [loopptr + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    q = mem [p ].hhfield .lhfield ;
      mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH = avail ;
      avail = p ;
#ifdef STAT
      decr ( dynused ) ;
#endif /* STAT */
  else {
    begintokenlist ( mem [loopptr ].hhfield .lhfield , 16 ) ;
    goto lab10 ;
  begintokenlist ( mem [loopptr ].hhfield .lhfield , 17 ) ;
  stackargument ( q ) ;
  if ( internal [7 ]> 65536L ) 
    begindiagnostic () ;
    printnl ( 732 ) ;
    if ( ( q != 0 ) && ( mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH == 1 ) ) 
    printexp ( q , 1 ) ;
    else showtokenlist ( q , 0 , 50 , 0 ) ;
    printchar ( 125 ) ;
    enddiagnostic ( false ) ;
  goto lab10 ;
  lab45: stopiteration () ;
  lab10: ;
stopiteration ( void ) 
stopiteration ( ) 
  halfword p, q  ;
  p = mem [loopptr + 1 ].hhfield .lhfield ;
  if ( p > 1 ) 
  freenode ( p , 4 ) ;
  else if ( p < 1 ) 
    q = mem [loopptr + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    while ( q != 0 ) {
      p = mem [q ].hhfield .lhfield ;
      if ( p != 0 ) 
      if ( mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH == 1 ) 
	recyclevalue ( p ) ;
	freenode ( p , 2 ) ;
      else flushtokenlist ( p ) ;
      p = q ;
      q = mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH ;
	mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH = avail ;
	avail = p ;
#ifdef STAT
	decr ( dynused ) ;
#endif /* STAT */
  p = loopptr ;
  loopptr = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  flushtokenlist ( mem [p ].hhfield .lhfield ) ;
  freenode ( p , 2 ) ;
beginname ( void ) 
beginname ( ) 
  areadelimiter = 0 ;
  extdelimiter = 0 ;
zmorename ( ASCIIcode c ) 
zmorename ( c ) 
  ASCIIcode c ;
  register boolean Result; if ( ( c == 32 ) || ( c == 9 ) ) 
  Result = false ;
  else {
    if ( ISDIRSEP ( c ) ) 
      areadelimiter = poolptr ;
      extdelimiter = 0 ;
    else if ( c == 46 ) 
    extdelimiter = poolptr ;
      if ( poolptr + 1 > maxpoolptr ) 
	if ( poolptr + 1 > poolsize ) 
	overflow ( 257 , poolsize - initpoolptr ) ;
	maxpoolptr = poolptr + 1 ;
      strpool [poolptr ]= c ;
      incr ( poolptr ) ;
    Result = true ;
  return Result ;
endname ( void ) 
endname ( ) 
  if ( strptr + 3 > maxstrptr ) 
    if ( strptr + 3 > maxstrings ) 
    overflow ( 258 , maxstrings - initstrptr ) ;
    maxstrptr = strptr + 3 ;
  if ( areadelimiter == 0 ) 
  curarea = 283 ;
  else {
    curarea = strptr ;
    incr ( strptr ) ;
    strstart [strptr ]= areadelimiter + 1 ;
  if ( extdelimiter == 0 ) 
    curext = 283 ;
    curname = makestring () ;
  else {
    curname = strptr ;
    incr ( strptr ) ;
    strstart [strptr ]= extdelimiter ;
    curext = makestring () ;
zpackfilename ( strnumber n , strnumber a , strnumber e ) 
zpackfilename ( n , a , e ) 
  strnumber n ;
  strnumber a ;
  strnumber e ;
  integer k  ;
  ASCIIcode c  ;
  poolpointer j  ;
  k = 0 ;
  if ( (char*) nameoffile ) 
  libcfree ( (char*) nameoffile ) ;
  nameoffile = xmalloc ( 1 + ( strstart [a + 1 ]- strstart [a ]) + ( 
  strstart [n + 1 ]- strstart [n ]) + ( strstart [e + 1 ]- strstart [e 
  ]) + 1 ) ;
  {register integer for_end; j = strstart [a ];for_end = strstart [a + 1 
  ]- 1 ; if ( j <= for_end) do 
      c = strpool [j ];
      incr ( k ) ;
      if ( k <= maxint ) 
      nameoffile [k ]= xchr [c ];
  while ( j++ < for_end ) ;} 
  {register integer for_end; j = strstart [n ];for_end = strstart [n + 1 
  ]- 1 ; if ( j <= for_end) do 
      c = strpool [j ];
      incr ( k ) ;
      if ( k <= maxint ) 
      nameoffile [k ]= xchr [c ];
  while ( j++ < for_end ) ;} 
  {register integer for_end; j = strstart [e ];for_end = strstart [e + 1 
  ]- 1 ; if ( j <= for_end) do 
      c = strpool [j ];
      incr ( k ) ;
      if ( k <= maxint ) 
      nameoffile [k ]= xchr [c ];
  while ( j++ < for_end ) ;} 
  if ( k <= maxint ) 
  namelength = k ;
  else namelength = maxint ;
  nameoffile [namelength + 1 ]= 0 ;
zpackbufferedname ( smallnumber n , integer a , integer b ) 
zpackbufferedname ( n , a , b ) 
  smallnumber n ;
  integer a ;
  integer b ;
  integer k  ;
  ASCIIcode c  ;
  integer j  ;
  if ( n + b - a + 6 > maxint ) 
  b = a + maxint - n - 6 ;
  k = 0 ;
  if ( (char*) nameoffile ) 
  libcfree ( (char*) nameoffile ) ;
  nameoffile = xmalloc ( 1 + n + ( b - a + 1 ) + 6 ) ;
  {register integer for_end; j = 1 ;for_end = n ; if ( j <= for_end) do 
      c = xord [MFbasedefault [j ]];
      incr ( k ) ;
      if ( k <= maxint ) 
      nameoffile [k ]= xchr [c ];
  while ( j++ < for_end ) ;} 
  {register integer for_end; j = a ;for_end = b ; if ( j <= for_end) do 
      c = buffer [j ];
      incr ( k ) ;
      if ( k <= maxint ) 
      nameoffile [k ]= xchr [c ];
  while ( j++ < for_end ) ;} 
  {register integer for_end; j = basedefaultlength - 4 ;for_end = 
  basedefaultlength ; if ( j <= for_end) do 
      c = xord [MFbasedefault [j ]];
      incr ( k ) ;
      if ( k <= maxint ) 
      nameoffile [k ]= xchr [c ];
  while ( j++ < for_end ) ;} 
  if ( k <= maxint ) 
  namelength = k ;
  else namelength = maxint ;
  nameoffile [namelength + 1 ]= 0 ;
makenamestring ( void ) 
makenamestring ( ) 
  register strnumber Result; integer k  ;
  if ( ( poolptr + namelength > poolsize ) || ( strptr == maxstrings ) ) 
  Result = 63 ;
  else {
    {register integer for_end; k = 1 ;for_end = namelength ; if ( k <= 
    for_end) do 
	strpool [poolptr ]= xord [nameoffile [k ]];
	incr ( poolptr ) ;
    while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
    Result = makestring () ;
  return Result ;
zamakenamestring ( alphafile f ) 
zamakenamestring ( f ) 
  alphafile f ;
  register strnumber Result; Result = makenamestring () ;
  return Result ;
zbmakenamestring ( bytefile f ) 
zbmakenamestring ( f ) 
  bytefile f ;
  register strnumber Result; Result = makenamestring () ;
  return Result ;
zwmakenamestring ( wordfile f ) 
zwmakenamestring ( f ) 
  wordfile f ;
  register strnumber Result; Result = makenamestring () ;
  return Result ;
scanfilename ( void ) 
scanfilename ( ) 
  /* 30 */ beginname () ;
  while ( ( buffer [curinput .locfield ]== 32 ) || ( buffer [curinput 
  .locfield ]== 9 ) ) incr ( curinput .locfield ) ;
  while ( true ) {
    if ( ( buffer [curinput .locfield ]== 59 ) || ( buffer [curinput 
    .locfield ]== 37 ) ) 
    goto lab30 ;
    if ( ! morename ( buffer [curinput .locfield ]) ) 
    goto lab30 ;
    incr ( curinput .locfield ) ;
  lab30: endname () ;
zpackjobname ( strnumber s ) 
zpackjobname ( s ) 
  strnumber s ;
  curarea = 283 ;
  curext = s ;
  curname = jobname ;
  packfilename ( curname , curarea , curext ) ;
zpromptfilename ( strnumber s , strnumber e ) 
zpromptfilename ( s , e ) 
  strnumber s ;
  strnumber e ;
  /* 30 */ integer k  ;
  if ( interaction == 2 ) 
  if ( s == 739 ) 
    if ( interaction == 3 ) 
    printnl ( 261 ) ;
    print ( 740 ) ;
  else {
    if ( interaction == 3 ) 
    printnl ( 261 ) ;
    print ( 741 ) ;
  printfilename ( curname , curarea , curext ) ;
  print ( 742 ) ;
  if ( e == 743 ) 
  showcontext () ;
  printnl ( 744 ) ;
  print ( s ) ;
  if ( interaction < 2 ) 
  fatalerror ( 745 ) ;
    print ( 746 ) ;
    terminput () ;
    beginname () ;
    k = first ;
    while ( ( ( buffer [k ]== 32 ) || ( buffer [k ]== 9 ) ) && ( k < last 
    ) ) incr ( k ) ;
    while ( true ) {
      if ( k == last ) 
      goto lab30 ;
      if ( ! morename ( buffer [k ]) ) 
      goto lab30 ;
      incr ( k ) ;
    lab30: endname () ;
  if ( curext == 283 ) 
  curext = e ;
  packfilename ( curname , curarea , curext ) ;
openlogfile ( void ) 
openlogfile ( ) 
  char oldsetting  ;
  integer k  ;
  integer l  ;
  integer m  ;
  char * months  ;
  oldsetting = selector ;
  if ( jobname == 0 ) 
  jobname = 747 ;
  packjobname ( 748 ) ;
  while ( ! aopenout ( logfile ) ) {
    selector = 1 ;
    promptfilename ( 750 , 748 ) ;
  texmflogname = amakenamestring ( logfile ) ;
  selector = 2 ;
  logopened = true ;
    Fputs( logfile ,  "This is METAFONT, Version 2.7182" ) ;
    Fputs( logfile ,  versionstring ) ;
    print ( baseident ) ;
    print ( 751 ) ;
    printint ( roundunscaled ( internal [16 ]) ) ;
    printchar ( 32 ) ;
    m = roundunscaled ( internal [15 ]) ;
    {register integer for_end; k = 3 * m - 2 ;for_end = 3 * m ; if ( k <= 
    for_end) do 
      putc ( months [k ],  logfile );
    while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
    printchar ( 32 ) ;
    printint ( roundunscaled ( internal [14 ]) ) ;
    printchar ( 32 ) ;
    m = roundunscaled ( internal [17 ]) ;
    printdd ( m / 60 ) ;
    printchar ( 58 ) ;
    printdd ( m % 60 ) ;
  inputstack [inputptr ]= curinput ;
  printnl ( 749 ) ;
  l = inputstack [0 ].limitfield - 1 ;
  {register integer for_end; k = 1 ;for_end = l ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
    print ( buffer [k ]) ;
  while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
  println () ;
  selector = oldsetting + 2 ;
zbadexp ( strnumber s ) 
zbadexp ( s ) 
  strnumber s ;
  char saveflag  ;
    if ( interaction == 3 ) 
    printnl ( 261 ) ;
    print ( s ) ;
  print ( 766 ) ;
  printcmdmod ( curcmd , curmod ) ;
  printchar ( 39 ) ;
    helpptr = 4 ;
    helpline [3 ]= 767 ;
    helpline [2 ]= 768 ;
    helpline [1 ]= 769 ;
    helpline [0 ]= 770 ;
  backinput () ;
  cursym = 0 ;
  curcmd = 42 ;
  curmod = 0 ;
  inserror () ;
  saveflag = varflag ;
  varflag = 0 ;
  getxnext () ;
  varflag = saveflag ;
zstashin ( halfword p ) 
zstashin ( p ) 
  halfword p ;
  halfword q  ;
  mem [p ].hhfield .b0 = curtype ;
  if ( curtype == 16 ) 
  mem [p + 1 ].cint = curexp ;
  else {
    if ( curtype == 19 ) 
      q = singledependency ( curexp ) ;
      if ( q == depfinal ) 
	mem [p ].hhfield .b0 = 16 ;
	mem [p + 1 ].cint = 0 ;
	freenode ( q , 2 ) ;
      else {
	mem [p ].hhfield .b0 = 17 ;
	newdep ( p , q ) ;
      recyclevalue ( curexp ) ;
    else {
      mem [p + 1 ]= mem [curexp + 1 ];
      mem [mem [p + 1 ].hhfield .lhfield ].hhfield .v.RH = p ;
    freenode ( curexp , 2 ) ;
  curtype = 1 ;
backexpr ( void ) 
backexpr ( ) 
  halfword p  ;
  p = stashcurexp () ;
  mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH = 0 ;
  begintokenlist ( p , 19 ) ;
badsubscript ( void ) 
badsubscript ( ) 
  disperr ( 0 , 782 ) ;
    helpptr = 3 ;
    helpline [2 ]= 783 ;
    helpline [1 ]= 784 ;
    helpline [0 ]= 785 ;
  flusherror ( 0 ) ;
zobliterated ( halfword q ) 
zobliterated ( q ) 
  halfword q ;
    if ( interaction == 3 ) 
    printnl ( 261 ) ;
    print ( 786 ) ;
  showtokenlist ( q , 0 , 1000 , 0 ) ;
  print ( 787 ) ;
    helpptr = 5 ;
    helpline [4 ]= 788 ;
    helpline [3 ]= 789 ;
    helpline [2 ]= 790 ;
    helpline [1 ]= 791 ;
    helpline [0 ]= 792 ;
zbinarymac ( halfword p , halfword c , halfword n ) 
zbinarymac ( p , c , n ) 
  halfword p ;
  halfword c ;
  halfword n ;
  halfword q, r  ;
  q = getavail () ;
  r = getavail () ;
  mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH = r ;
  mem [q ].hhfield .lhfield = p ;
  mem [r ].hhfield .lhfield = stashcurexp () ;
  macrocall ( c , q , n ) ;
materializepen ( void ) 
materializepen ( ) 
  /* 50 */ scaled aminusb, aplusb, majoraxis, minoraxis  ;
  angle theta  ;
  halfword p  ;
  halfword q  ;
  q = curexp ;
  if ( mem [q ].hhfield .b0 == 0 ) 
      if ( interaction == 3 ) 
      printnl ( 261 ) ;
      print ( 802 ) ;
      helpptr = 2 ;
      helpline [1 ]= 803 ;
      helpline [0 ]= 574 ;
    putgeterror () ;
    curexp = 3 ;
    goto lab50 ;
  else if ( mem [q ].hhfield .b0 == 4 ) 
    tx = mem [q + 1 ].cint ;
    ty = mem [q + 2 ].cint ;
    txx = mem [q + 3 ].cint - tx ;
    tyx = mem [q + 4 ].cint - ty ;
    txy = mem [q + 5 ].cint - tx ;
    tyy = mem [q + 6 ].cint - ty ;
    aminusb = pythadd ( txx - tyy , tyx + txy ) ;
    aplusb = pythadd ( txx + tyy , tyx - txy ) ;
    majoraxis = halfp ( aminusb + aplusb ) ;
    minoraxis = halfp ( abs ( aplusb - aminusb ) ) ;
    if ( majoraxis == minoraxis ) 
    theta = 0 ;
    else theta = half ( narg ( txx - tyy , tyx + txy ) + narg ( txx + tyy , 
    tyx - txy ) ) ;
    freenode ( q , 7 ) ;
    q = makeellipse ( majoraxis , minoraxis , theta ) ;
    if ( ( tx != 0 ) || ( ty != 0 ) ) 
      p = q ;
      do {
	  mem [p + 1 ].cint = mem [p + 1 ].cint + tx ;
