Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/steve/root/sys/src/cmd/tex/web2c/misc/dvicopy.c

Copyright © 2021 Plan 9 Foundation.
Distributed under the MIT License.
Download the Plan 9 distribution.

#define DVICOPY
#include "cpascal.h"
/* 9999 */ 
#define maxfonts ( 300 ) 
#define maxchars ( 750000L ) 
#define maxwidths ( 10000 ) 
#define maxpackets ( 20000 ) 
#define maxbytes ( 100000L ) 
#define maxrecursion ( 10 ) 
#define stacksize ( 100 ) 
#define terminallinelength ( 256 ) 
typedef integer int31  ;
typedef integer int24u  ;
typedef integer int24  ;
typedef integer int23  ;
typedef unsigned short int16u  ;
typedef short int16  ;
typedef short int15  ;
typedef unsigned char int8u  ;
typedef schar int8  ;
typedef char int7  ;
typedef unsigned char ASCIIcode  ;
typedef text /* of  ASCIIcode */ textfile  ;
typedef schar signedbyte  ;
typedef unsigned char eightbits  ;
typedef short signedpair  ;
typedef unsigned short sixteenbits  ;
typedef integer signedtrio  ;
typedef integer twentyfourbits  ;
typedef integer signedquad  ;
typedef text /* of  eightbits */ bytefile  ;
typedef eightbits packedbyte  ;
typedef integer bytepointer  ;
typedef integer pcktpointer  ;
typedef short hashcode  ;
typedef integer widthpointer  ;
typedef integer charoffset  ;
typedef integer charpointer  ;
typedef char ftype  ;
typedef integer fontnumber  ;
typedef char typeflag  ;
typedef char cmdpar  ;
typedef char cmdcl  ;
typedef boolean vfstate [2][2] ;
typedef char vftype  ;
typedef integer stackpointer  ;
typedef integer stackindex  ;
typedef integer pair32 [2] ;
typedef struct {
    integer hfield ;
  integer vfield ;
  pair32 wxfield ;
  pair32 yzfield ;
} stackrecord  ;
typedef integer recurpointer  ;
ASCIIcode xord[256]  ;
ASCIIcode xchr[256]  ;
char history  ;
packedbyte bytemem[maxbytes + 1]  ;
bytepointer pcktstart[maxpackets + 1]  ;
bytepointer byteptr  ;
pcktpointer pcktptr  ;
pcktpointer plink[maxpackets + 1]  ;
pcktpointer phash[354]  ;
pcktpointer strfonts, strchars, strwidths, strpackets, strbytes, strrecursion, 
strstack, strnamelength  ;
pcktpointer curpckt  ;
bytepointer curloc  ;
bytepointer curlimit  ;
char * curname  ;
int15 lcurname  ;
integer widths[maxwidths + 1]  ;
widthpointer wlink[maxwidths + 1]  ;
widthpointer whash[354]  ;
widthpointer nwidths  ;
widthpointer charwidths[maxchars + 1]  ;
pcktpointer charpackets[maxchars + 1]  ;
charpointer nchars  ;
fontnumber nf  ;
integer fntcheck[maxfonts + 1]  ;
int31 fntscaled[maxfonts + 1]  ;
int31 fntdesign[maxfonts + 1]  ;
pcktpointer fntname[maxfonts + 1]  ;
eightbits fntbc[maxfonts + 1]  ;
eightbits fntec[maxfonts + 1]  ;
charoffset fntchars[maxfonts + 1]  ;
ftype fnttype[maxfonts + 1]  ;
fontnumber fntfont[maxfonts + 1]  ;
fontnumber curfnt  ;
int24 curext  ;
int8u curres  ;
typeflag curtype  ;
int24 pcktext  ;
int8u pcktres  ;
boolean pcktdup  ;
pcktpointer pcktprev  ;
int7 pcktmmsg, pcktsmsg, pcktdmsg  ;
bytefile tfmfile  ;
pcktpointer tfmext  ;
eightbits tfmb0, tfmb1, tfmb2, tfmb3  ;
real tfmconv  ;
bytefile dvifile  ;
integer dviloc  ;
char * fullname  ;
cmdpar dvipar[256]  ;
cmdcl dvicl[256]  ;
eightbits dvicharcmd[2]  ;
eightbits dvirulecmd[2]  ;
#define dvirightcmd (zzzaa -7)
  zzzaa[3]  ;
#define dvidowncmd (zzzab -12)
  zzzab[3]  ;
eightbits curcmd  ;
integer curparm  ;
cmdcl curclass  ;
charpointer curcp  ;
widthpointer curwp  ;
boolean curupd  ;
integer curvdimen  ;
integer curhdimen  ;
integer dviefnts[maxfonts + 1]  ;
fontnumber dviifnts[maxfonts + 1]  ;
fontnumber dvinf  ;
bytefile vffile  ;
integer vfloc  ;
integer vflimit  ;
pcktpointer vfext  ;
fontnumber vfcurfnt  ;
integer z  ;
integer alpha  ;
int15 beta  ;
integer vfefnts[maxfonts + 1]  ;
fontnumber vfifnts[maxfonts + 1]  ;
fontnumber vfnf  ;
fontnumber lclnf  ;
vfstate vfmove[stacksize + 1]  ;
bytepointer vfpushloc[stacksize + 1]  ;
bytepointer vflastloc[stacksize + 1]  ;
bytepointer vflastend[stacksize + 1]  ;
eightbits vfpushnum[stacksize + 1]  ;
vftype vflast[stacksize + 1]  ;
stackpointer vfptr  ;
stackpointer stackused  ;
vftype vfchartype[2]  ;
vftype vfruletype[2]  ;
integer widthdimen  ;
int16 nopt  ;
int16 kopt  ;
bytepointer scanptr  ;
ASCIIcode sepchar  ;
boolean typesetting  ;
integer selectcount[10][10]  ;
boolean selectthere[10][10]  ;
char selectvals[10]  ;
integer selectmax[10]  ;
integer outmag  ;
integer count[10]  ;
char numselect  ;
char curselect  ;
boolean selected  ;
boolean alldone  ;
pcktpointer strmag, strselect  ;
stackrecord stack[stacksize + 1]  ;
stackrecord curstack  ;
stackrecord zerostack  ;
stackpointer stackptr  ;
fontnumber recurfnt[maxrecursion + 1]  ;
int24 recurext[maxrecursion + 1]  ;
eightbits recurres[maxrecursion + 1]  ;
pcktpointer recurpckt[maxrecursion + 1]  ;
bytepointer recurloc[maxrecursion + 1]  ;
recurpointer nrecur  ;
recurpointer recurused  ;
int31 dvinum  ;
int31 dviden  ;
int31 dvimag  ;
bytefile outfile  ;
integer outloc  ;
integer outback  ;
int31 outmaxv  ;
int31 outmaxh  ;
int16u outstack  ;
int16u outpages  ;
fontnumber outfnts[maxfonts + 1]  ;
fontnumber outnf  ;
fontnumber outfnt  ;
text termout  ;

#include "dvicopy.h"
zprintpacket ( pcktpointer p ) 
zprintpacket ( p ) 
  pcktpointer p ;
  bytepointer k  ;
  {register integer for_end; k = pcktstart [p ];for_end = pcktstart [p + 
  1 ]- 1 ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
    putc ( xchr [bytemem [k ]],  termout );
  while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
zprintfont ( fontnumber f ) 
zprintfont ( f ) 
  fontnumber f ;
  pcktpointer p  ;
  bytepointer k  ;
  int31 m  ;
  Fputs( termout ,  " = " ) ;
  p = fntname [f ];
  {register integer for_end; k = pcktstart [p ]+ 1 ;for_end = pcktstart [
  p + 1 ]- 1 ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
    putc ( xchr [bytemem [k ]],  termout );
  while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
  m = round ( ( fntscaled [f ]/ ((double) fntdesign [f ]) ) * outmag ) ;
  if ( m != 1000 ) 
  fprintf( termout , "%s%ld",  " scaled " , (long)m ) ;
printoptions ( void ) 
printoptions ( ) 
  fprintf( termout , "%s\n",  "Valid options are:" ) ;
  fprintf( termout , "%s%ld%s\n",  "  mag" , (long)sepchar , "<new_mag>" ) ;
  fprintf( termout , "%s%ld%s%ld%s%ld%s\n",  "  select" , (long)sepchar , "<start_count>" , (long)sepchar ,   "[<max_pages>]  (up to " , (long)10 , " ranges)" ) ;
jumpout ( void ) 
jumpout ( ) 
  history = 3 ;
  closefilesandterminate () ;
  uexit ( 1 ) ;
zconfusion ( pcktpointer p ) 
zconfusion ( p ) 
  pcktpointer p ;
  Fputs( termout ,  " !This can't happen (" ) ;
  printpacket ( p ) ;
  fprintf( termout , "%s\n",  ")." ) ;
  jumpout () ;
zoverflow ( pcktpointer p , int16u n ) 
zoverflow ( p , n ) 
  pcktpointer p ;
  int16u n ;
  fprintf( termout , "%s%s%s",  " !Sorry, " , "DVIcopy" , " capacity exceeded [" ) ;
  printpacket ( p ) ;
  fprintf( termout , "%c%ld%s\n",  '=' , (long)n , "]." ) ;
  jumpout () ;
badtfm ( void ) 
badtfm ( ) 
  Fputs( termout ,  "Bad TFM file" ) ;
  printfont ( curfnt ) ;
  fprintf( termout , "%c\n",  '!' ) ;
    fprintf( stderr , "%c%s%c\n",  ' ' ,     "Use TFtoPL/PLtoTF to diagnose and correct the problem" , '.' ) ;
    jumpout () ;
badfont ( void ) 
badfont ( ) 
  putc ('\n',  termout );
  switch ( fnttype [curfnt ]) 
  {case 0 : 
    confusion ( strfonts ) ;
    break ;
  case 1 : 
    badtfm () ;
    break ;
  case 2 : 
      Fputs( termout ,  "Bad VF file" ) ;
      printfont ( curfnt ) ;
      fprintf( termout , "%s%ld\n",  " loc=" , (long)vfloc ) ;
	fprintf( stderr , "%c%s%c\n",  ' ' ,         "Use VFtoVP/VPtoVF to diagnose and correct the problem" , '.' ) ;
	jumpout () ;
    break ;
baddvi ( void ) 
baddvi ( ) 
  putc ('\n',  termout );
  fprintf( termout , "%s%ld%c\n",  "Bad DVI file: loc=" , (long)dviloc , '!' ) ;
  Fputs( termout ,  " Use DVItype with output level" ) ;
  if ( true ) 
  Fputs( termout ,  "=4" ) ;
  Fputs( termout ,  "<4" ) ;
    fprintf( stderr , "%c%s%c\n",  ' ' , "to diagnose the problem" , '.' ) ;
    jumpout () ;
parsearguments ( void ) 
parsearguments ( ) 
#define noptions ( 5 ) 
  getoptstruct longoptions[noptions + 1]  ;
  integer getoptreturnval  ;
  cinttype optionindex  ;
  integer currentoption  ;
  cinttype k, m  ;
  char * endnum  ;
  currentoption = 0 ;
  longoptions [0 ].name = "help" ;
  longoptions [0 ].hasarg = 0 ;
  longoptions [0 ].flag = 0 ;
  longoptions [0 ].val = 0 ;
  currentoption = currentoption + 1 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].name = "version" ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].hasarg = 0 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].flag = 0 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].val = 0 ;
  currentoption = currentoption + 1 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].name = "magnification" ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].hasarg = 1 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].flag = 0 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].val = 0 ;
  currentoption = currentoption + 1 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].name = "max-pages" ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].hasarg = 1 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].flag = 0 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].val = 0 ;
  currentoption = currentoption + 1 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].name = "page-start" ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].hasarg = 1 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].flag = 0 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].val = 0 ;
  currentoption = currentoption + 1 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].name = 0 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].hasarg = 0 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].flag = 0 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].val = 0 ;
  outmag = 0 ;
  curselect = 0 ;
  selectmax [curselect ]= 0 ;
  selected = true ;
  do {
      getoptreturnval = getoptlongonly ( argc , argv , "" , longoptions , 
    addressof ( optionindex ) ) ;
    if ( getoptreturnval == -1 ) 
    else if ( getoptreturnval == 63 ) 
      usage ( 1 , "dvicopy" ) ;
    else if ( ( strcmp ( longoptions [optionindex ].name , "help" ) == 0 ) ) 
      usage ( 0 , DVICOPYHELP ) ;
    else if ( ( strcmp ( longoptions [optionindex ].name , "version" ) == 0 
    ) ) 
      printversionandexit ( "This is DVIcopy, Version 1.5" , 
      "Peter Breitenlohner" , nil ) ;
    else if ( ( strcmp ( longoptions [optionindex ].name , "magnification" ) 
    == 0 ) ) 
      outmag = atou ( optarg ) ;
    else if ( ( strcmp ( longoptions [optionindex ].name , "max-pages" ) == 
    0 ) ) 
      selectmax [curselect ]= atou ( optarg ) ;
    else if ( ( strcmp ( longoptions [optionindex ].name , "page-start" ) == 
    0 ) ) 
      k = 0 ;
      m = 0 ;
      while ( optarg [m ]) {
	if ( optarg [m ]== 42 ) 
	  selectthere [curselect ][k ]= false ;
	  m = m + 1 ;
	else if ( optarg [m ]== 46 ) 
	  k = k + 1 ;
	  if ( k >= 10 ) 
	    fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",              "dvicopy: More than ten count registers specified." ) ;
	    uexit ( 1 ) ;
	  m = m + 1 ;
	else {
	  selectcount [curselect ][k ]= strtol ( optarg + m , addressof ( 
	  endnum ) , 10 ) ;
	  if ( endnum == optarg + m ) 
	    fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",              "dvicopy: -page-start values must be numeric or *." ) ;
	    uexit ( 1 ) ;
	  selectthere [curselect ][k ]= true ;
	  m = m + endnum - ( optarg + m ) ;
