#include "u.h"
#include "../port/lib.h"
#include "mem.h"
#include "dat.h"
#include "fns.h"
#include "io.h"
#include "../port/error.h"
#include "usb.h"
#include "usbehci.h"
* USB debug port support for Net20DC Ajays debug cable.
* Still WIP.
* ehci must avoid reset of the ctlr whose capio is at
* ehcidebugcapio, if not nil.
* Note that using this requires being able to use vmap() to map ehci
* registers for I/O. This means that MMU code must be initialized.
* CAUTION: The debug device has two ports but they are NOT
* the same. If you put the "USB 2.0 debug cable" text in front of you
* the port to the right is the one to attach to the debug port. The port
* on the left is the one to attach to the host used for debugging.
* Thigs are worse. Power for the "debug cable" is taken only from the
* port attached to the target machine.
* This means the device will malfunction unless you do the plug/unplug
* start serial dance in the wrong order.
* For the machine I tried, I plug the debugged port and cold start the
* machine.
* Then I do this each time I want to start again:
* - unplug the debugging port
* - warm reboot the debugged machine
* - wait until bootfile prompt (device has its power)
* - plug the debugging port
* - start usb/serail
* - con /dev/eiaUX/data
* If the debug device seems to be stuck I unplug the debugged port
* to remove power from the device and make it restart.
* This is so clumsy that the bug might be ours, but I wouldn't bet.
* The usb/serial driver talking to us must be sure that maxpkt is
* set to 8 bytes. Otherwise, the debug device hangs. It's picky this cable.
* There's also some problem in the usb/serial kludge for con'ing this:
* we miss some messages. However, this could be due to the debugging
* machine being too slow.
typedef struct Ctlr Ctlr;
Pdebugport = 0x0A, /* ehci debug port PCI cap. */
Ddebug = 0x0A, /* debug descriptor type */
Ddebuglen = 4, /* debug descriptor length */
Debugmode = 6, /* debug mode feature */
Daddr = 127, /* debug device address */
Tokin = 0x69,
Tokout = 0xE1,
Toksetup = 0x2D,
Ack = 0xD2,
Nak = 0x5A,
Nyet = 0x96,
Stall = 0x1E,
Data0 = 0xC3 << Pspidshift,
Data1 = 0x4B << Pspidshift,
Read = 0, /* mode for ucio() */
Write = 1,
struct Ctlr
Pcidev* pcidev;
Ecapio* capio; /* Capability i/o regs */
Eopio* opio; /* Operational i/o regs */
Edbgio* dbgio; /* Debug port i/o regs */
/* software */
int port; /* port number */
int epin; /* input endpoint address */
int epout; /* output endpoint address */
int sc; /* start char in buf */
int ec; /* end char in buf */
char buf[8]; /* read buffer */
Queue* iq; /* input queue */
Queue* oq; /* output queue */
int consid; /* console id */
#undef dprint
#define dprint if(debug)iprint
static int debug = 1;
static Ctlr ctlr; /* one console at most */
static void
ehcirun(Ctlr *ctlr, int on)
int i;
Eopio *opio;
dprint("usbcons: %s", on ? "starting" : "halting");
opio = ctlr->opio;
opio->cmd |= Crun;
opio->cmd = Cstop;
for(i = 0; i < 100; i++)
if(on == 0 && (opio->sts & Shalted) != 0)
else if(on != 0 && (opio->sts & Shalted) == 0)
if(i == 100)
dprint("usbcons: %s cmd timed out\n", on ? "run" : "halt");
dprint(" sts %#ulx\n", opio->sts);
static int
rpid(ulong csw)
return (csw >> Prpidshift) & Prpidmask;
static int
spid(ulong csw)
return (csw >> Pspidshift) & Pspidmask;
* Perform I/O.
* This returns -1 upon errors but -2 upon naks after (re)trying.