	mem [p + 2 ].cint = mem [p + 2 ].cint + ty ;
	p = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
      } while ( ! ( p == q ) ) ;
  curexp = makepen ( q ) ;
  lab50: tossknotlist ( q ) ;
  curtype = 6 ;
knownpair ( void ) 
knownpair ( ) 
  halfword p  ;
  if ( curtype != 14 ) 
    disperr ( 0 , 805 ) ;
      helpptr = 5 ;
      helpline [4 ]= 806 ;
      helpline [3 ]= 807 ;
      helpline [2 ]= 808 ;
      helpline [1 ]= 809 ;
      helpline [0 ]= 810 ;
    putgetflusherror ( 0 ) ;
    curx = 0 ;
    cury = 0 ;
  else {
    p = mem [curexp + 1 ].cint ;
    if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 == 16 ) 
    curx = mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
    else {
      disperr ( p , 811 ) ;
	helpptr = 5 ;
	helpline [4 ]= 812 ;
	helpline [3 ]= 807 ;
	helpline [2 ]= 808 ;
	helpline [1 ]= 809 ;
	helpline [0 ]= 810 ;
      putgeterror () ;
      recyclevalue ( p ) ;
      curx = 0 ;
    if ( mem [p + 2 ].hhfield .b0 == 16 ) 
    cury = mem [p + 3 ].cint ;
    else {
      disperr ( p + 2 , 813 ) ;
	helpptr = 5 ;
	helpline [4 ]= 814 ;
	helpline [3 ]= 807 ;
	helpline [2 ]= 808 ;
	helpline [1 ]= 809 ;
	helpline [0 ]= 810 ;
      putgeterror () ;
      recyclevalue ( p + 2 ) ;
      cury = 0 ;
    flushcurexp ( 0 ) ;
newknot ( void ) 
newknot ( ) 
  register halfword Result; halfword q  ;
  q = getnode ( 7 ) ;
  mem [q ].hhfield .b0 = 0 ;
  mem [q ].hhfield .b1 = 0 ;
  mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH = q ;
  knownpair () ;
  mem [q + 1 ].cint = curx ;
  mem [q + 2 ].cint = cury ;
  Result = q ;
  return Result ;
scandirection ( void ) 
scandirection ( ) 
  register smallnumber Result; char t  ;
  scaled x  ;
  getxnext () ;
  if ( curcmd == 60 ) 
    getxnext () ;
    scanexpression () ;
    if ( ( curtype != 16 ) || ( curexp < 0 ) ) 
      disperr ( 0 , 817 ) ;
	helpptr = 1 ;
	helpline [0 ]= 818 ;
      putgetflusherror ( 65536L ) ;
    t = 3 ;
  else {
    scanexpression () ;
    if ( curtype > 14 ) 
      if ( curtype != 16 ) 
	disperr ( 0 , 811 ) ;
	  helpptr = 5 ;
	  helpline [4 ]= 812 ;
	  helpline [3 ]= 807 ;
	  helpline [2 ]= 808 ;
	  helpline [1 ]= 809 ;
	  helpline [0 ]= 810 ;
	putgetflusherror ( 0 ) ;
      x = curexp ;
      if ( curcmd != 82 ) 
	missingerr ( 44 ) ;
	  helpptr = 2 ;
	  helpline [1 ]= 819 ;
	  helpline [0 ]= 820 ;
	backerror () ;
      getxnext () ;
      scanexpression () ;
      if ( curtype != 16 ) 
	disperr ( 0 , 813 ) ;
	  helpptr = 5 ;
	  helpline [4 ]= 814 ;
	  helpline [3 ]= 807 ;
	  helpline [2 ]= 808 ;
	  helpline [1 ]= 809 ;
	  helpline [0 ]= 810 ;
	putgetflusherror ( 0 ) ;
      cury = curexp ;
      curx = x ;
    else knownpair () ;
    if ( ( curx == 0 ) && ( cury == 0 ) ) 
    t = 4 ;
    else {
      t = 2 ;
      curexp = narg ( curx , cury ) ;
  if ( curcmd != 65 ) 
    missingerr ( 125 ) ;
      helpptr = 3 ;
      helpline [2 ]= 815 ;
      helpline [1 ]= 816 ;
      helpline [0 ]= 694 ;
    backerror () ;
  getxnext () ;
  Result = t ;
  return Result ;
zdonullary ( quarterword c ) 
zdonullary ( c ) 
  quarterword c ;
  integer k  ;
    if ( aritherror ) 
    cleararith () ;
  if ( internal [7 ]> 131072L ) 
  showcmdmod ( 33 , c ) ;
  switch ( c ) 
  {case 30 : 
  case 31 : 
      curtype = 2 ;
      curexp = c ;
    break ;
  case 32 : 
      curtype = 11 ;
      curexp = getnode ( 6 ) ;
      initedges ( curexp ) ;
    break ;
  case 33 : 
      curtype = 6 ;
      curexp = 3 ;
    break ;
  case 37 : 
      curtype = 16 ;
      curexp = normrand () ;
    break ;
  case 36 : 
      curtype = 8 ;
      curexp = getnode ( 7 ) ;
      mem [curexp ].hhfield .b0 = 4 ;
      mem [curexp ].hhfield .b1 = 4 ;
      mem [curexp ].hhfield .v.RH = curexp ;
      mem [curexp + 1 ].cint = 0 ;
      mem [curexp + 2 ].cint = 0 ;
      mem [curexp + 3 ].cint = 65536L ;
      mem [curexp + 4 ].cint = 0 ;
      mem [curexp + 5 ].cint = 0 ;
      mem [curexp + 6 ].cint = 65536L ;
    break ;
  case 34 : 
      if ( jobname == 0 ) 
      openlogfile () ;
      curtype = 4 ;
      curexp = jobname ;
    break ;
  case 35 : 
      if ( interaction <= 1 ) 
      fatalerror ( 831 ) ;
      beginfilereading () ;
      curinput .namefield = 1 ;
	print ( 283 ) ;
	terminput () ;
	if ( poolptr + last - curinput .startfield > maxpoolptr ) 
	  if ( poolptr + last - curinput .startfield > poolsize ) 
	  overflow ( 257 , poolsize - initpoolptr ) ;
	  maxpoolptr = poolptr + last - curinput .startfield ;
      {register integer for_end; k = curinput .startfield ;for_end = last - 
      1 ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
	  strpool [poolptr ]= buffer [k ];
	  incr ( poolptr ) ;
      while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
      endfilereading () ;
      curtype = 4 ;
      curexp = makestring () ;
    break ;
    if ( aritherror ) 
    cleararith () ;
znicepair ( integer p , quarterword t ) 
znicepair ( p , t ) 
  integer p ;
  quarterword t ;
  /* 10 */ register boolean Result; if ( t == 14 ) 
    p = mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
    if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 == 16 ) 
    if ( mem [p + 2 ].hhfield .b0 == 16 ) 
      Result = true ;
      goto lab10 ;
  Result = false ;
  lab10: ;
  return Result ;
zprintknownorunknowntype ( smallnumber t , integer v ) 
zprintknownorunknowntype ( t , v ) 
  smallnumber t ;
  integer v ;
  printchar ( 40 ) ;
  if ( t < 17 ) 
  if ( t != 14 ) 
  printtype ( t ) ;
  else if ( nicepair ( v , 14 ) ) 
  print ( 335 ) ;
  else print ( 832 ) ;
  else print ( 833 ) ;
  printchar ( 41 ) ;
zbadunary ( quarterword c ) 
zbadunary ( c ) 
  quarterword c ;
  disperr ( 0 , 834 ) ;
  printop ( c ) ;
  printknownorunknowntype ( curtype , curexp ) ;
    helpptr = 3 ;
    helpline [2 ]= 835 ;
    helpline [1 ]= 836 ;
    helpline [0 ]= 837 ;
  putgeterror () ;
znegatedeplist ( halfword p ) 
znegatedeplist ( p ) 
  halfword p ;
  /* 10 */ while ( true ) {
    mem [p + 1 ].cint = - (integer) mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
    if ( mem [p ].hhfield .lhfield == 0 ) 
    goto lab10 ;
    p = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  lab10: ;
pairtopath ( void ) 
pairtopath ( ) 
  curexp = newknot () ;
  curtype = 9 ;
ztakepart ( quarterword c ) 
ztakepart ( c ) 
  quarterword c ;
  halfword p  ;
  p = mem [curexp + 1 ].cint ;
  mem [18 ].cint = p ;
  mem [17 ].hhfield .b0 = curtype ;
  mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH = 17 ;
  freenode ( curexp , 2 ) ;
  makeexpcopy ( p + 2 * ( c - 53 ) ) ;
  recyclevalue ( 17 ) ;
zstrtonum ( quarterword c ) 
zstrtonum ( c ) 
  quarterword c ;
  integer n  ;
  ASCIIcode m  ;
  poolpointer k  ;
  char b  ;
  boolean badchar  ;
  if ( c == 49 ) 
  if ( ( strstart [curexp + 1 ]- strstart [curexp ]) == 0 ) 
  n = -1 ;
  else n = strpool [strstart [curexp ]];
  else {
    if ( c == 47 ) 
    b = 8 ;
    else b = 16 ;
    n = 0 ;
    badchar = false ;
    {register integer for_end; k = strstart [curexp ];for_end = strstart [
    curexp + 1 ]- 1 ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
	m = strpool [k ];
	if ( ( m >= 48 ) && ( m <= 57 ) ) 
	m = m - 48 ;
	else if ( ( m >= 65 ) && ( m <= 70 ) ) 
	m = m - 55 ;
	else if ( ( m >= 97 ) && ( m <= 102 ) ) 
	m = m - 87 ;
	else {
	  badchar = true ;
	  m = 0 ;
	if ( m >= b ) 
	  badchar = true ;
	  m = 0 ;
	if ( n < 32768L / b ) 
	n = n * b + m ;
	else n = 32767 ;
    while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
    if ( badchar ) 
      disperr ( 0 , 839 ) ;
      if ( c == 47 ) 
	helpptr = 1 ;
	helpline [0 ]= 840 ;
      else {
	helpptr = 1 ;
	helpline [0 ]= 841 ;
      putgeterror () ;
    if ( n > 4095 ) 
	if ( interaction == 3 ) 
	printnl ( 261 ) ;
	print ( 842 ) ;
      printint ( n ) ;
      printchar ( 41 ) ;
	helpptr = 1 ;
	helpline [0 ]= 843 ;
      putgeterror () ;
  flushcurexp ( n * 65536L ) ;
pathlength ( void ) 
pathlength ( ) 
  register scaled Result; scaled n  ;
  halfword p  ;
  p = curexp ;
  if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 == 0 ) 
  n = -65536L ;
  else n = 0 ;
  do {
      p = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    n = n + 65536L ;
  } while ( ! ( p == curexp ) ) ;
  Result = n ;
  return Result ;
ztestknown ( quarterword c ) 
ztestknown ( c ) 
  quarterword c ;
  /* 30 */ char b  ;
  halfword p, q  ;
  b = 31 ;
  switch ( curtype ) 
  {case 1 : 
  case 2 : 
  case 4 : 
  case 6 : 
  case 8 : 
  case 9 : 
  case 11 : 
  case 16 : 
    b = 30 ;
    break ;
  case 13 : 
  case 14 : 
      p = mem [curexp + 1 ].cint ;
      q = p + bignodesize [curtype ];
      do {
	  q = q - 2 ;
	if ( mem [q ].hhfield .b0 != 16 ) 
	goto lab30 ;
      } while ( ! ( q == p ) ) ;
      b = 30 ;
      lab30: ;
    break ;
    break ;
  if ( c == 39 ) 
  flushcurexp ( b ) ;
  else flushcurexp ( 61 - b ) ;
  curtype = 2 ;
zdounary ( quarterword c ) 
zdounary ( c ) 
  quarterword c ;
  halfword p, q  ;
  integer x  ;
    if ( aritherror ) 
    cleararith () ;
  if ( internal [7 ]> 131072L ) 
    begindiagnostic () ;
    printnl ( 123 ) ;
    printop ( c ) ;
    printchar ( 40 ) ;
    printexp ( 0 , 0 ) ;
    print ( 838 ) ;
    enddiagnostic ( false ) ;
  switch ( c ) 
  {case 69 : 
    if ( curtype < 14 ) 
    if ( curtype != 11 ) 
    badunary ( 69 ) ;
    break ;
  case 70 : 
    switch ( curtype ) 
    {case 14 : 
    case 19 : 
	q = curexp ;
	makeexpcopy ( q ) ;
	if ( curtype == 17 ) 
	negatedeplist ( mem [curexp + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH ) ;
	else if ( curtype == 14 ) 
	  p = mem [curexp + 1 ].cint ;
	  if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 == 16 ) 
	  mem [p + 1 ].cint = - (integer) mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
	  else negatedeplist ( mem [p + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH ) ;
	  if ( mem [p + 2 ].hhfield .b0 == 16 ) 
	  mem [p + 3 ].cint = - (integer) mem [p + 3 ].cint ;
	  else negatedeplist ( mem [p + 3 ].hhfield .v.RH ) ;
	recyclevalue ( q ) ;
	freenode ( q , 2 ) ;
      break ;
    case 17 : 
    case 18 : 
      negatedeplist ( mem [curexp + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH ) ;
      break ;
    case 16 : 
      curexp = - (integer) curexp ;
      break ;
    case 11 : 
      negateedges ( curexp ) ;
      break ;
      badunary ( 70 ) ;
      break ;
    break ;
  case 41 : 
    if ( curtype != 2 ) 
    badunary ( 41 ) ;
    else curexp = 61 - curexp ;
    break ;
  case 59 : 
  case 60 : 
  case 61 : 
  case 62 : 
  case 63 : 
  case 64 : 
  case 65 : 
  case 38 : 
  case 66 : 
    if ( curtype != 16 ) 
    badunary ( c ) ;
    else switch ( c ) 
    {case 59 : 
      curexp = squarert ( curexp ) ;
      break ;
    case 60 : 
      curexp = mexp ( curexp ) ;
      break ;
    case 61 : 
      curexp = mlog ( curexp ) ;
      break ;
    case 62 : 
    case 63 : 
	nsincos ( ( curexp % 23592960L ) * 16 ) ;
	if ( c == 62 ) 
	curexp = roundfraction ( nsin ) ;
	else curexp = roundfraction ( ncos ) ;
      break ;
    case 64 : 
      curexp = floorscaled ( curexp ) ;
      break ;
    case 65 : 
      curexp = unifrand ( curexp ) ;
      break ;
    case 38 : 
	if ( odd ( roundunscaled ( curexp ) ) ) 
	curexp = 30 ;
	else curexp = 31 ;
	curtype = 2 ;
      break ;
    case 66 : 
	curexp = roundunscaled ( curexp ) % 256 ;
	if ( curexp < 0 ) 
	curexp = curexp + 256 ;
	if ( charexists [curexp ]) 
	curexp = 30 ;
	else curexp = 31 ;
	curtype = 2 ;
      break ;
    break ;
  case 67 : 
    if ( nicepair ( curexp , curtype ) ) 
      p = mem [curexp + 1 ].cint ;
      x = narg ( mem [p + 1 ].cint , mem [p + 3 ].cint ) ;
      if ( x >= 0 ) 
      flushcurexp ( ( x + 8 ) / 16 ) ;
      else flushcurexp ( - (integer) ( ( - (integer) x + 8 ) / 16 ) ) ;
    else badunary ( 67 ) ;
    break ;
  case 53 : 
  case 54 : 
    if ( ( curtype <= 14 ) && ( curtype >= 13 ) ) 
    takepart ( c ) ;
    else badunary ( c ) ;
    break ;
  case 55 : 
  case 56 : 
  case 57 : 
  case 58 : 
    if ( curtype == 13 ) 
    takepart ( c ) ;
    else badunary ( c ) ;
    break ;
  case 50 : 
    if ( curtype != 16 ) 
    badunary ( 50 ) ;
    else {
      curexp = roundunscaled ( curexp ) % 256 ;
      curtype = 4 ;
      if ( curexp < 0 ) 
      curexp = curexp + 256 ;
    break ;
  case 42 : 
    if ( curtype != 16 ) 