      selectvals [curselect ]= k ;
  } while ( ! ( getoptreturnval == -1 ) ) ;
  if ( optind == argc ) 
    dvifile = makebinaryfile ( stdin ) ;
    outfile = makebinaryfile ( stdout ) ;
    termout = stderr ;
  else if ( optind + 1 == argc ) 
    resetbin ( dvifile , extendfilename ( cmdline ( optind ) , "dvi" ) ) ;
    outfile = makebinaryfile ( stdout ) ;
    termout = stderr ;
  else if ( optind + 2 == argc ) 
    resetbin ( dvifile , extendfilename ( cmdline ( optind ) , "dvi" ) ) ;
    rewritebin ( outfile , extendfilename ( cmdline ( optind + 1 ) , "dvi" ) ) 
    termout = stdout ;
  else {
    fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "dvicopy: Need at most two file arguments." ) ;
    usage ( 1 , "dvicopy" ) ;
initialize ( void ) 
initialize ( ) 
  int16 i  ;
  hashcode h  ;
  kpsesetprogname ( argv [0 ]) ;
  parsearguments () ;
  Fputs( termout ,  "This is DVIcopy, Version 1.5" ) ;
  fprintf( termout , "%s\n",  versionstring ) ;
  fprintf( termout , "%s\n",  "Copyright (C) 1990,95 Peter Breitenlohner" ) ;
  fprintf( termout , "%s\n",  "Distributed under terms of GNU General Public License"   ) ;
  {register integer for_end; i = 0 ;for_end = 31 ; if ( i <= for_end) do 
    xchr [i ]= '?' ;
  while ( i++ < for_end ) ;} 
  xchr [32 ]= ' ' ;
  xchr [33 ]= '!' ;
  xchr [34 ]= '"' ;
  xchr [35 ]= '#' ;
  xchr [36 ]= '$' ;
  xchr [37 ]= '%' ;
  xchr [38 ]= '&' ;
  xchr [39 ]= '\'' ;
  xchr [40 ]= '(' ;
  xchr [41 ]= ')' ;
  xchr [42 ]= '*' ;
  xchr [43 ]= '+' ;
  xchr [44 ]= ',' ;
  xchr [45 ]= '-' ;
  xchr [46 ]= '.' ;
  xchr [47 ]= '/' ;
  xchr [48 ]= '0' ;
  xchr [49 ]= '1' ;
  xchr [50 ]= '2' ;
  xchr [51 ]= '3' ;
  xchr [52 ]= '4' ;
  xchr [53 ]= '5' ;
  xchr [54 ]= '6' ;
  xchr [55 ]= '7' ;
  xchr [56 ]= '8' ;
  xchr [57 ]= '9' ;
  xchr [58 ]= ':' ;
  xchr [59 ]= ';' ;
  xchr [60 ]= '<' ;
  xchr [61 ]= '=' ;
  xchr [62 ]= '>' ;
  xchr [63 ]= '?' ;
  xchr [64 ]= '@' ;
  xchr [65 ]= 'A' ;
  xchr [66 ]= 'B' ;
  xchr [67 ]= 'C' ;
  xchr [68 ]= 'D' ;
  xchr [69 ]= 'E' ;
  xchr [70 ]= 'F' ;
  xchr [71 ]= 'G' ;
  xchr [72 ]= 'H' ;
  xchr [73 ]= 'I' ;
  xchr [74 ]= 'J' ;
  xchr [75 ]= 'K' ;
  xchr [76 ]= 'L' ;
  xchr [77 ]= 'M' ;
  xchr [78 ]= 'N' ;
  xchr [79 ]= 'O' ;
  xchr [80 ]= 'P' ;
  xchr [81 ]= 'Q' ;
  xchr [82 ]= 'R' ;
  xchr [83 ]= 'S' ;
  xchr [84 ]= 'T' ;
  xchr [85 ]= 'U' ;
  xchr [86 ]= 'V' ;
  xchr [87 ]= 'W' ;
  xchr [88 ]= 'X' ;
  xchr [89 ]= 'Y' ;
  xchr [90 ]= 'Z' ;
  xchr [91 ]= '[' ;
  xchr [92 ]= '\\' ;
  xchr [93 ]= ']' ;
  xchr [94 ]= '^' ;
  xchr [95 ]= '_' ;
  xchr [96 ]= '`' ;
  xchr [97 ]= 'a' ;
  xchr [98 ]= 'b' ;
  xchr [99 ]= 'c' ;
  xchr [100 ]= 'd' ;
  xchr [101 ]= 'e' ;
  xchr [102 ]= 'f' ;
  xchr [103 ]= 'g' ;
  xchr [104 ]= 'h' ;
  xchr [105 ]= 'i' ;
  xchr [106 ]= 'j' ;
  xchr [107 ]= 'k' ;
  xchr [108 ]= 'l' ;
  xchr [109 ]= 'm' ;
  xchr [110 ]= 'n' ;
  xchr [111 ]= 'o' ;
  xchr [112 ]= 'p' ;
  xchr [113 ]= 'q' ;
  xchr [114 ]= 'r' ;
  xchr [115 ]= 's' ;
  xchr [116 ]= 't' ;
  xchr [117 ]= 'u' ;
  xchr [118 ]= 'v' ;
  xchr [119 ]= 'w' ;
  xchr [120 ]= 'x' ;
  xchr [121 ]= 'y' ;
  xchr [122 ]= 'z' ;
  xchr [123 ]= '{' ;
  xchr [124 ]= '|' ;
  xchr [125 ]= '}' ;
  xchr [126 ]= '~' ;
  {register integer for_end; i = 127 ;for_end = 255 ; if ( i <= for_end) do 
    xchr [i ]= '?' ;
  while ( i++ < for_end ) ;} 
  {register integer for_end; i = 0 ;for_end = 255 ; if ( i <= for_end) do 
    xord [chr ( i ) ]= 32 ;
  while ( i++ < for_end ) ;} 
  {register integer for_end; i = 32 ;for_end = 126 ; if ( i <= for_end) do 
    xord [xchr [i ]]= i ;
  while ( i++ < for_end ) ;} 
  history = 0 ;
  pcktptr = 1 ;
  byteptr = 1 ;
  pcktstart [0 ]= 1 ;
  pcktstart [1 ]= 1 ;
  {register integer for_end; h = 0 ;for_end = 352 ; if ( h <= for_end) do 
    phash [h ]= 0 ;
  while ( h++ < for_end ) ;} 
  whash [0 ]= 1 ;
  wlink [1 ]= 0 ;
  widths [0 ]= 0 ;
  widths [1 ]= 0 ;
  nwidths = 2 ;
  {register integer for_end; h = 1 ;for_end = 352 ; if ( h <= for_end) do 
    whash [h ]= 0 ;
  while ( h++ < for_end ) ;} 
  nchars = 0 ;
  nf = 0 ;
  curfnt = maxfonts ;
  pcktmmsg = 0 ;
  pcktsmsg = 0 ;
  pcktdmsg = 0 ;
  {register integer for_end; i = 0 ;for_end = 136 ; if ( i <= for_end) do 
    dvipar [i ]= 0 ;
  while ( i++ < for_end ) ;} 
  {register integer for_end; i = 138 ;for_end = 255 ; if ( i <= for_end) do 
    dvipar [i ]= 1 ;
  while ( i++ < for_end ) ;} 
  dvipar [132 ]= 11 ;
  dvipar [137 ]= 11 ;
  dvipar [143 ]= 2 ;
  dvipar [144 ]= 4 ;
  dvipar [145 ]= 6 ;
  dvipar [146 ]= 8 ;
  {register integer for_end; i = 171 ;for_end = 234 ; if ( i <= for_end) do 
    dvipar [i ]= 12 ;
  while ( i++ < for_end ) ;} 
  dvipar [235 ]= 3 ;
  dvipar [236 ]= 5 ;
  dvipar [237 ]= 7 ;
  dvipar [238 ]= 9 ;
  dvipar [239 ]= 3 ;
  dvipar [240 ]= 5 ;
  dvipar [241 ]= 7 ;
  dvipar [242 ]= 10 ;
  {register integer for_end; i = 0 ;for_end = 3 ; if ( i <= for_end) do 
      dvipar [i + 148 ]= dvipar [i + 143 ];
      dvipar [i + 153 ]= dvipar [i + 143 ];
      dvipar [i + 157 ]= dvipar [i + 143 ];
      dvipar [i + 162 ]= dvipar [i + 143 ];
      dvipar [i + 167 ]= dvipar [i + 143 ];
      dvipar [i + 243 ]= dvipar [i + 235 ];
  while ( i++ < for_end ) ;} 
  {register integer for_end; i = 0 ;for_end = 136 ; if ( i <= for_end) do 
    dvicl [i ]= 0 ;
  while ( i++ < for_end ) ;} 
  dvicl [132 ]= 1 ;
  dvicl [137 ]= 1 ;
  dvicl [138 ]= 17 ;
  dvicl [139 ]= 17 ;
  dvicl [140 ]= 17 ;
  dvicl [141 ]= 3 ;
  dvicl [142 ]= 4 ;
  dvicl [147 ]= 5 ;
  dvicl [152 ]= 6 ;
  dvicl [161 ]= 10 ;
  dvicl [166 ]= 11 ;
  {register integer for_end; i = 0 ;for_end = 3 ; if ( i <= for_end) do 
      dvicl [i + 143 ]= 7 ;
      dvicl [i + 148 ]= 8 ;
      dvicl [i + 153 ]= 9 ;
      dvicl [i + 157 ]= 12 ;
      dvicl [i + 162 ]= 13 ;
      dvicl [i + 167 ]= 14 ;
      dvicl [i + 239 ]= 2 ;
      dvicl [i + 243 ]= 16 ;
  while ( i++ < for_end ) ;} 
  {register integer for_end; i = 171 ;for_end = 238 ; if ( i <= for_end) do 
    dvicl [i ]= 15 ;
  while ( i++ < for_end ) ;} 
  {register integer for_end; i = 247 ;for_end = 255 ; if ( i <= for_end) do 
    dvicl [i ]= 17 ;
  while ( i++ < for_end ) ;} 
  dvicharcmd [false ]= 133 ;
  dvicharcmd [true ]= 128 ;
  dvirulecmd [false ]= 137 ;
  dvirulecmd [true ]= 132 ;
  dvirightcmd [7 ]= 143 ;
  dvirightcmd [8 ]= 148 ;
  dvirightcmd [9 ]= 153 ;
  dvidowncmd [12 ]= 157 ;
  dvidowncmd [13 ]= 162 ;
  dvidowncmd [14 ]= 167 ;
  curcp = 0 ;
  curwp = 0 ;
  dvinf = 0 ;
  lclnf = 0 ;
  vfmove [0 ][0 ][0 ]= false ;
  vfmove [0 ][0 ][1 ]= false ;
  vfmove [0 ][1 ][0 ]= false ;
  vfmove [0 ][1 ][1 ]= false ;
  stackused = 0 ;
  vfchartype [false ]= 3 ;
  vfchartype [true ]= 0 ;
  vfruletype [false ]= 4 ;
  vfruletype [true ]= 1 ;
  widthdimen = -1073741824L ;
  widthdimen = widthdimen - 1073741824L ;
  nopt = 0 ;
  kopt = 0 ;
  typesetting = false ;
  zerostack .hfield = 0 ;
  zerostack .vfield = 0 ;
  {register integer for_end; i = 0 ;for_end = 1 ; if ( i <= for_end) do 
      zerostack .wxfield [i ]= 0 ;
      zerostack .yzfield [i ]= 0 ;
  while ( i++ < for_end ) ;} 
  nrecur = 0 ;
  recurused = 0 ;
  outloc = 0 ;
  outback = -1 ;
  outmaxv = 0 ;
  outmaxh = 0 ;
  outstack = 0 ;
  outpages = 0 ;
  outnf = 0 ;
makepacket ( void ) 
makepacket ( ) 
  /* 31 */ register pcktpointer Result; bytepointer i, k  ;
  hashcode h  ;
  bytepointer s, l  ;
  pcktpointer p  ;
  s = pcktstart [pcktptr ];
  l = byteptr - s ;
  if ( l == 0 ) 
  p = 0 ;
  else {
    h = bytemem [s ];
    i = s + 1 ;
    while ( i < byteptr ) {
      h = ( h + h + bytemem [i ]) % 353 ;
      i = i + 1 ;
    p = phash [h ];
    while ( p != 0 ) {
      if ( ( pcktstart [p + 1 ]- pcktstart [p ]) == l ) 
	i = s ;
	k = pcktstart [p ];
	while ( ( i < byteptr ) && ( bytemem [i ]== bytemem [k ]) ) {
	  i = i + 1 ;
	  k = k + 1 ;
	if ( i == byteptr ) 
	  byteptr = pcktstart [pcktptr ];
	  goto lab31 ;
      p = plink [p ];
    p = pcktptr ;
    plink [p ]= phash [h ];
    phash [h ]= p ;
    if ( pcktptr == maxpackets ) 
    overflow ( strpackets , maxpackets ) ;
    pcktptr = pcktptr + 1 ;
    pcktstart [pcktptr ]= byteptr ;
  lab31: Result = p ;
  return Result ;
newpacket ( void ) 
newpacket ( ) 
  register pcktpointer Result; if ( pcktptr == maxpackets ) 
  overflow ( strpackets , maxpackets ) ;
  Result = pcktptr ;
  pcktptr = pcktptr + 1 ;
  pcktstart [pcktptr ]= byteptr ;
  return Result ;
flushpacket ( void ) 
flushpacket ( ) 
  pcktptr = pcktptr - 1 ;
  byteptr = pcktstart [pcktptr ];
pcktsbyte ( void ) 
pcktsbyte ( ) 
  register int8 Result; eightbits a  ;
    a = bytemem [curloc ];
    curloc = curloc + 1 ;
  if ( a < 128 ) 
  Result = a ;
  else Result = a - 256 ;
  return Result ;
pcktubyte ( void ) 
pcktubyte ( ) 
  register int8u Result; eightbits a  ;
    a = bytemem [curloc ];
    curloc = curloc + 1 ;
  Result = a ;
  return Result ;
pcktspair ( void ) 
pcktspair ( ) 
  register int16 Result; eightbits a, b  ;
    a = bytemem [curloc ];
    curloc = curloc + 1 ;
    b = bytemem [curloc ];
    curloc = curloc + 1 ;
  if ( a < 128 ) 
  Result = a * toint ( 256 ) + b ;
  else Result = ( a - toint ( 256 ) ) * toint ( 256 ) + b ;
  return Result ;
pcktupair ( void ) 
pcktupair ( ) 
  register int16u Result; eightbits a, b  ;
    a = bytemem [curloc ];
    curloc = curloc + 1 ;
    b = bytemem [curloc ];
    curloc = curloc + 1 ;
  Result = a * toint ( 256 ) + b ;
  return Result ;
pcktstrio ( void ) 
pcktstrio ( ) 
  register int24 Result; eightbits a, b, c  ;
    a = bytemem [curloc ];
    curloc = curloc + 1 ;
    b = bytemem [curloc ];
    curloc = curloc + 1 ;
    c = bytemem [curloc ];
    curloc = curloc + 1 ;
  if ( a < 128 ) 
  Result = ( a * toint ( 256 ) + b ) * toint ( 256 ) + c ;
  else Result = ( ( a - toint ( 256 ) ) * toint ( 256 ) + b ) * toint ( 256 ) 
  + c ;
  return Result ;
pcktutrio ( void ) 
pcktutrio ( ) 
  register int24u Result; eightbits a, b, c  ;
    a = bytemem [curloc ];
    curloc = curloc + 1 ;
    b = bytemem [curloc ];
    curloc = curloc + 1 ;
    c = bytemem [curloc ];
    curloc = curloc + 1 ;
  Result = ( a * toint ( 256 ) + b ) * toint ( 256 ) + c ;
  return Result ;
pcktsquad ( void ) 
pcktsquad ( ) 
  register integer Result; eightbits a, b, c, d  ;
    a = bytemem [curloc ];
    curloc = curloc + 1 ;
    b = bytemem [curloc ];
    curloc = curloc + 1 ;
    c = bytemem [curloc ];
    curloc = curloc + 1 ;
    d = bytemem [curloc ];
    curloc = curloc + 1 ;
  if ( a < 128 ) 
  Result = ( ( a * toint ( 256 ) + b ) * toint ( 256 ) + c ) * toint ( 256 ) + 
  d ;
  else Result = ( ( ( a - toint ( 256 ) ) * toint ( 256 ) + b ) * toint ( 256 
  ) + c ) * toint ( 256 ) + d ;
  return Result ;
zpcktfour ( integer x ) 
zpcktfour ( x ) 
  integer x ;
  if ( maxbytes - byteptr < 4 ) 
  overflow ( strbytes , maxbytes ) ;
  if ( x >= 0 ) 
    bytemem [byteptr ]= x / 16777216L ;
    byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
  else {
    x = x + 1073741824L ;
    x = x + 1073741824L ;
      bytemem [byteptr ]= ( x / 16777216L ) + 128 ;
      byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
  x = x % 16777216L ;
    bytemem [byteptr ]= x / 65536L ;
    byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
  x = x % 65536L ;
    bytemem [byteptr ]= x / 256 ;
    byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
    bytemem [byteptr ]= x % 256 ;
    byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
zpcktchar ( boolean upd , integer ext , eightbits res ) 
zpcktchar ( upd , ext , res ) 
  boolean upd ;
  integer ext ;
  eightbits res ;
  eightbits o  ;