* The caller could probably retry even more upon naks.
static int
ucio(Edbgio *dbgio, int pid, void *data, int len, int iswrite, int tmout)
static char *wstr[] = {"rd", "wr" };
int i;
uchar *b;
int ntries;
int once;
int ppid;
b = data;
if(len > 8)
panic("usbcons ucio bug. len > 0");
if(len > 0 && data == nil)
panic("usbcons ucio bug. len but not data");
ntries = 1000;
once = 1;
dbgio->csw = (dbgio->csw & ~Clen) | len;
dbgio->pid = pid;
if(once && debug > 1){
once = 0;
dprint("usbcons: %s: csw %#ulx pid %#ux [%d] ",
wstr[iswrite], dbgio->csw, pid, len);
for(i = 0; i < len; i++)
dprint("%02ux ", b[i]);
memset(dbgio->data, 0, sizeof(dbgio->data));
if(len > 0)
memmove(dbgio->data, data, len);
dbgio->csw |= Cwrite;
dbgio->csw &= ~Cwrite;
dbgio->csw |= Cgo;
for(i = 0; (dbgio->csw&Cdone) == 0; i++)
if(tmout != 0 && i > 100000)
return -1;
dbgio->csw |= Cdone; /* acknowledge */
if((dbgio->csw & Cfailed) != 0){
dprint(" err csw %#ulx\n", dbgio->csw);
return -1;
ppid = rpid(dbgio->pid);
if((ppid == Nak || ppid == Nyet) && --ntries > 0){
goto Again;
if(ntries == 0)
dprint(" naks");
if(ppid != Ack && ppid != spid(dbgio->pid)){
dprint(" bad pid %#x\n", ppid);
len = -1;
if(ppid == Nak)
len = -2;
if(iswrite == 0 && len > 0){
if((dbgio->csw&Clen) < len)
len = dbgio->csw&Clen;
if(len > 0)
memmove(data, dbgio->data, len);
if(debug > 1){
dprint("-> [%d] ", len);
if(iswrite == 0){
for(i = 0; i < len; i++)
dprint("%02ux ", b[i]);
dprint(" csw %#ulx\n", dbgio->csw);
return len;
* BUG: This is not a generic usb cmd tool.
* If you call this be sure it works for the type of call you are making.
* This is just for what this driver uses. Compare this with the
* general purpose ehci control transfer dance.
static int
uccmd(Edbgio *dbgio, int type, int req, int val, int idx, void *data, int cnt)
uchar buf[Rsetuplen];
int r;
assert(cnt >= 0 && cnt <= nelem(dbgio->data));
dprint("usbcons: cmd t %#x r %#x v %#x i %#x c %d\n",
type, req, val, idx, cnt);
buf[Rtype] = type;
buf[Rreq] = req;
PUT2(buf+Rvalue, val);
PUT2(buf+Rindex, idx);
PUT2(buf+Rcount, cnt);
if(ucio(dbgio, Data0|Toksetup, buf, Rsetuplen, Write, 100) < 0)
return -1;
if((type&Rd2h) == 0 && cnt > 0)
panic("out debug command with data");
r = ucio(dbgio, Data1|Tokin, data, cnt, Read, 100);
if((type&Rd2h) != 0)
ucio(dbgio, Data1|Tokout, nil, 0, Write, 100);
return r;
static ulong
uctoggle(Edbgio *dbgio)
return (dbgio->pid ^ Ptoggle) & Ptogglemask;
static int
ucread(Ctlr *ctlr, void *data, int cnt)
Edbgio *dbgio;
int r;
dbgio = ctlr->dbgio;
dbgio->addr = (Daddr << Adevshift) | (ctlr->epin << Aepshift);
r = ucio(dbgio, uctoggle(dbgio)|Tokin, data, cnt, Read, 10);
if(r < 0)
uctoggle(dbgio); /* leave toggle as it was */
return r;
static int
ucwrite(Ctlr *ctlr, void *data, int cnt)
Edbgio *dbgio;
int r;
dbgio = ctlr->dbgio;
dbgio->addr = (Daddr << Adevshift) | (ctlr->epout << Aepshift);
r = ucio(dbgio, uctoggle(dbgio)|Tokout, data, cnt, Write, 10);
if(r < 0)
uctoggle(dbgio); /* leave toggle as it was */
return r;
* Set the device address to 127 and enable it.
* The device might have the address hardwired to 127.
* We try to set it up in any case but ignore most errors.