    badunary ( 42 ) ;
    else {
      oldsetting = selector ;
      selector = 5 ;
      printscaled ( curexp ) ;
      curexp = makestring () ;
      selector = oldsetting ;
      curtype = 4 ;
    break ;
  case 47 : 
  case 48 : 
  case 49 : 
    if ( curtype != 4 ) 
    badunary ( c ) ;
    else strtonum ( c ) ;
    break ;
  case 51 : 
    if ( curtype == 4 ) 
    flushcurexp ( ( strstart [curexp + 1 ]- strstart [curexp ]) * 65536L ) 
    else if ( curtype == 9 ) 
    flushcurexp ( pathlength () ) ;
    else if ( curtype == 16 ) 
    curexp = abs ( curexp ) ;
    else if ( nicepair ( curexp , curtype ) ) 
    flushcurexp ( pythadd ( mem [mem [curexp + 1 ].cint + 1 ].cint , mem [
    mem [curexp + 1 ].cint + 3 ].cint ) ) ;
    else badunary ( c ) ;
    break ;
  case 52 : 
    if ( curtype == 14 ) 
    flushcurexp ( 0 ) ;
    else if ( curtype != 9 ) 
    badunary ( 52 ) ;
    else if ( mem [curexp ].hhfield .b0 == 0 ) 
    flushcurexp ( 0 ) ;
    else {
      curpen = 3 ;
      curpathtype = 1 ;
      curexp = makespec ( curexp , -1879080960L , 0 ) ;
      flushcurexp ( turningnumber * 65536L ) ;
    break ;
  case 2 : 
      if ( ( curtype >= 2 ) && ( curtype <= 3 ) ) 
      flushcurexp ( 30 ) ;
      else flushcurexp ( 31 ) ;
      curtype = 2 ;
    break ;
  case 4 : 
      if ( ( curtype >= 4 ) && ( curtype <= 5 ) ) 
      flushcurexp ( 30 ) ;
      else flushcurexp ( 31 ) ;
      curtype = 2 ;
    break ;
  case 6 : 
      if ( ( curtype >= 6 ) && ( curtype <= 8 ) ) 
      flushcurexp ( 30 ) ;
      else flushcurexp ( 31 ) ;
      curtype = 2 ;
    break ;
  case 9 : 
      if ( ( curtype >= 9 ) && ( curtype <= 10 ) ) 
      flushcurexp ( 30 ) ;
      else flushcurexp ( 31 ) ;
      curtype = 2 ;
    break ;
  case 11 : 
      if ( ( curtype >= 11 ) && ( curtype <= 12 ) ) 
      flushcurexp ( 30 ) ;
      else flushcurexp ( 31 ) ;
      curtype = 2 ;
    break ;
  case 13 : 
  case 14 : 
      if ( curtype == c ) 
      flushcurexp ( 30 ) ;
      else flushcurexp ( 31 ) ;
      curtype = 2 ;
    break ;
  case 15 : 
      if ( ( curtype >= 16 ) && ( curtype <= 19 ) ) 
      flushcurexp ( 30 ) ;
      else flushcurexp ( 31 ) ;
      curtype = 2 ;
    break ;
  case 39 : 
  case 40 : 
    testknown ( c ) ;
    break ;
  case 68 : 
      if ( curtype != 9 ) 
      flushcurexp ( 31 ) ;
      else if ( mem [curexp ].hhfield .b0 != 0 ) 
      flushcurexp ( 30 ) ;
      else flushcurexp ( 31 ) ;
      curtype = 2 ;
    break ;
  case 45 : 
      if ( curtype == 14 ) 
      pairtopath () ;
      if ( curtype == 9 ) 
      curtype = 8 ;
      else badunary ( 45 ) ;
    break ;
  case 44 : 
      if ( curtype == 8 ) 
      materializepen () ;
      if ( curtype != 6 ) 
      badunary ( 44 ) ;
      else {
	flushcurexp ( makepath ( curexp ) ) ;
	curtype = 9 ;
    break ;
  case 46 : 
    if ( curtype != 11 ) 
    badunary ( 46 ) ;
    else flushcurexp ( totalweight ( curexp ) ) ;
    break ;
  case 43 : 
    if ( curtype == 9 ) 
      p = htapypoc ( curexp ) ;
      if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b1 == 0 ) 
      p = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
      tossknotlist ( curexp ) ;
      curexp = p ;
    else if ( curtype == 14 ) 
    pairtopath () ;
    else badunary ( 43 ) ;
    break ;
    if ( aritherror ) 
    cleararith () ;
zbadbinary ( halfword p , quarterword c ) 
zbadbinary ( p , c ) 
  halfword p ;
  quarterword c ;
  disperr ( p , 283 ) ;
  disperr ( 0 , 834 ) ;
  if ( c >= 94 ) 
  printop ( c ) ;
  printknownorunknowntype ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 , p ) ;
  if ( c >= 94 ) 
  print ( 478 ) ;
  else printop ( c ) ;
  printknownorunknowntype ( curtype , curexp ) ;
    helpptr = 3 ;
    helpline [2 ]= 835 ;
    helpline [1 ]= 844 ;
    helpline [0 ]= 845 ;
  putgeterror () ;
ztarnished ( halfword p ) 
ztarnished ( p ) 
  halfword p ;
  /* 10 */ register halfword Result; halfword q  ;
  halfword r  ;
  q = mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
  r = q + bignodesize [mem [p ].hhfield .b0 ];
  do {
      r = r - 2 ;
    if ( mem [r ].hhfield .b0 == 19 ) 
      Result = 1 ;
      goto lab10 ;
  } while ( ! ( r == q ) ) ;
  Result = 0 ;
  lab10: ;
  return Result ;
zdepfinish ( halfword v , halfword q , smallnumber t ) 
zdepfinish ( v , q , t ) 
  halfword v ;
  halfword q ;
  smallnumber t ;
  halfword p  ;
  scaled vv  ;
  if ( q == 0 ) 
  p = curexp ;
  else p = q ;
  mem [p + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH = v ;
  mem [p ].hhfield .b0 = t ;
  if ( mem [v ].hhfield .lhfield == 0 ) 
    vv = mem [v + 1 ].cint ;
    if ( q == 0 ) 
    flushcurexp ( vv ) ;
    else {
      recyclevalue ( p ) ;
      mem [q ].hhfield .b0 = 16 ;
      mem [q + 1 ].cint = vv ;
  else if ( q == 0 ) 
  curtype = t ;
  if ( fixneeded ) 
  fixdependencies () ;
zaddorsubtract ( halfword p , halfword q , quarterword c ) 
zaddorsubtract ( p , q , c ) 
  halfword p ;
  halfword q ;
  quarterword c ;
  /* 30 10 */ smallnumber s, t  ;
  halfword r  ;
  integer v  ;
  if ( q == 0 ) 
    t = curtype ;
    if ( t < 17 ) 
    v = curexp ;
    else v = mem [curexp + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  else {
    t = mem [q ].hhfield .b0 ;
    if ( t < 17 ) 
    v = mem [q + 1 ].cint ;
    else v = mem [q + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  if ( t == 16 ) 
    if ( c == 70 ) 
    v = - (integer) v ;
    if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 == 16 ) 
      v = slowadd ( mem [p + 1 ].cint , v ) ;
      if ( q == 0 ) 
      curexp = v ;
      else mem [q + 1 ].cint = v ;
      goto lab10 ;
    r = mem [p + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    while ( mem [r ].hhfield .lhfield != 0 ) r = mem [r ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    mem [r + 1 ].cint = slowadd ( mem [r + 1 ].cint , v ) ;
    if ( q == 0 ) 
      q = getnode ( 2 ) ;
      curexp = q ;
      curtype = mem [p ].hhfield .b0 ;
      mem [q ].hhfield .b1 = 11 ;
    mem [q + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH = mem [p + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    mem [q ].hhfield .b0 = mem [p ].hhfield .b0 ;
    mem [q + 1 ].hhfield .lhfield = mem [p + 1 ].hhfield .lhfield ;
    mem [mem [p + 1 ].hhfield .lhfield ].hhfield .v.RH = q ;
    mem [p ].hhfield .b0 = 16 ;
  else {
    if ( c == 70 ) 
    negatedeplist ( v ) ;
    if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 == 16 ) 
      while ( mem [v ].hhfield .lhfield != 0 ) v = mem [v ].hhfield .v.RH 
      mem [v + 1 ].cint = slowadd ( mem [p + 1 ].cint , mem [v + 1 ]
      .cint ) ;
    else {
      s = mem [p ].hhfield .b0 ;
      r = mem [p + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH ;
      if ( t == 17 ) 
	if ( s == 17 ) 
	if ( maxcoef ( r ) + maxcoef ( v ) < 626349397L ) 
	  v = pplusq ( v , r , 17 ) ;
	  goto lab30 ;
	t = 18 ;
	v = poverv ( v , 65536L , 17 , 18 ) ;
      if ( s == 18 ) 
      v = pplusq ( v , r , 18 ) ;
      else v = pplusfq ( v , 65536L , r , 18 , 17 ) ;
      lab30: if ( q != 0 ) 
      depfinish ( v , q , t ) ;
      else {
	curtype = t ;
	depfinish ( v , 0 , t ) ;
  lab10: ;
zdepmult ( halfword p , integer v , boolean visscaled ) 
zdepmult ( p , v , visscaled ) 
  halfword p ;
  integer v ;
  boolean visscaled ;
  /* 10 */ halfword q  ;
  smallnumber s, t  ;
  if ( p == 0 ) 
  q = curexp ;
  else if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 != 16 ) 
  q = p ;
  else {
    if ( visscaled ) 
    mem [p + 1 ].cint = takescaled ( mem [p + 1 ].cint , v ) ;
    else mem [p + 1 ].cint = takefraction ( mem [p + 1 ].cint , v ) ;
    goto lab10 ;
  t = mem [q ].hhfield .b0 ;
  q = mem [q + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  s = t ;
  if ( t == 17 ) 
  if ( visscaled ) 
  if ( abvscd ( maxcoef ( q ) , abs ( v ) , 626349396L , 65536L ) >= 0 ) 
  t = 18 ;
  q = ptimesv ( q , v , s , t , visscaled ) ;
  depfinish ( q , p , t ) ;
  lab10: ;
zhardtimes ( halfword p ) 
zhardtimes ( p ) 
  halfword p ;
  halfword q  ;
  halfword r  ;
  scaled u, v  ;
  if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 == 14 ) 
    q = stashcurexp () ;
    unstashcurexp ( p ) ;
    p = q ;
  r = mem [curexp + 1 ].cint ;
  u = mem [r + 1 ].cint ;
  v = mem [r + 3 ].cint ;
  mem [r + 2 ].hhfield .b0 = mem [p ].hhfield .b0 ;
  newdep ( r + 2 , copydeplist ( mem [p + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH ) ) ;
  mem [r ].hhfield .b0 = mem [p ].hhfield .b0 ;
  mem [r + 1 ]= mem [p + 1 ];
  mem [mem [p + 1 ].hhfield .lhfield ].hhfield .v.RH = r ;
  freenode ( p , 2 ) ;
  depmult ( r , u , true ) ;
  depmult ( r + 2 , v , true ) ;
zdepdiv ( halfword p , scaled v ) 
zdepdiv ( p , v ) 
  halfword p ;
  scaled v ;
  /* 10 */ halfword q  ;
  smallnumber s, t  ;
  if ( p == 0 ) 
  q = curexp ;
  else if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 != 16 ) 
  q = p ;
  else {
    mem [p + 1 ].cint = makescaled ( mem [p + 1 ].cint , v ) ;
    goto lab10 ;
  t = mem [q ].hhfield .b0 ;
  q = mem [q + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  s = t ;
  if ( t == 17 ) 
  if ( abvscd ( maxcoef ( q ) , 65536L , 626349396L , abs ( v ) ) >= 0 ) 
  t = 18 ;
  q = poverv ( q , v , s , t ) ;
  depfinish ( q , p , t ) ;
  lab10: ;
zsetuptrans ( quarterword c ) 
zsetuptrans ( c ) 
  quarterword c ;
  /* 30 10 */ halfword p, q, r  ;
  if ( ( c != 88 ) || ( curtype != 13 ) ) 
    p = stashcurexp () ;
    curexp = idtransform () ;
    curtype = 13 ;
    q = mem [curexp + 1 ].cint ;
    switch ( c ) 
    {case 84 : 
      if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 == 16 ) 
	nsincos ( ( mem [p + 1 ].cint % 23592960L ) * 16 ) ;
	mem [q + 5 ].cint = roundfraction ( ncos ) ;
	mem [q + 9 ].cint = roundfraction ( nsin ) ;
	mem [q + 7 ].cint = - (integer) mem [q + 9 ].cint ;
	mem [q + 11 ].cint = mem [q + 5 ].cint ;
	goto lab30 ;
      break ;
    case 85 : 
      if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 > 14 ) 
	install ( q + 6 , p ) ;
	goto lab30 ;
      break ;
    case 86 : 
      if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 > 14 ) 
	install ( q + 4 , p ) ;
	install ( q + 10 , p ) ;
	goto lab30 ;
      break ;
    case 87 : 
      if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 == 14 ) 
	r = mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
	install ( q , r ) ;
	install ( q + 2 , r + 2 ) ;
	goto lab30 ;
      break ;
    case 89 : 
      if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 > 14 ) 
	install ( q + 4 , p ) ;
	goto lab30 ;
      break ;
    case 90 : 
      if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 > 14 ) 
	install ( q + 10 , p ) ;
	goto lab30 ;
      break ;
    case 91 : 
      if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 == 14 ) 
	r = mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
	install ( q + 4 , r ) ;
	install ( q + 10 , r ) ;
	install ( q + 8 , r + 2 ) ;
	if ( mem [r + 2 ].hhfield .b0 == 16 ) 
	mem [r + 3 ].cint = - (integer) mem [r + 3 ].cint ;
	else negatedeplist ( mem [r + 3 ].hhfield .v.RH ) ;
	install ( q + 6 , r + 2 ) ;
	goto lab30 ;
      break ;
    case 88 : 
      break ;
    disperr ( p , 854 ) ;
      helpptr = 3 ;
      helpline [2 ]= 855 ;
      helpline [1 ]= 856 ;
      helpline [0 ]= 537 ;
    putgeterror () ;
    lab30: recyclevalue ( p ) ;
    freenode ( p , 2 ) ;
  q = mem [curexp + 1 ].cint ;
  r = q + 12 ;
  do {
      r = r - 2 ;
    if ( mem [r ].hhfield .b0 != 16 ) 
    goto lab10 ;
  } while ( ! ( r == q ) ) ;
  txx = mem [q + 5 ].cint ;
  txy = mem [q + 7 ].cint ;
  tyx = mem [q + 9 ].cint ;
  tyy = mem [q + 11 ].cint ;
  tx = mem [q + 1 ].cint ;
  ty = mem [q + 3 ].cint ;
  flushcurexp ( 0 ) ;
  lab10: ;
zsetupknowntrans ( quarterword c ) 
zsetupknowntrans ( c ) 
  quarterword c ;
  setuptrans ( c ) ;
  if ( curtype != 16 ) 
    disperr ( 0 , 857 ) ;
      helpptr = 3 ;
      helpline [2 ]= 858 ;
      helpline [1 ]= 859 ;
      helpline [0 ]= 537 ;
    putgetflusherror ( 0 ) ;
    txx = 65536L ;
    txy = 0 ;
    tyx = 0 ;
    tyy = 65536L ;
    tx = 0 ;
    ty = 0 ;
ztrans ( halfword p , halfword q ) 
ztrans ( p , q ) 
  halfword p ;
  halfword q ;
  scaled v  ;
  v = takescaled ( mem [p ].cint , txx ) + takescaled ( mem [q ].cint , 
  txy ) + tx ;
