Use latest kernel after a pull -Diff-

Mon Jul 21 01:43:51 CES 2014, glenda

opentemp failed; sorry
Sun Jul 20 22:06:17 CES 2014, glenda

opentemp failed; sorry
Sun Jul 20 22:05:12 CES 2014, glenda

opentemp failed; sorry
Sun Jul 20 22:04:31 CES 2014, glenda

opentemp failed; sorry
Sun Jul 20 22:03:15 CES 2014, glenda

opentemp failed; sorry
Sun Jul 20 22:00:39 CES 2014, glenda

While updating your system using pull (as per Staying_up_to_date), your system binaries will be updated. But your kernel does not automatically get updated, and you may encounter problems. For example, in May 2014, a new system call was added to the kernel and some system binaries were recompiled to make use of this system call.

To solve this problem, you will need to reboot using the updated kernel that you have pulled. After you have pulled, you can switch to the latest kernel by executing the following:

9fat:   # The colon is a part of the filename
cp /n/9fat/9pcf 9pcf_backup  # Optional backup, or edit /n/9fat/plan9.ini
cp /386/9pcf /n/9fat