  if ( maxbytes - byteptr < 5 ) 
  overflow ( strbytes , maxbytes ) ;
  if ( ( ! upd ) || ( res > 127 ) || ( ext != 0 ) ) 
    o = dvicharcmd [upd ];
    if ( ext < 0 ) 
    ext = ext + 16777216L ;
    if ( ext == 0 ) 
      bytemem [byteptr ]= o ;
      byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
    else {
      if ( ext < 256 ) 
	bytemem [byteptr ]= o + 1 ;
	byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
      else {
	if ( ext < 65536L ) 
	  bytemem [byteptr ]= o + 2 ;
	  byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
	else {
	    bytemem [byteptr ]= o + 3 ;
	    byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
	    bytemem [byteptr ]= ext / 65536L ;
	    byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
	  ext = ext % 65536L ;
	  bytemem [byteptr ]= ext / 256 ;
	  byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
	ext = ext % 256 ;
	bytemem [byteptr ]= ext ;
	byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
    bytemem [byteptr ]= res ;
    byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
zpcktunsigned ( eightbits o , integer x ) 
zpcktunsigned ( o , x ) 
  eightbits o ;
  integer x ;
  if ( maxbytes - byteptr < 5 ) 
  overflow ( strbytes , maxbytes ) ;
  if ( ( x < 256 ) && ( x >= 0 ) ) 
  if ( ( o == 235 ) && ( x < 64 ) ) 
  x = x + 171 ;
  else {
    bytemem [byteptr ]= o ;
    byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
  else {
    if ( ( x < 65536L ) && ( x >= 0 ) ) 
      bytemem [byteptr ]= o + 1 ;
      byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
    else {
      if ( ( x < 16777216L ) && ( x >= 0 ) ) 
	bytemem [byteptr ]= o + 2 ;
	byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
      else {
	  bytemem [byteptr ]= o + 3 ;
	  byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
	if ( x >= 0 ) 
	  bytemem [byteptr ]= x / 16777216L ;
	  byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
	else {
	  x = x + 1073741824L ;
	  x = x + 1073741824L ;
	    bytemem [byteptr ]= ( x / 16777216L ) + 128 ;
	    byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
	x = x % 16777216L ;
	bytemem [byteptr ]= x / 65536L ;
	byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
      x = x % 65536L ;
      bytemem [byteptr ]= x / 256 ;
      byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
    x = x % 256 ;
    bytemem [byteptr ]= x ;
    byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
zpcktsigned ( eightbits o , integer x ) 
zpcktsigned ( o , x ) 
  eightbits o ;
  integer x ;
  int31 xx  ;
  if ( maxbytes - byteptr < 5 ) 
  overflow ( strbytes , maxbytes ) ;
  if ( x >= 0 ) 
  xx = x ;
  else xx = - (integer) ( x + 1 ) ;
  if ( xx < 128 ) 
      bytemem [byteptr ]= o ;
      byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
    if ( x < 0 ) 
    x = x + 256 ;
  else {
    if ( xx < 32768L ) 
	bytemem [byteptr ]= o + 1 ;
	byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
      if ( x < 0 ) 
      x = x + 65536L ;
    else {
      if ( xx < 8388608L ) 
	  bytemem [byteptr ]= o + 2 ;
	  byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
	if ( x < 0 ) 
	x = x + 16777216L ;
      else {
	  bytemem [byteptr ]= o + 3 ;
	  byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
	if ( x >= 0 ) 
	  bytemem [byteptr ]= x / 16777216L ;
	  byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
	else {
	  x = 2147483647L - xx ;
	    bytemem [byteptr ]= ( x / 16777216L ) + 128 ;
	    byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
	x = x % 16777216L ;
	bytemem [byteptr ]= x / 65536L ;
	byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
      x = x % 65536L ;
      bytemem [byteptr ]= x / 256 ;
      byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
    x = x % 256 ;
    bytemem [byteptr ]= x ;
    byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
zmakename ( pcktpointer e ) 
zmakename ( e ) 
  pcktpointer e ;
  eightbits b  ;
  pcktpointer n  ;
  bytepointer curloc, curlimit  ;
  char c  ;
  n = fntname [curfnt ];
  curname = xmalloc ( ( pcktstart [n + 1 ]- pcktstart [n ]) + ( pcktstart 
  [e + 1 ]- pcktstart [e ]) + 1 ) ;
  curloc = pcktstart [n ];
  curlimit = pcktstart [n + 1 ];
    b = bytemem [curloc ];
    curloc = curloc + 1 ;
  if ( b > 0 ) 
  lcurname = 0 ;
  while ( curloc < curlimit ) {
      b = bytemem [curloc ];
      curloc = curloc + 1 ;
      curname [lcurname ]= xchr [b ];
      lcurname = lcurname + 1 ;
  curname [lcurname ]= 0 ;
zmakewidth ( integer w ) 
zmakewidth ( w ) 
  integer w ;
  /* 31 */ register widthpointer Result; hashcode h  ;
  widthpointer p  ;
  int16 x  ;
  widths [nwidths ]= w ;
  if ( w >= 0 ) 
  x = w / 16777216L ;
  else {
    w = w + 1073741824L ;
    w = w + 1073741824L ;
    x = ( w / 16777216L ) + 128 ;
  w = w % 16777216L ;
  x = x + x + ( w / 65536L ) ;
  w = w % 65536L ;
  x = x + x + ( w / 256 ) ;
  h = ( x + x + ( w % 256 ) ) % 353 ;
  p = whash [h ];
  while ( p != 0 ) {
    if ( widths [p ]== widths [nwidths ]) 
    goto lab31 ;
    p = wlink [p ];
  p = nwidths ;
  wlink [p ]= whash [h ];
  whash [h ]= p ;
  if ( nwidths == maxwidths ) 
  overflow ( strwidths , maxwidths ) ;
  nwidths = nwidths + 1 ;
  lab31: Result = p ;
  return Result ;
findpacket ( void ) 
findpacket ( ) 
  /* 31 10 */ register boolean Result; pcktpointer p, q  ;
  eightbits f  ;
  int24 e  ;
  q = charpackets [fntchars [curfnt ]+ curres ];
  while ( q != maxpackets ) {
    p = q ;
    q = maxpackets ;
    curloc = pcktstart [p ];
    curlimit = pcktstart [p + 1 ];
    if ( p == 0 ) 
      e = 0 ;
      f = 0 ;
    else {
	f = bytemem [curloc ];
	curloc = curloc + 1 ;
      switch ( ( f / 64 ) ) 
      {case 0 : 
	e = 0 ;
	break ;
      case 1 : 
	e = pcktubyte () ;
	break ;
      case 2 : 
	e = pcktupair () ;
	break ;
      case 3 : 
	e = pcktstrio () ;
	break ;
      if ( ( f % 64 ) >= 32 ) 
      q = pcktupair () ;
      f = f % 32 ;
    if ( e == curext ) 
    goto lab31 ;
  if ( charpackets [fntchars [curfnt ]+ curres ]== maxpackets ) 
    if ( pcktmmsg < 10 ) 
      fprintf( termout , "%s%ld%s%ld\n",  "---missing character packet for character " ,       (long)curres , " font " , (long)curfnt ) ;
      pcktmmsg = pcktmmsg + 1 ;
      history = 2 ;
      if ( pcktmmsg == 10 ) 
      fprintf( termout , "%s\n",  "---further messages suppressed." ) ;
    Result = false ;
    goto lab10 ;
  if ( pcktsmsg < 10 ) 
    fprintf( termout , "%s%ld%s%ld%s%ld%s%ld\n",  "---substituted character packet with extension " , (long)e     , " instead of " , (long)curext , " for character " , (long)curres , " font " , (long)curfnt     ) ;
    pcktsmsg = pcktsmsg + 1 ;
    history = 2 ;
    if ( pcktsmsg == 10 ) 
    fprintf( termout , "%s\n",  "---further messages suppressed." ) ;
  curext = e ;
  lab31: curpckt = p ;
  curtype = f ;
  Result = true ;
  lab10: ;
  return Result ;
zstartpacket ( typeflag t ) 
zstartpacket ( t ) 
  typeflag t ;
  /* 31 32 */ pcktpointer p, q  ;
  int8u f  ;
  integer e  ;
  bytepointer curloc  ;
  bytepointer curlimit  ;
  q = charpackets [fntchars [curfnt ]+ curres ];
  while ( q != maxpackets ) {
    p = q ;
    q = maxpackets ;
    curloc = pcktstart [p ];
    curlimit = pcktstart [p + 1 ];
    if ( p == 0 ) 
      e = 0 ;
      f = 0 ;
    else {
	f = bytemem [curloc ];
	curloc = curloc + 1 ;
      switch ( ( f / 64 ) ) 
      {case 0 : 
	e = 0 ;
	break ;
      case 1 : 
	e = pcktubyte () ;
	break ;
      case 2 : 
	e = pcktupair () ;
	break ;
      case 3 : 
	e = pcktstrio () ;
	break ;
      if ( ( f % 64 ) >= 32 ) 
      q = pcktupair () ;
      f = f % 32 ;
    if ( e == curext ) 
    goto lab31 ;
  q = charpackets [fntchars [curfnt ]+ curres ];
  pcktdup = false ;
  goto lab32 ;
  lab31: pcktdup = true ;
  pcktprev = p ;
  lab32: pcktext = curext ;
  pcktres = curres ;
  if ( maxbytes - byteptr < 6 ) 
  overflow ( strbytes , maxbytes ) ;
  if ( q == maxpackets ) 
  f = t ;
  else f = t + 32 ;
  e = curext ;
  if ( e < 0 ) 
  e = e + 16777216L ;
  if ( e == 0 ) 
    bytemem [byteptr ]= f ;
    byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
  else {
    if ( e < 256 ) 
      bytemem [byteptr ]= f + 64 ;
      byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
    else {
      if ( e < 65536L ) 
	bytemem [byteptr ]= f + 128 ;
	byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
      else {
	  bytemem [byteptr ]= f + 192 ;
	  byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
	  bytemem [byteptr ]= e / 65536L ;
	  byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
	e = e % 65536L ;
	bytemem [byteptr ]= e / 256 ;
	byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
      e = e % 256 ;
      bytemem [byteptr ]= e ;
      byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
  if ( q != maxpackets ) 
      bytemem [byteptr ]= q / 256 ;
      byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
      bytemem [byteptr ]= q % 256 ;
      byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
buildpacket ( void ) 
buildpacket ( ) 
  bytepointer k, l  ;
  if ( pcktdup ) 
    k = pcktstart [pcktprev + 1 ];
    l = pcktstart [pcktptr ];
    if ( ( byteptr - l ) != ( k - pcktstart [pcktprev ]) ) 
    pcktdup = false ;
    while ( pcktdup && ( byteptr > l ) ) {
      byteptr = byteptr - 1 ;
      k = k - 1 ;
      if ( bytemem [byteptr ]!= bytemem [k ]) 
      pcktdup = false ;
    if ( ( ! pcktdup ) && ( pcktdmsg < 10 ) ) 
      fprintf( termout , "%s%ld",  "---duplicate packet for character " , (long)pcktres ) ;
      if ( pcktext != 0 ) 
      fprintf( termout , "%c%ld",  '.' , (long)pcktext ) ;
      fprintf( termout , "%s%ld\n",  " font " , (long)curfnt ) ;
      pcktdmsg = pcktdmsg + 1 ;
      history = 2 ;
      if ( pcktdmsg == 10 ) 
      fprintf( termout , "%s\n",  "---further messages suppressed." ) ;
    byteptr = l ;
  else charpackets [fntchars [curfnt ]+ pcktres ]= makepacket () ;
readtfmword ( void ) 
readtfmword ( ) 
  read ( tfmfile , tfmb0 ) ;
  read ( tfmfile , tfmb1 ) ;
  read ( tfmfile , tfmb2 ) ;
  read ( tfmfile , tfmb3 ) ;
  if ( eof ( tfmfile ) ) 
  badfont () ;
zcheckchecksum ( integer c , boolean u ) 
zcheckchecksum ( c , u ) 
  integer c ;
  boolean u ;
  if ( ( c != fntcheck [curfnt ]) && ( c != 0 ) ) 
    if ( fntcheck [curfnt ]!= 0 ) 
      putc ('\n',  termout );
      fprintf( termout , "%s%ld%s%ld%c\n",  "---beware: check sums do not agree!   (" , (long)c ,       " vs. " , (long)fntcheck [curfnt ], ')' ) ;
      if ( history == 0 ) 
      history = 1 ;
    if ( u ) 
    fntcheck [curfnt ]= c ;
zcheckdesignsize ( integer d ) 
zcheckdesignsize ( d ) 
  integer d ;
  if ( abs ( d - fntdesign [curfnt ]) > 2 ) 
    putc ('\n',  termout );
    fprintf( termout , "%s%ld%s%ld%c\n",  "---beware: design sizes do not agree!   (" , (long)d ,     " vs. " , (long)fntdesign [curfnt ], ')' ) ;
    history = 2 ;
zcheckwidth ( integer w ) 
zcheckwidth ( w ) 
  integer w ;
  register widthpointer Result; widthpointer wp  ;
  if ( ( curres >= fntbc [curfnt ]) && ( curres <= fntec [curfnt ]) ) 
  wp = charwidths [fntchars [curfnt ]+ curres ];
  else wp = 0 ;
  if ( wp == 0 ) 
      putc ('\n',  termout );
      fprintf( termout , "%s%ld",  "Bad char " , (long)curres ) ;
    if ( curext != 0 ) 
    fprintf( termout , "%c%ld",  '.' , (long)curext ) ;
    fprintf( termout , "%s%ld",  " font " , (long)curfnt ) ;
    printfont ( curfnt ) ;
      fprintf( stderr , "%c%s%c\n",  ' ' , " (compare TFM file)" , '.' ) ;
      jumpout () ;
  if ( w != widths [wp ]) 
    putc ('\n',  termout );