  mem [q ].cint = takescaled ( mem [p ].cint , tyx ) + takescaled ( mem [
  q ].cint , tyy ) + ty ;
  mem [p ].cint = v ;
zpathtrans ( halfword p , quarterword c ) 
zpathtrans ( p , c ) 
  halfword p ;
  quarterword c ;
  /* 10 */ halfword q  ;
  setupknowntrans ( c ) ;
  unstashcurexp ( p ) ;
  if ( curtype == 6 ) 
    if ( mem [curexp + 9 ].cint == 0 ) 
    if ( tx == 0 ) 
    if ( ty == 0 ) 
    goto lab10 ;
    flushcurexp ( makepath ( curexp ) ) ;
    curtype = 8 ;
  q = curexp ;
  do {
      if ( mem [q ].hhfield .b0 != 0 ) 
    trans ( q + 3 , q + 4 ) ;
    trans ( q + 1 , q + 2 ) ;
    if ( mem [q ].hhfield .b1 != 0 ) 
    trans ( q + 5 , q + 6 ) ;
    q = mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  } while ( ! ( q == curexp ) ) ;
  lab10: ;
zedgestrans ( halfword p , quarterword c ) 
zedgestrans ( p , c ) 
  halfword p ;
  quarterword c ;
  /* 10 */ setupknowntrans ( c ) ;
  unstashcurexp ( p ) ;
  curedges = curexp ;
  if ( mem [curedges ].hhfield .v.RH == curedges ) 
  goto lab10 ;
  if ( txx == 0 ) 
  if ( tyy == 0 ) 
  if ( txy % 65536L == 0 ) 
  if ( tyx % 65536L == 0 ) 
    xyswapedges () ;
    txx = txy ;
    tyy = tyx ;
    txy = 0 ;
    tyx = 0 ;
    if ( mem [curedges ].hhfield .v.RH == curedges ) 
    goto lab10 ;
  if ( txy == 0 ) 
  if ( tyx == 0 ) 
  if ( txx % 65536L == 0 ) 
  if ( tyy % 65536L == 0 ) 
    if ( ( txx == 0 ) || ( tyy == 0 ) ) 
      tossedges ( curedges ) ;
      curexp = getnode ( 6 ) ;
      initedges ( curexp ) ;
    else {
      if ( txx < 0 ) 
	xreflectedges () ;
	txx = - (integer) txx ;
      if ( tyy < 0 ) 
	yreflectedges () ;
	tyy = - (integer) tyy ;
      if ( txx != 65536L ) 
      xscaleedges ( txx / 65536L ) ;
      if ( tyy != 65536L ) 
      yscaleedges ( tyy / 65536L ) ;
      tx = roundunscaled ( tx ) ;
      ty = roundunscaled ( ty ) ;
      if ( ( toint ( mem [curedges + 2 ].hhfield .lhfield ) + tx <= 0 ) || ( 
      mem [curedges + 2 ].hhfield .v.RH + tx >= 8192 ) || ( toint ( mem [
      curedges + 1 ].hhfield .lhfield ) + ty <= 0 ) || ( mem [curedges + 1 ]
      .hhfield .v.RH + ty >= 8191 ) || ( abs ( tx ) >= 4096 ) || ( abs ( ty ) 
      >= 4096 ) ) 
	  if ( interaction == 3 ) 
	  printnl ( 261 ) ;
	  print ( 863 ) ;
	  helpptr = 3 ;
	  helpline [2 ]= 864 ;
	  helpline [1 ]= 536 ;
	  helpline [0 ]= 537 ;
	putgeterror () ;
      else {
	if ( tx != 0 ) 
	  if ( ! ( abs ( mem [curedges + 3 ].hhfield .lhfield - tx - 4096 ) 
	  < 4096 ) ) 
	  fixoffset () ;
	  mem [curedges + 2 ].hhfield .lhfield = mem [curedges + 2 ]
	  .hhfield .lhfield + tx ;
	  mem [curedges + 2 ].hhfield .v.RH = mem [curedges + 2 ].hhfield 
	  .v.RH + tx ;
	  mem [curedges + 3 ].hhfield .lhfield = mem [curedges + 3 ]
	  .hhfield .lhfield - tx ;
	  mem [curedges + 4 ].cint = 0 ;
	if ( ty != 0 ) 
	  mem [curedges + 1 ].hhfield .lhfield = mem [curedges + 1 ]
	  .hhfield .lhfield + ty ;
	  mem [curedges + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH = mem [curedges + 1 ].hhfield 
	  .v.RH + ty ;
	  mem [curedges + 5 ].hhfield .lhfield = mem [curedges + 5 ]
	  .hhfield .lhfield + ty ;
	  mem [curedges + 4 ].cint = 0 ;
    goto lab10 ;
    if ( interaction == 3 ) 
    printnl ( 261 ) ;
    print ( 860 ) ;
    helpptr = 3 ;
    helpline [2 ]= 861 ;
    helpline [1 ]= 862 ;
    helpline [0 ]= 537 ;
  putgeterror () ;
  lab10: ;
zbilin1 ( halfword p , scaled t , halfword q , scaled u , scaled delta ) 
zbilin1 ( p , t , q , u , delta ) 
  halfword p ;
  scaled t ;
  halfword q ;
  scaled u ;
  scaled delta ;
  halfword r  ;
  if ( t != 65536L ) 
  depmult ( p , t , true ) ;
  if ( u != 0 ) 
  if ( mem [q ].hhfield .b0 == 16 ) 
  delta = delta + takescaled ( mem [q + 1 ].cint , u ) ;
  else {
    if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 != 18 ) 
      if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 == 16 ) 
      newdep ( p , constdependency ( mem [p + 1 ].cint ) ) ;
      else mem [p + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH = ptimesv ( mem [p + 1 ].hhfield 
      .v.RH , 65536L , 17 , 18 , true ) ;
      mem [p ].hhfield .b0 = 18 ;
    mem [p + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH = pplusfq ( mem [p + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH , u 
    , mem [q + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH , 18 , mem [q ].hhfield .b0 ) ;
  if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 == 16 ) 
  mem [p + 1 ].cint = mem [p + 1 ].cint + delta ;
  else {
    r = mem [p + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    while ( mem [r ].hhfield .lhfield != 0 ) r = mem [r ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    delta = mem [r + 1 ].cint + delta ;
    if ( r != mem [p + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH ) 
    mem [r + 1 ].cint = delta ;
    else {
      recyclevalue ( p ) ;
      mem [p ].hhfield .b0 = 16 ;
      mem [p + 1 ].cint = delta ;
  if ( fixneeded ) 
  fixdependencies () ;
zaddmultdep ( halfword p , scaled v , halfword r ) 
zaddmultdep ( p , v , r ) 
  halfword p ;
  scaled v ;
  halfword r ;
  if ( mem [r ].hhfield .b0 == 16 ) 
  mem [depfinal + 1 ].cint = mem [depfinal + 1 ].cint + takescaled ( mem [
  r + 1 ].cint , v ) ;
  else {
    mem [p + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH = pplusfq ( mem [p + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH , v 
    , mem [r + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH , 18 , mem [r ].hhfield .b0 ) ;
    if ( fixneeded ) 
    fixdependencies () ;
zbilin2 ( halfword p , halfword t , scaled v , halfword u , halfword q ) 
zbilin2 ( p , t , v , u , q ) 
  halfword p ;
  halfword t ;
  scaled v ;
  halfword u ;
  halfword q ;
  scaled vv  ;
  vv = mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
  mem [p ].hhfield .b0 = 18 ;
  newdep ( p , constdependency ( 0 ) ) ;
  if ( vv != 0 ) 
  addmultdep ( p , vv , t ) ;
  if ( v != 0 ) 
  addmultdep ( p , v , u ) ;
  if ( q != 0 ) 
  addmultdep ( p , 65536L , q ) ;
  if ( mem [p + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH == depfinal ) 
    vv = mem [depfinal + 1 ].cint ;
    recyclevalue ( p ) ;
    mem [p ].hhfield .b0 = 16 ;
    mem [p + 1 ].cint = vv ;
zbilin3 ( halfword p , scaled t , scaled v , scaled u , scaled delta ) 
zbilin3 ( p , t , v , u , delta ) 
  halfword p ;
  scaled t ;
  scaled v ;
  scaled u ;
  scaled delta ;
  if ( t != 65536L ) 
  delta = delta + takescaled ( mem [p + 1 ].cint , t ) ;
  else delta = delta + mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
  if ( u != 0 ) 
  mem [p + 1 ].cint = delta + takescaled ( v , u ) ;
  else mem [p + 1 ].cint = delta ;
zbigtrans ( halfword p , quarterword c ) 
zbigtrans ( p , c ) 
  halfword p ;
  quarterword c ;
  /* 10 */ halfword q, r, pp, qq  ;
  smallnumber s  ;
  s = bignodesize [mem [p ].hhfield .b0 ];
  q = mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
  r = q + s ;
  do {
      r = r - 2 ;
    if ( mem [r ].hhfield .b0 != 16 ) 
      setupknowntrans ( c ) ;
      makeexpcopy ( p ) ;
      r = mem [curexp + 1 ].cint ;
      if ( curtype == 13 ) 
	bilin1 ( r + 10 , tyy , q + 6 , tyx , 0 ) ;
	bilin1 ( r + 8 , tyy , q + 4 , tyx , 0 ) ;
	bilin1 ( r + 6 , txx , q + 10 , txy , 0 ) ;
	bilin1 ( r + 4 , txx , q + 8 , txy , 0 ) ;
      bilin1 ( r + 2 , tyy , q , tyx , ty ) ;
      bilin1 ( r , txx , q + 2 , txy , tx ) ;
      goto lab10 ;
  } while ( ! ( r == q ) ) ;
  setuptrans ( c ) ;
  if ( curtype == 16 ) 
    makeexpcopy ( p ) ;
    r = mem [curexp + 1 ].cint ;
    if ( curtype == 13 ) 
      bilin3 ( r + 10 , tyy , mem [q + 7 ].cint , tyx , 0 ) ;
      bilin3 ( r + 8 , tyy , mem [q + 5 ].cint , tyx , 0 ) ;
      bilin3 ( r + 6 , txx , mem [q + 11 ].cint , txy , 0 ) ;
      bilin3 ( r + 4 , txx , mem [q + 9 ].cint , txy , 0 ) ;
    bilin3 ( r + 2 , tyy , mem [q + 1 ].cint , tyx , ty ) ;
    bilin3 ( r , txx , mem [q + 3 ].cint , txy , tx ) ;
  else {
    pp = stashcurexp () ;
    qq = mem [pp + 1 ].cint ;
    makeexpcopy ( p ) ;
    r = mem [curexp + 1 ].cint ;
    if ( curtype == 13 ) 
      bilin2 ( r + 10 , qq + 10 , mem [q + 7 ].cint , qq + 8 , 0 ) ;
      bilin2 ( r + 8 , qq + 10 , mem [q + 5 ].cint , qq + 8 , 0 ) ;
      bilin2 ( r + 6 , qq + 4 , mem [q + 11 ].cint , qq + 6 , 0 ) ;
      bilin2 ( r + 4 , qq + 4 , mem [q + 9 ].cint , qq + 6 , 0 ) ;
    bilin2 ( r + 2 , qq + 10 , mem [q + 1 ].cint , qq + 8 , qq + 2 ) ;
    bilin2 ( r , qq + 4 , mem [q + 3 ].cint , qq + 6 , qq ) ;
    recyclevalue ( pp ) ;
    freenode ( pp , 2 ) ;
  lab10: ;
zcat ( halfword p ) 
zcat ( p ) 
  halfword p ;
  strnumber a, b  ;
  poolpointer k  ;
  a = mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
  b = curexp ;
    if ( poolptr + ( strstart [a + 1 ]- strstart [a ]) + ( strstart [b + 
    1 ]- strstart [b ]) > maxpoolptr ) 
      if ( poolptr + ( strstart [a + 1 ]- strstart [a ]) + ( strstart [b 
      + 1 ]- strstart [b ]) > poolsize ) 
      overflow ( 257 , poolsize - initpoolptr ) ;
      maxpoolptr = poolptr + ( strstart [a + 1 ]- strstart [a ]) + ( 
      strstart [b + 1 ]- strstart [b ]) ;
  {register integer for_end; k = strstart [a ];for_end = strstart [a + 1 
  ]- 1 ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
      strpool [poolptr ]= strpool [k ];
      incr ( poolptr ) ;
  while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
  {register integer for_end; k = strstart [b ];for_end = strstart [b + 1 
  ]- 1 ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
      strpool [poolptr ]= strpool [k ];
      incr ( poolptr ) ;
  while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
  curexp = makestring () ;
    if ( strref [b ]< 127 ) 
    if ( strref [b ]> 1 ) 
    decr ( strref [b ]) ;
    else flushstring ( b ) ;
zchopstring ( halfword p ) 
zchopstring ( p ) 
  halfword p ;
  integer a, b  ;
  integer l  ;
  integer k  ;
  strnumber s  ;
  boolean reversed  ;
  a = roundunscaled ( mem [p + 1 ].cint ) ;
  b = roundunscaled ( mem [p + 3 ].cint ) ;
  if ( a <= b ) 
  reversed = false ;
  else {
    reversed = true ;
    k = a ;
    a = b ;
    b = k ;
  s = curexp ;
  l = ( strstart [s + 1 ]- strstart [s ]) ;
  if ( a < 0 ) 
    a = 0 ;
    if ( b < 0 ) 
    b = 0 ;
  if ( b > l ) 
    b = l ;
    if ( a > l ) 
    a = l ;
    if ( poolptr + b - a > maxpoolptr ) 
      if ( poolptr + b - a > poolsize ) 
      overflow ( 257 , poolsize - initpoolptr ) ;
      maxpoolptr = poolptr + b - a ;
  if ( reversed ) 
  {register integer for_end; k = strstart [s ]+ b - 1 ;for_end = strstart 
  [s ]+ a ; if ( k >= for_end) do 
      strpool [poolptr ]= strpool [k ];
      incr ( poolptr ) ;
  while ( k-- > for_end ) ;} 
  else {
      register integer for_end; k = strstart [s ]+ a ;for_end = strstart 
  [s ]+ b - 1 ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
      strpool [poolptr ]= strpool [k ];
      incr ( poolptr ) ;
  while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
  curexp = makestring () ;
    if ( strref [s ]< 127 ) 
    if ( strref [s ]> 1 ) 
    decr ( strref [s ]) ;
    else flushstring ( s ) ;
zchoppath ( halfword p ) 
zchoppath ( p ) 
  halfword p ;
  halfword q  ;
  halfword pp, qq, rr, ss  ;
  scaled a, b, k, l  ;
  boolean reversed  ;
  l = pathlength () ;
  a = mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
  b = mem [p + 3 ].cint ;
  if ( a <= b ) 
  reversed = false ;
  else {
    reversed = true ;
    k = a ;
    a = b ;
    b = k ;
  if ( a < 0 ) 
  if ( mem [curexp ].hhfield .b0 == 0 ) 
    a = 0 ;
    if ( b < 0 ) 
    b = 0 ;
  else do {
      a = a + l ;
    b = b + l ;
  } while ( ! ( a >= 0 ) ) ;
  if ( b > l ) 
  if ( mem [curexp ].hhfield .b0 == 0 ) 
    b = l ;
    if ( a > l ) 
    a = l ;
  else while ( a >= l ) {
    a = a - l ;
    b = b - l ;
  q = curexp ;
  while ( a >= 65536L ) {
    q = mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    a = a - 65536L ;
    b = b - 65536L ;
  if ( b == a ) 
    if ( a > 0 ) 
      qq = mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH ;
      splitcubic ( q , a * 4096 , mem [qq + 1 ].cint , mem [qq + 2 ].cint 
      ) ;
      q = mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    pp = copyknot ( q ) ;
    qq = pp ;
  else {
    pp = copyknot ( q ) ;
    qq = pp ;
    do {
	q = mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH ;
      rr = qq ;
      qq = copyknot ( q ) ;