static int
ucconfigdev(Ctlr *ctlr)
uchar desc[8];
Edbgio *dbgio;
int r;
dbgio = ctlr->dbgio;
dprint("usbcons: setting up device address to %d\n", Daddr);
dbgio->addr = (0 << Adevshift) | (0 << Aepshift);
if(uccmd(dbgio, Rh2d|Rstd|Rdev, Rsetaddr, Daddr, 0, nil, 0) < 0)
print("usbcons: debug device: can't set address to %d\n", Daddr);
dprint("usbcons: device address set to %d\n", Daddr);
dbgio->addr = (Daddr << Adevshift) | (0 << Aepshift);
dprint("usbcons: reading debug descriptor\n");
r = uccmd(dbgio, Rd2h|Rstd|Rdev, Rgetdesc, Ddebug << 8, 0, desc, 4);
if(r < Ddebuglen || desc[1] != Ddebug){
print("usbcons: debug device: can't get debug descriptor\n");
dbgio->csw &= ~(Cowner|Cbusy);
return -1;
dprint("usbcons: setting up debug mode\n");
if(uccmd(dbgio, Rh2d|Rstd|Rdev, Rsetfeature, Debugmode, 0, nil, 0) < 0){
print("usbcons: debug device: can't set debug mode\n");
dbgio->csw &= ~(Cowner|Cbusy);
return -1;
ctlr->epin = desc[2] & ~0x80; /* clear direction bit from ep. addr */;
ctlr->epout = desc[3];
print("#u/usb/ep%d.0: ehci debug port: in ep%d.%d out: ep%d.%d\n",
Daddr, Daddr, ctlr->epin, Daddr, ctlr->epout);
return 0;
* Ctlr already ilocked.
static void
portreset(Ctlr *ctlr, int port)
Eopio *opio;
ulong s;
int i;
opio = ctlr->opio;
s = opio->portsc[port-1];
dprint("usbcons %#p port %d reset: sts %#ulx\n", ctlr->capio, port, s);
s &= ~(Psenable|Psreset);
opio->portsc[port-1] = s|Psreset;
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++){
if((opio->portsc[port-1] & Psreset) == 0)
opio->portsc[port-1] &= ~Psreset;
dprint("usbcons %#p port %d after reset: sts %#ulx\n", ctlr->capio, port, s);
* Ctlr already ilocked.
static void
portenable(Ctlr *ctlr, int port)
Eopio *opio;
ulong s;
opio = ctlr->opio;
s = opio->portsc[port-1];
dprint("usbcons: port %d enable: sts %#ulx\n", port, s);
if(s & (Psstatuschg | Pschange))
opio->portsc[port-1] = s;
opio->portsc[port-1] |= Psenable;
dprint("usbcons: port %d after enable: sts %#ulx\n", port, s);
static int
ucattachdev(Ctlr *ctlr)
Eopio *opio;
Edbgio *dbgio;
int i;
ulong s;
int port;
if(ehcidebugcapio != nil){
return -1;
/* reclaim port */
dbgio = ctlr->dbgio;
dbgio->csw |= Cowner;
dbgio->csw &= ~(Cenable|Cbusy);
opio = ctlr->opio;
opio->cmd &= ~(Chcreset|Ciasync|Cpse|Case);
opio->config = Callmine; /* reclaim all ports */
ehcirun(ctlr, 1);
ctlr->port = (ctlr->capio->parms >> Cdbgportshift) & Cdbgportmask;
port = ctlr->port;
if(port < 1 || port > (ctlr->capio->parms & Cnports)){
print("usbcons: debug port out of range\n");
dbgio->csw &= ~(Cowner|Cbusy);
return -1;
dprint("usbcons: debug port: %d\n", port);
opio->portsc[port-1] = Pspower;
for(i = 0; i < 200; i++){
s = opio->portsc[port-1];
if(s & (Psstatuschg | Pschange)){
opio->portsc[port-1] = s;
dprint("usbcons: port sts %#ulx\n", s);
if(s & Pspresent){
portreset(ctlr, port);
if((opio->portsc[port-1] & Pspresent) == 0 || i == 200){
print("usbcons: no debug device (attached to another port?)\n");
dbgio->csw &= ~(Cowner|Cbusy);
return -1;
ehcidebugcapio = ctlr->capio; /* this ehci must avoid reset */
ehcidebugport = port; /* and this port must not be available */
dbgio->csw |= Cowner|Cenable|Cbusy;
opio->portsc[port-1] &= ~Psenable;
ehcirun(ctlr, 0);
// portenable(ctlr, port);
// dbgio->csw |= Cowner|Cenable|Cbusy;
return 0;
static int
ucreset(Ctlr *ctlr)
Eopio *opio;
int i;
* Turn off legacy mode.
ehcirun(ctlr, 0);
pcicfgw16(ctlr->pcidev, 0xc0, 0x2000);
/* clear high 32 bits of address signals if it's 64 bits.