    fprintf( termout , "%s%ld%s%ld%c\n",  "---beware: char widths do not agree!   (" , (long)w ,     " vs. " , (long)widths [wp ], ')' ) ;
    history = 2 ;
  Result = wp ;
  return Result ;
loadfont ( void ) 
loadfont ( ) 
  int16 l  ;
  charpointer p  ;
  widthpointer q  ;
  int15 bc, ec  ;
  int15 lh  ;
  int15 nw  ;
  integer w  ;
  integer z  ;
  integer alpha  ;
  int15 beta  ;
  fprintf( termout , "%s%ld",  "TFM: font " , (long)curfnt ) ;
  printfont ( curfnt ) ;
  fnttype [curfnt ]= 1 ;
  lcurname = 0 ;
  makename ( tfmext ) ;
  fullname = kpsefindtfm ( curname ) ;
  if ( fullname ) 
    resetbin ( tfmfile , fullname ) ;
    free ( curname ) ;
    free ( fullname ) ;
  else {
    fprintf( stderr , "%c%s%c\n",  ' ' , "---not loaded, TFM file can't be opened!" , '.'     ) ;
    jumpout () ;
  readtfmword () ;
  if ( tfmb2 > 127 ) 
  badfont () ;
  else lh = tfmb2 * toint ( 256 ) + tfmb3 ;
  readtfmword () ;
  if ( tfmb0 > 127 ) 
  badfont () ;
  else bc = tfmb0 * toint ( 256 ) + tfmb1 ;
  if ( tfmb2 > 127 ) 
  badfont () ;
  else ec = tfmb2 * toint ( 256 ) + tfmb3 ;
  if ( ec < bc ) 
    bc = 1 ;
    ec = 0 ;
  else if ( ec > 255 ) 
  badfont () ;
  readtfmword () ;
  if ( tfmb0 > 127 ) 
  badfont () ;
  else nw = tfmb0 * toint ( 256 ) + tfmb1 ;
  if ( ( nw == 0 ) || ( nw > 256 ) ) 
  badfont () ;
  {register integer for_end; l = -2 ;for_end = lh ; if ( l <= for_end) do 
      readtfmword () ;
      if ( l == 1 ) 
	if ( tfmb0 < 128 ) 
	w = ( ( tfmb0 * toint ( 256 ) + tfmb1 ) * toint ( 256 ) + tfmb2 ) * 
	toint ( 256 ) + tfmb3 ;
	else w = ( ( ( tfmb0 - toint ( 256 ) ) * toint ( 256 ) + tfmb1 ) * 
	toint ( 256 ) + tfmb2 ) * toint ( 256 ) + tfmb3 ;
	checkchecksum ( w , true ) ;
      else if ( l == 2 ) 
	if ( tfmb0 > 127 ) 
	badfont () ;
	checkdesignsize ( round ( tfmconv * ( ( ( tfmb0 * toint ( 256 ) + 
	tfmb1 ) * toint ( 256 ) + tfmb2 ) * toint ( 256 ) + tfmb3 ) ) ) ;
  while ( l++ < for_end ) ;} 
  readtfmword () ;
  while ( ( tfmb0 == 0 ) && ( bc <= ec ) ) {
    bc = bc + 1 ;
    readtfmword () ;
  fntbc [curfnt ]= bc ;
  fntchars [curfnt ]= nchars - bc ;
  if ( ec >= maxchars - fntchars [curfnt ]) 
  overflow ( strchars , maxchars ) ;
  {register integer for_end; l = bc ;for_end = ec ; if ( l <= for_end) do 
      charwidths [nchars ]= tfmb0 ;
      nchars = nchars + 1 ;
      readtfmword () ;
  while ( l++ < for_end ) ;} 
  while ( ( charwidths [nchars - 1 ]== 0 ) && ( ec >= bc ) ) {
    nchars = nchars - 1 ;
    ec = ec - 1 ;
  fntec [curfnt ]= ec ;
  if ( nw - 1 > maxchars - nchars ) 
  overflow ( strchars , maxchars ) ;
  if ( ( tfmb0 != 0 ) || ( tfmb1 != 0 ) || ( tfmb2 != 0 ) || ( tfmb3 != 0 ) ) 
  badfont () ;
  else charwidths [nchars ]= 0 ;
  z = fntscaled [curfnt ];
  alpha = 16 ;
  while ( z >= 8388608L ) {
    z = z / 2 ;
    alpha = alpha + alpha ;
  beta = 256 / alpha ;
  alpha = alpha * z ;
  {register integer for_end; p = nchars + 1 ;for_end = nchars + nw - 1 
  ; if ( p <= for_end) do 
      readtfmword () ;
      w = ( ( ( ( ( tfmb3 * z ) / 256 ) + ( tfmb2 * z ) ) / 256 ) + ( tfmb1 * 
      z ) ) / beta ;
      if ( tfmb0 > 0 ) 
      if ( tfmb0 == 255 ) 
      w = w - alpha ;
      else badfont () ;
      charwidths [p ]= makewidth ( w ) ;
  while ( p++ < for_end ) ;} 
  {register integer for_end; p = fntchars [curfnt ]+ bc ;for_end = nchars 
  - 1 ; if ( p <= for_end) do 
      q = charwidths [nchars + charwidths [p ]];
      charwidths [p ]= q ;
      charpackets [p ]= maxpackets ;
  while ( p++ < for_end ) ;} 
  fprintf( termout , "%c\n",  '.' ) ;
zdefinefont ( boolean load ) 
zdefinefont ( load ) 
  boolean load ;
  register fontnumber Result; fontnumber savefnt  ;
  savefnt = curfnt ;
  curfnt = 0 ;
  while ( ( fntname [curfnt ]!= fntname [nf ]) || ( fntscaled [curfnt ]
  != fntscaled [nf ]) ) curfnt = curfnt + 1 ;
  printfont ( curfnt ) ;
  if ( curfnt < nf ) 
    checkchecksum ( fntcheck [nf ], true ) ;
    checkdesignsize ( fntdesign [nf ]) ;
  else {
    if ( nf == maxfonts ) 
    overflow ( strfonts , maxfonts ) ;
    nf = nf + 1 ;
    fntfont [curfnt ]= maxfonts ;
    fnttype [curfnt ]= 0 ;
  fprintf( termout , "%c\n",  '.' ) ;
  if ( load && ( fnttype [curfnt ]== 0 ) ) 
  loadfont () ;
  Result = curfnt ;
  curfnt = savefnt ;
  return Result ;
dvilength ( void ) 
dvilength ( ) 
  register integer Result; xfseek ( dvifile , 0 , 2 , "dvicopy" ) ;
  dviloc = xftell ( dvifile , "dvicopy" ) ;
  Result = dviloc ;
  return Result ;
zdvimove ( integer n ) 
zdvimove ( n ) 
  integer n ;
  xfseek ( dvifile , n , 0 , "dvicopy" ) ;
  dviloc = n ;
dvisbyte ( void ) 
dvisbyte ( ) 
  register int8 Result; eightbits a  ;
  if ( eof ( dvifile ) ) 
  baddvi () ;
  else read ( dvifile , a ) ;
  dviloc = dviloc + 1 ;
  if ( a < 128 ) 
  Result = a ;
  else Result = a - 256 ;
  return Result ;
dviubyte ( void ) 
dviubyte ( ) 
  register int8u Result; eightbits a  ;
  if ( eof ( dvifile ) ) 
  baddvi () ;
  else read ( dvifile , a ) ;
  dviloc = dviloc + 1 ;
  Result = a ;
  return Result ;
dvispair ( void ) 
dvispair ( ) 
  register int16 Result; eightbits a, b  ;
  if ( eof ( dvifile ) ) 
  baddvi () ;
  else read ( dvifile , a ) ;
  if ( eof ( dvifile ) ) 
  baddvi () ;
  else read ( dvifile , b ) ;
  dviloc = dviloc + 2 ;
  if ( a < 128 ) 
  Result = a * toint ( 256 ) + b ;
  else Result = ( a - toint ( 256 ) ) * toint ( 256 ) + b ;
  return Result ;
dviupair ( void ) 
dviupair ( ) 
  register int16u Result; eightbits a, b  ;
  if ( eof ( dvifile ) ) 
  baddvi () ;
  else read ( dvifile , a ) ;
  if ( eof ( dvifile ) ) 
  baddvi () ;
  else read ( dvifile , b ) ;
  dviloc = dviloc + 2 ;
  Result = a * toint ( 256 ) + b ;
  return Result ;
dvistrio ( void ) 
dvistrio ( ) 
  register int24 Result; eightbits a, b, c  ;
  if ( eof ( dvifile ) ) 
  baddvi () ;
  else read ( dvifile , a ) ;
  if ( eof ( dvifile ) ) 
  baddvi () ;
  else read ( dvifile , b ) ;
  if ( eof ( dvifile ) ) 
  baddvi () ;
  else read ( dvifile , c ) ;
  dviloc = dviloc + 3 ;
  if ( a < 128 ) 
  Result = ( a * toint ( 256 ) + b ) * toint ( 256 ) + c ;
  else Result = ( ( a - toint ( 256 ) ) * toint ( 256 ) + b ) * toint ( 256 ) 
  + c ;
  return Result ;
dviutrio ( void ) 
dviutrio ( ) 
  register int24u Result; eightbits a, b, c  ;
  if ( eof ( dvifile ) ) 
  baddvi () ;
  else read ( dvifile , a ) ;
  if ( eof ( dvifile ) ) 
  baddvi () ;
  else read ( dvifile , b ) ;
  if ( eof ( dvifile ) ) 
  baddvi () ;
  else read ( dvifile , c ) ;
  dviloc = dviloc + 3 ;
  Result = ( a * toint ( 256 ) + b ) * toint ( 256 ) + c ;
  return Result ;
dvisquad ( void ) 
dvisquad ( ) 
  register integer Result; eightbits a, b, c, d  ;
  if ( eof ( dvifile ) ) 
  baddvi () ;
  else read ( dvifile , a ) ;
  if ( eof ( dvifile ) ) 
  baddvi () ;
  else read ( dvifile , b ) ;
  if ( eof ( dvifile ) ) 
  baddvi () ;
  else read ( dvifile , c ) ;
  if ( eof ( dvifile ) ) 
  baddvi () ;
  else read ( dvifile , d ) ;
  dviloc = dviloc + 4 ;
  if ( a < 128 ) 
  Result = ( ( a * toint ( 256 ) + b ) * toint ( 256 ) + c ) * toint ( 256 ) + 
  d ;
  else Result = ( ( ( a - toint ( 256 ) ) * toint ( 256 ) + b ) * toint ( 256 
  ) + c ) * toint ( 256 ) + d ;
  return Result ;
dviuquad ( void ) 
dviuquad ( ) 
  register int31 Result; integer x  ;
  x = dvisquad () ;
  if ( x < 0 ) 
  baddvi () ;
  else Result = x ;
  return Result ;
dvipquad ( void ) 
dvipquad ( ) 
  register int31 Result; integer x  ;
  x = dvisquad () ;
  if ( x <= 0 ) 
  baddvi () ;
  else Result = x ;
  return Result ;
dvipointer ( void ) 
dvipointer ( ) 
  register integer Result; integer x  ;
  x = dvisquad () ;
  if ( ( x <= 0 ) && ( x != -1 ) ) 
  baddvi () ;
  else Result = x ;
  return Result ;
dvifirstpar ( void ) 
dvifirstpar ( ) 
  do {
      curcmd = dviubyte () ;
  } while ( ! ( curcmd != 138 ) ) ;
  switch ( dvipar [curcmd ]) 
  {case 0 : 
      curext = 0 ;
      if ( curcmd < 128 ) 
	curres = curcmd ;
	curupd = true ;
      else {
	curres = dviubyte () ;
	curupd = ( curcmd < 133 ) ;
	curcmd = curcmd - dvicharcmd [curupd ];
	while ( curcmd > 0 ) {
	  if ( curcmd == 3 ) 
	  if ( curres > 127 ) 
	  curext = -1 ;
	  curext = curext * 256 + curres ;
	  curres = dviubyte () ;
	  curcmd = curcmd - 1 ;
    break ;
  case 1 : 
    break ;
  case 2 : 
    curparm = dvisbyte () ;
    break ;
  case 3 : 
    curparm = dviubyte () ;
    break ;
  case 4 : 
    curparm = dvispair () ;
    break ;
  case 5 : 
    curparm = dviupair () ;
    break ;
  case 6 : 
    curparm = dvistrio () ;
    break ;
  case 7 : 
    curparm = dviutrio () ;
    break ;
  case 8 : 
  case 9 : 
    curparm = dvisquad () ;
    break ;
  case 10 : 
    curparm = dviuquad () ;
    break ;
  case 11 : 
      curvdimen = dvisquad () ;
      curhdimen = dvisquad () ;
      curupd = ( curcmd == 132 ) ;
    break ;
  case 12 : 
    curparm = curcmd - 171 ;
    break ;
  curclass = dvicl [curcmd ];
dvifont ( void ) 
dvifont ( ) 
  fontnumber f  ;
  f = 0 ;
  dviefnts [dvinf ]= curparm ;
  while ( curparm != dviefnts [f ]) f = f + 1 ;
  if ( f == dvinf ) 
  baddvi () ;
  curfnt = dviifnts [f ];
  if ( fnttype [curfnt ]== 0 ) 
  loadfont () ;
zdvidofont ( boolean second ) 
zdvidofont ( second ) 
  boolean second ;
  fontnumber f  ;
  int15 k  ;
  fprintf( termout , "%s%ld",  "DVI: font " , (long)curparm ) ;
  f = 0 ;
  dviefnts [dvinf ]= curparm ;
  while ( curparm != dviefnts [f ]) f = f + 1 ;
  if ( ( f == dvinf ) == second ) 
  baddvi () ;
  fntcheck [nf ]= dvisquad () ;
  fntscaled [nf ]= dvipquad () ;
  fntdesign [nf ]= dvipquad () ;
  k = dviubyte () ;
  if ( maxbytes - byteptr < 1 ) 
  overflow ( strbytes , maxbytes ) ;
    bytemem [byteptr ]= k ;
    byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
  k = k + dviubyte () ;
  if ( maxbytes - byteptr < k ) 
  overflow ( strbytes , maxbytes ) ;
  while ( k > 0 ) {
      bytemem [byteptr ]= dviubyte () ;
      byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
    k = k - 1 ;
  fntname [nf ]= makepacket () ;
  dviifnts [dvinf ]= definefont ( false ) ;
  if ( ! second ) 
    if ( dvinf == maxfonts ) 
    overflow ( strfonts , maxfonts ) ;
    dvinf = dvinf + 1 ;
  else if ( dviifnts [f ]!= dviifnts [dvinf ]) 
  baddvi () ;
vfubyte ( void ) 
vfubyte ( ) 
  register int8u Result; eightbits a  ;
  if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
  badfont () ;
  else read ( vffile , a ) ;
  vfloc = vfloc + 1 ;
  Result = a ;
  return Result ;
vfupair ( void ) 
vfupair ( ) 
  register int16u Result; eightbits a, b  ;
  if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
  badfont () ;
  else read ( vffile , a ) ;
  if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
  badfont () ;
  else read ( vffile , b ) ;
  vfloc = vfloc + 2 ;
  Result = a * toint ( 256 ) + b ;
  return Result ;
vfstrio ( void ) 
vfstrio ( ) 
  register int24 Result; eightbits a, b, c  ;
  if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
  badfont () ;
  else read ( vffile , a ) ;
  if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
  badfont () ;
  else read ( vffile , b ) ;
  if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
  badfont () ;
  else read ( vffile , c ) ;
  vfloc = vfloc + 3 ;
  if ( a < 128 ) 
  Result = ( a * toint ( 256 ) + b ) * toint ( 256 ) + c ;
  else Result = ( ( a - toint ( 256 ) ) * toint ( 256 ) + b ) * toint ( 256 ) 
  + c ;
  return Result ;
vfutrio ( void ) 
vfutrio ( ) 
  register int24u Result; eightbits a, b, c  ;
  if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
  badfont () ;
  else read ( vffile , a ) ;
  if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