      mem [rr ].hhfield .v.RH = qq ;
      b = b - 65536L ;
    } while ( ! ( b <= 0 ) ) ;
    if ( a > 0 ) 
      ss = pp ;
      pp = mem [pp ].hhfield .v.RH ;
      splitcubic ( ss , a * 4096 , mem [pp + 1 ].cint , mem [pp + 2 ].cint 
      ) ;
      pp = mem [ss ].hhfield .v.RH ;
      freenode ( ss , 7 ) ;
      if ( rr == ss ) 
	b = makescaled ( b , 65536L - a ) ;
	rr = pp ;
    if ( b < 0 ) 
      splitcubic ( rr , ( b + 65536L ) * 4096 , mem [qq + 1 ].cint , mem [
      qq + 2 ].cint ) ;
      freenode ( qq , 7 ) ;
      qq = mem [rr ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  mem [pp ].hhfield .b0 = 0 ;
  mem [qq ].hhfield .b1 = 0 ;
  mem [qq ].hhfield .v.RH = pp ;
  tossknotlist ( curexp ) ;
  if ( reversed ) 
    curexp = mem [htapypoc ( pp ) ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    tossknotlist ( pp ) ;
  else curexp = pp ;
zpairvalue ( scaled x , scaled y ) 
zpairvalue ( x , y ) 
  scaled x ;
  scaled y ;
  halfword p  ;
  p = getnode ( 2 ) ;
  flushcurexp ( p ) ;
  curtype = 14 ;
  mem [p ].hhfield .b0 = 14 ;
  mem [p ].hhfield .b1 = 11 ;
  initbignode ( p ) ;
  p = mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
  mem [p ].hhfield .b0 = 16 ;
  mem [p + 1 ].cint = x ;
  mem [p + 2 ].hhfield .b0 = 16 ;
  mem [p + 3 ].cint = y ;
zsetupoffset ( halfword p ) 
zsetupoffset ( p ) 
  halfword p ;
  findoffset ( mem [p + 1 ].cint , mem [p + 3 ].cint , curexp ) ;
  pairvalue ( curx , cury ) ;
zsetupdirectiontime ( halfword p ) 
zsetupdirectiontime ( p ) 
  halfword p ;
  flushcurexp ( finddirectiontime ( mem [p + 1 ].cint , mem [p + 3 ]
  .cint , curexp ) ) ;
zfindpoint ( scaled v , quarterword c ) 
zfindpoint ( v , c ) 
  scaled v ;
  quarterword c ;
  halfword p  ;
  scaled n  ;
  halfword q  ;
  p = curexp ;
  if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 == 0 ) 
  n = -65536L ;
  else n = 0 ;
  do {
      p = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    n = n + 65536L ;
  } while ( ! ( p == curexp ) ) ;
  if ( n == 0 ) 
  v = 0 ;
  else if ( v < 0 ) 
  if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 == 0 ) 
  v = 0 ;
  else v = n - 1 - ( ( - (integer) v - 1 ) % n ) ;
  else if ( v > n ) 
  if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 == 0 ) 
  v = n ;
  else v = v % n ;
  p = curexp ;
  while ( v >= 65536L ) {
    p = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    v = v - 65536L ;
  if ( v != 0 ) 
    q = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    splitcubic ( p , v * 4096 , mem [q + 1 ].cint , mem [q + 2 ].cint ) ;
    p = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  switch ( c ) 
  {case 97 : 
    pairvalue ( mem [p + 1 ].cint , mem [p + 2 ].cint ) ;
    break ;
  case 98 : 
    if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 == 0 ) 
    pairvalue ( mem [p + 1 ].cint , mem [p + 2 ].cint ) ;
    else pairvalue ( mem [p + 3 ].cint , mem [p + 4 ].cint ) ;
    break ;
  case 99 : 
    if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b1 == 0 ) 
    pairvalue ( mem [p + 1 ].cint , mem [p + 2 ].cint ) ;
    else pairvalue ( mem [p + 5 ].cint , mem [p + 6 ].cint ) ;
    break ;
zdobinary ( halfword p , quarterword c ) 
zdobinary ( p , c ) 
  halfword p ;
  quarterword c ;
  /* 30 31 10 */ halfword q, r, rr  ;
  halfword oldp, oldexp  ;
  integer v  ;
    if ( aritherror ) 
    cleararith () ;
  if ( internal [7 ]> 131072L ) 
    begindiagnostic () ;
    printnl ( 846 ) ;
    printexp ( p , 0 ) ;
    printchar ( 41 ) ;
    printop ( c ) ;
    printchar ( 40 ) ;
    printexp ( 0 , 0 ) ;
    print ( 838 ) ;
    enddiagnostic ( false ) ;
  switch ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 ) 
  {case 13 : 
  case 14 : 
    oldp = tarnished ( p ) ;
    break ;
  case 19 : 
    oldp = 1 ;
    break ;
    oldp = 0 ;
    break ;
  if ( oldp != 0 ) 
    q = stashcurexp () ;
    oldp = p ;
    makeexpcopy ( oldp ) ;
    p = stashcurexp () ;
    unstashcurexp ( q ) ;
  switch ( curtype ) 
  {case 13 : 
  case 14 : 
    oldexp = tarnished ( curexp ) ;
    break ;
  case 19 : 
    oldexp = 1 ;
    break ;
    oldexp = 0 ;
    break ;
  if ( oldexp != 0 ) 
    oldexp = curexp ;
    makeexpcopy ( oldexp ) ;
  switch ( c ) 
  {case 69 : 
  case 70 : 
    if ( ( curtype < 14 ) || ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 < 14 ) ) 
    if ( ( curtype == 11 ) && ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 == 11 ) ) 
      if ( c == 70 ) 
      negateedges ( curexp ) ;
      curedges = curexp ;
      mergeedges ( mem [p + 1 ].cint ) ;
    else badbinary ( p , c ) ;
    else if ( curtype == 14 ) 
    if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 != 14 ) 
    badbinary ( p , c ) ;
    else {
      q = mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
      r = mem [curexp + 1 ].cint ;
      addorsubtract ( q , r , c ) ;
      addorsubtract ( q + 2 , r + 2 , c ) ;
    else if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 == 14 ) 
    badbinary ( p , c ) ;
    else addorsubtract ( p , 0 , c ) ;
    break ;
  case 77 : 
  case 78 : 
  case 79 : 
  case 80 : 
  case 81 : 
  case 82 : 
      if ( ( curtype > 14 ) && ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 > 14 ) ) 
      addorsubtract ( p , 0 , 70 ) ;
      else if ( curtype != mem [p ].hhfield .b0 ) 
	badbinary ( p , c ) ;
	goto lab30 ;
      else if ( curtype == 4 ) 
      flushcurexp ( strvsstr ( mem [p + 1 ].cint , curexp ) ) ;
      else if ( ( curtype == 5 ) || ( curtype == 3 ) ) 
	q = mem [curexp + 1 ].cint ;
	while ( ( q != curexp ) && ( q != p ) ) q = mem [q + 1 ].cint ;
	if ( q == p ) 
	flushcurexp ( 0 ) ;
      else if ( ( curtype == 14 ) || ( curtype == 13 ) ) 
	q = mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
	r = mem [curexp + 1 ].cint ;
	rr = r + bignodesize [curtype ]- 2 ;
	while ( true ) {
	  addorsubtract ( q , r , 70 ) ;
	  if ( mem [r ].hhfield .b0 != 16 ) 
	  goto lab31 ;
	  if ( mem [r + 1 ].cint != 0 ) 
	  goto lab31 ;
	  if ( r == rr ) 
	  goto lab31 ;
	  q = q + 2 ;
	  r = r + 2 ;
	lab31: takepart ( 53 + half ( r - mem [curexp + 1 ].cint ) ) ;
      else if ( curtype == 2 ) 
      flushcurexp ( curexp - mem [p + 1 ].cint ) ;
      else {
	badbinary ( p , c ) ;
	goto lab30 ;
      if ( curtype != 16 ) 
	if ( curtype < 16 ) 
	  disperr ( p , 283 ) ;
	    helpptr = 1 ;
	    helpline [0 ]= 847 ;
	else {
	  helpptr = 2 ;
	  helpline [1 ]= 848 ;
	  helpline [0 ]= 849 ;
	disperr ( 0 , 850 ) ;
	putgetflusherror ( 31 ) ;
      else switch ( c ) 
      {case 77 : 
	if ( curexp < 0 ) 
	curexp = 30 ;
	else curexp = 31 ;
	break ;
      case 78 : 
	if ( curexp <= 0 ) 
	curexp = 30 ;
	else curexp = 31 ;
	break ;
      case 79 : 
	if ( curexp > 0 ) 
	curexp = 30 ;
	else curexp = 31 ;
	break ;
      case 80 : 
	if ( curexp >= 0 ) 
	curexp = 30 ;
	else curexp = 31 ;
	break ;
      case 81 : 
	if ( curexp == 0 ) 
	curexp = 30 ;
	else curexp = 31 ;
	break ;
      case 82 : 
	if ( curexp != 0 ) 
	curexp = 30 ;
	else curexp = 31 ;
	break ;
      curtype = 2 ;
      lab30: ;
    break ;
  case 76 : 
  case 75 : 
    if ( ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 != 2 ) || ( curtype != 2 ) ) 
    badbinary ( p , c ) ;
    else if ( mem [p + 1 ].cint == c - 45 ) 
    curexp = mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
    break ;
  case 71 : 
    if ( ( curtype < 14 ) || ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 < 14 ) ) 
    badbinary ( p , 71 ) ;
    else if ( ( curtype == 16 ) || ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 == 16 ) ) 
      if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 == 16 ) 
	v = mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
	freenode ( p , 2 ) ;
      else {
	v = curexp ;
	unstashcurexp ( p ) ;
      if ( curtype == 16 ) 
      curexp = takescaled ( curexp , v ) ;
      else if ( curtype == 14 ) 
	p = mem [curexp + 1 ].cint ;
	depmult ( p , v , true ) ;
	depmult ( p + 2 , v , true ) ;
      else depmult ( 0 , v , true ) ;
      goto lab10 ;
    else if ( ( nicepair ( p , mem [p ].hhfield .b0 ) && ( curtype > 14 ) ) 
    || ( nicepair ( curexp , curtype ) && ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 > 14 ) ) ) 
      hardtimes ( p ) ;
      goto lab10 ;
    else badbinary ( p , 71 ) ;
    break ;
  case 72 : 
    if ( ( curtype != 16 ) || ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 < 14 ) ) 
    badbinary ( p , 72 ) ;
    else {
      v = curexp ;
      unstashcurexp ( p ) ;
      if ( v == 0 ) 
	disperr ( 0 , 780 ) ;
	  helpptr = 2 ;
	  helpline [1 ]= 852 ;
	  helpline [0 ]= 853 ;
	putgeterror () ;
      else {
	if ( curtype == 16 ) 
	curexp = makescaled ( curexp , v ) ;
	else if ( curtype == 14 ) 
	  p = mem [curexp + 1 ].cint ;
	  depdiv ( p , v ) ;
	  depdiv ( p + 2 , v ) ;
	else depdiv ( 0 , v ) ;
      goto lab10 ;
    break ;
  case 73 : 
  case 74 : 
    if ( ( curtype == 16 ) && ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 == 16 ) ) 
    if ( c == 73 ) 
    curexp = pythadd ( mem [p + 1 ].cint , curexp ) ;
    else curexp = pythsub ( mem [p + 1 ].cint , curexp ) ;
    else badbinary ( p , c ) ;
    break ;
  case 84 : 
  case 85 : 
  case 86 : 
  case 87 : 
  case 88 : 
  case 89 : 
  case 90 : 
  case 91 : 
    if ( ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 == 9 ) || ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 == 8 ) || 
    ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 == 6 ) ) 
      pathtrans ( p , c ) ;
      goto lab10 ;
    else if ( ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 == 14 ) || ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 == 
    13 ) ) 
    bigtrans ( p , c ) ;
    else if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 == 11 ) 
      edgestrans ( p , c ) ;
      goto lab10 ;
    else badbinary ( p , c ) ;
    break ;
  case 83 : 
    if ( ( curtype == 4 ) && ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 == 4 ) ) 
    cat ( p ) ;
    else badbinary ( p , 83 ) ;
    break ;
  case 94 : 
    if ( nicepair ( p , mem [p ].hhfield .b0 ) && ( curtype == 4 ) ) 
    chopstring ( mem [p + 1 ].cint ) ;
    else badbinary ( p , 94 ) ;
    break ;
  case 95 : 
      if ( curtype == 14 ) 
      pairtopath () ;
      if ( nicepair ( p , mem [p ].hhfield .b0 ) && ( curtype == 9 ) ) 
      choppath ( mem [p + 1 ].cint ) ;
      else badbinary ( p , 95 ) ;
    break ;
  case 97 : 
  case 98 : 
  case 99 : 
      if ( curtype == 14 ) 
      pairtopath () ;
      if ( ( curtype == 9 ) && ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 == 16 ) ) 
      findpoint ( mem [p + 1 ].cint , c ) ;
      else badbinary ( p , c ) ;
    break ;
  case 100 : 
      if ( curtype == 8 ) 
      materializepen () ;
      if ( ( curtype == 6 ) && nicepair ( p , mem [p ].hhfield .b0 ) ) 
      setupoffset ( mem [p + 1 ].cint ) ;
      else badbinary ( p , 100 ) ;
    break ;
  case 96 : 
      if ( curtype == 14 ) 
      pairtopath () ;
      if ( ( curtype == 9 ) && nicepair ( p , mem [p ].hhfield .b0 ) ) 
      setupdirectiontime ( mem [p + 1 ].cint ) ;
      else badbinary ( p , 96 ) ;
    break ;
  case 92 : 
      if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 == 14 ) 
	q = stashcurexp () ;
	unstashcurexp ( p ) ;
	pairtopath () ;
	p = stashcurexp () ;
	unstashcurexp ( q ) ;
      if ( curtype == 14 ) 
      pairtopath () ;
      if ( ( curtype == 9 ) && ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 == 9 ) ) 
	pathintersection ( mem [p + 1 ].cint , curexp ) ;
	pairvalue ( curt , curtt ) ;
      else badbinary ( p , 92 ) ;
    break ;
  recyclevalue ( p ) ;
  freenode ( p , 2 ) ;
  lab10: {
    if ( aritherror ) 
    cleararith () ;
  if ( oldp != 0 ) 
    recyclevalue ( oldp ) ;
    freenode ( oldp , 2 ) ;
  if ( oldexp != 0 ) 
    recyclevalue ( oldexp ) ;
    freenode ( oldexp , 2 ) ;
zfracmult ( scaled n , scaled d ) 
zfracmult ( n , d ) 
  scaled n ;
  scaled d ;
  halfword p  ;
  halfword oldexp  ;
  fraction v  ;
  if ( internal [7 ]> 131072L ) 
    begindiagnostic () ;
    printnl ( 846 ) ;
    printscaled ( n ) ;
    printchar ( 47 ) ;
    printscaled ( d ) ;
    print ( 851 ) ;
    printexp ( 0 , 0 ) ;
    print ( 838 ) ;
    enddiagnostic ( false ) ;
  switch ( curtype ) 
  {case 13 : 
  case 14 : 
    oldexp = tarnished ( curexp ) ;