* This is probably not needed but it does not hurt.
opio = ctlr->opio;
if((ctlr->capio->capparms & C64) != 0){
dprint("ehci: 64 bits\n");
opio->seg = 0;
opio->cmd |= Chcreset; /* controller reset */
for(i = 0; i < 100; i++){
if((opio->cmd & Chcreset) == 0)
if(i == 100){
print("usbcons: controller reset timed out\n");
return -1;
dprint("ucreset done\n");
return 0;
static int
ucinit(Pcidev *p, uint ptr)
uintptr io;
uint off;
Ecapio *capio;
io = p->mem[0].bar & ~0xF;
if(io == 0){
print("usbcons: failed to map registers\n");
return -1;
off = pcicfgr16(p, ptr+2) & 0xFFF;
capio = ctlr.capio = vmap(io, p->mem[0].size);
ctlr.opio = (Eopio*)((uintptr)capio + (capio->cap & 0xFF));
ctlr.dbgio = (Edbgio*)((uintptr)capio + off);
ctlr.pcidev = p;
pcisetpms(p, 0);
if((ctlr.dbgio->csw & Cbusy) != 0){
print("usbcons: debug port already in use\n");
return -1;
print("usbcons: port %#p: ehci debug port\n", ctlr.dbgio);
if(ucreset(&ctlr) < 0 || ucattachdev(&ctlr) < 0 || ucconfigdev(&ctlr) < 0)
return -1;
return 0;
* Polling interface.
int nr;
if(ehcidebugcapio == nil)
return -1;
if(ctlr.sc == ctlr.ec){
ctlr.sc = ctlr.ec = 0;
nr = ucread(&ctlr, ctlr.buf, sizeof(ctlr.buf));
if(nr > 0)
ctlr.ec += nr;
if(ctlr.sc < ctlr.ec)
return ctlr.buf[ctlr.sc++];
return -1;
usbputc(int c)
char buf[1];
if(ehcidebugcapio == nil)
buf[0] = c;
ucwrite(&ctlr, buf, 1);
* Put 8 chars at a time.
* Ignore errors (this device seems to be flaky).
* Some times (for some packets) the device keeps on
* sending naks. This does not seem to depend on toggles or
* pids or packet content. It's supposed we don't need to send
* unstalls here. But it really looks like we do need then.
* Time to use a sniffer to see what windows does
* with the device??
usbputs(char *s, int n)
int nw;
if(ehcidebugcapio == nil)
for(; n > 0; n -= nw){
nw = n;
if(nw > 8)
nw = 8;
ucwrite(&ctlr, s, nw);
s += nw;
static Lock lck;
static void
char buf[80];
int n;
usbputs(".", 1);
if((n = qconsume(ctlr.oq, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0)
usbputs(buf, n);
// while((n = ucread(&ctlr, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0)
// qproduce(ctlr.iq, buf, n);
* Queue interface
* The debug port does not seem to
* issue interrupts for us. We must poll for completion and
* also to check for input.
* By now this might suffice but it's probably wrong.
static void
if(ehcidebugcapio == nil)
ctlr.oq = qopen(8*1024, 0, nil, nil);
if(ctlr.oq == nil)
debug = 0;
addconsdev(ctlr.oq, usbputs, ctlr.consid, 0);
addclock0link(usbclock, 10);
ctlr.iq = qopen(8*1024, 0, nil, nil);
if(ctlr.iq == nil)
addkbdq(ctlr.iq, -1);
* Scan the bus and enable the first debug port found.
* Perhaps we should search all for a ctlr specified by port
* e.g., console=usb port=xxxx
* or by some other means.
static int already = 0;
uint ptr;
Pcidev *p;
char *s;
if(already++ != 0)
if((s = getconf("console")) == nil || strncmp(s, "usb", 3) != 0)
if(debug == 0)
dprint("usb console...");
p = nil;
while ((p = pcimatch(p, 0, 0)) != nil) {
* Find EHCI controllers (Programming Interface = 0x20).
if(p->ccrb != Pcibcserial || p->ccru != Pciscusb || p->ccrp != 0x20)
if((pcicfgr16(p, PciPSR) & 0x0010) == 0)
* We have extended caps. search list for ehci debug port.
ptr = pcicfgr32(p, 0x34);
while(ptr >= 0x40 && (ptr & ~0xFC) == 0){
if(pcicfgr8(p, ptr) == Pdebugport){
if(ucinit(p, ptr) >= 0){
ctlr.consid = addconsdev(nil, usbputs, -1, 0);
print("Plan 9 usb console\n");
ptr = pcicfgr8(p, ptr+1);
dprint("not found\n");
* This driver does not really serve any file. However, we want to
* setup the console at reset time.
static Chan*
return nil;
Dev usbconsdevtab = {
/* all others set to nil. Attachments are not allowed */