  badfont () ;
  else read ( vffile , b ) ;
  if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
  badfont () ;
  else read ( vffile , c ) ;
  vfloc = vfloc + 3 ;
  Result = ( a * toint ( 256 ) + b ) * toint ( 256 ) + c ;
  return Result ;
vfsquad ( void ) 
vfsquad ( ) 
  register integer Result; eightbits a, b, c, d  ;
  if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
  badfont () ;
  else read ( vffile , a ) ;
  if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
  badfont () ;
  else read ( vffile , b ) ;
  if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
  badfont () ;
  else read ( vffile , c ) ;
  if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
  badfont () ;
  else read ( vffile , d ) ;
  vfloc = vfloc + 4 ;
  if ( a < 128 ) 
  Result = ( ( a * toint ( 256 ) + b ) * toint ( 256 ) + c ) * toint ( 256 ) + 
  d ;
  else Result = ( ( ( a - toint ( 256 ) ) * toint ( 256 ) + b ) * toint ( 256 
  ) + c ) * toint ( 256 ) + d ;
  return Result ;
vffix1 ( void ) 
vffix1 ( ) 
  register integer Result; integer x  ;
  if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
  badfont () ;
  else read ( vffile , tfmb3 ) ;
  vfloc = vfloc + 1 ;
  if ( tfmb3 > 127 ) 
  tfmb1 = 255 ;
  else tfmb1 = 0 ;
  tfmb2 = tfmb1 ;
  x = ( ( ( ( ( tfmb3 * z ) / 256 ) + ( tfmb2 * z ) ) / 256 ) + ( tfmb1 * z ) 
  ) / beta ;
  if ( tfmb1 > 127 ) 
  x = x - alpha ;
  Result = x ;
  return Result ;
vffix2 ( void ) 
vffix2 ( ) 
  register integer Result; integer x  ;
  if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
  badfont () ;
  else read ( vffile , tfmb2 ) ;
  if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
  badfont () ;
  else read ( vffile , tfmb3 ) ;
  vfloc = vfloc + 2 ;
  if ( tfmb2 > 127 ) 
  tfmb1 = 255 ;
  else tfmb1 = 0 ;
  x = ( ( ( ( ( tfmb3 * z ) / 256 ) + ( tfmb2 * z ) ) / 256 ) + ( tfmb1 * z ) 
  ) / beta ;
  if ( tfmb1 > 127 ) 
  x = x - alpha ;
  Result = x ;
  return Result ;
vffix3 ( void ) 
vffix3 ( ) 
  register integer Result; integer x  ;
  if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
  badfont () ;
  else read ( vffile , tfmb1 ) ;
  if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
  badfont () ;
  else read ( vffile , tfmb2 ) ;
  if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
  badfont () ;
  else read ( vffile , tfmb3 ) ;
  vfloc = vfloc + 3 ;
  x = ( ( ( ( ( tfmb3 * z ) / 256 ) + ( tfmb2 * z ) ) / 256 ) + ( tfmb1 * z ) 
  ) / beta ;
  if ( tfmb1 > 127 ) 
  x = x - alpha ;
  Result = x ;
  return Result ;
vffix3u ( void ) 
vffix3u ( ) 
  register integer Result; if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
  badfont () ;
  else read ( vffile , tfmb1 ) ;
  if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
  badfont () ;
  else read ( vffile , tfmb2 ) ;
  if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
  badfont () ;
  else read ( vffile , tfmb3 ) ;
  vfloc = vfloc + 3 ;
  Result = ( ( ( ( ( tfmb3 * z ) / 256 ) + ( tfmb2 * z ) ) / 256 ) + ( tfmb1 * 
  z ) ) / beta ;
  return Result ;
vffix4 ( void ) 
vffix4 ( ) 
  register integer Result; integer x  ;
  if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
  badfont () ;
  else read ( vffile , tfmb0 ) ;
  if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
  badfont () ;
  else read ( vffile , tfmb1 ) ;
  if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
  badfont () ;
  else read ( vffile , tfmb2 ) ;
  if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
  badfont () ;
  else read ( vffile , tfmb3 ) ;
  vfloc = vfloc + 4 ;
  x = ( ( ( ( ( tfmb3 * z ) / 256 ) + ( tfmb2 * z ) ) / 256 ) + ( tfmb1 * z ) 
  ) / beta ;
  if ( tfmb0 > 0 ) 
  if ( tfmb0 == 255 ) 
  x = x - alpha ;
  else badfont () ;
  Result = x ;
  return Result ;
vfuquad ( void ) 
vfuquad ( ) 
  register int31 Result; integer x  ;
  x = vfsquad () ;
  if ( x < 0 ) 
  badfont () ;
  else Result = x ;
  return Result ;
vfpquad ( void ) 
vfpquad ( ) 
  register int31 Result; integer x  ;
  x = vfsquad () ;
  if ( x <= 0 ) 
  badfont () ;
  else Result = x ;
  return Result ;
vffixp ( void ) 
vffixp ( ) 
  register int31 Result; integer x  ;
  if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
  badfont () ;
  else read ( vffile , tfmb0 ) ;
  if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
  badfont () ;
  else read ( vffile , tfmb1 ) ;
  if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
  badfont () ;
  else read ( vffile , tfmb2 ) ;
  if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
  badfont () ;
  else read ( vffile , tfmb3 ) ;
  vfloc = vfloc + 4 ;
  if ( tfmb0 > 0 ) 
  badfont () ;
  Result = ( ( ( ( ( tfmb3 * z ) / 256 ) + ( tfmb2 * z ) ) / 256 ) + ( tfmb1 * 
  z ) ) / beta ;
  return Result ;
vffirstpar ( void ) 
vffirstpar ( ) 
  curcmd = vfubyte () ;
  switch ( dvipar [curcmd ]) 
  {case 0 : 
	curext = 0 ;
	if ( curcmd < 128 ) 
	  curres = curcmd ;
	  curupd = true ;
	else {
	  curres = vfubyte () ;
	  curupd = ( curcmd < 133 ) ;
	  curcmd = curcmd - dvicharcmd [curupd ];
	  while ( curcmd > 0 ) {
	    if ( curcmd == 3 ) 
	    if ( curres > 127 ) 
	    curext = -1 ;
	    curext = curext * 256 + curres ;
	    curres = vfubyte () ;
	    curcmd = curcmd - 1 ;
      curwp = 0 ;
      if ( vfcurfnt != maxfonts ) 
      if ( ( curres >= fntbc [vfcurfnt ]) && ( curres <= fntec [vfcurfnt ]
      ) ) 
	curcp = fntchars [vfcurfnt ]+ curres ;
	curwp = charwidths [curcp ];
      if ( curwp == 0 ) 
      badfont () ;
    break ;
  case 1 : 
    break ;
  case 2 : 
    curparm = vffix1 () ;
    break ;
  case 3 : 
    curparm = vfubyte () ;
    break ;
  case 4 : 
    curparm = vffix2 () ;
    break ;
  case 5 : 
    curparm = vfupair () ;
    break ;
  case 6 : 
    curparm = vffix3 () ;
    break ;
  case 7 : 
    curparm = vfutrio () ;
    break ;
  case 8 : 
    curparm = vffix4 () ;
    break ;
  case 9 : 
    curparm = vfsquad () ;
    break ;
  case 10 : 
    curparm = vfuquad () ;
    break ;
  case 11 : 
      curvdimen = vffix4 () ;
      curhdimen = vffix4 () ;
      curupd = ( curcmd == 132 ) ;
    break ;
  case 12 : 
    curparm = curcmd - 171 ;
    break ;
  curclass = dvicl [curcmd ];
vffont ( void ) 
vffont ( ) 
  fontnumber f  ;
  f = 0 ;
  vfefnts [vfnf ]= curparm ;
  while ( curparm != vfefnts [f ]) f = f + 1 ;
  if ( f == vfnf ) 
  badfont () ;
  vfcurfnt = vfifnts [f ];
vfdofont ( void ) 
vfdofont ( ) 
  fontnumber f  ;
  int15 k  ;
  fprintf( termout , "%s%ld",  "VF: font " , (long)curparm ) ;
  f = 0 ;
  vfefnts [vfnf ]= curparm ;
  while ( curparm != vfefnts [f ]) f = f + 1 ;
  if ( f != vfnf ) 
  badfont () ;
  fntcheck [nf ]= vfsquad () ;
  fntscaled [nf ]= vffixp () ;
  fntdesign [nf ]= round ( tfmconv * vfpquad () ) ;
  k = vfubyte () ;
  if ( maxbytes - byteptr < 1 ) 
  overflow ( strbytes , maxbytes ) ;
    bytemem [byteptr ]= k ;
    byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
  k = k + vfubyte () ;
  if ( maxbytes - byteptr < k ) 
  overflow ( strbytes , maxbytes ) ;
  while ( k > 0 ) {
      bytemem [byteptr ]= vfubyte () ;
      byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
    k = k - 1 ;
  fntname [nf ]= makepacket () ;
  vfifnts [vfnf ]= definefont ( true ) ;
  if ( vfnf == lclnf ) 
  if ( lclnf == maxfonts ) 
  overflow ( strfonts , maxfonts ) ;
  else lclnf = lclnf + 1 ;
  vfnf = vfnf + 1 ;
dovf ( void ) 
dovf ( ) 
  /* 21 30 32 10 */ register boolean Result; integer tempint  ;
  int8u tempbyte  ;
  bytepointer k  ;
  int15 l  ;
  int24 saveext  ;
  int8u saveres  ;
  widthpointer savecp  ;
  widthpointer savewp  ;
  boolean saveupd  ;
  widthpointer vfwp  ;
  fontnumber vffnt  ;
  boolean movezero  ;
  boolean lastpop  ;
  lcurname = 0 ;
  makename ( vfext ) ;
  fullname = kpsefindvf ( curname ) ;
  if ( fullname ) 
    resetbin ( vffile , fullname ) ;
    free ( curname ) ;
    free ( fullname ) ;
  else goto lab32 ;
  vfloc = 0 ;
  saveext = curext ;
  saveres = curres ;
  savecp = curcp ;
  savewp = curwp ;
  saveupd = curupd ;
  fnttype [curfnt ]= 2 ;
  if ( vfubyte () != 247 ) 
  badfont () ;
  if ( vfubyte () != 202 ) 
  badfont () ;
  tempbyte = vfubyte () ;
  if ( maxbytes - byteptr < tempbyte ) 
  overflow ( strbytes , maxbytes ) ;
  {register integer for_end; l = 1 ;for_end = tempbyte ; if ( l <= for_end) 
      bytemem [byteptr ]= vfubyte () ;
      byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
  while ( l++ < for_end ) ;} 
  Fputs( termout ,  "VF file: '" ) ;
  printpacket ( newpacket () ) ;
  Fputs( termout ,  "'," ) ;
  flushpacket () ;
  checkchecksum ( vfsquad () , false ) ;
  checkdesignsize ( round ( tfmconv * vfpquad () ) ) ;
  z = fntscaled [curfnt ];
  alpha = 16 ;
  while ( z >= 8388608L ) {
    z = z / 2 ;
    alpha = alpha + alpha ;
  beta = 256 / alpha ;
  alpha = alpha * z ;
    putc ('\n',  termout );
    fprintf( termout , "%s%ld",  "   for font " , (long)curfnt ) ;
  printfont ( curfnt ) ;
  fprintf( termout , "%c\n",  '.' ) ;
  vfifnts [0 ]= maxfonts ;
  vfnf = 0 ;
  curcmd = vfubyte () ;
  while ( ( curcmd >= 243 ) && ( curcmd <= 246 ) ) {
    switch ( curcmd - 243 ) 
    {case 0 : 
      curparm = vfubyte () ;
      break ;
    case 1 : 
      curparm = vfupair () ;
      break ;
    case 2 : 
      curparm = vfutrio () ;
      break ;
    case 3 : 
      curparm = vfsquad () ;
      break ;
    vfdofont () ;
    curcmd = vfubyte () ;
  fntfont [curfnt ]= vfifnts [0 ];
  while ( curcmd <= 242 ) {
    if ( curcmd < 242 ) 
      vflimit = curcmd ;
      curext = 0 ;
      curres = vfubyte () ;
      vfwp = checkwidth ( vffix3u () ) ;
    else {
      vflimit = vfuquad () ;
      curext = vfstrio () ;
      curres = vfubyte () ;
      vfwp = checkwidth ( vffix4 () ) ;
    vflimit = vflimit + vfloc ;
    vfpushloc [0 ]= byteptr ;
    vflastend [0 ]= byteptr ;
    vflast [0 ]= 4 ;
    vfptr = 0 ;
    startpacket ( 1 ) ;
    vfcurfnt = fntfont [curfnt ];
    vffnt = vfcurfnt ;
    lastpop = false ;
    curclass = 3 ;
    while ( true ) {
      lab21: switch ( curclass ) 
      {case 0 : 
      case 1 : 
      case 2 : 
	  if ( ( vfptr == 0 ) || ( byteptr > vfpushloc [vfptr ]) ) 
	  movezero = false ;
	  else switch ( curclass ) 
	  {case 0 : 
	    movezero = ( ! curupd ) || ( vfcurfnt != vffnt ) ;
	    break ;
	  case 1 : 
	    movezero = ! curupd ;
	    break ;
	  case 2 : 
	    movezero = true ;
	    break ;
	  if ( movezero ) 
	    byteptr = byteptr - 1 ;
	    vfptr = vfptr - 1 ;
	  switch ( curclass ) 
	  {case 0 : 
	      if ( vfcurfnt != vffnt ) 
		vflast [vfptr ]= 4 ;
		pcktunsigned ( 235 , vfcurfnt ) ;
		vffnt = vfcurfnt ;
	      if ( ( ! movezero ) || ( ! curupd ) ) 
		vflast [vfptr ]= vfchartype [curupd ];
		vflastloc [vfptr ]= byteptr ;
		pcktchar ( curupd , curext , curres ) ;
	    break ;
	  case 1 : 
	      vflast [vfptr ]= vfruletype [curupd ];
	      vflastloc [vfptr ]= byteptr ;
		if ( maxbytes - byteptr < 1 ) 
		overflow ( strbytes , maxbytes ) ;
		  bytemem [byteptr ]= dvirulecmd [curupd ];
		  byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
	      pcktfour ( curvdimen ) ;
	      pcktfour ( curhdimen ) ;
	    break ;
	  case 2 : 
	      vflast [vfptr ]= 4 ;
	      pcktunsigned ( 239 , curparm ) ;
	      if ( maxbytes - byteptr < curparm ) 
	      overflow ( strbytes , maxbytes ) ;
	      while ( curparm > 0 ) {
		  bytemem [byteptr ]= vfubyte () ;
		  byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
		curparm = curparm - 1 ;
	    break ;
	  vflastend [vfptr ]= byteptr ;
	  if ( movezero ) 
	    vfptr = vfptr + 1 ;