    break ;
  case 19 : 
    oldexp = 1 ;
    break ;
    oldexp = 0 ;
    break ;
  if ( oldexp != 0 ) 
    oldexp = curexp ;
    makeexpcopy ( oldexp ) ;
  v = makefraction ( n , d ) ;
  if ( curtype == 16 ) 
  curexp = takefraction ( curexp , v ) ;
  else if ( curtype == 14 ) 
    p = mem [curexp + 1 ].cint ;
    depmult ( p , v , false ) ;
    depmult ( p + 2 , v , false ) ;
  else depmult ( 0 , v , false ) ;
  if ( oldexp != 0 ) 
    recyclevalue ( oldexp ) ;
    freenode ( oldexp , 2 ) ;
gfswap ( void ) 
gfswap ( ) 
  if ( gflimit == gfbufsize ) 
    writegf ( 0 , halfbuf - 1 ) ;
    gflimit = halfbuf ;
    gfoffset = gfoffset + gfbufsize ;
    gfptr = 0 ;
  else {
    writegf ( halfbuf , gfbufsize - 1 ) ;
    gflimit = gfbufsize ;
zgffour ( integer x ) 
zgffour ( x ) 
  integer x ;
  if ( x >= 0 ) 
    gfbuf [gfptr ]= x / 16777216L ;
    incr ( gfptr ) ;
    if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
    gfswap () ;
  else {
    x = x + 1073741824L ;
    x = x + 1073741824L ;
      gfbuf [gfptr ]= ( x / 16777216L ) + 128 ;
      incr ( gfptr ) ;
      if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
      gfswap () ;
  x = x % 16777216L ;
    gfbuf [gfptr ]= x / 65536L ;
    incr ( gfptr ) ;
    if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
    gfswap () ;
  x = x % 65536L ;
    gfbuf [gfptr ]= x / 256 ;
    incr ( gfptr ) ;
    if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
    gfswap () ;
    gfbuf [gfptr ]= x % 256 ;
    incr ( gfptr ) ;
    if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
    gfswap () ;
zgftwo ( integer x ) 
zgftwo ( x ) 
  integer x ;
    gfbuf [gfptr ]= x / 256 ;
    incr ( gfptr ) ;
    if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
    gfswap () ;
    gfbuf [gfptr ]= x % 256 ;
    incr ( gfptr ) ;
    if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
    gfswap () ;
zgfthree ( integer x ) 
zgfthree ( x ) 
  integer x ;
    gfbuf [gfptr ]= x / 65536L ;
    incr ( gfptr ) ;
    if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
    gfswap () ;
    gfbuf [gfptr ]= ( x % 65536L ) / 256 ;
    incr ( gfptr ) ;
    if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
    gfswap () ;
    gfbuf [gfptr ]= x % 256 ;
    incr ( gfptr ) ;
    if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
    gfswap () ;
zgfpaint ( integer d ) 
zgfpaint ( d ) 
  integer d ;
  if ( d < 64 ) 
    gfbuf [gfptr ]= 0 + d ;
    incr ( gfptr ) ;
    if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
    gfswap () ;
  else if ( d < 256 ) 
      gfbuf [gfptr ]= 64 ;
      incr ( gfptr ) ;
      if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
      gfswap () ;
      gfbuf [gfptr ]= d ;
      incr ( gfptr ) ;
      if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
      gfswap () ;
  else {
      gfbuf [gfptr ]= 65 ;
      incr ( gfptr ) ;
      if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
      gfswap () ;
    gftwo ( d ) ;
zgfstring ( strnumber s , strnumber t ) 
zgfstring ( s , t ) 
  strnumber s ;
  strnumber t ;
  poolpointer k  ;
  integer l  ;
  if ( s != 0 ) 
    l = ( strstart [s + 1 ]- strstart [s ]) ;
    if ( t != 0 ) 
    l = l + ( strstart [t + 1 ]- strstart [t ]) ;
    if ( l <= 255 ) 
	gfbuf [gfptr ]= 239 ;
	incr ( gfptr ) ;
	if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
	gfswap () ;
	gfbuf [gfptr ]= l ;
	incr ( gfptr ) ;
	if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
	gfswap () ;
    else {
	gfbuf [gfptr ]= 241 ;
	incr ( gfptr ) ;
	if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
	gfswap () ;
      gfthree ( l ) ;
    {register integer for_end; k = strstart [s ];for_end = strstart [s + 
    1 ]- 1 ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
	gfbuf [gfptr ]= strpool [k ];
	incr ( gfptr ) ;
	if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
	gfswap () ;
    while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
  if ( t != 0 ) 
  {register integer for_end; k = strstart [t ];for_end = strstart [t + 1 
  ]- 1 ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
      gfbuf [gfptr ]= strpool [k ];
      incr ( gfptr ) ;
      if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
      gfswap () ;
  while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
zgfboc ( integer minm , integer maxm , integer minn , integer maxn ) 
zgfboc ( minm , maxm , minn , maxn ) 
  integer minm ;
  integer maxm ;
  integer minn ;
  integer maxn ;
  /* 10 */ if ( minm < gfminm ) 
  gfminm = minm ;
  if ( maxn > gfmaxn ) 
  gfmaxn = maxn ;
  if ( bocp == -1 ) 
  if ( bocc >= 0 ) 
  if ( bocc < 256 ) 
  if ( maxm - minm >= 0 ) 
  if ( maxm - minm < 256 ) 
  if ( maxm >= 0 ) 
  if ( maxm < 256 ) 
  if ( maxn - minn >= 0 ) 
  if ( maxn - minn < 256 ) 
  if ( maxn >= 0 ) 
  if ( maxn < 256 ) 
      gfbuf [gfptr ]= 68 ;
      incr ( gfptr ) ;
      if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
      gfswap () ;
      gfbuf [gfptr ]= bocc ;
      incr ( gfptr ) ;
      if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
      gfswap () ;
      gfbuf [gfptr ]= maxm - minm ;
      incr ( gfptr ) ;
      if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
      gfswap () ;
      gfbuf [gfptr ]= maxm ;
      incr ( gfptr ) ;
      if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
      gfswap () ;
      gfbuf [gfptr ]= maxn - minn ;
      incr ( gfptr ) ;
      if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
      gfswap () ;
      gfbuf [gfptr ]= maxn ;
      incr ( gfptr ) ;
      if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
      gfswap () ;
    goto lab10 ;
    gfbuf [gfptr ]= 67 ;
    incr ( gfptr ) ;
    if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
    gfswap () ;
  gffour ( bocc ) ;
  gffour ( bocp ) ;
  gffour ( minm ) ;
  gffour ( maxm ) ;
  gffour ( minn ) ;
  gffour ( maxn ) ;
  lab10: ;
initgf ( void ) 
initgf ( ) 
  short k  ;
  integer t  ;
  gfminm = 4096 ;
  gfmaxm = -4096 ;
  gfminn = 4096 ;
  gfmaxn = -4096 ;
  {register integer for_end; k = 0 ;for_end = 255 ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
    charptr [k ]= -1 ;
  while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
  if ( internal [27 ]<= 0 ) 
  gfext = 1050 ;
  else {
    oldsetting = selector ;
    selector = 5 ;
    printchar ( 46 ) ;
    printint ( makescaled ( internal [27 ], 59429463L ) ) ;
    print ( 1051 ) ;
    gfext = makestring () ;
    selector = oldsetting ;
    if ( jobname == 0 ) 
    openlogfile () ;
    packjobname ( gfext ) ;
    while ( ! bopenout ( gffile ) ) promptfilename ( 752 , gfext ) ;
    outputfilename = bmakenamestring ( gffile ) ;
    gfbuf [gfptr ]= 247 ;
    incr ( gfptr ) ;
    if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
    gfswap () ;
    gfbuf [gfptr ]= 131 ;
    incr ( gfptr ) ;
    if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
    gfswap () ;
  oldsetting = selector ;
  selector = 5 ;
  print ( 1049 ) ;
  printint ( roundunscaled ( internal [14 ]) ) ;
  printchar ( 46 ) ;
  printdd ( roundunscaled ( internal [15 ]) ) ;
  printchar ( 46 ) ;
  printdd ( roundunscaled ( internal [16 ]) ) ;
  printchar ( 58 ) ;
  t = roundunscaled ( internal [17 ]) ;
  printdd ( t / 60 ) ;
  printdd ( t % 60 ) ;
  selector = oldsetting ;
    gfbuf [gfptr ]= ( poolptr - strstart [strptr ]) ;
    incr ( gfptr ) ;
    if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
    gfswap () ;
  strstart [strptr + 1 ]= poolptr ;
  gfstring ( 0 , strptr ) ;
  poolptr = strstart [strptr ];
  gfprevptr = gfoffset + gfptr ;
zshipout ( eightbits c ) 
zshipout ( c ) 
  eightbits c ;
  /* 30 */ integer f  ;
  integer prevm, m, mm  ;
  integer prevn, n  ;
  halfword p, q  ;
  integer prevw, w, ww  ;
  integer d  ;
  integer delta  ;
  integer curminm  ;
  integer xoff, yoff  ;
  if ( outputfilename == 0 ) 
  initgf () ;
  f = roundunscaled ( internal [19 ]) ;
  xoff = roundunscaled ( internal [29 ]) ;
  yoff = roundunscaled ( internal [30 ]) ;
  if ( termoffset > maxprintline - 9 ) 
  println () ;
  else if ( ( termoffset > 0 ) || ( fileoffset > 0 ) ) 
  printchar ( 32 ) ;
  printchar ( 91 ) ;
  printint ( c ) ;
  if ( f != 0 ) 
    printchar ( 46 ) ;
    printint ( f ) ;
  fflush ( stdout ) ;
  bocc = 256 * f + c ;
  bocp = charptr [c ];
  charptr [c ]= gfprevptr ;
  if ( internal [34 ]> 0 ) 
    if ( xoff != 0 ) 
      gfstring ( 436 , 0 ) ;
	gfbuf [gfptr ]= 243 ;
	incr ( gfptr ) ;
	if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
	gfswap () ;
      gffour ( xoff * 65536L ) ;
    if ( yoff != 0 ) 
      gfstring ( 437 , 0 ) ;
	gfbuf [gfptr ]= 243 ;
	incr ( gfptr ) ;
	if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
	gfswap () ;
      gffour ( yoff * 65536L ) ;
  prevn = 4096 ;
  p = mem [curedges ].hhfield .lhfield ;
  n = mem [curedges + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH - 4096 ;
  while ( p != curedges ) {
    if ( mem [p + 1 ].hhfield .lhfield > 1 ) 
    sortedges ( p ) ;
    q = mem [p + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    w = 0 ;
    prevm = -268435456L ;
    ww = 0 ;
    prevw = 0 ;
    m = prevm ;
    do {
	if ( q == memtop ) 
      mm = 268435456L ;
      else {
	d = mem [q ].hhfield .lhfield ;
	mm = d / 8 ;
	ww = ww + ( d % 8 ) - 4 ;
      if ( mm != m ) 
	if ( prevw <= 0 ) 
	  if ( w > 0 ) 
	    if ( prevm == -268435456L ) 
	      if ( prevn == 4096 ) 
		gfboc ( mem [curedges + 2 ].hhfield .lhfield + xoff - 4096 , 
		mem [curedges + 2 ].hhfield .v.RH + xoff - 4096 , mem [
		curedges + 1 ].hhfield .lhfield + yoff - 4096 , n + yoff ) ;
		curminm = mem [curedges + 2 ].hhfield .lhfield - 4096 + mem 
		[curedges + 3 ].hhfield .lhfield ;
	      else if ( prevn > n + 1 ) 
		delta = prevn - n - 1 ;
		if ( delta < 256 ) 
		    gfbuf [gfptr ]= 71 ;
		    incr ( gfptr ) ;
		    if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
		    gfswap () ;
		    gfbuf [gfptr ]= delta ;
		    incr ( gfptr ) ;
		    if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
		    gfswap () ;
		else {
		    gfbuf [gfptr ]= 72 ;
		    incr ( gfptr ) ;
		    if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
		    gfswap () ;
		  gftwo ( delta ) ;
	      else {
		delta = m - curminm ;
		if ( delta > 164 ) 
		  gfbuf [gfptr ]= 70 ;
		  incr ( gfptr ) ;
		  if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
		  gfswap () ;
		else {
		    gfbuf [gfptr ]= 74 + delta ;
		    incr ( gfptr ) ;
		    if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
		    gfswap () ;
		  goto lab30 ;
	      gfpaint ( m - curminm ) ;
	      lab30: prevn = n ;
	    else gfpaint ( m - prevm ) ;
	    prevm = m ;
	    prevw = w ;
	else if ( w <= 0 ) 
	  gfpaint ( m - prevm ) ;
	  prevm = m ;
	  prevw = w ;
	m = mm ;
      w = ww ;
      q = mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    } while ( ! ( mm == 268435456L ) ) ;
    if ( w != 0 ) 
    printnl ( 1053 ) ;
    if ( prevm - toint ( mem [curedges + 3 ].hhfield .lhfield ) + xoff > 
    gfmaxm ) 
    gfmaxm = prevm - mem [curedges + 3 ].hhfield .lhfield + xoff ;
    p = mem [p ].hhfield .lhfield ;
    decr ( n ) ;
  if ( prevn == 4096 ) 
    gfboc ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
    if ( gfmaxm < 0 ) 
    gfmaxm = 0 ;
    if ( gfminn > 0 ) 
    gfminn = 0 ;
  else if ( prevn + yoff < gfminn ) 
  gfminn = prevn + yoff ;
    gfbuf [gfptr ]= 69 ;
    incr ( gfptr ) ;
    if ( gfptr == gflimit ) 
    gfswap () ;
  gfprevptr = gfoffset + gfptr ;
  incr ( totalchars ) ;
  printchar ( 93 ) ;
  fflush ( stdout ) ;
  if ( internal [11 ]> 0 ) 
  printedges ( 1052 , true , xoff , yoff ) ;
ztryeq ( halfword l , halfword r ) 
ztryeq ( l , r ) 
  halfword l ;
  halfword r ;
  /* 30 31 */ halfword p  ;
  char t  ;
  halfword q  ;
  halfword pp  ;
  char tt  ;
  boolean copied  ;
  t = mem [l ].hhfield .b0 ;
  if ( t == 16 ) 
    t = 17 ;
    p = constdependency ( - (integer) mem [l + 1 ].cint ) ;
    q = p ;
  else if ( t == 19 ) 
    t = 17 ;
    p = singledependency ( l ) ;
    mem [p + 1 ].cint = - (integer) mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
    q = depfinal ;
  else {
    p = mem [l + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    q = p ;
    while ( true ) {
      mem [q + 1 ].cint = - (integer) mem [q + 1 ].cint ;