	      if ( maxbytes - byteptr < 1 ) 
	      overflow ( strbytes , maxbytes ) ;
		bytemem [byteptr ]= 141 ;
		byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
	    vfpushloc [vfptr ]= byteptr ;
	    vflastend [vfptr ]= byteptr ;
	    if ( curclass == 0 ) 
	    if ( curupd ) 
	    goto lab21 ;
	break ;
      case 3 : 
	if ( ( vfptr > 0 ) && ( vfpushloc [vfptr ]== byteptr ) ) 
	  if ( vfpushnum [vfptr ]== 255 ) 
	  overflow ( strstack , 255 ) ;
	  vfpushnum [vfptr ]= vfpushnum [vfptr ]+ 1 ;
	else {
	  if ( vfptr == stackused ) 
	  if ( stackused == stacksize ) 
	  overflow ( strstack , stacksize ) ;
	  else stackused = stackused + 1 ;
	  vfptr = vfptr + 1 ;
	    if ( maxbytes - byteptr < 1 ) 
	    overflow ( strbytes , maxbytes ) ;
	      bytemem [byteptr ]= 141 ;
	      byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
	    vfmove [vfptr ][0 ][0 ]= vfmove [vfptr - 1 ][0 ][0 ];
	    vfmove [vfptr ][0 ][1 ]= vfmove [vfptr - 1 ][0 ][1 ];
	    vfmove [vfptr ][1 ][0 ]= vfmove [vfptr - 1 ][1 ][0 ];
	    vfmove [vfptr ][1 ][1 ]= vfmove [vfptr - 1 ][1 ][1 ];
	  vfpushloc [vfptr ]= byteptr ;
	  vflastend [vfptr ]= byteptr ;
	  vflast [vfptr ]= 4 ;
	  vfpushnum [vfptr ]= 0 ;
	break ;
      case 4 : 
	  if ( vfptr < 1 ) 
	  badfont () ;
	  byteptr = vflastend [vfptr ];
	  if ( vflast [vfptr ]<= 1 ) 
	  if ( vflastloc [vfptr ]== vfpushloc [vfptr ]) 
	    curclass = vflast [vfptr ];
	    curupd = false ;
	    byteptr = vfpushloc [vfptr ];
	  if ( byteptr == vfpushloc [vfptr ]) 
	    if ( vfpushnum [vfptr ]> 0 ) 
	      vfpushnum [vfptr ]= vfpushnum [vfptr ]- 1 ;
		vfmove [vfptr ][0 ][0 ]= vfmove [vfptr - 1 ][0 ][0 
		vfmove [vfptr ][0 ][1 ]= vfmove [vfptr - 1 ][0 ][1 
		vfmove [vfptr ][1 ][0 ]= vfmove [vfptr - 1 ][1 ][0 
		vfmove [vfptr ][1 ][1 ]= vfmove [vfptr - 1 ][1 ][1 
	    else {
	      byteptr = byteptr - 1 ;
	      vfptr = vfptr - 1 ;
	    if ( curclass != 4 ) 
	    goto lab21 ;
	  else {
	    if ( vflast [vfptr ]== 2 ) 
	      byteptr = byteptr - 2 ;
	      {register integer for_end; k = vflastloc [vfptr ]+ 1 ;
	      for_end = byteptr ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
		bytemem [k - 1 ]= bytemem [k ];
	      while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
	      vflast [vfptr ]= 4 ;
	      vflastend [vfptr ]= byteptr ;
	      if ( maxbytes - byteptr < 1 ) 
	      overflow ( strbytes , maxbytes ) ;
		bytemem [byteptr ]= 142 ;
		byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
	    vfptr = vfptr - 1 ;
	    vflast [vfptr ]= 2 ;
	    vflastloc [vfptr ]= vfpushloc [vfptr + 1 ]- 1 ;
	    vflastend [vfptr ]= byteptr ;
	    if ( vfpushnum [vfptr + 1 ]> 0 ) 
	      vfptr = vfptr + 1 ;
		if ( maxbytes - byteptr < 1 ) 
		overflow ( strbytes , maxbytes ) ;
		  bytemem [byteptr ]= 141 ;
		  byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
		vfmove [vfptr ][0 ][0 ]= vfmove [vfptr - 1 ][0 ][0 
		vfmove [vfptr ][0 ][1 ]= vfmove [vfptr - 1 ][0 ][1 
		vfmove [vfptr ][1 ][0 ]= vfmove [vfptr - 1 ][1 ][0 
		vfmove [vfptr ][1 ][1 ]= vfmove [vfptr - 1 ][1 ][1 
	      vfpushloc [vfptr ]= byteptr ;
	      vflastend [vfptr ]= byteptr ;
	      vflast [vfptr ]= 4 ;
	      vfpushnum [vfptr ]= vfpushnum [vfptr ]- 1 ;
	break ;
      case 5 : 
      case 6 : 
	if ( vfmove [vfptr ][0 ][curclass - 5 ]) 
	  if ( maxbytes - byteptr < 1 ) 
	  overflow ( strbytes , maxbytes ) ;
	    bytemem [byteptr ]= curcmd ;
	    byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
	break ;
      case 7 : 
      case 8 : 
      case 9 : 
	  pcktsigned ( dvirightcmd [curclass ], curparm ) ;
	  if ( curclass >= 8 ) 
	  vfmove [vfptr ][0 ][curclass - 8 ]= true ;
	break ;
      case 10 : 
      case 11 : 
	if ( vfmove [vfptr ][1 ][curclass - 10 ]) 
	  if ( maxbytes - byteptr < 1 ) 
	  overflow ( strbytes , maxbytes ) ;
	    bytemem [byteptr ]= curcmd ;
	    byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
	break ;
      case 12 : 
      case 13 : 
      case 14 : 
	  pcktsigned ( dvidowncmd [curclass ], curparm ) ;
	  if ( curclass >= 13 ) 
	  vfmove [vfptr ][1 ][curclass - 13 ]= true ;
	break ;
      case 15 : 
	vffont () ;
	break ;
      case 16 : 
	badfont () ;
	break ;
      case 17 : 
	if ( curcmd != 138 ) 
	badfont () ;
	break ;
      if ( vfloc < vflimit ) 
      vffirstpar () ;
      else if ( lastpop ) 
      goto lab30 ;
      else {
	curclass = 4 ;
	lastpop = true ;
    lab30: if ( ( vfptr != 0 ) || ( vfloc != vflimit ) ) 
    badfont () ;
    k = pcktstart [pcktptr ];
    if ( vflast [0 ]== 3 ) 
    if ( curwp == vfwp ) 
      bytemem [k ]= bytemem [k ]- 1 ;
      if ( ( bytemem [k ]== 0 ) && ( vfpushloc [0 ]== vflastloc [0 ]) && 
      ( curext == 0 ) && ( curres == pcktres ) ) 
      byteptr = k ;
    buildpacket () ;
    curcmd = vfubyte () ;
  if ( curcmd != 248 ) 
  badfont () ;
  curext = saveext ;
  curres = saveres ;
  curcp = savecp ;
  curwp = savewp ;
  curupd = saveupd ;
  Result = true ;
  goto lab10 ;
  lab32: Result = false ;
  lab10: ;
  return Result ;
inputln ( void ) 
inputln ( ) 
  integer k  ;
  Fputs( termout ,  "Enter option: " ) ;
  fflush ( stdout ) ;
  k = 0 ;
  if ( maxbytes - byteptr < terminallinelength ) 
  overflow ( strbytes , maxbytes ) ;
  while ( ( k < terminallinelength ) && ! eoln ( input ) ) {
      bytemem [byteptr ]= xord [getc ( input ) ];
      byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
    k = k + 1 ;
zscankeyword ( pcktpointer p , int7 l ) 
zscankeyword ( p , l ) 
  pcktpointer p ;
  int7 l ;
  register boolean Result; bytepointer i, j, k  ;
  i = pcktstart [p ];
  j = pcktstart [p + 1 ];
  k = scanptr ;
  while ( ( i < j ) && ( ( bytemem [k ]== bytemem [i ]) || ( bytemem [k ]
  == bytemem [i ]- 32 ) ) ) {
    i = i + 1 ;
    k = k + 1 ;
  if ( ( ( bytemem [k ]== 32 ) || ( bytemem [k ]== 47 ) ) && ( i - 
  pcktstart [p ]>= l ) ) 
    scanptr = k ;
    while ( ( ( bytemem [scanptr ]== 32 ) || ( bytemem [scanptr ]== 47 ) ) 
    && ( scanptr < byteptr ) ) scanptr = scanptr + 1 ;
    Result = true ;
  else Result = false ;
  return Result ;
scanint ( void ) 
scanint ( ) 
  register integer Result; integer x  ;
  boolean negative  ;
  if ( bytemem [scanptr ]== 45 ) 
    negative = true ;
    scanptr = scanptr + 1 ;
  else negative = false ;
  x = 0 ;
  while ( ( bytemem [scanptr ]>= 48 ) && ( bytemem [scanptr ]<= 57 ) ) {
    x = 10 * x + bytemem [scanptr ]- 48 ;
    scanptr = scanptr + 1 ;
  while ( ( ( bytemem [scanptr ]== 32 ) || ( bytemem [scanptr ]== 47 ) ) 
  && ( scanptr < byteptr ) ) scanptr = scanptr + 1 ;
  if ( negative ) 
  Result = - (integer) x ;
  else Result = x ;
  return Result ;
scancount ( void ) 
scancount ( ) 
  if ( bytemem [scanptr ]== 42 ) 
    selectthere [curselect ][selectvals [curselect ]]= false ;
    scanptr = scanptr + 1 ;
    while ( ( ( bytemem [scanptr ]== 32 ) || ( bytemem [scanptr ]== 47 ) ) 
    && ( scanptr < byteptr ) ) scanptr = scanptr + 1 ;
  else {
    selectthere [curselect ][selectvals [curselect ]]= true ;
    selectcount [curselect ][selectvals [curselect ]]= scanint () ;
    if ( curselect == 0 ) 
    selected = false ;
dialog ( void ) 
dialog ( ) 
  /* 10 */ pcktpointer p  ;
  outmag = 0 ;
  curselect = 0 ;
  selectmax [curselect ]= 0 ;
  selected = true ;
  while ( true ) {
    inputln () ;
    p = newpacket () ;
    bytemem [byteptr ]= 32 ;
    scanptr = pcktstart [pcktptr - 1 ];
    while ( ( ( bytemem [scanptr ]== 32 ) || ( bytemem [scanptr ]== 47 ) ) 
    && ( scanptr < byteptr ) ) scanptr = scanptr + 1 ;
    if ( scanptr == byteptr ) 
      flushpacket () ;
      goto lab10 ;
    else if ( scankeyword ( strmag , 3 ) ) 
    outmag = scanint () ;
    else if ( scankeyword ( strselect , 3 ) ) 
    if ( curselect == 10 ) 
    fprintf( termout , "%s\n",  "Too many page selections" ) ;
    else {
      selectvals [curselect ]= 0 ;
      scancount () ;
      while ( ( selectvals [curselect ]< 9 ) && ( bytemem [scanptr ]== 46 
      ) ) {
	selectvals [curselect ]= selectvals [curselect ]+ 1 ;
	scanptr = scanptr + 1 ;
	scancount () ;
      selectmax [curselect ]= scanint () ;
      curselect = curselect + 1 ;
    else {
      if ( nopt == 0 ) 
      sepchar = ' ' ;
      else sepchar = xchr [47 ];
      printoptions () ;
      if ( nopt > 0 ) 
	Fputs( termout ,  "Bad command line option: " ) ;
	printpacket ( p ) ;
	  fprintf( stderr , "%c%s%c\n",  ' ' , "---run terminated" , '.' ) ;
	  jumpout () ;
    flushpacket () ;
  lab10: ;
zoutpacket ( pcktpointer p ) 
zoutpacket ( p ) 
  pcktpointer p ;
  bytepointer k  ;
  outloc = outloc + ( pcktstart [p + 1 ]- pcktstart [p ]) ;
  {register integer for_end; k = pcktstart [p ];for_end = pcktstart [p + 
  1 ]- 1 ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
    putbyte ( bytemem [k ], outfile ) ;
  while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
zoutfour ( integer x ) 
zoutfour ( x ) 
  integer x ;
  if ( x >= 0 ) 
  putbyte ( x / 16777216L , outfile ) ;
  else {
    x = x + 1073741824L ;
    x = x + 1073741824L ;
    putbyte ( ( x / 16777216L ) + 128 , outfile ) ;
  x = x % 16777216L ;
  putbyte ( x / 65536L , outfile ) ;
  x = x % 65536L ;
  putbyte ( x / 256 , outfile ) ;
  putbyte ( x % 256 , outfile ) ;
  outloc = outloc + 4 ;
zoutchar ( boolean upd , integer ext , eightbits res ) 
zoutchar ( upd , ext , res ) 
  boolean upd ;
  integer ext ;
  eightbits res ;
  eightbits o  ;
  if ( ( ! upd ) || ( res > 127 ) || ( ext != 0 ) ) 
    o = dvicharcmd [upd ];
    if ( ext < 0 ) 
    ext = ext + 16777216L ;
    if ( ext == 0 ) 
      putbyte ( o , outfile ) ;
      outloc = outloc + 1 ;
    else {
      if ( ext < 256 ) 
	putbyte ( o + 1 , outfile ) ;
	outloc = outloc + 1 ;
      else {
	if ( ext < 65536L ) 
	  putbyte ( o + 2 , outfile ) ;
	  outloc = outloc + 1 ;
	else {
	    putbyte ( o + 3 , outfile ) ;
	    outloc = outloc + 1 ;
	    putbyte ( ext / 65536L , outfile ) ;
	    outloc = outloc + 1 ;
	  ext = ext % 65536L ;
	  putbyte ( ext / 256 , outfile ) ;
	  outloc = outloc + 1 ;
	ext = ext % 256 ;
	putbyte ( ext , outfile ) ;
	outloc = outloc + 1 ;
    putbyte ( res , outfile ) ;
    outloc = outloc + 1 ;
zoutunsigned ( eightbits o , integer x ) 
zoutunsigned ( o , x ) 
  eightbits o ;
  integer x ;
  if ( ( x < 256 ) && ( x >= 0 ) ) 
  if ( ( o == 235 ) && ( x < 64 ) ) 
  x = x + 171 ;
  else {
    putbyte ( o , outfile ) ;
    outloc = outloc + 1 ;
  else {
    if ( ( x < 65536L ) && ( x >= 0 ) ) 
      putbyte ( o + 1 , outfile ) ;
      outloc = outloc + 1 ;
    else {
      if ( ( x < 16777216L ) && ( x >= 0 ) ) 
	putbyte ( o + 2 , outfile ) ;
	outloc = outloc + 1 ;
      else {
	  putbyte ( o + 3 , outfile ) ;
	  outloc = outloc + 1 ;
	if ( x >= 0 ) 
	  putbyte ( x / 16777216L , outfile ) ;
	  outloc = outloc + 1 ;
	else {
	  x = x + 1073741824L ;
	  x = x + 1073741824L ;
	    putbyte ( ( x / 16777216L ) + 128 , outfile ) ;
	    outloc = outloc + 1 ;
	x = x % 16777216L ;
	putbyte ( x / 65536L , outfile ) ;
	outloc = outloc + 1 ;
      x = x % 65536L ;
      putbyte ( x / 256 , outfile ) ;
      outloc = outloc + 1 ;
    x = x % 256 ;
    putbyte ( x , outfile ) ;
    outloc = outloc + 1 ;
zoutsigned ( eightbits o , integer x ) 
zoutsigned ( o , x ) 
  eightbits o ;
  integer x ;
  int31 xx  ;
  if ( x >= 0 ) 
  xx = x ;
  else xx = - (integer) ( x + 1 ) ;
  if ( xx < 128 ) 
      putbyte ( o , outfile ) ;
      outloc = outloc + 1 ;
    if ( x < 0 ) 
    x = x + 256 ;
  else {
    if ( xx < 32768L ) 
	putbyte ( o + 1 , outfile ) ;
	outloc = outloc + 1 ;
      if ( x < 0 ) 
      x = x + 65536L ;
    else {
      if ( xx < 8388608L ) 
	  putbyte ( o + 2 , outfile ) ;
	  outloc = outloc + 1 ;
	if ( x < 0 ) 
	x = x + 16777216L ;
      else {
	  putbyte ( o + 3 , outfile ) ;
	  outloc = outloc + 1 ;
	if ( x >= 0 ) 
	  putbyte ( x / 16777216L , outfile ) ;
	  outloc = outloc + 1 ;
	else {
	  x = 2147483647L - xx ;
	    putbyte ( ( x / 16777216L ) + 128 , outfile ) ;
	    outloc = outloc + 1 ;
	x = x % 16777216L ;
	putbyte ( x / 65536L , outfile ) ;
	outloc = outloc + 1 ;
      x = x % 65536L ;
      putbyte ( x / 256 , outfile ) ;
      outloc = outloc + 1 ;
    x = x % 256 ;
    putbyte ( x , outfile ) ;
    outloc = outloc + 1 ;
zoutfntdef ( fontnumber f ) 
zoutfntdef ( f ) 
  fontnumber f ;
  pcktpointer p  ;
  bytepointer k, l  ;
  eightbits a  ;
  outunsigned ( 243 , fntfont [f ]) ;
  outfour ( fntcheck [f ]) ;
  outfour ( fntscaled [f ]) ;
  outfour ( fntdesign [f ]) ;
  p = fntname [f ];
  k = pcktstart [p ];
  l = pcktstart [p + 1 ]- 1 ;
  a = bytemem [k ];
  outloc = outloc + l - k + 2 ;
  putbyte ( a , outfile ) ;
  putbyte ( l - k - a , outfile ) ;
  while ( k < l ) {
    k = k + 1 ;
    putbyte ( bytemem [k ], outfile ) ;
startmatch ( void ) 
startmatch ( ) 
  register boolean Result; char k  ;
  boolean match  ;
  match = true ;
  {register integer for_end; k = 0 ;for_end = selectvals [curselect ]
  ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
    if ( selectthere [curselect ][k ]&& ( selectcount [curselect ][k ]
    != count [k ]) ) 
    match = false ;
  while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
  Result = match ;
  return Result ;
dopre ( void ) 
dopre ( ) 
  int15 k  ;
  bytepointer p, q, r  ;
  char * comment  ;
  alldone = false ;
  numselect = curselect ;
  curselect = 0 ;
  if ( numselect == 0 ) 
  selectmax [curselect ]= 0 ;
    putbyte ( 247 , outfile ) ;
    outloc = outloc + 1 ;
    putbyte ( 2 , outfile ) ;
    outloc = outloc + 1 ;
  outfour ( dvinum ) ;
  outfour ( dviden ) ;
  outfour ( outmag ) ;
  p = pcktstart [pcktptr - 1 ];
  q = byteptr ;
  comment = "DVIcopy 1.5 output from " ;
  if ( maxbytes - byteptr < 24 ) 
  overflow ( strbytes , maxbytes ) ;
  {register integer for_end; k = 0 ;for_end = 23 ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
      bytemem [byteptr ]= xord [comment [k ]];
      byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
  while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
  while ( bytemem [p ]== 32 ) p = p + 1 ;
  if ( p == q ) 
  byteptr = byteptr - 6 ;
  else {
    k = 0 ;
    while ( ( k < 24 ) && ( bytemem [p + k ]== bytemem [q + k ]) ) k = k + 
    1 ;
    if ( k == 24 ) 
    p = p + 24 ;
  k = byteptr - p ;
  if ( k > 255 ) 
    k = 255 ;
    q = p + 231 ;
    putbyte ( k , outfile ) ;
    outloc = outloc + 1 ;
  outpacket ( newpacket () ) ;
  flushpacket () ;
  {register integer for_end; r = p ;for_end = q - 1 ; if ( r <= for_end) do 
      putbyte ( bytemem [r ], outfile ) ;
      outloc = outloc + 1 ;
  while ( r++ < for_end ) ;} 
dobop ( void ) 
dobop ( ) 
  char i, j  ;
  if ( ! selected ) 
  selected = startmatch () ;
  typesetting = selected ;
  Fputs( termout ,  "DVI: " ) ;
  if ( typesetting ) 
  Fputs( termout ,  "process" ) ;
  Fputs( termout ,  "skipp" ) ;
  fprintf( termout , "%s%ld",  "ing page " , (long)count [0 ]) ;
  j = 9 ;
  while ( ( j > 0 ) && ( count [j ]== 0 ) ) j = j - 1 ;
  {register integer for_end; i = 1 ;for_end = j ; if ( i <= for_end) do 
    fprintf( termout , "%c%ld",  '.' , (long)count [i ]) ;
  while ( i++ < for_end ) ;} 
  fprintf( termout , "%c\n",  '.' ) ;
  if ( typesetting ) 
    stackptr = 0 ;
    curstack = zerostack ;
    curfnt = maxfonts ;
      putbyte ( 139 , outfile ) ;
      outloc = outloc + 1 ;
    outpages = outpages + 1 ;
    {register integer for_end; i = 0 ;for_end = 9 ; if ( i <= for_end) do 
      outfour ( count [i ]) ;
    while ( i++ < for_end ) ;} 
    outfour ( outback ) ;
    outback = outloc - 45 ;
    outfnt = maxfonts ;
doeop ( void ) 
doeop ( ) 
  if ( stackptr != 0 ) 
  baddvi () ;
    putbyte ( 140 , outfile ) ;
    outloc = outloc + 1 ;
  if ( selectmax [curselect ]> 0 ) 
    selectmax [curselect ]= selectmax [curselect ]- 1 ;
    if ( selectmax [curselect ]== 0 ) 
      selected = false ;
      curselect = curselect + 1 ;
      if ( curselect == numselect ) 
      alldone = true ;
  typesetting = false ;
dopush ( void ) 
dopush ( ) 
  if ( stackptr == stackused ) 
  if ( stackused == stacksize ) 
  overflow ( strstack , stacksize ) ;
  else stackused = stackused + 1 ;
  stackptr = stackptr + 1 ;
  stack [stackptr ]= curstack ;
  if ( stackptr > outstack ) 
  outstack = stackptr ;
    putbyte ( 141 , outfile ) ;
    outloc = outloc + 1 ;
dopop ( void ) 
dopop ( ) 
  if ( stackptr == 0 ) 
  baddvi () ;
  curstack = stack [stackptr ];
  stackptr = stackptr - 1 ;
    putbyte ( 142 , outfile ) ;
    outloc = outloc + 1 ;
doxxx ( void ) 
doxxx ( ) 
  pcktpointer p  ;
  p = newpacket () ;
  outunsigned ( 239 , ( pcktstart [p + 1 ]- pcktstart [p ]) ) ;
  outpacket ( p ) ;
  flushpacket () ;
doright ( void ) 
doright ( ) 
  if ( curclass >= 8 ) 
  curstack .wxfield [curclass - 8 ]= curparm ;
  else if ( curclass < 7 ) 
  curparm = curstack .wxfield [curclass - 5 ];
  if ( curclass < 7 ) 
    putbyte ( curcmd , outfile ) ;
    outloc = outloc + 1 ;
  else outsigned ( dvirightcmd [curclass ], curparm ) ;
  curstack .hfield = curstack .hfield + curparm ;
  if ( abs ( curstack .hfield ) > outmaxh ) 
  outmaxh = abs ( curstack .hfield ) ;
dodown ( void ) 
dodown ( ) 
  if ( curclass >= 13 ) 
  curstack .yzfield [curclass - 13 ]= curparm ;
  else if ( curclass < 12 ) 
  curparm = curstack .yzfield [curclass - 10 ];
  if ( curclass < 12 ) 
    putbyte ( curcmd , outfile ) ;
    outloc = outloc + 1 ;
  else outsigned ( dvidowncmd [curclass ], curparm ) ;
  curstack .vfield = curstack .vfield + curparm ;
  if ( abs ( curstack .vfield ) > outmaxv ) 
  outmaxv = abs ( curstack .vfield ) ;
dowidth ( void ) 
dowidth ( ) 
    putbyte ( 132 , outfile ) ;
    outloc = outloc + 1 ;
  outfour ( widthdimen ) ;
  outfour ( curhdimen ) ;
  curstack .hfield = curstack .hfield + curhdimen ;
  if ( abs ( curstack .hfield ) > outmaxh ) 
  outmaxh = abs ( curstack .hfield ) ;
dorule ( void ) 
dorule ( ) 
  boolean visible  ;
  if ( ( curhdimen > 0 ) && ( curvdimen > 0 ) ) 
    visible = true ;
      putbyte ( dvirulecmd [curupd ], outfile ) ;
      outloc = outloc + 1 ;
    outfour ( curvdimen ) ;
    outfour ( curhdimen ) ;
  else {
    visible = false ;
      putbyte ( dvirulecmd [curupd ], outfile ) ;
      outloc = outloc + 1 ;
    outfour ( curvdimen ) ;
    outfour ( curhdimen ) ;
  if ( curupd ) 
    curstack .hfield = curstack .hfield + curhdimen ;
    if ( abs ( curstack .hfield ) > outmaxh ) 
    outmaxh = abs ( curstack .hfield ) ;
dochar ( void ) 
dochar ( ) 
  if ( curfnt != outfnt ) 
    outunsigned ( 235 , fntfont [curfnt ]) ;
    outfnt = curfnt ;
  outchar ( curupd , curext , curres ) ;
  if ( curupd ) 
    curstack .hfield = curstack .hfield + widths [curwp ];
    if ( abs ( curstack .hfield ) > outmaxh ) 
    outmaxh = abs ( curstack .hfield ) ;
dofont ( void ) 
dofont ( ) 
  /* 30 */ charpointer p  ;
  if ( dovf () ) 
  goto lab30 ;
  if ( ( outnf >= maxfonts ) ) 
  overflow ( strfonts , maxfonts ) ;
  fprintf( termout , "%s%ld",  "OUT: font " , (long)curfnt ) ;
  printfont ( curfnt ) ;
  fprintf( termout , "%c\n",  '.' ) ;
  fnttype [curfnt ]= 3 ;
  fntfont [curfnt ]= outnf ;
  outfnts [outnf ]= curfnt ;
  outnf = outnf + 1 ;
  outfntdef ( curfnt ) ;
  lab30: ;
pcktfirstpar ( void ) 
pcktfirstpar ( ) 
  curcmd = pcktubyte () ;
  switch ( dvipar [curcmd ]) 
  {case 0 : 
      curext = 0 ;
      if ( curcmd < 128 ) 
	curres = curcmd ;
	curupd = true ;
      else {
	curres = pcktubyte () ;
	curupd = ( curcmd < 133 ) ;
	curcmd = curcmd - dvicharcmd [curupd ];
	while ( curcmd > 0 ) {
	  if ( curcmd == 3 ) 
	  if ( curres > 127 ) 
	  curext = -1 ;
	  curext = curext * 256 + curres ;
	  curres = pcktubyte () ;
	  curcmd = curcmd - 1 ;
    break ;
  case 1 : 
    break ;
  case 2 : 
    curparm = pcktsbyte () ;
    break ;
  case 3 : 
    curparm = pcktubyte () ;
    break ;
  case 4 : 
    curparm = pcktspair () ;
    break ;
  case 5 : 
    curparm = pcktupair () ;
    break ;
  case 6 : 
    curparm = pcktstrio () ;
    break ;
  case 7 : 
    curparm = pcktutrio () ;
    break ;
  case 8 : 
  case 9 : 
  case 10 : 
    curparm = pcktsquad () ;
    break ;
  case 11 : 
      curvdimen = pcktsquad () ;
      curhdimen = pcktsquad () ;
      curupd = ( curcmd == 132 ) ;
    break ;
  case 12 : 
    curparm = curcmd - 171 ;
    break ;
  curclass = dvicl [curcmd ];
dovfpacket ( void ) 
dovfpacket ( ) 
  /* 22 31 30 */ recurpointer k  ;
  int8u f  ;
  boolean saveupd  ;
  widthpointer savecp  ;
  widthpointer savewp  ;
  bytepointer savelimit  ;
  saveupd = curupd ;
  savecp = curcp ;
  savewp = curwp ;
  recurfnt [nrecur ]= curfnt ;
  recurext [nrecur ]= curext ;
  recurres [nrecur ]= curres ;
  if ( findpacket () ) 
  f = curtype ;
  else goto lab30 ;
  recurpckt [nrecur ]= curpckt ;
  savelimit = curlimit ;
  curfnt = fntfont [curfnt ];
  if ( curpckt == 0 ) 
    curclass = 0 ;
    goto lab31 ;
  if ( curloc >= curlimit ) 
  goto lab30 ;
  lab22: pcktfirstpar () ;
  lab31: switch ( curclass ) 
  {case 0 : 
      if ( fnttype [curfnt ]<= 1 ) 
      dofont () ;
      curcp = fntchars [curfnt ]+ curres ;
      curwp = charwidths [curcp ];
      if ( ( curloc == curlimit ) && ( f == 0 ) && saveupd ) 
	saveupd = false ;
	curupd = true ;
      if ( fnttype [curfnt ]== 2 ) 
	recurloc [nrecur ]= curloc ;
	if ( curloc < curlimit ) 
	if ( bytemem [curloc ]== 142 ) 
	curupd = false ;
	if ( nrecur == recurused ) 
	if ( recurused == maxrecursion ) 
	  fprintf( termout , "%s\n",  " !Infinite VF recursion?" ) ;
	  {register integer for_end; k = maxrecursion ;for_end = 0 ; if ( k 
	  >= for_end) do 
	      fprintf( termout , "%s%ld%s",  "level=" , (long)k , " font" ) ;
	      printfont ( recurfnt [k ]) ;
	      fprintf( termout , "%s%ld",  " char=" , (long)recurres [k ]) ;
	      if ( recurext [k ]!= 0 ) 
	      fprintf( termout , "%c%ld",  '.' , (long)recurext [k ]) ;
	      putc ('\n',  termout );
	  while ( k-- > for_end ) ;} 
	  overflow ( strrecursion , maxrecursion ) ;
	else recurused = recurused + 1 ;
	nrecur = nrecur + 1 ;
	dovfpacket () ;
	nrecur = nrecur - 1 ;
	curloc = recurloc [nrecur ];
	curlimit = savelimit ;
      else dochar () ;
    break ;
  case 1 : 
    dorule () ;
    break ;
  case 2 : 
      if ( maxbytes - byteptr < curparm ) 
      overflow ( strbytes , maxbytes ) ;
      while ( curparm > 0 ) {
	  bytemem [byteptr ]= pcktubyte () ;
	  byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
	curparm = curparm - 1 ;
      doxxx () ;
    break ;
  case 3 : 
    dopush () ;
    break ;
  case 4 : 
    dopop () ;
    break ;
  case 5 : 
  case 6 : 
  case 7 : 
  case 8 : 
  case 9 : 
    doright () ;
    break ;
  case 10 : 
  case 11 : 
  case 12 : 
  case 13 : 
  case 14 : 
    dodown () ;
    break ;
  case 15 : 
    curfnt = curparm ;
    break ;
    confusion ( strpackets ) ;
    break ;
  if ( curloc < curlimit ) 
  goto lab22 ;
  lab30: if ( saveupd ) 
    curhdimen = widths [savewp ];
      dowidth () ;
  curfnt = recurfnt [nrecur ];
dodvi ( void ) 
dodvi ( ) 
  /* 30 10 */ int8u tempbyte  ;
  integer tempint  ;
  integer dvistart  ;
  integer dviboppost  ;
  integer dviback  ;
  int15 k  ;
  if ( dviubyte () != 247 ) 
  baddvi () ;
  if ( dviubyte () != 2 ) 
  baddvi () ;