      if ( mem [q ].hhfield .lhfield == 0 ) 
      goto lab30 ;
      q = mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    lab30: mem [mem [l + 1 ].hhfield .lhfield ].hhfield .v.RH = mem [q ]
    .hhfield .v.RH ;
    mem [mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH + 1 ].hhfield .lhfield = mem [l + 1 ]
    .hhfield .lhfield ;
    mem [l ].hhfield .b0 = 16 ;
  if ( r == 0 ) 
  if ( curtype == 16 ) 
    mem [q + 1 ].cint = mem [q + 1 ].cint + curexp ;
    goto lab31 ;
  else {
    tt = curtype ;
    if ( tt == 19 ) 
    pp = singledependency ( curexp ) ;
    else pp = mem [curexp + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  else if ( mem [r ].hhfield .b0 == 16 ) 
    mem [q + 1 ].cint = mem [q + 1 ].cint + mem [r + 1 ].cint ;
    goto lab31 ;
  else {
    tt = mem [r ].hhfield .b0 ;
    if ( tt == 19 ) 
    pp = singledependency ( r ) ;
    else pp = mem [r + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  if ( tt != 19 ) 
  copied = false ;
  else {
    copied = true ;
    tt = 17 ;
  watchcoefs = false ;
  if ( t == tt ) 
  p = pplusq ( p , pp , t ) ;
  else if ( t == 18 ) 
  p = pplusfq ( p , 65536L , pp , 18 , 17 ) ;
  else {
    q = p ;
    while ( mem [q ].hhfield .lhfield != 0 ) {
      mem [q + 1 ].cint = roundfraction ( mem [q + 1 ].cint ) ;
      q = mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    t = 18 ;
    p = pplusq ( p , pp , t ) ;
  watchcoefs = true ;
  if ( copied ) 
  flushnodelist ( pp ) ;
  lab31: ;
  if ( mem [p ].hhfield .lhfield == 0 ) 
    if ( abs ( mem [p + 1 ].cint ) > 64 ) 
	if ( interaction == 3 ) 
	printnl ( 261 ) ;
	print ( 893 ) ;
      print ( 895 ) ;
      printscaled ( mem [p + 1 ].cint ) ;
      printchar ( 41 ) ;
	helpptr = 2 ;
	helpline [1 ]= 894 ;
	helpline [0 ]= 892 ;
      putgeterror () ;
    else if ( r == 0 ) 
	if ( interaction == 3 ) 
	printnl ( 261 ) ;
	print ( 597 ) ;
	helpptr = 2 ;
	helpline [1 ]= 598 ;
	helpline [0 ]= 599 ;
      putgeterror () ;
    freenode ( p , 2 ) ;
  else {
    lineareq ( p , t ) ;
    if ( r == 0 ) 
    if ( curtype != 16 ) 
    if ( mem [curexp ].hhfield .b0 == 16 ) 
      pp = curexp ;
      curexp = mem [curexp + 1 ].cint ;
      curtype = 16 ;
      freenode ( pp , 2 ) ;
zmakeeq ( halfword lhs ) 
zmakeeq ( lhs ) 
  halfword lhs ;
  /* 20 30 45 */ smallnumber t  ;
  integer v  ;
  halfword p, q  ;
  lab20: t = mem [lhs ].hhfield .b0 ;
  if ( t <= 14 ) 
  v = mem [lhs + 1 ].cint ;
  switch ( t ) 
  {case 2 : 
  case 4 : 
  case 6 : 
  case 9 : 
  case 11 : 
    if ( curtype == t + 1 ) 
      nonlineareq ( v , curexp , false ) ;
      goto lab30 ;
    else if ( curtype == t ) 
      if ( curtype <= 4 ) 
	if ( curtype == 4 ) 
	  if ( strvsstr ( v , curexp ) != 0 ) 
	  goto lab45 ;
	else if ( v != curexp ) 
	goto lab45 ;
	    if ( interaction == 3 ) 
	    printnl ( 261 ) ;
	    print ( 597 ) ;
	    helpptr = 2 ;
	    helpline [1 ]= 598 ;
	    helpline [0 ]= 599 ;
	  putgeterror () ;
	goto lab30 ;
	if ( interaction == 3 ) 
	printnl ( 261 ) ;
	print ( 890 ) ;
	helpptr = 2 ;
	helpline [1 ]= 891 ;
	helpline [0 ]= 892 ;
      putgeterror () ;
      goto lab30 ;
      lab45: {
	if ( interaction == 3 ) 
	printnl ( 261 ) ;
	print ( 893 ) ;
	helpptr = 2 ;
	helpline [1 ]= 894 ;
	helpline [0 ]= 892 ;
      putgeterror () ;
      goto lab30 ;
    break ;
  case 3 : 
  case 5 : 
  case 7 : 
  case 12 : 
  case 10 : 
    if ( curtype == t - 1 ) 
      nonlineareq ( curexp , lhs , true ) ;
      goto lab30 ;
    else if ( curtype == t ) 
      ringmerge ( lhs , curexp ) ;
      goto lab30 ;
    else if ( curtype == 14 ) 
    if ( t == 10 ) 
      pairtopath () ;
      goto lab20 ;
    break ;
  case 13 : 
  case 14 : 
    if ( curtype == t ) 
      p = v + bignodesize [t ];
      q = mem [curexp + 1 ].cint + bignodesize [t ];
      do {
	  p = p - 2 ;
	q = q - 2 ;
	tryeq ( p , q ) ;
      } while ( ! ( p == v ) ) ;
      goto lab30 ;
    break ;
  case 16 : 
  case 17 : 
  case 18 : 
  case 19 : 
    if ( curtype >= 16 ) 
      tryeq ( lhs , 0 ) ;
      goto lab30 ;
    break ;
  case 1 : 
    break ;
  disperr ( lhs , 283 ) ;
  disperr ( 0 , 887 ) ;
  if ( mem [lhs ].hhfield .b0 <= 14 ) 
  printtype ( mem [lhs ].hhfield .b0 ) ;
  else print ( 339 ) ;
  printchar ( 61 ) ;
  if ( curtype <= 14 ) 
  printtype ( curtype ) ;
  else print ( 339 ) ;
  printchar ( 41 ) ;
    helpptr = 2 ;
    helpline [1 ]= 888 ;
    helpline [0 ]= 889 ;
  putgeterror () ;
  lab30: {
    if ( aritherror ) 
    cleararith () ;
  recyclevalue ( lhs ) ;
  freenode ( lhs , 2 ) ;
doequation ( void ) 
doequation ( ) 
  halfword lhs  ;
  halfword p  ;
  lhs = stashcurexp () ;
  getxnext () ;
  varflag = 77 ;
  scanexpression () ;
  if ( curcmd == 51 ) 
  doequation () ;
  else if ( curcmd == 77 ) 
  doassignment () ;
  if ( internal [7 ]> 131072L ) 
    begindiagnostic () ;
    printnl ( 846 ) ;
    printexp ( lhs , 0 ) ;
    print ( 882 ) ;
    printexp ( 0 , 0 ) ;
    print ( 838 ) ;
    enddiagnostic ( false ) ;
  if ( curtype == 10 ) 
  if ( mem [lhs ].hhfield .b0 == 14 ) 
    p = stashcurexp () ;
    unstashcurexp ( lhs ) ;
    lhs = p ;
  makeeq ( lhs ) ;
doassignment ( void ) 
doassignment ( ) 
  halfword lhs  ;
  halfword p  ;
  halfword q  ;
  if ( curtype != 20 ) 
    disperr ( 0 , 879 ) ;
      helpptr = 2 ;
      helpline [1 ]= 880 ;
      helpline [0 ]= 881 ;
    error () ;
    doequation () ;
  else {
    lhs = curexp ;
    curtype = 1 ;
    getxnext () ;
    varflag = 77 ;
    scanexpression () ;
    if ( curcmd == 51 ) 
    doequation () ;
    else if ( curcmd == 77 ) 
    doassignment () ;
    if ( internal [7 ]> 131072L ) 
      begindiagnostic () ;
      printnl ( 123 ) ;
      if ( mem [lhs ].hhfield .lhfield > 9769 ) 
      print ( intname [mem [lhs ].hhfield .lhfield - ( 9769 ) ]) ;
      else showtokenlist ( lhs , 0 , 1000 , 0 ) ;
      print ( 460 ) ;
      printexp ( 0 , 0 ) ;
      printchar ( 125 ) ;
      enddiagnostic ( false ) ;
    if ( mem [lhs ].hhfield .lhfield > 9769 ) 
    if ( curtype == 16 ) 
    internal [mem [lhs ].hhfield .lhfield - ( 9769 ) ]= curexp ;
    else {
      disperr ( 0 , 883 ) ;
      print ( intname [mem [lhs ].hhfield .lhfield - ( 9769 ) ]) ;
      print ( 884 ) ;
	helpptr = 2 ;
	helpline [1 ]= 885 ;
	helpline [0 ]= 886 ;
      putgeterror () ;
    else {
      p = findvariable ( lhs ) ;
      if ( p != 0 ) 
	q = stashcurexp () ;
	curtype = undtype ( p ) ;
	recyclevalue ( p ) ;
	mem [p ].hhfield .b0 = curtype ;
	mem [p + 1 ].cint = 0 ;
	makeexpcopy ( p ) ;
	p = stashcurexp () ;
	unstashcurexp ( q ) ;
	makeeq ( p ) ;
      else {
	obliterated ( lhs ) ;
	putgeterror () ;
    flushnodelist ( lhs ) ;
dotypedeclaration ( void ) 
dotypedeclaration ( ) 
  smallnumber t  ;
  halfword p  ;
  halfword q  ;
  if ( curmod >= 13 ) 
  t = curmod ;
  else t = curmod + 1 ;
  do {
      p = scandeclaredvariable () ;
    flushvariable ( eqtb [mem [p ].hhfield .lhfield ].v.RH , mem [p ]
    .hhfield .v.RH , false ) ;
    q = findvariable ( p ) ;
    if ( q != 0 ) 
      mem [q ].hhfield .b0 = t ;
      mem [q + 1 ].cint = 0 ;
    else {
	if ( interaction == 3 ) 
	printnl ( 261 ) ;
	print ( 896 ) ;
	helpptr = 2 ;
	helpline [1 ]= 897 ;
	helpline [0 ]= 898 ;
      putgeterror () ;
    flushlist ( p ) ;
    if ( curcmd < 82 ) 
	if ( interaction == 3 ) 
	printnl ( 261 ) ;
	print ( 899 ) ;
	helpptr = 5 ;
	helpline [4 ]= 900 ;
	helpline [3 ]= 901 ;
	helpline [2 ]= 902 ;
	helpline [1 ]= 903 ;
	helpline [0 ]= 904 ;
      if ( curcmd == 42 ) 
      helpline [2 ]= 905 ;
      putgeterror () ;
      scannerstatus = 2 ;
      do {
	  getnext () ;
	if ( curcmd == 39 ) 
	  if ( strref [curmod ]< 127 ) 
	  if ( strref [curmod ]> 1 ) 
	  decr ( strref [curmod ]) ;
	  else flushstring ( curmod ) ;
      } while ( ! ( curcmd >= 82 ) ) ;
      scannerstatus = 0 ;
  } while ( ! ( curcmd > 82 ) ) ;
dorandomseed ( void ) 
dorandomseed ( ) 
  getxnext () ;
  if ( curcmd != 77 ) 
    missingerr ( 460 ) ;
      helpptr = 1 ;
      helpline [0 ]= 910 ;
    backerror () ;
  getxnext () ;
  scanexpression () ;
  if ( curtype != 16 ) 
    disperr ( 0 , 911 ) ;
      helpptr = 2 ;
      helpline [1 ]= 912 ;
      helpline [0 ]= 913 ;
    putgetflusherror ( 0 ) ;
  else {
    initrandoms ( curexp ) ;
    if ( selector >= 2 ) 
      oldsetting = selector ;
      selector = 2 ;
      printnl ( 914 ) ;
      printscaled ( curexp ) ;
      printchar ( 125 ) ;
      printnl ( 283 ) ;
      selector = oldsetting ;
doprotection ( void ) 
doprotection ( ) 
  char m  ;
  halfword t  ;
  m = curmod ;
  do {
      getsymbol () ;
    t = eqtb [cursym ].lhfield ;
    if ( m == 0 ) 
      if ( t >= 86 ) 
      eqtb [cursym ].lhfield = t - 86 ;
    else if ( t < 86 ) 
    eqtb [cursym ].lhfield = t + 86 ;
    getxnext () ;
  } while ( ! ( curcmd != 82 ) ) ;
defdelims ( void ) 
defdelims ( ) 
  halfword ldelim, rdelim  ;
  getclearsymbol () ;
  ldelim = cursym ;
  getclearsymbol () ;
  rdelim = cursym ;
  eqtb [ldelim ].lhfield = 31 ;
  eqtb [ldelim ].v.RH = rdelim ;
  eqtb [rdelim ].lhfield = 62 ;
  eqtb [rdelim ].v.RH = ldelim ;
  getxnext () ;
dointerim ( void ) 
dointerim ( ) 
  getxnext () ;
  if ( curcmd != 40 ) 
      if ( interaction == 3 ) 
      printnl ( 261 ) ;
      print ( 920 ) ;
    if ( cursym == 0 ) 
    print ( 925 ) ;
    else print ( hash [cursym ].v.RH ) ;
    print ( 926 ) ;
      helpptr = 1 ;
      helpline [0 ]= 927 ;
    backerror () ;
  else {
    saveinternal ( curmod ) ;
    backinput () ;
  dostatement () ;
dolet ( void ) 
dolet ( ) 
  halfword l  ;
  getsymbol () ;
  l = cursym ;
  getxnext () ;
  if ( curcmd != 51 ) 
  if ( curcmd != 77 ) 
    missingerr ( 61 ) ;
      helpptr = 3 ;
      helpline [2 ]= 928 ;
      helpline [1 ]= 669 ;
      helpline [0 ]= 929 ;
    backerror () ;
  getsymbol () ;
  switch ( curcmd ) 
  {case 10 : 
  case 53 : 
  case 44 : 
  case 49 : 
    incr ( mem [curmod ].hhfield .lhfield ) ;
    break ;
    break ;
  clearsymbol ( l , false ) ;
  eqtb [l ].lhfield = curcmd ;
  if ( curcmd == 41 ) 
  eqtb [l ].v.RH = 0 ;
  else eqtb [l ].v.RH = curmod ;
  getxnext () ;
donewinternal ( void ) 
donewinternal ( ) 
  do {
      if ( intptr == maxinternal ) 
    overflow ( 930 , maxinternal ) ;
    getclearsymbol () ;
    incr ( intptr ) ;
    eqtb [cursym ].lhfield = 40 ;
    eqtb [cursym ].v.RH = intptr ;
    intname [intptr ]= hash [cursym ].v.RH ;
    internal [intptr ]= 0 ;
    getxnext () ;
  } while ( ! ( curcmd != 82 ) ) ;
doshow ( void ) 
doshow ( ) 
  do {
      getxnext () ;
    scanexpression () ;
    printnl ( 761 ) ;
    printexp ( 0 , 2 ) ;
    flushcurexp ( 0 ) ;
  } while ( ! ( curcmd != 82 ) ) ;
disptoken ( void ) 
disptoken ( ) 
  printnl ( 936 ) ;
  if ( cursym == 0 ) 
    if ( curcmd == 42 ) 
    printscaled ( curmod ) ;
    else if ( curcmd == 38 ) 
      gpointer = curmod ;
      printcapsule () ;
    else {
      printchar ( 34 ) ;
      print ( curmod ) ;
      printchar ( 34 ) ;
	if ( strref [curmod ]< 127 ) 
	if ( strref [curmod ]> 1 ) 
	decr ( strref [curmod ]) ;
	else flushstring ( curmod ) ;
  else {
    print ( hash [cursym ].v.RH ) ;
    printchar ( 61 ) ;
    if ( eqtb [cursym ].lhfield >= 86 ) 
    print ( 937 ) ;
    printcmdmod ( curcmd , curmod ) ;
    if ( curcmd == 10 ) 
      println () ;
      showmacro ( curmod , 0 , 100000L ) ;
doshowtoken ( void ) 
doshowtoken ( ) 
  do {
      getnext () ;
    disptoken () ;
    getxnext () ;
  } while ( ! ( curcmd != 82 ) ) ;
doshowstats ( void ) 
doshowstats ( ) 
  printnl ( 946 ) ;
#ifdef STAT
  printint ( varused ) ;
  printchar ( 38 ) ;
  printint ( dynused ) ;
  if ( false ) 
#endif /* STAT */
  print ( 356 ) ;
  print ( 557 ) ;
  printint ( himemmin - lomemmax - 1 ) ;
  print ( 947 ) ;
  println () ;
  printnl ( 948 ) ;
  printint ( strptr - initstrptr ) ;
  printchar ( 38 ) ;
  printint ( poolptr - initpoolptr ) ;
  print ( 557 ) ;
  printint ( maxstrings - maxstrptr ) ;
  printchar ( 38 ) ;
  printint ( poolsize - maxpoolptr ) ;
  print ( 947 ) ;
  println () ;
  getxnext () ;
zdispvar ( halfword p ) 
zdispvar ( p ) 
  halfword p ;
  halfword q  ;
  integer n  ;
  if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 == 21 ) 
    q = mem [p + 1 ].hhfield .lhfield ;
    do {
	dispvar ( q ) ;
      q = mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    } while ( ! ( q == 17 ) ) ;