  dvinum = dvipquad () ;
  dviden = dvipquad () ;
  dvimag = dvipquad () ;
  tfmconv = ( 25400000.0 / ((double) dvinum ) ) * ( dviden / ((double) 
  473628672L ) ) / ((double) 16.0 ) ;
  tempbyte = dviubyte () ;
  if ( maxbytes - byteptr < tempbyte ) 
  overflow ( strbytes , maxbytes ) ;
  {register integer for_end; k = 1 ;for_end = tempbyte ; if ( k <= for_end) 
      bytemem [byteptr ]= dviubyte () ;
      byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
  while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
  Fputs( termout ,  "DVI file: '" ) ;
  printpacket ( newpacket () ) ;
  fprintf( termout , "%s\n",  "'," ) ;
  fprintf( termout , "%s%ld%s%ld%s%ld",  "   num=" , (long)dvinum , ", den=" , (long)dviden , ", mag=" , (long)dvimag   ) ;
  if ( outmag <= 0 ) 
  outmag = dvimag ;
  fprintf( termout , "%s%ld",  " => " , (long)outmag ) ;
  fprintf( termout , "%c\n",  '.' ) ;
  dopre () ;
  flushpacket () ;
  if ( true ) 
    dvistart = dviloc ;
    tempint = dvilength () - 5 ;
    do {
	if ( tempint < 49 ) 
      baddvi () ;
      dvimove ( tempint ) ;
      tempbyte = dviubyte () ;
      tempint = tempint - 1 ;
    } while ( ! ( tempbyte != 223 ) ) ;
    if ( tempbyte != 2 ) 
    baddvi () ;
    dvimove ( tempint - 4 ) ;
    if ( dviubyte () != 249 ) 
    baddvi () ;
    dviboppost = dvipointer () ;
    if ( ( dviboppost < 15 ) || ( dviboppost > dviloc - 34 ) ) 
    baddvi () ;
    dvimove ( dviboppost ) ;
    if ( dviubyte () != 248 ) 
    baddvi () ;
    dviback = dvipointer () ;
    if ( dvinum != dvipquad () ) 
    baddvi () ;
    if ( dviden != dvipquad () ) 
    baddvi () ;
    if ( dvimag != dvipquad () ) 
    baddvi () ;
    tempint = dvisquad () ;
    tempint = dvisquad () ;
    if ( stacksize < dviupair () ) 
    overflow ( strstack , stacksize ) ;
    tempint = dviupair () ;
    dvifirstpar () ;
    while ( curclass == 16 ) {
      dvidofont ( false ) ;
      dvifirstpar () ;
    if ( curcmd != 249 ) 
    baddvi () ;
    if ( ! selected ) 
      dvistart = dviboppost ;
      while ( dviback != -1 ) {
	if ( ( dviback < 15 ) || ( dviback > dviboppost - 46 ) ) 
	baddvi () ;
	dviboppost = dviback ;
	dvimove ( dviback ) ;
	if ( dviubyte () != 139 ) 
	baddvi () ;
	{register integer for_end; k = 0 ;for_end = 9 ; if ( k <= for_end) 
	  count [k ]= dvisquad () ;
	while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
	if ( startmatch () ) 
	dvistart = dviboppost ;
	dviback = dvipointer () ;
    dvimove ( dvistart ) ;
  do {
      dvifirstpar () ;
    while ( curclass == 16 ) {
      dvidofont ( true ) ;
      dvifirstpar () ;
    if ( curcmd == 139 ) 
      {register integer for_end; k = 0 ;for_end = 9 ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
	count [k ]= dvisquad () ;
      while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
      tempint = dvipointer () ;
      dobop () ;
      dvifirstpar () ;
      if ( typesetting ) 
      while ( true ) {
	switch ( curclass ) 
	{case 0 : 
	    if ( fnttype [curfnt ]<= 1 ) 
	    dofont () ;
	    curwp = 0 ;
	    if ( curfnt != maxfonts ) 
	    if ( ( curres >= fntbc [curfnt ]) && ( curres <= fntec [curfnt 
	    ]) ) 
	      curcp = fntchars [curfnt ]+ curres ;
	      curwp = charwidths [curcp ];
	    if ( curwp == 0 ) 
	    baddvi () ;
	    if ( fnttype [curfnt ]== 2 ) 
	    dovfpacket () ;
	    else dochar () ;
	  break ;
	case 1 : 
	  if ( curupd && ( curvdimen == widthdimen ) ) 
	    dowidth () ;
	  else dorule () ;
	  break ;
	case 2 : 
	    if ( maxbytes - byteptr < curparm ) 
	    overflow ( strbytes , maxbytes ) ;
	    while ( curparm > 0 ) {
		bytemem [byteptr ]= dviubyte () ;
		byteptr = byteptr + 1 ;
	      curparm = curparm - 1 ;
	    doxxx () ;
	  break ;
	case 3 : 
	  dopush () ;
	  break ;
	case 4 : 
	  dopop () ;
	  break ;
	case 5 : 
	case 6 : 
	case 7 : 
	case 8 : 
	case 9 : 
	  doright () ;
	  break ;
	case 10 : 
	case 11 : 
	case 12 : 
	case 13 : 
	case 14 : 
	  dodown () ;
	  break ;
	case 15 : 
	  dvifont () ;
	  break ;
	case 16 : 
	  dvidofont ( true ) ;
	  break ;
	case 17 : 
	  goto lab30 ;
	  break ;
	dvifirstpar () ;
      else while ( true ) {
	switch ( curclass ) 
	{case 2 : 
	  while ( curparm > 0 ) {
	    tempbyte = dviubyte () ;
	    curparm = curparm - 1 ;
	  break ;
	case 16 : 
	  dvidofont ( true ) ;
	  break ;
	case 17 : 
	  goto lab30 ;
	  break ;
	  break ;
	dvifirstpar () ;
      lab30: if ( curcmd != 140 ) 
      baddvi () ;
      if ( selected ) 
	doeop () ;
	if ( alldone ) 
	goto lab10 ;
  } while ( ! ( curcmd != 140 ) ) ;
  if ( curcmd != 248 ) 
  baddvi () ;
  lab10: ;
closefilesandterminate ( void ) 
closefilesandterminate ( ) 
  int15 k  ;
  if ( history < 3 ) 
    if ( typesetting ) 
      while ( stackptr > 0 ) {
	  putbyte ( 142 , outfile ) ;
	  outloc = outloc + 1 ;
	stackptr = stackptr - 1 ;
	putbyte ( 140 , outfile ) ;
	outloc = outloc + 1 ;
    if ( outloc > 0 ) 
	putbyte ( 248 , outfile ) ;
	outloc = outloc + 1 ;
      outfour ( outback ) ;
      outback = outloc - 5 ;
      outfour ( dvinum ) ;
      outfour ( dviden ) ;
      outfour ( outmag ) ;
      outfour ( outmaxv ) ;
      outfour ( outmaxh ) ;
	putbyte ( outstack / 256 , outfile ) ;
	outloc = outloc + 1 ;
	putbyte ( outstack % 256 , outfile ) ;
	outloc = outloc + 1 ;
	putbyte ( outpages / 256 , outfile ) ;
	outloc = outloc + 1 ;
	putbyte ( outpages % 256 , outfile ) ;
	outloc = outloc + 1 ;
      k = outnf ;
      while ( k > 0 ) {
	k = k - 1 ;
	outfntdef ( outfnts [k ]) ;
	putbyte ( 249 , outfile ) ;
	outloc = outloc + 1 ;
      outfour ( outback ) ;
	putbyte ( 2 , outfile ) ;
	outloc = outloc + 1 ;
      k = 7 - ( ( outloc - 1 ) % 4 ) ;
      while ( k > 0 ) {
	  putbyte ( 223 , outfile ) ;
	  outloc = outloc + 1 ;
	k = k - 1 ;
      fprintf( termout , "%s%ld%s%ld%s",  "OUT file: " , (long)outloc , " bytes, " , (long)outpages ,       " page" ) ;
      if ( outpages != 1 ) 
      putc ( 's' ,  termout );
    Fputs( termout ,  "OUT file: no output" ) ;
    fprintf( termout , "%s\n",  " written." ) ;
    if ( outpages == 0 ) 
    if ( history == 0 ) 
    history = 1 ;
  switch ( history ) 
  {case 0 : 
    fprintf( termout , "%s\n",  "(No errors were found.)" ) ;
    break ;
  case 1 : 
    fprintf( termout , "%s\n",  "(Did you see the warning message above?)" ) ;
    break ;
  case 2 : 
    fprintf( termout , "%s\n",  "(Pardon me, but I think I spotted something wrong.)"     ) ;
    break ;
  case 3 : 
    fprintf( termout , "%s\n",  "(That was a fatal error, my friend.)" ) ;
    break ;
void mainbody() {
  initialize () ;
  byteptr = byteptr + 5 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 5 ]= 102 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 4 ]= 111 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 3 ]= 110 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 2 ]= 116 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 1 ]= 115 ;
  strfonts = makepacket () ;
  byteptr = byteptr + 5 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 5 ]= 99 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 4 ]= 104 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 3 ]= 97 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 2 ]= 114 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 1 ]= 115 ;
  strchars = makepacket () ;
  byteptr = byteptr + 6 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 6 ]= 119 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 5 ]= 105 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 4 ]= 100 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 3 ]= 116 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 2 ]= 104 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 1 ]= 115 ;
  strwidths = makepacket () ;
  byteptr = byteptr + 7 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 7 ]= 112 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 6 ]= 97 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 5 ]= 99 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 4 ]= 107 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 3 ]= 101 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 2 ]= 116 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 1 ]= 115 ;
  strpackets = makepacket () ;
  byteptr = byteptr + 5 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 5 ]= 98 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 4 ]= 121 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 3 ]= 116 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 2 ]= 101 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 1 ]= 115 ;
  strbytes = makepacket () ;
  byteptr = byteptr + 9 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 9 ]= 114 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 8 ]= 101 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 7 ]= 99 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 6 ]= 117 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 5 ]= 114 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 4 ]= 115 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 3 ]= 105 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 2 ]= 111 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 1 ]= 110 ;
  strrecursion = makepacket () ;
  byteptr = byteptr + 5 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 5 ]= 115 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 4 ]= 116 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 3 ]= 97 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 2 ]= 99 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 1 ]= 107 ;
  strstack = makepacket () ;
  byteptr = byteptr + 10 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 10 ]= 110 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 9 ]= 97 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 8 ]= 109 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 7 ]= 101 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 6 ]= 108 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 5 ]= 101 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 4 ]= 110 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 3 ]= 103 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 2 ]= 116 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 1 ]= 104 ;
  strnamelength = makepacket () ;
  byteptr = byteptr + 4 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 4 ]= 46 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 3 ]= 84 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 2 ]= 70 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 1 ]= 77 ;
  tfmext = makepacket () ;
  byteptr = byteptr + 3 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 3 ]= 46 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 2 ]= 86 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 1 ]= 70 ;
  vfext = makepacket () ;
  byteptr = byteptr + 3 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 3 ]= 109 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 2 ]= 97 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 1 ]= 103 ;
  strmag = makepacket () ;
  byteptr = byteptr + 6 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 6 ]= 115 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 5 ]= 101 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 4 ]= 108 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 3 ]= 101 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 2 ]= 99 ;
  bytemem [byteptr - 1 ]= 116 ;
  strselect = makepacket () ;
  dviloc = 0 ;
  dodvi () ;
  closefilesandterminate () ;

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