    q = mem [p + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    while ( mem [q ].hhfield .b1 == 3 ) {
      dispvar ( q ) ;
      q = mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  else if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 >= 22 ) 
    printnl ( 283 ) ;
    printvariablename ( p ) ;
    if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 > 22 ) 
    print ( 661 ) ;
    print ( 949 ) ;
    if ( fileoffset >= maxprintline - 20 ) 
    n = 5 ;
    else n = maxprintline - fileoffset - 15 ;
    showmacro ( mem [p + 1 ].cint , 0 , n ) ;
  else if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 != 0 ) 
    printnl ( 283 ) ;
    printvariablename ( p ) ;
    printchar ( 61 ) ;
    printexp ( p , 0 ) ;
doshowvar ( void ) 
doshowvar ( ) 
  /* 30 */ do {
      getnext () ;
    if ( cursym > 0 ) 
    if ( cursym <= 9769 ) 
    if ( curcmd == 41 ) 
    if ( curmod != 0 ) 
      dispvar ( curmod ) ;
      goto lab30 ;
    disptoken () ;
    lab30: getxnext () ;
  } while ( ! ( curcmd != 82 ) ) ;
doshowdependencies ( void ) 
doshowdependencies ( ) 
  halfword p  ;
  p = mem [13 ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  while ( p != 13 ) {
    if ( interesting ( p ) ) 
      printnl ( 283 ) ;
      printvariablename ( p ) ;
      if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 == 17 ) 
      printchar ( 61 ) ;
      else print ( 764 ) ;
      printdependency ( mem [p + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH , mem [p ].hhfield .b0 
      ) ;
    p = mem [p + 1 ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    while ( mem [p ].hhfield .lhfield != 0 ) p = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
    p = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
  getxnext () ;
doshowwhatever ( void ) 
doshowwhatever ( ) 
  if ( interaction == 3 ) 
  switch ( curmod ) 
  {case 0 : 
    doshowtoken () ;
    break ;
  case 1 : 
    doshowstats () ;
    break ;
  case 2 : 
    doshow () ;
    break ;
  case 3 : 
    doshowvar () ;
    break ;
  case 4 : 
    doshowdependencies () ;
    break ;
  if ( internal [32 ]> 0 ) 
      if ( interaction == 3 ) 
      printnl ( 261 ) ;
      print ( 950 ) ;
    if ( interaction < 3 ) 
      helpptr = 0 ;
      decr ( errorcount ) ;
    else {
      helpptr = 1 ;
      helpline [0 ]= 951 ;
    if ( curcmd == 83 ) 
    error () ;
    else putgeterror () ;
scanwith ( void ) 
scanwith ( ) 
  register boolean Result; smallnumber t  ;
  boolean result  ;
  t = curmod ;
  curtype = 1 ;
  getxnext () ;
  scanexpression () ;
  result = false ;
  if ( curtype != t ) 
    disperr ( 0 , 959 ) ;
      helpptr = 2 ;
      helpline [1 ]= 960 ;
      helpline [0 ]= 961 ;
    if ( t == 6 ) 
    helpline [1 ]= 962 ;
    putgetflusherror ( 0 ) ;
  else if ( curtype == 6 ) 
  result = true ;
  else {
    curexp = roundunscaled ( curexp ) ;
    if ( ( abs ( curexp ) < 4 ) && ( curexp != 0 ) ) 
    result = true ;
    else {
	if ( interaction == 3 ) 
	printnl ( 261 ) ;
	print ( 963 ) ;
	helpptr = 1 ;
	helpline [0 ]= 961 ;
      putgetflusherror ( 0 ) ;
  Result = result ;
  return Result ;
zfindedgesvar ( halfword t ) 
zfindedgesvar ( t ) 
  halfword t ;
  halfword p  ;
  p = findvariable ( t ) ;
  curedges = 0 ;
  if ( p == 0 ) 
    obliterated ( t ) ;
    putgeterror () ;
  else if ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 != 11 ) 
      if ( interaction == 3 ) 
      printnl ( 261 ) ;
      print ( 786 ) ;
    showtokenlist ( t , 0 , 1000 , 0 ) ;
    print ( 964 ) ;
    printtype ( mem [p ].hhfield .b0 ) ;
    printchar ( 41 ) ;
      helpptr = 2 ;
      helpline [1 ]= 965 ;
      helpline [0 ]= 966 ;
    putgeterror () ;
  else curedges = mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
  flushnodelist ( t ) ;
doaddto ( void ) 
doaddto ( ) 
  /* 30 45 */ halfword lhs, rhs  ;
  integer w  ;
  halfword p  ;
  halfword q  ;
  char addtotype  ;
  getxnext () ;
  varflag = 68 ;
  scanprimary () ;
  if ( curtype != 20 ) 
    disperr ( 0 , 967 ) ;
      helpptr = 4 ;
      helpline [3 ]= 968 ;
      helpline [2 ]= 969 ;
      helpline [1 ]= 970 ;
      helpline [0 ]= 966 ;
    putgetflusherror ( 0 ) ;
  else {
    lhs = curexp ;
    addtotype = curmod ;
    curtype = 1 ;
    getxnext () ;
    scanexpression () ;
    if ( addtotype == 2 ) 
      findedgesvar ( lhs ) ;
      if ( curedges == 0 ) 
      flushcurexp ( 0 ) ;
      else if ( curtype != 11 ) 
	disperr ( 0 , 971 ) ;
	  helpptr = 2 ;
	  helpline [1 ]= 972 ;
	  helpline [0 ]= 966 ;
	putgetflusherror ( 0 ) ;
      else {
	mergeedges ( curexp ) ;
	flushcurexp ( 0 ) ;
    else {
      if ( curtype == 14 ) 
      pairtopath () ;
      if ( curtype != 9 ) 
	disperr ( 0 , 971 ) ;
	  helpptr = 2 ;
	  helpline [1 ]= 973 ;
	  helpline [0 ]= 966 ;
	putgetflusherror ( 0 ) ;
	flushtokenlist ( lhs ) ;
      else {
	rhs = curexp ;
	w = 1 ;
	curpen = 3 ;
	while ( curcmd == 66 ) if ( scanwith () ) 
	if ( curtype == 16 ) 
	w = curexp ;
	else {
	  if ( mem [curpen ].hhfield .lhfield == 0 ) 
	  tosspen ( curpen ) ;
	  else decr ( mem [curpen ].hhfield .lhfield ) ;
	  curpen = curexp ;
	findedgesvar ( lhs ) ;
	if ( curedges == 0 ) 
	tossknotlist ( rhs ) ;
	else {
	  lhs = 0 ;
	  curpathtype = addtotype ;
	  if ( mem [rhs ].hhfield .b0 == 0 ) 
	  if ( curpathtype == 0 ) 
	  if ( mem [rhs ].hhfield .v.RH == rhs ) 
	    mem [rhs + 5 ].cint = mem [rhs + 1 ].cint ;
	    mem [rhs + 6 ].cint = mem [rhs + 2 ].cint ;
	    mem [rhs + 3 ].cint = mem [rhs + 1 ].cint ;
	    mem [rhs + 4 ].cint = mem [rhs + 2 ].cint ;
	    mem [rhs ].hhfield .b0 = 1 ;
	    mem [rhs ].hhfield .b1 = 1 ;
	  else {
	    p = htapypoc ( rhs ) ;
	    q = mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH ;
	    mem [pathtail + 5 ].cint = mem [q + 5 ].cint ;
	    mem [pathtail + 6 ].cint = mem [q + 6 ].cint ;
	    mem [pathtail ].hhfield .b1 = mem [q ].hhfield .b1 ;
	    mem [pathtail ].hhfield .v.RH = mem [q ].hhfield .v.RH ;
	    freenode ( q , 7 ) ;
	    mem [p + 5 ].cint = mem [rhs + 5 ].cint ;
	    mem [p + 6 ].cint = mem [rhs + 6 ].cint ;
	    mem [p ].hhfield .b1 = mem [rhs ].hhfield .b1 ;
	    mem [p ].hhfield .v.RH = mem [rhs ].hhfield .v.RH ;
	    freenode ( rhs , 7 ) ;
	    rhs = p ;
	  else {
	      if ( interaction == 3 ) 
	      printnl ( 261 ) ;
	      print ( 974 ) ;
	      helpptr = 2 ;
	      helpline [1 ]= 975 ;
	      helpline [0 ]= 966 ;
	    putgeterror () ;
	    tossknotlist ( rhs ) ;
	    goto lab45 ;
	  else if ( curpathtype == 0 ) 
	  lhs = htapypoc ( rhs ) ;
	  curwt = w ;
	  rhs = makespec ( rhs , mem [curpen + 9 ].cint , internal [5 ]) ;
	  if ( turningnumber <= 0 ) 
	  if ( curpathtype != 0 ) 
	  if ( internal [39 ]> 0 ) 
	  if ( ( turningnumber < 0 ) && ( mem [curpen ].hhfield .v.RH == 0 ) 
	  curwt = - (integer) curwt ;
	  else {
	    if ( turningnumber == 0 ) 
	    if ( ( internal [39 ]<= 65536L ) && ( mem [curpen ].hhfield 
	    .v.RH == 0 ) ) 
	    goto lab30 ;
	    else printstrange ( 976 ) ;
	    else printstrange ( 977 ) ;
	      helpptr = 3 ;
	      helpline [2 ]= 978 ;
	      helpline [1 ]= 979 ;
	      helpline [0 ]= 980 ;
	    putgeterror () ;
	  lab30: ;
	  if ( mem [curpen + 9 ].cint == 0 ) 
	  fillspec ( rhs ) ;
	  else fillenvelope ( rhs ) ;
	  if ( lhs != 0 ) 
	    revturns = true ;
	    lhs = makespec ( lhs , mem [curpen + 9 ].cint , internal [5 ]) 
	    revturns = false ;
	    if ( mem [curpen + 9 ].cint == 0 ) 
	    fillspec ( lhs ) ;
	    else fillenvelope ( lhs ) ;
	  lab45: ;
	if ( mem [curpen ].hhfield .lhfield == 0 ) 
	tosspen ( curpen ) ;
	else decr ( mem [curpen ].hhfield .lhfield ) ;
ztfmcheck ( smallnumber m ) 
ztfmcheck ( m ) 
  smallnumber m ;
  register scaled Result; if ( abs ( internal [m ]) >= 134217728L ) 
      if ( interaction == 3 ) 
      printnl ( 261 ) ;
      print ( 997 ) ;
    print ( intname [m ]) ;
    print ( 998 ) ;
      helpptr = 1 ;
      helpline [0 ]= 999 ;
    putgeterror () ;
    if ( internal [m ]> 0 ) 
    Result = 134217727L ;
    else Result = -134217727L ;
  else Result = internal [m ];
  return Result ;
doshipout ( void ) 
doshipout ( ) 
  /* 10 */ integer c  ;
  getxnext () ;
  varflag = 83 ;
  scanexpression () ;
  if ( curtype != 20 ) 
  if ( curtype == 11 ) 
  curedges = curexp ;
  else {
      disperr ( 0 , 967 ) ;
	helpptr = 4 ;
	helpline [3 ]= 968 ;
	helpline [2 ]= 969 ;
	helpline [1 ]= 970 ;
	helpline [0 ]= 966 ;
      putgetflusherror ( 0 ) ;
    goto lab10 ;
  else {
    findedgesvar ( curexp ) ;
    curtype = 1 ;
  if ( curedges != 0 ) 
    c = roundunscaled ( internal [18 ]) % 256 ;
    if ( c < 0 ) 
    c = c + 256 ;
    if ( c < bc ) 
    bc = c ;
    if ( c > ec ) 
    ec = c ;
    charexists [c ]= true ;
    gfdx [c ]= internal [24 ];
    gfdy [c ]= internal [25 ];
    tfmwidth [c ]= tfmcheck ( 20 ) ;
    tfmheight [c ]= tfmcheck ( 21 ) ;
    tfmdepth [c ]= tfmcheck ( 22 ) ;
    tfmitalcorr [c ]= tfmcheck ( 23 ) ;
    if ( internal [34 ]>= 0 ) 
    shipout ( c ) ;
  flushcurexp ( 0 ) ;
  lab10: ;
dodisplay ( void ) 
dodisplay ( ) 
  /* 45 50 10 */ halfword e  ;
  getxnext () ;
  varflag = 73 ;
  scanprimary () ;
  if ( curtype != 20 ) 
    disperr ( 0 , 967 ) ;
      helpptr = 4 ;
      helpline [3 ]= 968 ;
      helpline [2 ]= 969 ;
      helpline [1 ]= 970 ;
      helpline [0 ]= 966 ;
    putgetflusherror ( 0 ) ;
  else {
    e = curexp ;
    curtype = 1 ;
    getxnext () ;
    scanexpression () ;
    if ( curtype != 16 ) 
    goto lab50 ;
    curexp = roundunscaled ( curexp ) ;
    if ( curexp < 0 ) 
    goto lab45 ;
    if ( curexp > 15 ) 
    goto lab45 ;
    if ( ! windowopen [curexp ]) 
    goto lab45 ;
    findedgesvar ( e ) ;
    if ( curedges != 0 ) 
    dispedges ( curexp ) ;
    goto lab10 ;
    lab45: curexp = curexp * 65536L ;
    lab50: disperr ( 0 , 981 ) ;
      helpptr = 1 ;
      helpline [0 ]= 982 ;
    putgetflusherror ( 0 ) ;
    flushtokenlist ( e ) ;
  lab10: ;
zgetpair ( commandcode c ) 
zgetpair ( c ) 
  commandcode c ;
  register boolean Result; halfword p  ;
  boolean b  ;
  if ( curcmd != c ) 
  Result = false ;
  else {
    getxnext () ;
    scanexpression () ;
    if ( nicepair ( curexp , curtype ) ) 
      p = mem [curexp + 1 ].cint ;
      curx = mem [p + 1 ].cint ;
      cury = mem [p + 3 ].cint ;
      b = true ;
    else b = false ;
    flushcurexp ( 0 ) ;
    Result = b ;
  return Result ;
doopenwindow ( void ) 
doopenwindow ( ) 
  /* 45 10 */ integer k  ;
  scaled r0, c0, r1, c1  ;
  getxnext () ;
  scanexpression () ;
  if ( curtype != 16 ) 
  goto lab45 ;
  k = roundunscaled ( curexp ) ;
  if ( k < 0 ) 
  goto lab45 ;
  if ( k > 15 ) 
  goto lab45 ;
  if ( ! getpair ( 70 ) ) 
  goto lab45 ;
  r0 = curx ;
  c0 = cury ;
  if ( ! getpair ( 71 ) ) 
  goto lab45 ;
  r1 = curx ;
  c1 = cury ;
  if ( ! getpair ( 72 ) ) 
  goto lab45 ;
  openawindow ( k , r0 , c0 , r1 , c1 , curx , cury ) ;
  goto lab10 ;
  lab45: {
    if ( interaction == 3 ) 
    printnl ( 261 ) ;
    print ( 983 ) ;
    helpptr = 2 ;
    helpline [1 ]= 984 ;
    helpline [0 ]= 985 ;
  putgeterror () ;
  lab10: ;
docull ( void ) 
docull ( ) 
  /* 45 10 */ halfword e  ;
  char keeping  ;
  integer w, win, wout  ;
  w = 1 ;
  getxnext () ;
  varflag = 67 ;
  scanprimary () ;
  if ( curtype != 20 ) 
    disperr ( 0 , 967 ) ;
      helpptr = 4 ;
      helpline [3 ]= 968 ;
      helpline [2 ]= 969 ;
      helpline [1 ]= 970 ;
      helpline [0 ]= 966 ;
    putgetflusherror ( 0 ) ;
  else {
    e = curexp ;
    curtype = 1 ;
    keeping = curmod ;
    if ( ! getpair ( 67 ) ) 
    goto lab45 ;
    while ( ( curcmd == 66 ) && ( curmod == 16 ) ) if ( scanwith () ) 
    w = curexp ;
    if ( curx > cury ) 
    goto lab45 ;
    if ( keeping == 0 ) 
      if ( ( curx > 0 ) || ( cury < 0 ) ) 
      goto lab45 ;
      wout = w ;
      win = 0 ;
    else {
      if ( ( curx <= 0 ) && ( cury >= 0 ) ) 
      goto lab45 ;
      wout = 0 ;
      win = w ;
    findedgesvar ( e ) ;
    if ( curedges != 0 ) 
    culledges ( floorunscaled ( curx + 65535L ) , floorunscaled ( cury ) , 
    wout , win ) ;
    goto lab10 ;
    lab45: {
      if ( interaction == 3 ) 
      printnl ( 261 ) ;
      print ( 986 ) ;
      helpptr = 1 ;
      helpline [0 ]= 987 ;
    putgeterror () ;
    flushtokenlist ( e ) ;
  lab10: ;

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